384 research outputs found

    A Beleaguered Church. The Serbian Orthodox Church in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) 1941ā€“1945

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    In the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from its establishment only days after the German attack on Yugoslavia in early April 1941 until its fall in May 1945 a genocide took place. The ultimate goal of the extreme ideology of the Ustasha regime was a new Croatian state cleansed of other ethnic groups, particularly the Serbs, Jews and Roma. The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), historically a mainstay of Serbian national identity, culture and tradition, was among its first targets. Most Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries were demolished, heavily damaged or appropriated by the Roman Catholic Church or the state. More than 170 Serbian priests were killed and tortured by the Ustasha, and even more were exiled to occupied Serbia. The regime led by Ante Pavelić introduced numerous laws and regulations depriving the SPC of not only its property and spiritual jurisdiction but even of its right to existence. When mass killings stirred up a large-scale rebellion, a more political and seemingly non-violent approach was introduced: the Croatian regime unilaterally and non-canonically founded the so-called Croatian Orthodox Church in order to bring the forced assimilation of Serbs to completion. This paper provides an overview of the ordeal of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the NDH, based on the scholarly literature and documentary sources of Serbian, German and Croatian origin. It looks at legislation, propaganda, the killings and torture of Orthodox clergy and the destruction of church property, including medieval holy relics. The scale and viciousness of some atrocities will be looked at based on unused or less known sources, namely the statements of Serbian refugees recorded during the war by the SPC and the Commissariat for Refugees in Serbia, and documents from the Political Archive of the Third Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    O zaslepljujućoj jasnoći svojinskih prava: sedam fragmenata o redukcionizmu u teoriji svojine

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    This paper presents a historical commentary on arguments in theory of property that reinforce the vision of strong and clear property rights dominant in developmental policy today. Building upon the article from Duncan Kennedy in 2013 that analyses this vision, this paper tackles additional issues in emergence of the vision. In doing that the paper relies on broadly genealogical approach to focus on a binary opposition that has been present in the theory of property almost since its historical establishment in Western thought. This methodology allows us to conceptualize the problem in more substantive terms than Kennedy does and show how radical shift is necessary to overcome the problems that the vision entails.Ovaj članak se sastoji od istorijskog komentara na argumente u teoriji svojine koji osnažuju viziju jakih i jasnih svojinskih prava, koja je dominantna u savremenom razvojnom polisiju. Nadovezujući se na članak Dankana Kenedija iz 2013. koji je izneo prvu analizu ove vizije, ovaj članak se bavi nizom dodatnih pitanja koja se tiču njenog nastanka. Da bi postigao ovaj cilj, u članku se oslanjam na genealoÅ”ki pristup u Å”irem smislu koji je usredsređen na binarnu opoziju prisutnu u teoriji svojine od njenih istorijskih početaka u Zapadnoj misli. Ova metodologija omogućava da se problem konceptualizuje na supstantivniji način nego Å”to je to učinjeno od strane Kenedija i da se pokaže kakav radikalan iskorak je potreban da bi se prevaziÅ”li problemi koje pomenuta vizija nosi sa sobom


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    Heteropteran fauna of Serbia has increased by six newly recorded species: Macrolophus costalis Fieber, 1858, Macrolophus rubi Woodroffe, 1957, Charagochilus spiralifer Kerzhner 1988, Maurodactylus albidus Kolenati, 1845, Phoenicocoris dissimilis (Reuter, 1878), and Plesiodema pinetella (Zetterstedt, 1828). All of them belong to the family Miridae


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    A study of the biology of the oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus at 41 localities in Serbia during the period from 1992 to 1998 yielded an abundance of data on the distribution of insects associated with it or inhabiting the same plant material as it. Some of these data have been published, but the majority have not. Previously unpublished data are presented in this study, providing a list of 58 insect species from 4 orders, 15 families and 45 genera. For each insect, the locality, date of collecting, as well as the species of oak on which it was collected are listed

    Risk factors for the occurrence of cardovascular system diseases in students

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    Background/Aim. Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in the majority of developed, as well as in many developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine cardiovascular risk factors in student population and to suggest possible measures for prevention. Methods. The study was carried out during 2007-2008 at the School of Medicine, University of NiÅ”. It included 824 students in their final year (220 males, 604 females). Results. There was no significant difference in prevalence of hypertension among the male (1.81%) and female students (0%). The prevalence of obesity (Body Mass Index - BMI > 30 kg/m2) was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in the male (7.27%) than in the female population (1.32%). Abdominal obesity was also more frequently encountered (p < 0.01) in the male (9.09%) than in female population (1.32%). Every fourth student smoked cigarettes with no significant difference between the male and female students. Alcohol consumption was a significantly higher problem (p < 0.001) in the male population (18.18%) than in the female one (2.65%). Physical inactivity was more often found (p < 0.001) in the female students (65.56%), than in male ones (36.36%). By the bivariate correlation of cardiovascular risk factors, it was determined that in the male student population systolic blood pressure correlated significantly with diastolic blood pressure, BMI and waist size, whereas age correlated with sistolic blood pressure, waist size and smoking. In the female students sistolic blood pressure correlated with diastolic blood pressure, BMI and waist size; diastolic blood pressure correlated with BMI and physical inactivity; cigarette smoking correlated with alcohol consumption and age. Conclusion. Cardiovascular risk factors are present in the final-year students of the School of Medicine, University of NiÅ”. It is necessary to insist on decreasing obesity prevalence, cigarette and alcohol consumption, and on increasing physical activity of students in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases


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    In a study of the fauna of phloemo-xylophagous insects on Ulmus minor and their parasitoids and predators in Serbia, new data were obtained on the distribution of the recorded species. Some of these data have been published, but many have not. These unpublished data are presented in this paper, which contains a list of 45 species from two orders,        13 families and 41 genera (16 phloemo-xylophagous species, 24 species of parasitoids and five species of predators). For each of them, data are presented regarding the place and time of their finding

    Framing Institutional Choice, 1937ā€“1973: New Institutional Economics and the Neglect of the Commons

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    Progressives the world over cherish high hopes in the development of institutions for collective actions. Among these institutions, commons have a long history in western Europe. While a new institutional economics emerged in the 1960s, commons were not taken seriously in postwar economics before the seminal work of Elinor Ostrom in the late 1980s. How can we explain this belated integration of commons in economics? In this paper, we trace some of the origins of the neoclassical comparative institutional analysis. By advocating an institutional comparison in terms of the costs or the value of production under alternative allocations of property rights, Ronald Coase contributed to the narrow theoretical approach taken by new institutional economists. In the late 1960s, neoclassical economists who came to be interested in environmental questions dismissed commons as inefficient solutions to allocation problems. Within this narrow framework, the private enterprise system more often than not was hailed as the best alternative


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    U ovom radu opisana je metoda analize brzine govora ili tempa na osnovu uzoraka govora dobivenih s televizijskih kanala koji sadrže tekst izgovorenog u obliku titlova. Za prepoznavanje govora koriÅ”tena je nepovratna neuronska mreža (engl. feed-forward neural network) trenirana s oko 160 sekundi govora. Da bi se odredile granice pojedinačnih riječi napravljena je komponenta za poravnavanje govora s tekstom koja pronalazi prihvatljivo podudaranje slova teksta s fonemima koje je klasificirala neuronska mreža. Komponenta za poravnavanje uzima u obzir kategorije fonema za koje neuronska mreža ima veću preciznost klasifikacije. Preliminarni rezultati pokazuju prosječne promaÅ”aje poravnavanja od jednog do tri fonema, zavisno od govornika, sadržaja izgovorenog i kvalitete snimke.This paper describes a method for analysing speed of speech or tempo using speech recordings from Croatian TV news channels with subtitles. A feed-forward neural network was used for phoneme classification, trained with 160 seconds of recorded speech. To determine individual word positions a component for speech-to-text alignment was created which finds aproximate alignments of text from the subtitles and phonemes classified by the neural network. The alignment component relies on the fact that the neural network recognizes some groups of phonemes better than others. Preliminary results showed an average alignment offset of one to about three phonemes, depending on the recording quality, speaker and the content


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    Iako su relacijske baze podataka i dalje najpopularnija vrsta baza podataka, posljednjih se godina na tržiÅ”tu pojavilo nekoliko ā€œalternativnihā€, takozvanih NoSQL baza podataka. To su općenito baze podataka koje nisu bazirane na relacijskom modelu podataka, pa stoga upitni jezik SQL (koji je standardni upitni jezik za relacijske baze podataka) uglavnom nije u takvim sustavima zastupljen. NoSQL sustavi nastali su iz novih zahtjeva za većom fleksibilnoŔću i boljim performansama u pohrani i obradi velike količine podataka, uglavnom zbog popularnosti interneta i internetskih tehnologija i sve veće količine podataka. U ovom radu analizirane su četiri osnovne vrste NoSQL sustava za rad s bazama podataka: ključ-vrijednost, graf, dokument i stupčani sustavi. Analizirane su specifične karakteristike svakog od tih sustava i opisane su neke primjene za koje su ti sustavi napravljeni. U zaključku su ukratko opisani neki općeniti nedostaci ovakvih sustava, zajedno s pregledom budućeg razvoja NoSQL tehnologije.Although relational databases are still the most popular type of database management system, recent years have seen the emergence of several ā€œalternativeā€ databases, the so-called NoSQL database systems. These database systems are not based on relational data model, so the query language SQL mostly is not used with such systems. NoSQL databases emerged from new needs for greater flexibility and better performance in storage and processing of large quantities of data, mostly because of popularity of the Internet and related technologies and ever larger quantities of data. This paper analyses four basic types of NoSQL database systems: Key/value, graph, document, and columnar. Also, specific characteristics of each of these systems are analyzed and some applications of the systems are described. Conclusion gives a brief description of some drawbacks of such systems in general along with the review of the future development of the NoSQL technology

    Einfl uss der multikulturellen Erziehung auf die Wertorientierungen der SchĆ¼ler

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    U radu se razmatraju utjecaji postmodernog diskursa na suvremene pedagoÅ”ke tokove. U tom se okviru sagledava utjecaj multikulturalnog odgoja (u čijoj su osnovi komunikativna, emancipacijska, interaktivna i konstruktivistička pedagogija) na vrijednosne orijentacije učenika. Ističe se aktualnost multikulturalizma i potreba multikulturalnog odgoja u Å”koli, njihova međuovisnost s dijaloÅ”kim pristupom i utjecaj na vrijednosne orijentacije učenika koje su utemeljene na toleranciji i koegzistenciji.The paper discusses the influence of post-modern discourse on contemporary pedagogical developments. Effects of multicultural education (based on communicative, emancipative, interactive and constructivist pedagogy) on studentsā€™ value orientation is examined. The paper stresses the significance of multiculturalism and the need for multicultural education in school situations, and their correlation to the dialogical approach and the studentsā€™ value systems which are based on tolerance and co-existence.In der Arbeit wird der Einfluss des postmodernen Diskurses auf die zeitgenƶssischen pƤdagogischen Strƶmungen erƶrtert. In diesem Rahmen wird der Einfluss der multikulturellen Erziehung (deren Grundlage kommunikative, emanzipatorische, interaktive und konstruktivistische PƤdagogik bilden) auf die Wertorientierungen der SchĆ¼ler erforscht. Der Autor hebt die AktualitƤt des Multikulturalismus und die Notwendigkeit der multikulturellen Erziehung in der Schule, deren Zusammenhang mit dem dialogischen Ansatz sowie den Einfluss auf die auf der Toleranz und Koexistenz begrĆ¼ndeten Wertvorstellungen der SchĆ¼ler hervor
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