890 research outputs found

    Credit Risk, Systemic Uncertainties and Economic Capital Requirements for an Artificial Bank Loan Portfolio

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    This paper analyses the impact of different credit risk-based capital requirement implementations on banks' need for capital. The capital requirements for an artificially constructed risky loan portfolio are calculated by applying the BIS approach, the two widespread commercial risk-measurement models, CreditMetrics and CreditRisk+, and, finally, an original synthetic model similar to KMV. In the first three cases we closely follow the methodologies proposed by the regulatory or credit risk models. Economic capital requirements for the latter are obtained by means of Monte Carlo simulations. In the context of CreditMetrics, we additionally perform a Monte Carlo-based stress testing of the monetary policy changes reflected in the term structure of interest rates. Our model of KMV type combines the elements of the structural and the reduced-form methods of risky debt pricing, and the possibilities of its numerical solution are outlined.credit risk, economic capital, market risk, New Basel Capital Accord, systemic uncertainty.

    From the Definitions of the "Trésor de la Langue Française" To a Semantic Database of the French Language

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    International audienceThe Definiens project aims at building a database of French lexical semantics that is formal and structured enough to allow for a fine-grained semantic access to the French lexicon—for such tasks as automatic extraction and computation. To achieve this in a relatively short time, we process the definitions of the TrĂ©sor de la Langue Française informatisĂ© (TLFi), enriching them with an XML tagging that makes explicit their internal organization (roughly, genus and differentiae) and enhancing the components with semantic labels that explicit their role in the definition. There is, to our knowledge, no existing broad coverage database for the French lexicon that offers to researchers and NLP developers a structured decomposition of the meaning of lexical units. Definiens is an ongoing research that will hopefully fill this gap in the near future

    Culturebox, le portail culturel au cƓur de la stratĂ©gie numĂ©rique de France TĂ©lĂ©visions

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    Cet article porte sur les stratĂ©gies Ă©ditoriales de France TĂ©lĂ©visions dans un contexte concurrentiel marquĂ© par le succĂšs de plateformes telles que YouTube ou Dailymotion dans l’offre de contenus numĂ©riques. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il consiste en une Ă©tude de Culturebox, le portail numĂ©rique de France TĂ©lĂ©visions consacrĂ© Ă  la culture et refondu en 2013. Nous avons ainsi procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une analyse sĂ©miologique des Ă©crans d’accueil du site entre 2014 et 2017, puis rapportĂ© celle-ci aux choix Ă©ditoriaux du groupe de service public. Empruntant au format du magazine culturel en ligne, le dispositif tĂ©moigne de logiques d’hybridation Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans la configuration des pratiques d’écritures et des modalitĂ©s d’exposition des contenus. En outre, il manifeste une politique Ă©ditoriale visant Ă  promouvoir une « culture de service public », reproduisant ainsi sur Internet le positionnement culturel identifiable sur l’antenne linĂ©aire de France 2.This article focuses on the editorial strategies of France TĂ©lĂ©visions developed in reaction to the emergence of platforms such as YouTube or Dailymotion which offer digital content. Specifically, it examines Culturebox, the digital portal of France Televisions dedicated to culture and redesigned in 2013. We conducted a semiological analysis of the home pages of the site between 2014 and 2017 and of the public service group’s editorial choices. Borrowing from the format of the online cultural magazine, Culturebox illustrates hybridization logics in the configuration of writing practices and content presentation. In addition, its editorial policy aims at promoting a “public service culture”, thus reproducing France 2’s characteristic cultural positioning on the Internet.Este artĂ­culo analiza las estrategias editoriales de France TĂ©lĂ©visions en un contexto de competencia marcado por el Ă©xito de plataformas – como YouTube o Dailymotion – en la oferta de contenido digital. Se centra en el estudio de Culturebox, (el portal digital de France TĂ©lĂ©visions dedicado a la cultura), que ha sido remodelado en 2013. Se ha realizado un anĂĄlisis semiolĂłgico de las pĂĄginas de inicio del sitio citado, entre 2014 y 2017; y posteriormente dicho anĂĄlisis se relaciona con las decisiones editoriales del grupo de servicio pĂșblico. Inspirado en el formato de una revista cultural en lĂ­nea, el dispositivo revela la existencia de lĂłgicas de hibridaciĂłn presentes en la configuraciĂłn de las prĂĄcticas de escritura y en las modalidades de exposiciĂłn del contenido. AdemĂĄs, muestra una polĂ­tica editorial dirigida a promover una “cultura de servicio pĂșblico”, reproduciendo asĂ­ en Internet el posicionamiento cultural que se muestra en la antena de France 2

    Dispositifs tĂ©lĂ©visuels et mises en scĂšne du dĂ©saccord : les cas d’On n’est pas couchĂ© et de Ce soir (ou jamais !)

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    Nous proposons, dans cet article, une analyse de deux dispositifs tĂ©lĂ©visuels favorisant l’expression du dĂ©saccord. Le premier cas, On n’est pas couchĂ©, est une Ă©mission d’infotainment ; la polĂ©mique y est exacerbĂ©e. Le second cas, Ce soir (ou jamais !), est une Ă©mission de dĂ©bat d’actualitĂ©, basĂ©e sur la comprĂ©hension et le dĂ©bat d’idĂ©es. Nous Ă©tudions la maniĂšre dont le dispositif tĂ©lĂ©visuel conditionne la mise en scĂšne du dĂ©saccord et offre un contexte favorable Ă  son expression. Notre analyse s’inscrit dans une perspective communicationnelle et se place en amont de la manifestation discursive : nous travaillons davantage le dĂ©saccord du point de vue de la question Ă©ditoriale et gĂ©nĂ©rique qu’en termes de stratĂ©gie Ă©nonciative. Aussi, le dispositif tĂ©lĂ©visuel intĂšgre une orchestration du dĂ©saccord comme potentiel mĂ©diagĂ©nique. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous mettrons en parallĂšle les deux dispositifs avec des lieux instituĂ©s oĂč s’exprime le dĂ©saccord comme l’assemblĂ©e, l’agora, le tribunal et le thĂ©Ăątre. Nous travaillons le lien entre le dispositif tĂ©lĂ©visuel et des modĂšles prĂ©modernes de publicisation du dĂ©saccord. Cela est l’occasion de voir que le dispositif d’infotainment, genre hybride, renvoie Ă  un imaginaire pluriel.The following abstract offers a analysis of two television devices that portray the expression of disagreement. The first television show, On n’est pas couchĂ©, is an infotainement broadcast with an intentional polemical bias. The second show, Ce soir (oĂč jamais !), is a talk show focusing on topical issues and based on intellectual debates. The proposed article aims at studying how the television apparatus frames the staging of disagreement and provides a favorable context for its expression. My analysis is based on a communicational perspective and takes place before the discursive manifestation : I shall work on dissent from an editorial point of view rather than in terms of enunciative strategy. The television feature also incorporates an orchestration of disagreement as potentially mediagenic. I will then compare the televisual device as studied through the aforementioned shows, with established places where disagreement is expressed, such as the assembly, the agora, the court and the theater. This is the opportunity to see that the genre of the talk show, more hybrid than the debate, refers to a form of plural imagination

    Dictionary-Ontology Cross-Enrichment Using TLFi and WOLF to enrich one another

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    International audienceIt has been known since Ide and Veronis that it is impossible to automatically extract an ontology structure from a dictionary, because that information is simply not present. We at- tempt to extract structure elements from a dictionary using clues taken from a formal ontology, and use these elements to match dictionary definitions to ontology synsets; this allows us to enrich the ontology with dictionary definitions, assign ontological structure to the dictionary, and disambiguate elements of definitions and synsets

    Fabrication of poly-3-hexylthiophene/polyethylene oxide nanofibers using electrospinning

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    Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Fabrication of highly conductive PEDOT nanofibers

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    NRC publication: Ye

    Quantification of the pile-up effect for improving inverse mechanical analysis by means of nanoindentation

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    This paper deals with the identification of elastic-plastic material properties by means of nanoindentation. A dimensional analysis leads to the identification of a specific parameter based on the estimation of the pile-up effect. This parameter may be used in an inverse analysis. Theoretical aspects and experimental issues are discussed

    Highly conductive PEDOT nanofibers obtained by combination of electrospinning and vapour-phase polymerization

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    Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Nano and Micro Fibers for Conductive Applications

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    Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye
