52 research outputs found

    Narativi sećanja: Holokaust na ekranima bivÅ”e Jugoslavije

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    Poređenje kritičke recepcije i odjeka ā€“ kroz analize TV kritika, feljtona, polemika u Å”tampi, odnosno u digitalnim medijima (veb-sajtovi, blogovi itd.) ā€“ američkih (mega)serija Holokaust (1978, Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss, Marvin Chomsky), Vetrovi rata (1983, The Winds of War, Dan Curtis, ABC) i Rat i sećanja (1988, War and Remembrance, Dan Curtis, ABC) otkriva promene reprezentacijskih i narativnih obrazaca sećanja te njihovo dinamično mesto u vizuelnoj kulturi, koje omogućava da (pri)povesti Holokausta postanu temelj ā€žnovog kosmopolitskog sećanjaā€œ(Levy i Sznaider 2002: 87) na način i u meri u kojoj je to moguće na prostorima bivÅ”e Jugoslavije. Prepoznate, u svetskim okvirima, kao tačke preokreta pripovedanja jedinstvene istorijske traume, TV serije su ostvarile trostruki uticaj prilagođen specifičnostima lokalnog konteksta u menjajućim druÅ”tvenim okolnostima u zemljama nekadaÅ”nje SFRJ. Najpre su, u trenutku emitovanja i repriziranja, neposredno povećale vidljivost Holokausta, inače gurnutog na margine sećanja i istorije Drugog svetskog rata. Potom su decenijskim trajanjem u sećanju javnosti delovale na promenu politike sećanja na Holokaust, ali i Å”ire ā€’ na politiku sećanja na uporediva zbivanja nacionalne istorije, poput onih tokom ratova devedestih godina proÅ”log veka. Konačno, prihvaćene kao paradigma uspeÅ”nih TV serija, dodatno su podržale (uz podrazumevane ā€žnovoosvojeneā€œ poetike, stilove i naracije filmova) preobražaj lokalnih (i)storija Å oa od ā€žneutralnihā€œ narativa smrti ā€“ kao samo jedne od vrsta priča o socijalističkoj revoluciji ā€“ u holivudske i holivudizovane narative preživljavanja, koji su obeležili milenijum

    Evaluation of low-cost sorbents as potential materials for in situ remediation of water contaminated with heavy metals

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    The aim of this paper was to examine the possibilities of using various low-cost sorbents as material for permeable reactive barrier for efficient removing of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc from contaminated water. Natural zeolite (NZ), iron-modified zeolite (IMZ), apatite, concentrated apatite, kaolin and raw bentonite were examined. The batch test evaluation was used to investigate capturing of heavy metals from contaminated water onto sorbents, as well as retention strength of saturated sorbent. The change of pH values during saturation and leaching of heavy metals was performed in a slightly acidic to neutral area, confirming buffering abilities and environmental acceptability of all investigated sorbents as a material in PRB for protection of groundwater as the most valuable natural resources. The highest saturation ability towards all examined heavy metals was detected with raw bentonite and IMZ. Leaching of heavy metals at pH=2.94-2.98 was confirmed in all saturated sorbents, while at pH=6.07-6.46 it was not detected, except of Pb and Cd in raw bentonite. From the obtaned results, the recommendation for selection of sorbent for treatment of water contaminated with lead, cadmium, cooper and zinc is given

    Migraine with aura detection and subtype classification using machine learning algorithms and morphometric magnetic resonance imaging data

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    IntroductionMigraine with aura (MwA) is a neurological condition manifested in moderate to severe headaches associated with transient visual and somatosensory symptoms, as well as higher cortical dysfunctions. Considering that about 5% of the worldā€™s population suffers from this condition and manifestation could be abundant and characterized by various symptoms, it is of great importance to focus on finding new and advanced techniques for the detection of different phenotypes, which in turn, can allow better diagnosis, classification, and biomarker validation, resulting in tailored treatments of MwA patients.MethodsThis research aimed to test different machine learning techniques to distinguish healthy people from those suffering from MwA, as well as people with simple MwA and those experiencing complex MwA. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) post-processed data (cortical thickness, cortical surface area, cortical volume, cortical mean Gaussian curvature, and cortical folding index) was collected from 78 subjects [46 MwA patients (22 simple MwA and 24 complex MwA) and 32 healthy controls] with 340 different features used for the algorithm training.ResultsThe results show that an algorithm based on post-processed MRI data yields a high classification accuracy (97%) of MwA patients and precise distinction between simple MwA and complex MwA with an accuracy of 98%. Additionally, the sets of features relevant to the classification were identified. The feature importance ranking indicates the thickness of the left temporal pole, right lingual gyrus, and left pars opercularis as the most prominent markers for MwA classification, while the thickness of left pericalcarine gyrus and left pars opercularis are proposed as the two most important features for the simple and complex MwA classification.DiscussionThis method shows significant potential in the validation of MwA diagnosis and subtype classification, which can tackle and challenge the current treatments of MwA

    Correlations between meteorological parameters and 7Be specific activity measured at ground level air in Belgrade, Serbia

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    Standard gamma-ray spectrometric analysis of air samples was performed in Belgrade (Serbia) during 2009-2011 and values of 7Be specific activities were obtained. Meteorological data from the same period were collected, as well, and correlations between them were calculated. Values of correlation coefficient are low, but in accordance with the literature

    Uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta 'Minazel' na smanjenje rezidua zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava

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    The results of the use of mineral adsorbent - Minazel, preparation based on the natural zeolite, in the prevention of mycotoxicoses and avoidance of zearalenone and its metabolites transfer into cowĀ“s milk were described in this paper. Using mineral adsorbent Minazel at the concentration of 0,5% of concentrate mixture the transfer of zearalenone from feeds to milk was prevented.U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja adsorbenta mikotoksina - Minazel preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita, u prevenciji mikotoksikoza i sprečavanju prelaska (akumuliranja) zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava. MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama mleka utvrđeno je da je prisustvo zearalenona u mleku (0,053; 0,019 i 0,004 mg/kg) opadalo sa povećanjem količine Minazela u koncentratu (0; 0,2; 0,5), Å”to uz ostvareno povećanje proizvodnje mleka opravdava njegovo koriŔćenje

    Uticaj mineralnog adsorbenta 'Minazelā€ na smanjenje rezidua zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleku krava

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    The results of the use of mineral adsorbent - Minazel, a preparation based on natural zeolite, in the prevention of mycotoxicoses and avoidance of zearalenone and its metabolites transfer into cow's milk were described in this paper. Using mineral adsorbent Minazel in a concentration of 0.5% of concentrate mixture the transfer of zearalenone from feeds to milk was prevented.U radu su prikazani rezultati koriŔćenja adsorbenta mikotoksina - Minazel, preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita, u prevenciji mikotoksikoza i sprečavanju prelaska (akumuliranja) zearalenona i njegovih metabolita u mleko krava. MikotoksikoloÅ”kim analizama mleka utvrđeno je da je prisustvo zearalenona u mleku (0,053; 0,019 i 0,004 mg/kg) opadalo sa povećanjem količine Minazela u koncentratu (0; 0,2; 0,5), Å”to uz ostvareno povećanje proizvodnje mleka opravdava njegovo koriŔćenje

    Modified local diatomite as potential functional drug carrier - a model study for diclofenac sodium

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    Diatomite makes a promising candidate for a drug carrier because of its high porosity, large surface area, modifiable surface chemistry and biocompatibility. Herein, refined diatomite from Kolubara coal basin, which complied with the pharmacopoeial requirements for heavy metals content and microbiological quality, was used as a starting material. Inorganic modification of the starting material was performed through a simple, one-step procedure. Significant increase in adsorbent loading with diclofenac sodium (DS) was achieved after the modification process (~373 mg/g) which enabled the preparation of comprimates containing therapeutic dose of the adsorbed drug. Adsorption of DS onto modified diatomite resulted in the alteration of the drug's XRD pattern and FTIR spectrum. In vitro drug release studies in phosphate buffer pH 7.5 demonstrated prolonged DS release over 8 h from comprimates containing DS adsorbed on modified diatomite (up to 37% after 8 h) and those containing physical mixture of the same composition (up to 45% after 8 h). The results of in vivo toxicity testing on mice pointed on potential safety of both unmodified (starting) and modified diatomite. All these findings favour the application of diatomite as a potential functional drug carrier

    Uticaj prisustva rezidua ohratoksina a i toksičnih elemenata u tkivima na bezbednost svinjskog mesa

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    The aim and task of this study was to determine the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in blood serum, liver and kidneys of fattening swine, slaughtered regularly, originating from different areas of Serbia. During meat inspection on the slaughterhouse line samples of blood, kidney and liver per animal were randomly sampled (n=90) and analyzed by HPLC for ochratoxin A. Also, the presence of nephrotoxic (cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic) elements in kidneys was carried out. Of the 90 liver samples, 26.6% contained OTA in the range of 0.22-14.5 ng/g, while the incidence of OTA in serum and kidney samples were very similar (31 and 33.3%, respectively). The analyses showed that serum samples were positive in the range of 0.22-221 ng/mL, while ochratoxin A concentrations in the kidney were between 0.17 and 52.5 ng/g. The mean distribution of OTA residue followed the pattern: serum>kidneys>liver (100>34>17), while in respect to occurrence it followed the pattern: kidneys>serum>liver (100>93.4>79.9). The results of this study showed that 2.2% of kidney sample had a content of ochratoxin A above the maximum permitted limit in Serbia of 10 ng/g. The results from this survey indicated that there was a low correlation between the OTA level in serum and liver as well as in the OTA level in kidney and liver (r=0.319 and 0.341, respectively) while the strongest correlation was found between the OTA level in serum and in kidney (r=0.973). The presence of mercury was found in 33.3% of kidney samples in the range of 0.005-0.055 mg/kg, while the presence of cadmium was found to a lesser degree (27.7%). The Hg concentrations in the kidney samples were lower than 0.10 mg/kg and did not exceed the guideline level established in Serbia, while concentration of cadmium in only one kidney sample was greater than 1.0 mg/kg, and exceeded the limit proposed by the Serbian Rule Book. The presence of arsenic was found only in one sample, while the presence of lead was not established. This study shows the presence of OTA in Serbian slaughtered pigs at levels comparable to those reported in other countries.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi prisustvo rezidua ohratoksina A (OTA) i toksičnih elemenata (kadmijum, olovo, živa i arsen) u tkivima zaklanih, tovnih svinja, poreklom iz različitih regiona Srbije. Tokom veterinarsko-sanitarnog pregleda zaklanih svinja, na liniji klanja, metodom slučajnog uzorkovanja uzimani su uzorci krvi, a zatim pripadajuća jetra i bubrezi, odgovarajuće životinje (n=90). Prisustvo rezidua OTA utvrđeno je u 26,6% uzoraka jetre u količini od 0,22 do 14,5 ng/g, dok je zastupljenost rezidua OTA u uzorcima krvne plazme i bubrega bila skoro identična (31,1 i 33,3%, ponaosob). Sadržaj OTA u uzorcima krvne plazme kretao se od 0,22 do 220,8 ng/mL, dok se u uzorcima bubrega kretao od 0,17 do 52,5 ng/g. Distribucija OTA u ispitanim tkivima (u %) u odnosu na sadržaj kretala se sledećim redosledom: krvna plazma> bubrezi>jetra (100>34>17), dok se u odnosu na zastupljenost rezidua kretala sledećim redosledom bubrezi>krvna plazma>jetra (100> 93,4>79,9). Rezultati naÅ”ih istraživanja ukazuju na to da je u 2,2% ispitanih uzoraka bubrega utvrđen sadržaj OTA iznad maksimalno dozvoljene granice (10 ng/g). Nizak stepen pozitivne korelacije utvrđen je između sadržaja OTA u krvnoj plazmi i jetri (r=0,319), kao i između sadržaja OTA u jetri i bubrezima (r=0,341). Vrlo visok stepen pozitivne korelacije utvrđen je između sadržaja OTA u krvnoj plazmi i bubrezima (r=0,973). Prisustvo rezidua žive utvrđeno je u 33,3% uzoraka bubrega, u odnosu na učestalost nalaza rezidua kadmijuma koja je bila neÅ”to manja (27,7%). Sadržaj žive kretao se u granicama predviđenim pravilnikom (0,005-0,055 mg/kg), dok je sadržaj kadmijuma u jednom uzorku bio iznad maksimalno dozvoljene granice (1,23 mg/kg). Prisustvo arsena utvrđeno je samo u jednom uzorku, dok prisustvo olova nije utvrđeno

    Mogućnost adsorpcije mikotoksina (aflatoksin M1 i M2) u jogurtu adsorbentima na bazi prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita

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    Ways of milk contamination with mycotoxins, harmful effects of mycotoxins, as well as the possibilities for decontamination of mycotoxin contaminated milk are presented in this paper. The research results of efficacy of absorption of aflatoxins M1 and M2 in yogurt by natural and modified zeolite (clinoptilolite) are presented. In laboratory conditions, two amounts of both absorbents (0,2 and 0,6%), with and without addition of sodium caseinate were applied. It was determined that both absorbents had high efficiency for aflatoxin M1 and M2 absorption. The efficiency was higher without addition of sodium caseinate, and absorption of both aflatoxins was slightly higher on modified zeolite. Compared with lower amount of absorbents (0,2%), the higher amount of both adsorbents (0,6%) showed higher adsorption of aflatoxin M1 and M2. The sedimentation of absorbents in yogurt was not observed. The constant control, the prevention of contamination of milk with mycotoxins during the production proccess, together with utilization of absorbents, may be the an alternative way of food protection against the harmful effects of mycotoxins.U radu je dat prikaz rezultata ispitivanja efikasnosti adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2 u jogurtu koriŔćenjem prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita (klinoptilolita). Ispitivane su dve doze prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita (0, 2 i 0, 6 %) sa i bez dodatka natrijum kazeinata. Utvrđeno je da oba adsorbenta imaju visok stepen adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2 u jogurtu. Njihova efikasnost je bila veća bez dodatka natrijum kazeinata, pri čemu je modifikovani zeolit dao povoljnije rezultate (>80%). Povećana doza (0,6 %) oba adsorbenata u odnosu na manju dozu (0,2%) imala je i veću efikasnost adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2. Nisu primećeni tragovi taloženja adsorbenta u jogurtu. Dalje ispitivanje i usavrÅ”avanje ovog postupka adsorpcije može da doprinese većem izboru alternativnih reÅ”enja u zaÅ”titi potroÅ”ača od mikotoksina

    T-2 toxin adsorption by hectorite

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    The adsorption of T-2 toxin by the natural smectite mineral ā€“ hectorite at pH 3.0, 7.0 and 9.0 was investigated. The results of T-2 toxin adsorption on hectorite showed that the T-2 adsorption capacity decreased with increasing concentration of adsorbent in the suspension for all the investigated pH values. From the adsorption isotherms, an increase in T-2 toxin adsorption with increasing initial T-2 toxin concentration was observed for all the investigated pH values. The T-2 toxin adsorption by hectorite followed a non-linear (Langmuir) type of isotherm at pH 3.0, 7.0 and 9.0, with correlation coefficients (r2) of 0.943 at pH 3.0, 0.919 at pH 7.0 and 0.939 at pH 9.0. The estimated maximum T-2 toxin adsorption by hectorite based on the Langmuir fit to the data (9.178 mg/g at pH 3.0, 9.930 mg/g at pH 7.0, and 19.341 mg/g at pH 9.0), indicated that the adsorption of T-2 toxin by hectorite is pH dependent. The obtained data suggest the existence of specific active sites in hectorite onto which the T-2 toxin is adsorbed
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