809 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Organizational Conflict Strategy and Distinctive Performance

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    يهدف البحث الحالي إلى معرفة العلاقة بين إستراتيجيات الصراع وتحقيق الأداء المتميز , والوقوف عند الإستراتيجية الأكثر إتباعا للتحقيق الأداء المتميز ومن هنا تتضح لنا أهمية البحث, فقد عبر البحث عن المشكلة من خلال مجموعة من تساؤلات متمحورة فيما إذا كانت هنالك علاقة ارتباط وتأثير بين متغيرات البحث , وفي ضوء ذلك تم بناء أنموذج افتراضي انبثقت عنه فرضيات البحث الرئيسية والفرعية ولاختبار صحة الفرضيات تم جُمعت البيانات من خلال أداة الاستبانه وأعدَت لهذا الغرض واختبرت لذلك عينة تمثلت بحجم (19) فرداً من الملاكات التربوية في المدارس عينة البحث . وقد حللت البيانات باستعمال مجموعة من الأساليب الإحصائية واستخرجت النتائج باستعمال البرنامج الحاسوبي(SPSS)وفي ضوء النتائج وتحليلاتها توصل البحث لمجموعة من الاستنتاجات منها أن أفراد عينة البحث متفقون تماماً وبشكلٍ واضح حول الاستراتيجيات ذات الأداء المتميز, لذا تسعى المنظمات التعليمية من خلال إعمالها إلى التميز عن مثيلاتها من المنظمات التعليمية الأخرى ولأجل ذلك تسلك مختلف الاستراتيجيات الصراع التنظيمي للوصول لغايتها ومن أهمها الحفاظ على ركائزها واعتبار المتعاملين والموارد من الركائز المعتمدة عليها في منظماتها وأخيراً قدم البحث مجموعة من التوصيات منها تدريب الملاكات داخل المؤسسات التعليمية وتزويدهم بالمهارات والمعارف اللازمة لتشخيص استراتيجيات الصراع التنظيمي واستخدام الطريقة المثلى لحله.The current research aims at identifying the relationship between conflict strategies and achieving outstanding performance, and standing at the most effective strategy for the investigation of the outstanding performance. Hence the importance of the research. The search for the problem is through a series of questions about whether there is a correlation between the search variables ,In light of this model it was built Default emerged about the hypotheses and sub-hypotheses and test the validity of the data was collected through a questionnaire tool prepared for this purpose and tested for that sample size consisted (19) members of the educational staff in the research sample schools.                                                                                                                               The Data were analyzed using a range of statistical methods and extracted results using software (SPSS) and in the light of the findings and analyzes research found a set of conclusions including that the study sample members fully agree clearly on strategies with outstanding performance, so educational organizations seeking through the realization of excellence for those of other educational organizations, and for that behave different strategies organizational conflict to reach its purpose is the most important to maintain the pillars and to consider the dealers and resources of the pillars of the approved in their organizations and finally research was presented a set of recommendations, including the training of cadres in educational institutions and provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to diagnose organizational conflict strategies and use the best way to resolve it

    The impact of external shocks on the Egyptian economy

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    An updated Checklist of the Marine fishes from Syria with emphasis on alien species

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    An updated checklist of marine ichthyofauna that are recorded to date, from Syrian marine water including 297 species (belonging to 220 genera, 111 families, 36 orders, and 3 classes) is presented. Sparidae is the dominant family (28 species), followed by Blenniidae (15 species), while 55 families are represented by 1 species. The Chondrichthyes present in Syria were cross-checked for the first time. The status, frequency, the main fishing gear targeting common species, in addition to the fishing method by which the rare species were caught, are also provided. Four species are recorded for the first time herein: Stomias boa boa (Risso, 1810), Hymenocephalus italicus Giglioli, 1884, Scarus ghobban Forsskal, 1775, and Nettastoma melanurum Rafinesque, 1810. In this inventory, 56 Lessepsian migrant species are also included, with 16 of them being considered as very common and of positive economic importance. Alien species have been grouped into three categories namely established (49 species), casual (2 species), and single records (5 species). Twenty-eight species were disregarded from this list, due to lack of solid documentation on their presence

    An Immediate Death by Seat Belt Compression; a Forensic Medicine Report

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    Although death is a gradual process, sometimes sudden death occurs in a fraction of a minute or seconds. Here we report a 49-year-old man without any underlying disease, which has instantly died in an accident scene due to compression of neck critical elements by a three-point seat belt. The examination of the body and the results of the autopsy, toxicology and pathology tests are described from the viewpoint of forensic medicine

    Reliability Analysis of a Multi-State Truly-Threshold System Using a Multi-Valued Karnaugh Map

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    This paper deals with the Boolean-based analysis of a prominent class of non-repairable coherent multistate systems with independent nonidentical multistate components. This class of systems is represented by a multistate coherent truly threshold system of several states, which is not necessarily binary-imaged. The paper represents such a system via Boolean expressions of system success or system failure at each non-zero level, which are in the form of minimal sop formulas, or disjoint sop formulas. These are expressions that are directly convertible to expected values. Several map representations are also offered, including a single multi-value Karnaugh map.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    GroEL and the maintenance of bacterial endosymbiosis

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    Many eukaryotic organisms have symbiotic associations with obligate intracellular bacteria. The clonal transmission of endosymbionts between host generations should lead to the irreversible fixation of slightly deleterious mutations in their non-recombinant genome by genetic drift. However, the stability of endosymbiosis indicates that some mechanism is involved in the amelioration of the effects of these mutations. We propose that the chaperone GroEL was involved in the acquisition of an endosymbiotic lifestyle not only by means of its over-production, as proposed by Moran, but also by its adaptive evolution mediated by positive selection to improve the interaction with the unstable endosymbiont proteome

    GroEL and the maintenance of bacterial endosymbiosis

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    Many eukaryotic organisms have symbiotic associations with obligate intracellular bacteria. The clonal transmission of endosymbionts between host generations should lead to the irreversible fixation of slightly deleterious mutations in their non-recombinant genome by genetic drift. However, the stability of endosymbiosis indicates that some mechanism is involved in the amelioration of the effects of these mutations. We propose that the chaperone GroEL was involved in the acquisition of an endosymbiotic lifestyle not only by means of its over-production, as proposed by Moran, but also by its adaptive evolution mediated by positive selection to improve the interaction with the unstable endosymbiont proteome

    Bis(2-amino-4-methyl­pyridinium) tetra­chloridocuprate(II)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C6H9N2)2[CuCl4], consists of one cation and one half-anion, bis­ected by a twofold rotation axis through the metal center. The anion exhibits a geometry that is inter­mediate between a Td and D 4h arrangement about the Cu atom. The crystal structure contains chains of cations alternating with stacks of anions. The cationic groups inter­act via offset face-to-face π–π stacking, forming chains running along the c axis. The anion stacks are parallel to the cation chains, with no significant inter- nor intra­stack Cl⋯Cl inter­actions. There are several anion–cation hydrogen-bonding inter­actions of the (N—H)pyridine⋯Cl and (N—H)amino⋯Cl types, connecting the chains of cations to the stacks of anions. Both the N—H⋯Cl and π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances 3.61 (8) and 3.92 (2) Å] contribute to the formation of a three-dimensional supra­molecular architecture

    Visualisation of turbulent flows in a swirl burner under the effects of axial air jets

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    Meeting emission regulations represents a real challenge in the power generation sector. Swirl combustors and their operation under lean premixed (LP) conditions are a step towards attaining low emissions, especially NOx formation, while ensuring high efficiency. However, performing modifications on combustors and reaching the requirements of efficient combustion systems is difficult due to many combustion problems such as extinction, low reaction rates, mild heat release, instabilities, and mixing issues. Thus, giving careful attention to the hydrodynamics design of the swirl burners with extensive testing methods in both experimental and numerical approaches is crucial to stabilise the combustion phenomena in gas turbines. As a result, this study employed the implementation of CFD simulations in the design of a 150 kW tangential swirl burner and considered the consequences of 50 LPM diffusive air injection at different positions on three-dimensional isothermal flow field characterizations, especially the turbulence, downstream the burner nozzle. Various mass flow rates from 600 to 1000 l/min were used at atmospheric conditions with a geometrical swirl number of 0.913. Experimental work was conducted with good correlation. It was found that using the air injection system could increase the flashback resistance by affecting the velocity defect downstream the burner nozzle. Moreover, the axial air jet reduces the flow field turbulence at the central recirculation zone (CRZ) tip and hence minimises the flow fluctuations and affect its size and position. CFD results show a very good agreement with Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) data acquired from the experimental work

    Sudden Death due to Hydatid Cyst Emboli; a Case Report

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    Echinococcosis is an infection caused in human by complex parasites that causes cystic hydatid disease. These infections are prevalent in most areas where livestock is raised in association with dogs. These parasites are found in all continents. Slowly enlarging cysts generally remain asymptomatic until their size has expanded. Here we present a case of sudden death following cyst emboli to the large veins and right heart of a young adult female