236 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Findings of Cervical Clear Cell Carcinoma in a Bitch

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    Background: Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the cervix is a rarely seen malignant tumor which is classified in adenocarcinomas of the endometrium. It is responsible for 2.15-3.0% of endometrial tumors. The diagnosis is difficult and is still controversial in uterine carcinomas. Macroscopically, masses were protruding to endometrial surface. However, the definitive diagnosis was carried by microscopical evaluation. The cells contain clear cytoplasm. The cells are seen in this pattern because there is either glycogenation or secretoric activity in the cells.Case: In the present case, clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical findings of clear cell carcinoma of the cervix were defined in a 3 year-old spayed Golden retriever bitch. Previously spayed bitch, which had vaginal discharge for the last month-long, was submitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University, Faculty of VeterinaryMedicine. In the general clinical examination, vaginoscopy was performed and vaginal cytology was obtained from smear. The source of discharge was detected as cervix uteri. In vaginal cytologic examination, erythrocyte, neutrophile and superficial cells were observed. In abdominal ultrasonography, a hypoechoic mass was detected at cranial part of the urinary bladder. To evaluate the general health condition of the dog, total blood counting and serum biochemistry were analyzed in addition to assessing its hormone prophlye. Estrogen and progesterone levels were evaluated. Estradiol (E2) level was measured as 23 pg/mL and progesterone level was measured as 1.96 ng/mL from collected serum. The cervical mass in diameters of 3x4x2.5 cm was removed in operation. In macroscopical examination, it had spherical and regularly shape.After the macroscopical examination, tissue samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Then, the samples stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin (H&E), Masson’s trichrome and PAS stainings, respectively. At the macroscopic and histological examinations, the mass was diagnosed as clear cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemically, the tumor was stained with CK19 α-SMA, vimentin, desmin, TGF-β, VEGF, CEA, ER and PR markers. Other markers gave moderate to severe reactions in exception for no or weak ER and PR positivities. In direction of these results, clear cell carcinoma of cervix had been found remarkably due to first description in a spayed bitch on the basis of knowledge.Discussion: Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) is one type of the endometrial carcinomas. It is frequently known to have aggressive behavior and unfavorable prognosis. In human counterparts, clear cell carcinoma is frequently reoccurred in caudoabdominal and pelvic region even after being removed. The occurrence of clear cell carcinoma has highly increasedwith diethylstilbestrol usage during pregnancy. The situation on uterine carcinoma is nearly same in domestic animals. It is related to prolonged estrogenism. In this case, the bitch has been under prolong exposure to estrogenic effect. Indeed the estradiol level was high when compared to spayed female. Also, it is thought that the reason of high estradiol leveldoes not depend on the ovarian remnant. It is believed this situation may be relevant to exogen hormone usage. Vaginal smear confirmed erythrocyte (due to bleeding), predominantly superficial cells to it’s under estrogenic effect even despite being spayed.Keywords: clear cell carcinoma, cervix, clinicopathology, marker, bitch

    Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Utilization of Logging Residues for Bioenergy in Turkey

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    Although using logging residues for bioenergy is not a new issue for countries such as Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany, etc. that are developed in terms of forestry, it is a new issue that requires studying for countries such as Turkey. This study investigates the views of forest engineers working in forest enterprises, researchers working in forestry research institutes and academicians working at universities concerning the use of logging residues for bioenergy that are not currently used in energy production. Within the framework of the study, a questionnaire was sent out to 181 forest engineers, 77 academic staff members and 29 research institute employees, a total of 287 respondents. According to the results of the study, logging residues that are either left in the forest floor or collected by forest villagers for the purpose of fire wood have a favorable potential for energy and forestry if they are used in bioenergy production. Thus, the issue is substantial and of primary importance for Turkey. On the other hand, there are barriers in developing bioenergy sector and using logging residues for this purpose. In order to remove these barriers, first of all, forestry administration should clarify its strategies and policies related to the issue

    Ormancılık ve orman ürünleri programı öğrencilerine yönelik bir araştırma

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    Bu araştırmanın konusu Türkiye Ormancılığının güncel sorunlarından biri olan teknik yardımcı personel eğitimi ve istihdamıdır. Araştırmanın evreni Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi’nde (SDÜ) söz konusu eğitimi veren programların öğrencileridir. 325 öğrencinin anket verilerine dayandırılan araştırma bulgularına göre oluşturulan sonuçlardan bazıları şu şekildedir: (1) Son yasal düzenlemelerle ormancılık ve orman ürünleri programlarından mezun olanların yanında hiç ormancılık eğitimi almamış kişilere de orman muhafaza memuru olarak atanma hakkı verilmesi doğru bir uygulama değildir. Bu düzenlemelerin mutlaka gözden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir. (2) Yeterli fiziki koşullara ve öğretim elamanına sahip olunmayan üniversitelerde ormancılığa yönelik uygulayıcı teknik personel yetiştirme amacıyla açılan programlar hem eğitim kalitesini düşürmekte hem de var olan istihdam sorunlarını arttırmaktadır. (3) Bu programlara sınavsız geçiş hakkından yararlanarak gelen öğrencilerin başarı durumları diğerlerine nazaran daha düşüktür. Anahtar kelimeler: Yardımcı teknik personel eğitimi, Ormancılık ve orman ürünleri programları, İstihda

    İşletme Başarısında Maliyet Yönetiminin Rolü ve Maliyet Yönetiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar (Ormancılık Açısından Bir Değerlendirme)

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    20 yılı aşkın süredir gelişmiş ülkelerdeki işletmelerin bir çoğu etkin maliyet yönetimi için ileri maliyet yönetimi sistemlerini kullanmaktadır. 1980'li yıllardan sonra müşteri isteklerindeki aşırı çeşitlilik, daha yaratıcı ve farklı ürün isteği işletmelerin üretimindeki değişim için yol gösterici olmuştur. Kalite, fiyat ve teknoloji düzeyleri bakımından yakın olan işletmeler pazarda yer bulabilmektedir. İşletmeler pazar paylarını muhafaza etmek ya da arttırmak için maliyet düşürmede yeni metotlar aramaktadırlar. Özel sektörde yaşanan söz konusu gelişmelerden kamu kesimi işletmeleri haberdar bile değildir. Örneğin; orman işletmelerinde değil maliyet yönetimi aktüel maliyetleri belirleme işleri bile sağlıklı bir şekilde yapılamamaktadır. Bu çalışma ile, işletme başarısında maliyet yönetiminin rolü ve maliyet yönetimindeki yeni yaklaşımlar teorik olarak ele alınmıştır. Konu orman işletmeciliği bakımından kısaca irdelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Maliyet Yönetimi, İşletme Başarısı, Yeni Maliyetleme Metotları,Ormancılı

    KALİTESİZLİĞİN ÖNEMLİ BİR BOYUTU: MALİYET ARTIŞI (Orman Ağacı Fidanı Üretimine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme)

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    Bu araştırma, orman ağacı fidanı üretiminde kalite-maliyet ilişkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla Eğirdir Orman Fidanlık İşletmesi’nde gerçekleştirilmiş ve aşağıdaki sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: (1) Avrupa Birliği normlarına da uygun olan TS 2265 / Mart 1976 fidan standartları, hem rekabet gücü hem de ağaçlandırma çalışmalarının başarısı açısından TS 2265 / Şubat 1988 standartlarına göre daha iyi bir kalite sınıflama ölçüsüdür.(2) Kalitesiz üretim sonucunda, ıskarta fidan oranının artması nedeniyle sabit giderlerin fidan başına düşen miktarları artmaktadır. (3) Sözü edilen nedenlerden dolayı, devlet orman fidanlık işletmeleri kalite yönetimine daha fazla önem vermeli ve fidanlık işletmelerinde kaliteyle ilgili bir birim oluşturulmalıdır. (4) Mevcut muhasebe sistemi fidan maliyeti belirlemede olduğu gibi, kalite maliyetlerinin tespitinde de yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle, orman fidanlık işletmelerinde maliyet ve yönetim muhasebesine gereken önem verilmeli, acil yeni yapısal düzenlemelere gidilmelidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Orman Fidanlık İşletmesi, Orman Ağacı Fidanı Üretimi, Kalitesizliğin Maliyeti, Fidan Standartlar

    CXC chemokine ligand 12 and g protein-coupled receptor 30 expressions in canine mammary tumors of mixed origin

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    Köpek meme tümörleri etiyopatogenezinde karmaşık bir seri etkileşimleri içerir. Dişi köpeklerde en yaygın karşılaşılan problemdir. Bu çalışmada, köpek meme tümörlerinde yangısal süreç ve tümör gelişimde bir çeşit chemokin olan chemokine CXC Ligand 12 (CXCL12) ile G protein coupled receptor 30 (GPCR30) ekspresyonlarının rollerini ortaya koymak amaçlandı. Bu amaçla, klinik ve patomorfolojik değerlendirmeden sonra, malignant formda mikst orjinli 18 olgu (mixed-type carcinoma-n=6, complex-type carcinoma-n=3, carcinosarcoma-n=7, carcinoma and malignant myoepithelioma-n=2) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Neoplazik değişikliklere eşlik eden yangısal hücreler ağırlıklı olarak nötrofil lökosit ve sırasıyla lenfosit, plazma hücresi ile makrofajlardan oluşuyordu. İmmunohistokimyasal olarak CXCL12 ve GPCR30 ekpsresyonları skorlandı. Her iki belirteçte ekspresyonların çoğu meme bezleri, duktal epitel hücreler, miyoepitel hücreleri ile yangısal hücrelerde orta şiddetteydi. Ancak, fibrosit ve fibroblastlarda genelde hafif şiddetteydi. Mikst orjinli köpek meme tümörleri ile subakut yangı arasında yakın bir ilişki olduğu düşünüldü. Ayrıca, yangısal hücrelerin meme bezlerinin farklılaşmasını içeren hücresel çevrenin bu mikst neoplazik dönüşümünü tetikleyebileceği veya başlatabileceği sonucuna varıldı.Canine mammary tumors (CMT) included complex interactions in the etiopathogenesis. It is the most common problem of neoplasia in female dogs. The aim of this study was to reveal the roles of chemokine CXC Ligand 12 (CXCL12) and G protein coupled receptor 30 (GPCR30) expressions in the inflammatory process and neoplastic development in canine mammary glands. Therefore, after clinical and pathomorphological evaluation, 18 cases of mixed origin malignant forms (mixed-type carcinoma-n=6, complex-type carcinoma-n=3, carcinosarcoma-n=7, carcinoma and malignant myoepithelioma-n=2)] were examined in the study. Inflammatory cells accompanying neoplastic changes, were determined to consist of predominantly neutrophils and leukocytes, followed by lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages. The CXCL12 and GPCR30 expressions were scored. immunohistochemically. Most of the expressions for both markers were moderate in the mammary gland and duct epithelial cells, myoepithelial cells and inflammatory cells. Fibrocytes and fibroblasts gave a mild reaction in general, and no reaction was found in the myxoid, chondroid and osteoid matrix. There was considered to be a close relationship between mixed composition CMT and subacute inflammation, and thus it was concluded that inflammtory cells may trigger or initiate neoplastic transformation in the cellular environment including differentiated cells of the mammary gland

    The mediating role of certification in the relationship between green purchasing intention and green purchasing behavior in forestry

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    This research was carried out to determine the mediating effect of certification in forestry on the relationship between green purchase intention and green purchasing behavior. Questionnaire technique was used to obtain the data. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 319 consumers in Aydın. SPSS 22 and AMOS program were used to analyze the data. The methods used in the analysis are explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and mediation analysis. The fit values of the model obtained according to the research findings were SRMR; 0.0605 CFI; 0.851 NFI; 0.787 TLI; 0.827 PNFI; 0.679 PGFI; 0.689 and RMSEA; 0.0704. As a result, the fit values were within the acceptable range and the model was validated. Considering the findings, certification information in forestry appears as a distinctive element in the formation of green purchasing behavior of consumers. With the validation of the model, it was concluded that the certification variable was a partial mediator variable. Considering that the concept of green cannot be considered separately from certification studies in forestry, it is a remarkable finding in terms of forestry

    Opinions on the structure of marketing function in forest enterprises

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    This study was carried out to determine the opinions of forest engineers about the importance of marketing for business management and its structure in forestry enterprises. Within the scope of the research, the opinions of forest engineers and companies that are in the position of customers were also compared on some issues regarding the structure of the marketing function in forest enterprises. The data of research were collected through literature and documentation analysis, observation, interview and survey techniques. 410 people participated in the online survey conducted for forest engineers working in the public or private sector. The survey for companies purchasing products from the Isparta Regional Directorate of Forestry was conducted face-to-face with 59 company officials. Basic statistical tests, chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test were used in the analysis of the research data. According to the research findings; It has been determined that the effects of the production concept, which is the first stage of the marketing development processes, have rather decreased, and that marketing has started to be given more importance especially in terms of promotion efforts. However, there are also important shortcomings such as the lack of importance to non-wood products and services, the problems in the pricing and sales of forest products etc

    Factors affecting perceptions and attitudes of forest engineers working in the forestry organization towards green products

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    This research was carried out to measure the perceptions and attitudes of forest engineers working in the forestry organization about green products. In this context, the relationship between forest engineers' attitudes towards sustainable forest management, perceived environmental knowledge, environmental attitude, environmental concern, certification and green products and their demographic characteristics has been examined. Questionnaire technique was used to obtain the data. Within the scope of the research, a questionnaire was applied to 119 forest engineers. Statistical package (SPSS 22) program was used to analyze the data. The factor analysis results of the scales are sustainable forest management scale (KMO; 0.702 alpha; 0.460), perceived environmental knowledge scale (KMO; 0.741 alpha; 0.589), environmental attitude scale (KMO; 0.714 alpha; 0.448), environmental anxiety scale (KMO; 0.816 alpha) ; 0.876), certification scale (KMO; 0.838 alpha; 0.840), and attitude towards green products scale (KMO; 0.780 alpha; 0.822) were found to be suitable for factorization. Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis H, Factor analysis and Correlation analysis were used in the research. According to the findings of the analysis regarding the significance of the variables according to the demographic characteristics in the research, the environmental attitudes of the participants differ according to their educational status, and the certification information differs significantly according to the working status of the participants in the certified unit. When the relationship between the variables was examined, it was found that there was a negative relationship between sustainable forest management and certification knowledge, while a positive significant relationship was found between attitude towards green products and environmental concern and certification