491 research outputs found

    A class of multipartner matching markets with a strong lattice structure

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    For a two-sided multipartner matching model where agents are given by path-independent choice functions and no quota restrictions, Blair [7] had shown that stable matchings always exist and form a lattice. However, the lattice operations were not simple and not distributive. Recently Alkan [3] showed that if one introduces quotas together with a monotonicity condition then the set of stable matchings is a distributive lattice under a natural definition of supremum and infimum for matchings. In this study we show that the quota restriction can be removed and replaced by a more general condition named cardinal monotonicity and all the structural properties derived in [3] still hold. In particular, although there are no exogenous quotas in the model there is endogenously a sort of quota; more precisely, each agent has the same number of partners in every stable matching. Stable matchings also have the polarity property (supremum with respect to one side is identical to infimum with respect to the other side) and a property we call complementarity

    On preferences over subsets and the lattice structure of stable matchings

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    This paper studies the structure of stable multipartner matchings in two-sided markets where choice functions are quotafilling in the sense that they satisfy the substitutability axiom and, in addition, fill a quota whenever possible. It is shown that (i) the set of stable matchings is a lattice under the common revealed preference orderings of all agents on the same side, (ii) the supremum (infimum) operation of the lattice for each side consists componentwise of the join (meet) operation in the revealed preference ordering of the agents on that side, and (iii) the lattice has the polarity, distributivity, complementariness and full-quota properties

    Pairing games and markets

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    Pairing Games or Markets studied here are the non-two-sided NTU generalization of assignment games. We show that the Equilibrium Set is nonempty, that it is the set of stable allocations or the set of semistable allocations, and that it has has several notable structural properties. We also introduce the solution concept of pseudostable allocations and show that they are in the Demand Bargaining Set. We give a dynamic Market Procedure that reaches the Equilibrium Set in a bounded number of steps. We use elementary tools of graph theory and a representation theorem obtained here

    The Integration of Elderly and Disabled People into Urban and Social Life: A New Model for Konya/Turkey-YEBAM

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    The process of demographic change occurring around the world is also reflected in Turkey. The elderly population and thus, the number of people who are in need of care, will increase in Turkey in the future. Furthermore, approximately 13% of Turkey's population consists of disabled people. This ratio reaches 20% when including disabilities caused by aging. Certain physical and mental disabilities due to aging make the lives of elderly people more difficult. Strengthening the connection of elderly and disabled people with life and society can only be possible by providing them with environments to spend their lives in a safe, healthy, independent and productive manner. It is not possible to solve this problem with the previous care models in Turkey. Environments that combine working, education and social possibilities, providing the elderly and disabled people with independent living areas, should be created. Despite prominent developments in recent years for the education of disabled people, they have not yet reached the desired level in social and professional areas. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive training, research and care center for elderly and disabled people (YEBAM) that will provide a combination of care, rehabilitation, educational, social and cultural services. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate YEBAM, which will be the first center in Turkey providing education, care and job opportunities for elderly and disabled people, in social and spatial terms. The first section discusses the process of demographic change around the world and in Turkey and the search for new ways of care and design. The next section discusses the purpose, vision, regional and national importance, design concept and principles of YEBAM. YEBAM's layout plan and architectural plans were prepared taking social, psychological and spatial needs of elderly and disabled people in light of universal design principles. In this plan, elderly and disabled people will have the chance to live in their own houses and will take part in social activities in common areas. The care services required will be provided by trained personnel

    'Ontological Planning' As a New Approach in Urban Development

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    "Ontological Planning" as a new concept, this paper will attempt to clarify an interpretation of the existential philosophy in urban dimension, the adaptability of this interpretation to physical planning and the main principles of ontological planning. These principles will be explained via applications performed at the Mevlana Museum, which is an important site on a global scale, and its surroundings. New concepts have been developed in the planning process in parallel to the processes of urbanization, growth, industrialization and urban development. The social, economic and spatial planning efforts in these concepts and methods aimed to generate solutions that have been inclusive of problems and sustainable. However, something has remained missing during the planning of the city, which is complex and big and constantly creates problems. Planning has usually proven inadequate in searches for solutions to urban problems. The inadequacy of existing concepts and approaches has become more and more apparent in areas of cities that are of importance in terms of historical and architectural heritage. This new approach, which is based on longitudinal observations and the assumption that a relationship can be established between the space and the existentialist philosophy, has been opened to debate in the scientific world. The ontological planning approach, which is presented in this paper, is not a new method, nor is it a hypothesis that excludes the existing methods. On the contrary, it is an attempt to add a new and long-awaited point of view by integrating the "existential philosophy" into the integrative (holistic) and sustainable planning process. Ontological planning will take steps that will enable a fusion of the society and the space via; ? Space planning defined by the idea of existence (being), ? Addition of moral (ethical and aesthetic) criteria to technique, ? Establishment of the relationship between space and love ? Adding spirit to the space ? Addition of the morphological energy of the space to planning

    Architectural Interventions and Urban Transformation in the Arrangement of Mevlana Celaleddýn Rumý Square Ignoring Ontological Planning Approach

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    If urban design decisions are taken ignoring the historical value of buildings, cultural inputs and meaning of the space based on memories and experiences, the sense of place disappears like in Konya Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi Square. Konya was the capital of Anatolian Seljuk, and the Mevlana Celaleddin Tomb, which is the symbol of the city. The aim of this study is to try to understand the architectural interventions and urban transformation within Konya Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi Square that has the potential of producing creating general results. Ontological Planning approach is adding spirit to the space and also addition of the morphological energy of the space to urban planning. Ignoring ontological planning approach, all spatial decisions for making better will create new problems and will create worse. Today, Mevlana Museum and the area in front of the museum has arranged to a square which will serve to tourism, to political purposes since it is the prestige venue and space of the city. Mevlana wants to be visited, not want to change to a political area. The Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi Museum and surrounding arrangements have environmental, cultural, social and symbolic values of urban and that is expected to be a landmark associated with beliefs and also remained loyal to the cultural sense and historical texture. Design which ignore the most basic facts of doctrine and hosting irregularity to the principle of square arrangement and the spirit of the Mevlana was offered to the public as a new urban arrangement. The new design arrangements is a large and covered rough ground square for 35,000 person, abandoned by people and birds, without trees. Sufism has spread to three continents and the green Kubbe-i Hadra of Celaleddin Rumi in Konya regarded as the center of its. Design decisions and spatial arrangements which are not enough discussed by experts and which are taken quickly decisions for the world heritage site should be questioned and discussed from the beginning. This study is the beginning of inquiry on the context of scientific fiel

    Economic Barriers to Democratization in MENA

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    The literature on regime change in the MENA region had claimed the occurrence of political liberalization and democratization during the 1990s, foreseeing a transition from the dominant authoritarianism in the region to politically more liberal regimes. These analyses neglect the state of permanent authoritarian political regimes with the centralized economic power and their role as periphery states in the world system. In this paper, we have reassessed the existing literature on regime change in the MENA region taking into account the economic and political impacts of rentier economies, with a close look at the countries in the region where popular uprisings took place to overthrow authoritarian leaders during the first half of 2011. We have followed Schlumberger's (2002) method of classification and comparative approach in order to pinpoint a correlation between the authoritarian regime's economic power based on resource allocation, its political dominance and the leaders' role in neo-liberal global political economy

    Potential application of natural phenolic antimicrobials and edible film technology against bacterial plant pathogens

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    The aim of the present study is to use antimicrobial edible film technology and natural phenolic antimicrobials for inhibition of major bacterial plant pathogens such as Erwinia amylovora, Erwinia carotovora, Xanthomonas vesicatoria and Pseudomonas syringae. For this purpose phenolic acids (PAs) (gallic (GA), vanillic (VA), cinnamic acids (CA)), essential oils (EOs) (carvacrol (CAR), thymol (THY), eugenol (EUG) citral (CIT)), phenolic extracts (PEs) from clove (CE), oregano (OE), artichoke stem (ASE) and walnut shells (WSE) were evaluated as antimicrobial zein film components. Films containing PAs between 1 and 4 mg/cm2 inhibited all pathogens while EOs between 1 and 4 mg/cm2 and CE between 4 and 8 mg/cm2 inhibited pathogens except P. syringae. The most potent films were obtained by using GA against E. amylovora and P. syringae, VA against E. carotovora, and CA, THY or CAR against X. vesicatoria. The addition of phenolic compounds into films increased the porosity of films. The phenolic containing films also become more flexible and lost their brittleness. This study is important in that it prepared the basis of using edible antimicrobial coatings in outdoor applications on infected tree stems, soil surfaces and agronomy tools or in classical fruit and seedling coating applications to control bacterial contamination or spoilage

    Prediction of Rebound Amount in Dry Mix Shotcrete by a Fast Adaboosting Neural Network

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    In this study, a new machine learning approach has been proposed to predict the rebound causing loss of material in shotcrete using the ensemble learning method. In shotcrete application, the amount of rebound material was obtained for use in a dataset. In this study, the shotcrete mixes that contain an additive of fly-ash, silica fume, and polypropylene fiber were produced besides simple shotcrete. Each mix was sprayed onto 2 wooden panels measuring 45 × 45 × 15 cm in size. The rebound material resulting from the spraying process was collected, weighed and recorded as data. The highest rebound was observed for the plain sample and the lowest for samples with substituted silica fume. Dependent and independent parameters were identified in the dataset produced as a result of experimental studies. Hyperparameters producing optimum results in the training of the model were identified for the model and boosting method. The dataset was split into training and testing sets by 80% and 20%, respectively. As a result, the model achieved a prediction performance of 84.25%. To test the performance of the proposed model, traditional machine learning algorithms were compared on the same dataset. Consequently, the proposed model was observed to have the highest accuracy

    Activities of Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa in Caucasia and Turkestan (1913-1918)

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    Görev alanı itibariyle büyük devletlerin gizli servisleriyle mücadele etmiş ve birçok operasyonu, Türk milletinin menfaati gereği başarıyla gerçekleştirmiş Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’nın resmi kuruluşu, Enver Paşa'nın çabaları sonucu I. Dünya Savaşı öncesidir. Teşkilatta görev alanların çoğu istihbarat sahasında uzman kadrolardı. Bu çalışmada, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa tarafından Kafkasya ve Türkistan’da yürütülen istihbarat, istihbarata karşı koyma, propaganda, gayr-i nizami harp, düzenli harbe katılım (bu durum sadece Kafkasya Cephesi için geçerlidir) sağlama, eğitim ve kültürel çalışmalar değerlendirilmektedir. Teşkilat, koordineli olarak bu faaliyetlerini Kafkasya ve Türkistan coğrafyalarında Türkler ve diğer Müslüman halklar için sürdürerek en azından onların haklarını savunmaya çalışan teşkilatlanmalara gitti. Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa, Kafkasya Cephesi’nde düşman mevzi ve hatlarına yönelik stratejik-askeri bilgilerin istihbarati faaliyet olarak ele geçirilmesi, Sarıkamış ve Bakü askeri harekâtlarına katılım, Azerbaycan’ın bağımsızlığı, İran’daki aşiretlerle kurulan temas, 1916 Batı Türkistan ayaklanmasına katılım ve koordinasyonu sağlama çalışmaları, Doğu Türkistan’daki mektep ve cemiyetlerin teşkilinden Türk savaş esirlerine yardım ve kurtarma çalışmalarına kadar birçok faaliyette üzerine düşen görevi harp yıllarının zor şartlarında layığı ile yerine getirdi. Bu açıdan Türkçülük siyasetiyle Turan şuurunun nasıl parladığını görmemiz, Enver Paşa ve yakınındakiler dışında özellikle Türkistan coğrafyasında ve Kafkasya’da görev alan teşkilat mensuplarınca bizzat sahada gerçekleşti.The official establishing of Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa which operated successfully regarding the benefits of Turkish nation and fought against the secret services of great nations regarding its mission was before the First World War because of the efforts of Enver Pasha. Most of the people who worked for the agency were experts in intelligence. In this study, intelligence gathered by Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa in Caucasia and Turkestan, resisting intelligence, propaganda, informal battle, maintaining attendance to formal battle (valid only for Caucasian Front), education and cultural studies are investigated. The agency coordinated its activities as different agencies trying to defend the rights of Turks and other Muslim people living in the lands of Caucasia and Turkestan. During difficult conditions in the years of war, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa performed successfully many activities such as gathering strategic military intelligence about hostile locations and lines in Caucasian Front, participating military operations in Sarikamış and Baku, the independence of Azerbaijan, contacting tribes in Iran, participating and coordinating the revolt in Western Turkestan in 1916, establishing schools and societies in Eastern Turkestan, helping and rescuing Turkish war prisoners. Rising of Turan consciousness with Turkism policy was carried out by the members of the agency who were on duty in Turkestan and Caucasia besides Enver Pasha and his comrades