24 research outputs found

    Burnout in Palliative Care Nurses, Prevalence and Risk Factors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    Palliative care nurses are exposed to hard situations, death, and duel feelings in their daily practice. These, and other work stressors, can favor burnout development. Thus, it is important to analyze the prevalence and risk factors of burnout in palliative care nurses and estimate its prevalence. A systematic review and meta-analysis was done with quantitative primary studies. n = 15 studies were included with n = 6 studies including information for the meta-analysis. The meta-analytic prevalence estimation of emotional exhaustion was 24% (95% CI 16–34%), for depersonalization was 30% (95% CI 18–44%) and for low personal accomplishment was 28% with a sample of n = 693 palliative care nurses. The main variables related with burnout are occupational variables followed by psychological variables. Some interventions to improve working conditions of palliative care nurses should be implemented to reduce burnout

    Burnout syndrome and work engagement in nursing staff: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2023.1125133/full#supplementary-materialBackground: A difficult and demanding work environment, such as that often experienced in healthcare, can provoke fatigue, anxiety, distress, and discomfort. This study considers factors that may influence levels of burnout and work engagement among nurses and seeks to determine the relationship between these conditions.Method: A systematic scoping review was performed, in accordance with the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews, based on data obtained from a search of the PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus databases carried out in 2022 using the search equation: "work engagement AND nurs* AND burnout." This search identified nine quantitative primary studies suitable for inclusion in our analysis.Results: Work overload, type of shift worked, and/or area of hospital service, among other elements, are all relevant to the development of burnout. This syndrome can be countered by social support and appropriate personal resources and values, which are all positively associated with work engagement. Our analysis revealed a significant correlation between work engagement and the different domains of burnout. The correlation effect size between burnout and work engagement was -0.46 (95% CI -0.58, -0.31), with p < 0.001.Conclusion: Well-targeted interventions in the healthcare work environment can reduce burnout levels, strengthen work engagement, and enhance the quality of healthcare.FEDER/Consejeria de Universidad, Investigacion e Innovacion de la Junta de Andalucia P20-0062

    Smartphones and Apps to Control Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Level in Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine-metabolic disease, the evolution of which is closely related to people’s self-control of glycemic levels through nutrition, exercise, and medicines. Aim: To determine whether smartphone apps can help persons with diabetes to improve their % levels of glycosylated hemoglobin. Method: A systematic review and meta-analysis were done. ProQuest, Pubmed/Medline, and Scopus databases were used. The search equation used was “(Prevention and Control) AND Diabetes Mellitus AND Smartphones”. The inclusion criteria applied were clinical trials, conducted in 2014–2019. Results: n = 18 studies were included in the review. The studies tried different applications to monitor glycemia and support patients to improve glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels. More than half of the studies found statistically significant differences in HbA1c in the intervention group compared with the control group. Eleven studies were included in the meta-analysis and the study sample was n = 545 for the experimental group and n = 454 for the control group. The meta-analytic estimation of the HbA1c % level means differences between intervention and control group was statistically significant in favour of the intervention group with a mean difference of –0.37 (–0.58, –0.15. 95% confidence interval). Conclusion: Smartphone apps can help people with diabetes to improve their level of HbA1c, but the clinical impact is low

    Anxiety, Distress and Stress among Patients with Diabetes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    The prevalence of mental health disorders has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, are a particularly vulnerable risk group. This study aims to assess the levels and prevalence of anxiety, distress, and stress in patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was conducted in CINAHL, Cochrane, LILACS, Medline, SciELO, and Scopus in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Thirty-seven articles with a total of 13,932 diabetic patients were included. Five meta-analyses were performed. The prevalence of anxiety was 23% (95% CI = 19–28) in T1DM and 20% (95% CI = 6–40) in T2DM patients. For diabetes distress it was 41% (95% CI = 24–60) for T1DM and 36% in T2DM patients (95% CI = 2–84). For stress, the prevalence was 79% (95% CI = 49–98) in T1DM patients. People with diabetes have significant psychiatric comorbidity as well as psychological factors that negatively affect disease management, increasing their vulnerability in an emergency situation. To establish comprehensive care in diabetic patients addressing mental health is essential, as well as including specific policy interventions to reduce the potential psychological harm of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Relation between Burnout and Sleep Problems in Nurses: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    Burnout can affect nurses' sleep quality. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between burnout syndrome and sleep problems in nurses. A systematic review with meta-analysis was performed. PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus databases were used. Some of the inclusion criteria were quantitative studies, in which the levels of burnout and sleep disorders were investigated in a sample of nurses using validated scales. A total of 12 studies were included. Sociodemographic variables did not influence the relation between burnout and sleep problems, except for being female. The environment and workplace violence, together with psychological traits and shifts, affect the probability of developing burnout and insomnia. The meta-analysis sample was n = 1127 nurses. The effect size of the correlation between burnout and sleep disorders was r = 0.39 (95% CI 0.29-0.48) with p < 0.001, indicating that the higher the level of burnout in nurses, the greater the presence of sleep disorders. The positive correlation between burnout and sleep disorders is a problem that must be addressed to improve the health of nurses. Developing turnicity strategies, using warmer lights in hospital units during night shifts and eliminating the fixed night shift could improve nurses' working conditions

    Personality Factors as Predictors in Burnout Level Changes for Surgical Area Nurses

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    Surgical area nurses provide comprehensive care to patients throughout the surgical process. Increases in life expectancy lead to the appearance and development of diseases, translating into an increase in the number of necessary interventions. Increases in the workload can be another risk factor for the development of burnout in professionals in this area. Knowledge of psychological and personality-related variables provides relevant information of level changes in the dimensions of burnout syndrome. Three logistic regression models, based on a cross-sectional study with 214 nurses working in the surgical area in the Andalusian Health Service, Spain, were built for each dimension. These models included different variables related to depression and personality, with some being significant at the population level and consequently true risk or protection factors. Friendliness, responsibility and extraversion are protection factors for the personal accomplishment dimension, whilst neuroticism is a risk factor for this dimension. Friendliness is also a protection factor for depersonalization, whilst depression is a risk factor. Finally, neuroticism, responsibility and depression are risk factors for the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout. These findings provide relevant information that makes anticipation of this syndrome in this group easier

    Prevalence, levels and related factors of burnout in nurse managers: A multi-centre cross-sectional study

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    Aims: The aims of this study are to analyse the prevalence and levels of burnout syndrome in nurse managers and to evaluate the relationship between burnout and related sociodemographic, occupational and psychological factors. Background: Burnout syndrome, defined as an emotional response to chronic stress, is a major problem among nurse managers. Methods: The study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey design and data collected by the Maslach Burnout Inventory, the revised NEO Five Factor Inventory and the Educational-Clinical Questionnaire for Anxiety and Depression. The sample population consisted of 86 nurse managers from different hospitals from the Public Health Service of Andalusia, Spain. Results: A total of 22.4% of the participants presented high levels of emotional exhaustion, 21% experienced depersonalisation and 57.6% had little sense of personal accomplishment. Working long shifts was related to burnout. Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were predicted by depression, while personal accomplishment was predicted by conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness. Conclusions: A total of 34.1% of the participants presented high levels of burnout, manifested by feelings of low personal accomplishment. Psychological and occupational factors play an important role in the development of this syndrome. Implications for Nursing Management: Nurse managers should seek to detect burnout among staff and colleagues matching the risk profile for this condition and promote interventions to prevent it

    Burnout and Professional Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Nursing Students without Clinical Experience: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Burnout affects many healthcare professionals, especially nurses, causing serious health problems and disrupting the work environment. Academic burnout may also be experienced, leading students to feel unable to cope with their education. As a result, they may lose interest and even consider abandoning their studies. Hence, burnout syndrome can affect both the mental health and the professional future of those affected. To evaluate academic burnout in nursing students who had no clinical experience before starting their practical training, a cross-sectional study involving 212 third-year nursing students at the University of Granada was conducted. Data were collected using the Granada Burnout Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and the Fear of CoronaVirus-19 Scale. High levels of burnout were present in 37.8% of the students. Moreover, 21.5% and 8.7% had borderline cases of anxiety or depression, respectively. Another 30.8% and 9.2%, respectively, were considered likely to present these conditions. According to the predictive models of burnout dimensions obtained, neuroticism is a predictor of all three burnout dimensions. Furthermore, anxiety, depression, extraversion, responsibility and engagement are predictors of some dimensions of the syndrome. Many nursing students present high levels of burnout, which is related to certain personality variables and to the presence of anxiety and/or depression. The level of professional engagement is inversely associated with the impact of burnout. The participants in this study have normalised their return to the pre-pandemic study routine (in-person classes), and fear of COVID-19 was not a significant predictor of any dimension of burnout.FEDER/Consejeria de Universidad, Investigacion e Innovacion de la Junta de Andalucia P20-0062

    Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction, and Burnout in Oncology Nurses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Professionals working in cancer care are exposed to strong sources of stress. Due to the special characteristics of this unit, the appearance of burnout, compassion fatigue, and low compassion satisfaction is more likely. The principal aim was to analyze the levels and prevalence of burnout, compassion fatigue, and low compassion satisfaction in oncology nurses and interventions for its treatment. The search for the systematic review was done in Medline, ProQuest, Lilacs, CINAHL, Scopus, Scielo, and PsycINFO databases, with the search equation “burnout AND nurs* AND oncology AND compassion fatigue”. The results obtained from the 15 studies confirmed that there are levels of risk of suffering burnout and compassion fatigue among nursing professionals, affecting more women and nurses with more years of experience, with nurses from oncology units having one of the highest levels of burnout and compassion fatigue. The oncology nurse sample was n = 900. The meta-analytic estimations were 19% for low compassion satisfaction, 56% for medium and high burnout, BO, and 60% for medium and high compassion fatigue. The increase in cases of burnout and compassion fatigue in nursing staff can be prevented and minimized with a correct evaluation and development of intervention programs, considering that there are more women than men and that they seem to be more vulnerable

    Burnout in Palliative Care Nurses, Prevalence and Risk Factors: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

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    Palliative care nurses are exposed to hard situations, death, and duel feelings in their daily practice. These, and other work stressors, can favor burnout development. Thus, it is important to analyze the prevalence and risk factors of burnout in palliative care nurses and estimate its prevalence. A systematic review and meta-analysis was done with quantitative primary studies. n = 15 studies were included with n = 6 studies including information for the meta-analysis. The meta-analytic prevalence estimation of emotional exhaustion was 24% (95% CI 16–34%), for depersonalization was 30% (95% CI 18–44%) and for low personal accomplishment was 28% with a sample of n = 693 palliative care nurses. The main variables related with burnout are occupational variables followed by psychological variables. Some interventions to improve working conditions of palliative care nurses should be implemented to reduce burnout