744 research outputs found

    E2F1 activation is responsible for pituitary adenomas induced by HMGA2 gene overexpression

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    The High Mobility Group protein HMGA2 is a nuclear architectural factor that plays a critical role in a wide range of biological processes including regulation of gene expression, embryogenesis and neoplastic transformation. Several studies are trying to identify the mechanisms by which HMGA2 protein is involved in each of these activities, and only recently some new significant insights are emerging from the study of transgenic and knock-out mice. Overexpression of HMGA2 gene leads to the onset of prolactin and GH-hormone induced pituitary adenomas in mice, suggesting a critical role of this protein in pituitary tumorigenesis. This was also confirmed in the human pathology by the finding that HMGA2 amplification and/or overexpression is present in human prolactinomas. This review focuses on recent data that explain the mechanism by which HMGA2 induces the development of pituitary adenomas in mice. This mechanism entails the activation of the E2F1 protein by the HMGA2-mediated displacement of HDAC1 from pRB protein

    MiR-199a-5p and miR-375 affect colon cancer cell sensitivity to cetuximab by targeting PHLPP1

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    We aimed to analyze the differentially-expressed miRNAs in colon cancer cells in order to identify novel potential biomarkers involved in cancer cell resistance

    Anti-VEGF Therapy in Breast and Lung Mouse Models of Cancers

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular diseases. Some types of cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body through blood circulation or lymph vessels, where they begin to grow. This process is recognized as metastasis. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from existing vessel. Normally angiogenesis is a healthy process, that helps the body to heal wounds and repair damaged body tissues, whereas in cancerous condition this process supports new blood vessels formation that provide a tumor with its own blood supply, nutrients and allow it to grow. The most important proximal factor for angiogenesis is the vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF. Angioinhibition is a form of targeted therapy that uses drugs to stop tumors from making new blood vessels. Therefore, in this paper we analyse the importance of VEGF as target of cancer therapy, analysing murine models

    The "next-generation" knowledge of papillary thyroid carcinoma

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    The application of Next-Generation Sequencing for studying the genetics of papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) has recently revealed new somatic mutations and gene fusions as potential new tumor-initiating events in patients without any known driver lesion. Gene and miRNA expression analyses defined clinically relevant subclasses correlated to tumor progression. In addition, it has been shown that tumor driver mutations in BRAF, and RET rearrangements - altogether termed "BRAF-like" carcinomas - have a very similar expression pattern and constitute a distinct category. Conversely, "RAS-like" carcinomas have a different genomic, epigenomic, and proteomic profile. These findings justify the need to reconsider PTC classification schemes

    The receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase J antagonizes the biochemical and biological effects of RET-derived oncoproteins.

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    Abstract Thyroid cancer is frequently associated with the oncogenic conversion of the RET receptor tyrosine kinase. RET gene rearrangements, which lead to the generation of chimeric RET/papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) oncogenes, occur in PTC, whereas RET point mutations occur in familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) and sporadic medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC). We showed previously that the expression of the receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase J (PTPRJ) is suppressed in neoplastically transformed follicular thyroid cells. We now report that PTPRJ coimmunoprecipitates with wild-type RET and with the MEN2A-associated RET(C634R) oncoprotein but not with the RET/PTC1 and RET-MEN2B isoforms. Using mutated forms of PTPRJ and RET-MEN2A, we show that the integrity of the respective catalytic domains is required for the PTPRJ/RET-MEN2A interaction. PTPRJ expression induces dephosphorylation of the RET(C634R) and, probably via an indirect mechanism, RET/PTC1 oncoproteins on two key RET autophosphorylation sites (Tyr1062 and Tyr905). This results in a significant decrease of RET-induced Shc and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation levels. In line with this finding, adoptive PTPRJ expression reduced the oncogenic activity of RET(C634R) in an in vitro focus formation assay of NIH3T3 cells. As expected from the coimmunoprecipitation results, the RET(M918T) oncoprotein, which is associated to MEN2B and sporadic MTC, was resistant to the dephosphorylating activity of PTPRJ. Taken together, these findings identify RET as a novel substrate of PTPRJ and suggest that PTPRJ expression levels may affect tumor phenotype associated with RET/PTC1 and RET(C634R) mutants. On the other hand, resistance to PTPRJ may be part of the mechanism of RET oncogenic conversion secondary to the M918T mutation. (Cancer Res 2006; 66(12): 6280-7

    TACC3 mediates the association of MBD2 with histone acetyltransferases and relieves transcriptional repression of methylated promoters

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    We have recently reported that a novel MBD2 interactor (MBDin) has the capacity to reactivate transcription from MBD2-repressed methylated promoters even in the absence of demethylation events. Here we show that another unrelated protein, TACC3, displays a similar activity on methylated genes. In addition the data reported here provide possible molecular mechanisms for the observed phenomenon. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that MBD2/TACC3 form a complex in vivo with the histone acetyltransferase pCAF. MBD2 could also associate with HDAC2, a component of MeCP1 repression complex. However, we found that the complexes formed by MBD2 with TACC3/pCAF and with HDAC2 were mutually exclusive. Moreover, HAT enzymatic assays demonstrated that HAT activity associates with MBD2 in vivo and that such association significantly increased when TACC3 was over-expressed. Overall our findings suggest that TACC3 can be recruited by MBD2 on methylated promoters and is able to reactivate transcription possibly by favoring the formation of an HAT-containing MBD2 complex and, thus, switching the repression potential of MBD2 in activation even prior to eventual demethylation

    The complex CBX7-PRMT1 has a critical role in regulating E-cadherin gene expression and cell migration

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    The Chromobox protein homolog 7 (CBX7) belongs to the Polycomb Group (PcG) family, and, as part of the Polycomb repressive complex (PRC1), contributes to maintain transcriptional gene repression. Loss of CBX7 expression has been reported in several human malignant neoplasias, where it often correlates with an advanced cancer state and poor survival, proposing CBX7 as a candidate tumor-suppressor gene in cancer progression. Indeed, CBX7 is able to positively or negatively regulate the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and cancer progression, such as E-cadherin, cyclin E, osteopontin, EGR1. To understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the involvement of CBX7 in cancer progression, we designed a functional proteomic experiment based on CHIP-MS to identify novel CBX7 protein partners. Among the identified CBX7-interacting proteins we focused our attention on the Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) whose critical role in epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), cancer cell migration and invasion has been already reported. We confirmed the interaction between CBX7 and PRMT1 and demonstrated that this interaction is crucial for PRMT1 enzymatic activity both in vitro and in vivo and for the regulation of E-cadherin expression, an important hallmark of EMT. These results suggest a general mechanism by which CBX7 interacting with histone modification enzymes like HDAC2 and PRMT1 enhances E-cadherin expression. Therefore, disruption of this equilibrium may induce impairment of E-cadherin expression and increased cell migration eventually leading to EMT and, then, cancer progression

    miR-155 is positively regulated by CBX7 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and colon carcinomas, and targets the KRAS oncogene

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    Background: Loss of CBX7 expression has been described in several malignant neoplasias, including human colon and thyroid carcinomas proposing CBX7 as a tumor suppressor gene with a key role in cancer progression. This role is supported from the development of benign and malignant neoplasias in Cbx7 null mice. The aim of our work has been to investigate the mechanisms underlying the CBX7 oncosuppressor activity by analyzing the microRNAs (miRNAs) regulated by CBX7. Methods: The miRNA expression profiles of the mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) null for Cbx7 and the wild-type counterpart were analyzed by the miRNACHIP microarray and then validated by qRT-PCR. To asses KRAS as target of miR-155 we evaluated the protein levels after transfection of the synthetic miR-155. Human colon carcinoma samples have been investigated for the expression of CBX7 and miR-155. Results: Twenty miRNAs were found upregulated and nine, including miR-155, downregulated in cbx7-null MEFS in comparison with the wild-type ones. Then, we focused on miR-155 since several studies have shown its deregulated expression in several human malignancies and, moreover, was the most downregulated miRNA. Subsequently, we searched for miR-155 target genes demonstrating that KRAS protein levels are directly modulated by miR-155. A direct significant correlation (r = 0.6779) between CBX7 and miR-155 expression levels was found in a set of human colon carcinoma tissue samples. Conclusion: miR-155 is positively regulated by CBX7 in MEFs and colon carcinomas, and has KRAS as one of the target genes likely accounting for the anti-apoptotic activity ascribed to miR-155 in some tissue contexts

    PATZ Attenuates the RNF4-mediated Enhancement of Androgen Receptor-dependent Transcription *

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    PATZ is a transcriptional repressor affecting the basal activity of different promoters, whereas RNF4 is a transcriptional activator. The association of PATZ with RNF4 switches the activation to repression of selected basal promoters. Because RNF4 interacts also with the androgen receptor (AR) functioning as a coactivator and, in turn, RNF4 associates with PATZ, we investigated whether PATZ functions as an AR coregulator. We demonstrate that PATZ does not influence directly the AR response but acts as an AR corepressor in the presence of RNF4. Such repression is not dependent on histone deacetylases. A mutant RNF4 that does not bind PATZ but enhances AR-dependent transcription is not influenced by PATZ, demonstrating that the repression by PATZ occurs only upon binding to RNF4. We also demonstrate that RNF4, AR, and PATZ belong to the same complex in vivo also in the presence of androgen, suggesting that repression is not mediated by the displacement of RNF4 from AR. Finally, we show that the repression of endogenous PATZ expression by antisense expression plasmids in LNCaP cells results in a stronger androgen response. Our findings demonstrate that PATZ is a novel AR coregulator that acts by modulating the effect of a coactivator. This could represent a novel and more general mechanism to finely tune the androgen response