24 research outputs found

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    The need to establish a general preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic guideline for opium-lead intoxication

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    مقدمه: ایران به لحاظ شیوع مصرف مواد مخدر آمار قابل توجهی به خود اختصاص داده است و این معضل گریبانگیر جامعه سالم در کنار افراد مبتلا می شود. یافته ها: مصرف اپیوم بر مبنای عللی نظیر تمایلات سنتی بعنوان مسکن یا در برخی بیماری های مزمن شیوع داشته است. همچنین، مسائل جغرافیایی و فرامرزی مانند وضعیت همسایه های ایران در این امر دخیل بوده‌اند. سیاستهای قانونی و افزایش قیمت اپیوم زمینه ساز ایجاد ناخالصی در فراورده های اپیوئیدی جهت تقویت سودآوری آن شده است. یکی از پرمصرف‌ترین ناخالصی‌ها سرب می باشد که منجر به مسمومیت فزاینده با سرب در میان مصرف کنندگان اپیوم شده است. بحث و نتیجه گیری: با توجه به افزایش قابل توجه موارد مسمومیت با سرب که ممکن است شدیدا ناتوان کننده باشد، انتظار می رود در آینده شاهد مطالعات با کیفیت، نتیجه گیری و ارائه راهکارهای پیش گیرانه و تشخیصی موثر در این زمینه باشیم.Introduction: The prevalence of opium consumption has known to be significant in Iran which involves healthy individuals other than associated patients. Results: The consumption of opium resulted from several factors such as traditional beliefs on its analgesic effects or in some chronic illnesses. Furthermore, the geographic situation of problematic neighbors is a culprit for this issue. Legislative measures and increased opium costs have led to the adulteration of opium. Lead is one of the most frequently used adulterants which has significantly led to opium lead intoxication. Conclusion: The increasing number of patients with lead poisoning is a concern that raise the need to perform high-quality studies and to provide effective preventive and diagnostic guidelines. &nbsp

    Current natural bioactive materials in bone and tooth regeneration in dentistry: a comprehensive overview

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    Tissue regeneration is a vital phenomenon in the skeletal system of human beings during their life span. The structure of bony architecture and teeth are highly dependent to this ongoing procedure to maintain their functional form. Regarding the fundamental function of our skeletal system, all the involved components are at constant risk for injuries and deformations throughout the life. Therefore, in modern medicine, promotion of bone and tooth regeneration has become a critical counter measure to correct these acquired defects. There are numerous ways to address the bone and tooth related erosive pathologies but utilization of natural compounds has gained immense popularity in recent years. These materials provide a broad spectrum of therapeutic agents with a variety of biological characteristics. In this review, a comprehensive exploration has been implemented to extract and categorize the relevant scientific evidence on this issue, based on the source of natural candidates and the potential clinical indications. Database searching presented a considerable data pool with more than 300 references in this field. According to the results, all the proposed items can be categorized in two major groups including scaffolding and osteogenesis (or dentinogenesis) induction. The clinical applicability of a number of them is properly demonstrated in clinical trials but for the rest, more examinations are required to reach a conclusive decision

    کتاب «القانون الصغیر» در علم طب و نویسنده آن!

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    Background and Aim: In the importance of traditional medicine texts in libraries, several manuscripts are found with the same structure and text related to an effect. Two versions of this manuscript, under the titles of "Al-Kafi fi Al-Teb" and "Al-Kefaye fi Elm Al-Teb", which briefly "Al-Kefaye", were also referred to in the early sources of it to "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" and attributed to "Ibn Mandevaih". There are other versions of this work entitled "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" attributed to "Ibn Sina" and this is unlikely that the version is quite similar, belonging to two authors, so it is necessary to investigate the subject and it is determined by the writer of the work, who is. Methods: The purpose of this paper is to explain the truth, whether it belongs to "Ibn Mandevaih", or "Ibn Sina" or any separate book. Ethical Considerations: In the current research, have been observed the ethical aspects of library study, including the authenticity of texts, honesty and trustworthiness. Results: In historical documentation, a kind of dichotomy and in general, "Al-Qanon al-Saghir" was attributed to'Ibn Mandevaih' in early works and to "Ibn Sina" in later works. The similarity and matching of the versions in structural and content surveys is so much that each one cannot be considered as a separate book, but all of a book with different titles and belongs to a writer. In some issues between the votes of "Ibn Sina", if he seens in his authors, there is a difference or contradiction with what is presented in the versions of the study? Conclusion: The study of historical documentation, content analysis and structural text indicates that the book "Al-Kafi fi-Teb" or "Alkefaye" belongs to "Ibn Mandevaih", which, according to two comprehensive and complete characteristics and its small volume, to "al-Qanon al-Saghir" in contrast, "al-Qanon fi Teb", Ibn Sina, which has been widely addressed by medicine. This naming has caused the sputum, which is the same "Al-Qanon" of Ibn Sina, which he wrote briefly. Please cite this article as: Sharififar SH, Salmani Marvast MA, Afkhami Aghda R, Tafazoli V. The Book 'Al-Qanon al-Saghir' in the Science of Medicine and its Author!. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e30.زمینه و هدف: در لا به ‌لای متون طب سنتی موجود در کتابخانه‌ها، چندین نسخه خطی با ساختار و متن یکسان و مشابه مربوط به یک اثر یافت می‌شود. دو نسخه از این نسخ، تحت عناوین «الکافی فی الطب» و «الکفایه فی علم الطب» که به اختصار «الکفایه» نیز به آن گفته شده، در منابع متقدم از آن به «القانون الصغیر» نیز نام برده شده و به «ابن مندویه» نسبت داده شده است. نسخه‌های دیگری نیز از این اثر تحت عنوان «القانون الصغیر» وجود دارد که به «ابن سینا» نسبت داده شده است و این بعید به نظر می‌رسد که نسخه کاملاً شبیه به هم، متعلق به دو نویسنده باشد، لذا ضروری می‌نماید تا موضوع بررسی گردد و مشخص شود که نویسنده اثر، چه کسی است. روش: این مقاله، با شیوه تحلیلی ـ توصیفی، درصدد تبیین حقیقت امر است که نویسنده این نسخه‌ها «ابن مندویه» است یا «ابن سینا» یا هر یک کتابی جداگانه و متعلق به یکی از این دو نویسنده است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در پژوهش حاضر جنبه‌های اخلاقی مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای شامل اصالت متون، صداقت و امانتداری رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: در مستندات تاریخی، نوعی دوگانگی به ‌چشم می‌خورد و به طور کلی، «القانون الصغیر» در آثار متقدم به ابن مندویه و در آثار متأخر به ابن سینا نسبت داده شده است. شباهت و تطابق نسخه‌ها در بررسی ساختاری و محتوایی به قدری است که نمی‌توان هر یک را کتابی جداگانه دانست، بلکه همگی یک کتاب با عناوین مختلف و متعلق به یک نویسنده است. در برخی مسائل میان آرای ابن سینا، چنانچه در مصنفات او ملاحظه می‌شود با آنچه در نسخه‌های مورد پژوهش آمده اختلاف یا تناقض وجود دارد. نتیجه‌گیری: بررسی‌ مستندات تاریخی، تحلیل محتوایی و ساختاری متن، نشانگر آن است که کتاب «الکافی فی الطب» یا «الکفایه» متعلق به «ابن مندویه» است که با توجه به دو ویژگی جامع و کامل‌بودن و حجم اندک آن، به «القانون الصغیر» در مقابل «القانون فی الطب» ابن سینا که به شکل گسترده به مطالب طب پرداخته، معروف شده است. این نامگذاری در گذر زمان موجب شده تا این خلط پیش آید که همان قانون ابن سینا است که وی به صورت مختصر آن را نگاشته است

    A 16 Month Survey of Cyclosporine Utilization Evaluation in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients

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    Abstract Objectives: Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a life threatening reaction in the stem cell transplantation process. Nowadays Cyclosporine is the most commonly utilized agent for GVHD prophylaxis and it has a major role in successful transplantation. Cyclosporine has been applied for many years in this field but it could be stated that currently no general consensus is available for its optimal method of administration. Conditions related to cyclosporine administration and possible related adverse reactions observed closely in our patients with the aim of constructing a comprehensive practice guideline in the future. Patients and Methods: Allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients who have been taking cyclosporine were monitored during and after their hospitalization while recording all observations on predefined questionnaires on the basis of periodic clinical and laboratory examinations for a 16 month period. Results: Mean recorded duration of infusions was 1.44 ± 0.68 h and by twice daily administration, means intravenous and oral dose was 101.85 ± 22.03 mg and 219.28 ± 63.9 mg, respectively. A mean CsA trough level after about 12 h of specified unique doses was 223 ± 65 ng/mL. We found hypertension, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia in about 14, 20, 48, and 94 percent of patients. Conclusions: This study proposed that permanent guidance of healthcare team according to a fixed and standard method of cyclosporine administration routine with using efficient facilities and protocols would be helpful considerably for an optimal pharmacotherapy

    Evaluation of mortality of COVID-19 patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) in comparison to the non-AKI patients

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    Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is prevalent in the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). There are little data on the relationship between renal dysfunction and COVID-19 prognosis. Objectives: The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of AKI in COVID-19 patients hospitalized to the Golestan and Razi hospitals in Ahvaz, Iran. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, a total of 194 COVID-19 patients were included, consisting of 79 patients with AKI and 115 patients without AKI. Primary and secondary outcomes were compared between the two groups. Results: According to the findings, mortality was significantly different between the two groups, and mortality was higher in the AKI group (P< 0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was statistically significantly higher in the AKI group (P=0.024). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between intensive care unit (ICU) admission and the study group (P<0.001). Staging of AKI group were seen as; stage I (49.37%), stage II (36.71%), and stage III (13.92%). No significant correlation was observed between outcome and the stages of AKI (P=0.496). Furthermore, 14 patients (17.72%) needed renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the AKI group. Conclusion: Although AKI is a common finding in COVID-19 patients, most patients were in stage I disease, which returned to normal after COVID-19 treatment. According to our research, COVID-19 rarely leads to serious and persistent kidney injury. However, the risk of death is increased in COVID-19 patients with AKI. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the renal function tests during the course of disease

    Metabolic engineering of Clostridium autoethanogenum for ethyl acetate production from CO

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    Abstract Background Ethyl acetate is a bulk chemical traditionally produced via energy intensive chemical esterification. Microbial production of this compound offers promise as a more sustainable alternative process. So far, efforts have focused on using sugar-based feedstocks for microbial ester production, but extension to one-carbon substrates, such as CO and CO2/H2, is desirable. Acetogens present a promising microbial platform for the production of ethyl esters from these one-carbon substrates. Results We engineered the acetogen C. autoethanogenum to produce ethyl acetate from CO by heterologous expression of an alcohol acetyltransferase (AAT), which catalyzes the formation of ethyl acetate from acetyl-CoA and ethanol. Two AATs, Eat1 from Kluyveromyces marxianus and Atf1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were expressed in C. autoethanogenum. Strains expressing Atf1 produced up to 0.2 mM ethyl acetate. Ethyl acetate production was barely detectable (&lt; 0.01 mM) for strains expressing Eat1. Supplementation of ethanol was investigated as potential boost for ethyl acetate production but resulted only in a 1.5-fold increase (0.3 mM ethyl acetate). Besides ethyl acetate, C. autoethanogenum expressing Atf1 could produce 4.5 mM of butyl acetate when 20 mM butanol was supplemented to the growth medium. Conclusions This work offers for the first time a proof-of-principle that autotrophic short chain ester production from C1-carbon feedstocks is possible and offers leads on how this approach can be optimized in the future

    Dynamic Worm-Gel Materials as Tunable, Regenerable Adsorbents for Water Treatment

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    Introducing facile regenerability into adsorbent materials can potentially increase sustainability in water treatment systems enabled by extended use. Herein, we detail our recent syntheses of dynamic, nanostructured worm-gel materials and their implementation as regenerable adsorbents for water treatment. Photo-controlled atom transfer radical polymerization-induced self-assembly (PhotoATR-PISA) was employed to synthesize various polymer nanstructures, including dispersed spheres, worms, and vesicles, and nanostructured worm-gels, via the synthesis and simultaneous, in situ assembly of BAB triblock copolymers. Two dynamic, disulfide-functionalized macroinitiators (SS-MI-1 and 2) with different degree of polymerization and one non-dynamic macroinitiator (CC-MI) were synthesized via polymerization of oligo(ethylene glycol methyl ether methacrylate) (OEGMA). PhotoATR-PISA was then implemented via the chain extension from SS-MI-1, 2 and CC-MI with glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) or benzyl methacrylate (BMA) forming BAB-type triblock copolymer nanoparticles in situ. The final morphology in PhotoATR-PISA was influenced not only by conventional factors such as solids content and block DP but also by unimer exchange rates yielding arrested, nanostructured worm-gels in many instances and arrested vesicle-gels in one instance. These PISA-gel materials were implemented as adsorbents for phenanthrene, a model compound registered as a priority pollutant by US EPA, from aqueous solutions. The chemical tunability of these materials enabled enhanced, targeted removal of phenanthrene facilitated by π-π interactions as evidenced by the increased adsorption capacities of PBMA-based PISA-gels when compared to PGMA. Furthermore, the dynamicity of disulfide worm-gels (SS-WG) enabled disulfide exchange-induced regeneration stimulated by UV light. This UV-responsive exchange was investigated for POEGMA macroinitiators as well as dissolved triblock copolymers, dispersed nanoparticles and SS-WG materials. Finally, the regenerability of the PNT-saturated SS-WG adsorbents induced by UV irradiation (λ = 365 nm) was examined and compared to control worm-gels without disulfides demonstrating enhanced recovery of adsorption capacity under mild irradiation conditions