56 research outputs found

    Evolution and Modernization of Islamic Education in Minangkabau

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    Surau is an Islamic education institution that is the prototype of other Islamic educational institutions in Minangkabau. Historically, the existence of surau began to decline due to modernization which permeated the Islamic world. The evolution of the Islamic education system from halaqah to classical, changes in curriculum, levels in the world of education, mixing of Islamic education with basic colonial lessons and so on are the effects of modernization and the development of the technology industry in the early 20th century and the millennial era today. The evolution of Islamic education in Minangkabau is caused by several factors, including the modernization of ideology and the influence of culture from other regions, the developing system of government, and the rapid advances in industrial technology. The method used is library research with historical and philological approaches

    Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Program Sekolah Penggerak di SD Negeri 03 Kandis

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    This research focuses on the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher in the driving school program whose aim is to find out the role of the Islamic Religious Education teacher in the driving school. This type of research is field research (field research) which is descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach, namely conducting research directly to the location to obtain and collect data. The research location is Kandis 03 Public Elementary School. The subject of this study involved all components in the driving school, especially Islamic Religious Education Teachers. The results of the study show that the driving school program at SDN 03 Kandis focuses on improving student learning outcomes through the implementation of project learning. This begins with building and developing the performance of the Principal and teachers. The role of the Islamic Religious Education Teacher in general is to support all matters relating to the driving school program. Islamic Religious Education teachers have a very important role in supporting the implementation of the driving school program at Kandis 03 Public Elementary School, including; becoming a school committee, carrying out religious activities and full self-development on Fridays and carrying out the 5P program (Project of Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles) . The obstacles faced by Islamic Religious Education teachers at SDN 03 Kandis are related to administrative burdens that take up time, attention and energy. The solution is that Islamic Religious Education teachers must improve the six competencies of Islamic Religious Education teachers including (Pedagogical competencies, social competencies, personality competencies, professional competencies, leadership competencies and spiritual competencies) and work smart by utilizing digitalization as time efficiency in fulfilling several regulations from the government

    Nazhir dalam Lembaga Wakaf: Kemandirian Wakaf Masyarakat di Kabupaten Bireuen

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kenapa nazhir wakaf tidak optimal fungsinya seperti yang dicita-citakan oleh fikih wakaf dan undang-undang wakaf? Kenapa nazhir wakaf di Bireuen belum optimal mengelola harta wakaf? Dan bagaimana strategi untuk mengoptimalkan peran nazhir wakaf di Bireuen? Riset dipusatkan pada kedudukan nazhir wakaf menurut fikih dan perundang-undangan, dan terfokus pada kedudukan nazhir wakaf dalam praktik wakaf di Bireuen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, fikih wakaf dan undang-undang wakaf belum dapat memperkuat nazhir dalam praktik wakaf. Dalam fikih wakaf, nazhir bukan rukun wakaf, bahasan nazhir  diulas secara implisit ketika membahas persyaratan wakif. Sedangkan dalam undang-undang wakaf, wakaf belum diatur secara formil sebagai badan hukum. Nazhir wakaf yang melibatkan pemerintah belum optimal menjalankan tugasnya karena pemerintah telah mengelola secara penuh tanah wakaf masyarakat untuk pendidikan madrasah dan sekolah. Yayasan Almuslim Peusangan dan Yayasan Darul Ma‘arif tidak optimal mengelola harta wakaf berdasarkan anggaran dasar yayasan. Yayasan dibentuk sebatas memenuhi persyaratan administrasi dalam menjalankan programnya untuk pendidikan. Abstract: This research aims to find out why waqf nazhir is not functioning optimally as envisioned by the waqf fiqh and waqf law? Why is waqf in Bireuen not optimal in managing waqf property? And what is the strategy to optimize the role of Nazaf Waqf in Bireuen? This research was centered on the position of Nazaf Waqf according to fiqh and legislation, and focused on the position of Nazaf Waqf in the practice of Waqf in Bireuen. The results showed that, the waqf fiqh and waqf laws have not been able to strengthen nazhir in the practice of waqf. In waqf fiqh, Nazir is not a pillar of waqf, Nazir's discussion is implicitly discussed when discussing waqf requirements. Whereas in the waqf law, waqf has not yet been formally regulated as a legal entity. Nazhir waqf involving the government has not been optimal in carrying out its duties because the government has fully managed community waqf land for madrasa and school education. The Almuslim Peusangan Foundation and the Darul Ma‘arif Foundation are not optimally managing waqf assets based on the foundation's charter. The foundation was formed limited to meet administrative requirements in carrying out its programs for education

    Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Mata Pelajaran PendidikanAgama Islam Di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of an independent curriculum in Islamic religious education subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Ulakan Tapakis. This study uses a qualitative description method with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that Islamic religious education teachers apply problem-based learning strategies and use audiovisual learning media. When it comes to assessing learning, teachers give assignments, tests and tutoring. Obstacles to implementing an independent curriculum include difficulties in preparing lesson plans to determine the learning media used by teachers, learning strategies and use of media that are not updated, and difficulties accessing the internet. Efforts to implement an independent teacher curriculum use aspects of attendance, skills, and activity assessment, and teachers are trained to implement an independent curriculum. The Impact of Self-Implementation of the Curriculum on Islamic Studies in SMA Negeri 1 Students at Ulakan Tapakis understand PAI material better and students become more involved in learnin

    Pandangan Islam Terhadap Manusia : Terminologi Manusia dan Konsep Fitrah serta Implikasinya dengan Pendidikan

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    Abstrak memuat uraian singkat mengenai masalah dan tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan dan hasil penelitian. Tekanan penulisan abstrak terutama pada hasil dan analisis penelitian. Abstrak ditulis dalam dua bahasa; bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, hanya saja abstrak bahasa Inggris disajikan terlebih dahulu dengan format miring atau Italic. Jumlah kata berkisar antara 150-200 kata. Pengetikan abstrak dilakukan dengan spasi 1 atau tunggal front 10 jenis huruf Garamond dengan margin yang lebih sempit dari margin kanan dan kiri teks utama. Kata kunci perlu dicantumkan untuk menggambarkan ranah masalah yang diteliti dan istilah-istilah pokok yang mendasari pelaksanaan penelitian. Kata-kata kunci dapat berupa kata tunggal atau gabungan kata. Jumlah kata-kata kunci 3-5 kata. Kata-kata kunci ini diperlukan untuk komputerisasi. pencarian judul penelitian dan abstraknya dipermudah dengan kata-kata kunci tersebut. Kata Kunci: konsep, fitrah, manusia, pendidika


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang manajemen penggunaan energi pada mobil listrik jenis urban dengan variasi strategi mengemudi. Penggunaan energi adalah perhatian utama untuk mendapatkan cara mengemudi yang paling efisien menghabiskan energi dengan melakukan tiga strategi mengemudi. Strategi mengemudi yang paling efisien adalah mendapatkan jarak yang jauh dengan menghabiskan daya yang sedikit. Pada strategi I menghabiskan daya sebesar 105,08 km/kwh dengan waktu tempuh 24,83 menit, pada strategi II menghabiskan daya sebesar 144,17 km/kwh dengan waktu tempuh 28,83 menit, dan pada strategi III menghabiskan daya sebesar 119,448 km/kwh dengan waktu tempuh 23,2 menit. Dari ketiga strategi hasil yang paling efisien adalah strategi ke II dengan nilai tertinggi yang didapat senilai 144,17 km/kwh. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa strategi ke II paling bagus digunakan, sehingga mobil listrik malem diwa R1.0 jenis urban memiliki nilai efisiensi yang tinggi


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    Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW, succeeded in changing the uncivilized society into the civilized one as well as the Jahiliyah society into the educated one. The key to the success was his appropriate teaching concept and his sincerity. There were some representative and dominant educational approaches and methods that were developed by Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW, in teaching his Shahabah as adults. One approach that he used was the philosophycal approach. Meanwhile, the methods that he used were the exemplary and affectionate methods. Rasulullah, Muhammad SAW telah berhasil membina masyarakat dari masyarakat yang paling biadab menjadi masyarakat yang paling beradab, dari masyarakat jahiliyah menjadi masyarakat yang terdidik. Kunci keberhasilan pendidikan yang beliau lakukan adalah: konsep ajaran yang beliau sampaikan adalah ajaran yang benar dan tepat, kesungguhan dan keikhlasan beliau dalam melaksanakan tugas. Ada beberapa pendekatan dan metode pendidikan yang dipandang representatif dan dominan yang dikembangkan oleh Rasulullah SAW dalam mendidik para sahabat sebagai orang dewasa. Pendekatan yang digunakan salah satunya adalah pendekatan filosofis, sedang metode yang digunakan beliau diantaranya metode keteladanan, metode lemah lembut dan kasih sayang


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    This article examines the use of video tutorial media in improving students' tangible skills in grade II SDN 25 Air Tawar Selatan. Wudu is one of the legal requirements for prayer, if the student is not able to form properly, it will have an impact on the poor quality of the student's worship until he grows up. For this reason, it is necessary to know how teachers improve students' tangible skills in wudu practice materials by using video tutorial media. This research method is descriptive qualitative, while the data collection method used is observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this study is the process of using video tutorial media in grade II SDN 25 Air Tawar Selatan consisting of 3 stages, namely preparation, implementation, and final / evaluation stages. The supporting and inhibiting factors come from students, teachers, schools and the community environment. While the improvement of students' tangible skills is very good, the mistakes made by students in tangible are much reduced after using video tutorial media
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