3,335 research outputs found

    Le tipologie contrattuali flessibili dopo la l. n. 247/2007: le modifiche alla disciplina del contratto a termine e del part-time

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    il saggio si occupa delle modifiche alla disciplina del lavoro a termine e del part-time introdotte dalla legge n. 247/2007, in attuazione del c.d. "Protocollo sul Welfare"

    Divergent effects of obesity on fragility fractures

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    Obesity was commonly thought to be advantageous for maintaining healthy bones due to the higher bone mineral density observed in overweight individuals. However, several recent studies have challenged the widespread belief that obesity is protective against fracture and have suggested that obesity is a risk factor for certain fractures. The effect of obesity on fracture risk is site-dependent, the risk being increased for some fractures (humerus, ankle, upper arm) and decreased for others (hip, pelvis, wrist). Moreover, the relationship between obesity and fracture may also vary by sex, age, and ethnicity. Risk factors for fracture in obese individuals appear to be similar to those in nonobese populations, although patterns of falling are particularly important in the obese. Research is needed to determine if and how visceral fat and metabolic complications of obesity (type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, etc) are causally associated with bone status and fragility fracture risk. Vitamin D deficiency and hypogonadism may also influence fracture risk in obese individuals. Fracture algorithms such as FRAX® might be expected to underestimate fracture probability. Studies specifically designed to evaluate the antifracture efficacy of different drugs in obese patients are not available; however, literature data may suggest that in obese patients higher doses of the bisphosphonates might be required in order to maintain efficacy against nonvertebral fractures. Therefore, the search for better methods for the identification of fragility fracture risk in the growing population of adult and elderly subjects with obesity might be considered a clinical priority which could improve the prevention of fracture in obese individual

    Lavoro agile e conciliazione: alcune osservazioni a margine della proposta di riforma dell’istituto del lavoro agile del Gruppo Frecciarossa

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    Il saggio si occupa di conciliazione e lavoro agile, in riferimento alla proposta di riforma avanzata dal Gruppo Frecciarossa, L'A., in particolare, analizza criticamente laproposta, con particolare riguardo alla ventilata abrogazione del principio di parità di trattament

    L’OIL e la tutela contro il licenziamento illegittimo

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    Il saggio analizza la disciplina del licenziamento nella Convenzione OIL n. 158/1982 e la sua possibile efficacia negli ordinamenti degli Stati aderenti, alla luce degli orien-tamenti del CEACR e del CEDS, anche in relazione all’art. 24 della Carta Sociale Eu-ropea. L’A. si occupa, in particolare, della giustificazione del licenziamento e delle sanzioni applicabili al licenziamento illegittimo, alla luce della giurisprudenza delle corti italiane e francesi più recent

    La Convenzione Ilo sulla violenza e le molestie sul lavoro

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    The essay analyses the impact of the ratification of the ILO Convention in the Italian legal system, with a focus on the concept of violence and harassment and its impact on other concepts, such as mobbing, and on the health and safety obligation of the employer. The author also analyses the role of prevention strategies in counteracting violence and harassment in the workplace as psychosocial risks
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