28 research outputs found

    Investigation of glycation products by THz time-domain spectroscopy

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    Glycation is the non-enzymatic reaction betwee

    Diagnosis of glioma molecular markers by terahertz technologies

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    This review considers glioma molecular markers in brain tissues and body fluids, shows the pathways of their formation, and describes traditional methods of analysis. The most important optical properties of glioma markers in the terahertz (THz) frequency range are also presented. New metamaterial-based technologies for molecular marker detection at THz frequencies are discussed. A variety of machine learning methods, which allow the marker detection sensitivity and differentiation of healthy and tumor tissues to be improved with the aid of THz tools, are considered. The actual results on the application of THz techniques in the intraoperative diagnosis of brain gliomas are shown. THz technologies’ potential in molecular marker detection and defining the boundaries of the glioma’s tissue is discussed

    Study of dry pellets of blood plasma using THz spectroscopy

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    This work is devoted to the development of a suitable phantom of a biological object for measurements in the THz frequency range and for approbation with various diagnostic methods developed in different THz laboratories. The phantoms were represented as a pellet of human and a laboratory rat blood plasma in the diabetic and the control groups. These objects were analyzed in various laboratories, using THz pulsed spectroscopy and a high-resolution THz spectrometer based on a backward wave oscillator. The components of the dry blood plasma were identified by the detected spectral lines

    A comprehensive study of albumin solutions in the extended terahertz frequency range

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    Sensitivity of the THz frequency range to the solutions of biomolecules originates from the decrease of absorption and dispersion of water in its bound state. Correct measurement and interpretation of the THz spectra of water-containing samples is still a challenging task because the reliable relaxation model for such spectra is not well established. The transmission and the attenuated total internal reflection geometries data were combined for precise analysis of the spectra of the aqueous solutions of bovine serum albumin within the range 0.05–3.2 THz. We compare the concentration dependencies of the dielectric function at “low,” “middle,” and “high” frequency and do not confirm an anomalous increase in absorption for concentrations below 17 mg/mL published by other teams

    A comprehensive study of albumin solutions in the extended terahertz frequency range

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    Sensitivity of the THz frequency range to the solutions of biomolecules originates from the decrease of absorption and dispersion of water in its bound state. Correct measurement and interpretation of the THz spectra of water-containing samples is still a challenging task because the reliable relaxation model for such spectra is not well established. The transmission and the attenuated total internal reflection geometries data were combined for precise analysis of the spectra of the aqueous solutions of bovine serum albumin within the range 0.05–3.2 THz. We compare the concentration dependencies of the dielectric function at “low,” “middle,” and “high” frequency and do not confirm an anomalous increase in absorption for concentrations below 17 mg/mL published by other teams

    A complex study of the peculiarities of blood serum absorption of rats with experimental liver cancer

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    Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) in the 0.05–1.0 THz frequency range was used to study the blood serum of rats in the dynamics of experimental liver cancer. It was shown that the THz transmission spectra of samples from healthy animals and 14 and 28 days after tumor cells implantation are similar in shape, but differ in amplitude. There is a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, including a decrease in the protein content, by the 28th day of the experiment. The observed changes in the THz response are explained by a decrease in the number of protein molecules and bound water and correlate with changes in the refractive index in the visible and near-IR ranges from 480 to 1550 nm, measured using a multiwave refractometer

    Investigation of glycation products by THz time-domain spectroscopy

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    Glycation is the non-enzymatic reaction betwee

    Label-free laser spectroscopy for respiratory virus detection: A review

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    Infectious diseases are among the most severe threats to modern society. Current methods of virus infection detection based on genome tests need reagents and specialized laboratories. The desired characteristics of new virus detection methods are noninvasiveness, simplicity of implementation, real-time, low cost and label-free detection. There are two groups of methods for molecular biomarkers' detection and analysis: (i) a sample physical separation into individual molecular components and their identification, and (ii) sample content analysis by laser spectroscopy. Variations in the spectral data are typically minor. It requires the use of sophisticated analytical methods like machine learning. This review examines the current technological level of laser spectroscopy and machine learning methods in applications for virus infection detection

    Tunable Transmissive Terahertz Linear Polarizer for Arbitrary Linear Incidence Based on Low-Dimensional Metamaterials

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    In this work, we propose a structure consisting of three metamaterial layers and a metallic grating layer to rotate the polarization of arbitrary linearly polarized incidence to the y-direction with high transmissivity by electrically tuning these metamaterials. The transfer matrix method together with a harmonic oscillator model is adopted to theoretically study the proposed structure. Numerical simulation based on the finite difference time-domain method is performed assuming that the metamaterial layers are constituted by graphene ribbon arrays. The calculation and simulation results show that the Drude absorption is responsible for the polarization rotation. Fermi level and scattering rate of graphene are important for the transmissivity. For a polarization rotation of around 90°, the thickness of either the upper or lower dielectric separations influences the transmission window. For a polarization rotation of around 45° and 135°, the lower dielectric separations decide the frequency of the transmission window, while the upper dielectric separations just slightly influence the transmissivity