5 research outputs found

    One Small Municipality and Future of Renewable Energy Strategy

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    The subject of this paper is to present an investigation of renewable energy potential in one small municipality in south Serbia. Serbia has a relatively small area but a large number of renewable energy resources. This energy is divided into solar, wind, geothermal and waste wood. One municipality on the south east has very large potential for the renewable energy utilization. The municipality of Kursumlija has an area of 952 km(2) but with poor dense of the population. In this municipality we have one of the most powerful resources of the renewable energy, estimated on 118.5 MWt. With the help of different methods such as GIS (Geographical Information System), numerical and geo-statistical analyses, were analyzed total capacity of the renewable energy. Other relevant documents are the municipality strategy documents, satellite recordings, cadaster data, analogue plans and maps. The estimated capacity of geothermal energy with included 23 springs may reach 25.5 MWt. The waste wood estimated capacity is may reach 1123.5 TJ/year or 35.6 MWt. The solar potential may reach 1810.8 Tj/year or 57.4 MWt. The main goal of this research is to present renewable energy potential of the municipality and compare it with dirty kinds of energy. Other goals are to present benefits and advantages of the utilization of renewable energy sources. This research is also important to present to the broader readership and it can be the start initiative for deeper investigation of renewable energy resources


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    In the paper, the aridity is defined on the basis of four climate indices: De Martonne's index of aridity, Lang’s Rain Factor and Gračanin’s Rain factor for the vegetation period and hydrothermal coefficient of Seljaninov. While the annual value of the drought index (IDM) shows humid characteristics, the monthly values show the variability of the conditions. The summer months (July and August) are classified as semi-arid months, while the winter months (December–February) are extremely humid. The spatial distribution of the isoarids indicates that the northern part of the basin has the characteristics of a semiarid climate, while the southeastern parts are more humid. The analysis of mean annual values of the drought index indicates in semiarid conditions (1990 and 2000), but also the humid conditions (2005 and 2009). A positive linear trend indicates that there is a tendency towards humid conditions. The significance test confirms the existence of a statistically significant trend. During the vegetation period, semi-arid conditions are present (July–August). April is slightly humid, and October is moderately arid. The Lang’s Rain Factor (KFg) characterizes basin climate as semiarid, while the Gračanin rain factor for the vegetation period (KFm) indicates a moisture deficit in the summer months. Hydrothermal coefficient Seljaninova (HTC) indicates a lack of moisture in July and August. Vegetation period is characterized as insufficiently humid. Irrigation is one of the most important measures for solving drought problems, since the yield varies from year to year

    Increasing organizational performance by human resource management

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    Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u praksi (HRM prakse) je bitan organizacijski mehanizam za generiranje, jačanje i podržavanje akcijskih planova u svakoj organizaciji. Kapacitet akcijskog plana ovisi o radnom profilu pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj članak predlaže model HRM prakse, s ciljem povećanja učinkovitosti organizacije kroz razvoj i održavanje tijekom vremena radnog profila pojedinaca i timova. Ovaj rad pokazuje da klasificiranjem aktivnosti modela u dva bloka, rad i učinkovitost pojedinaca i timova mogu se povećati, čime se potom povećava i održava organizacijska uspješnost tijekom vremena.Human Resource Management practices (HRM practices) are essential organizational mechanisms to generate, reinforce and sustain the action plan in every organization. The capacity of an action plan depends on the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper proposes a model of HRM practices, with the aim of increasing organizational performance through the development and maintenance over time of the work profile of individuals and teams. This paper shows that by classifying the activities of the model into two blocks, the work performance of the individuals and teams can increase, which subsequently increases and sustains the organizational performance over time

    Assessment of observed and projected climate changes in Bačka (Serbia) using trend analysis and climate modeling

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    Climate change is one of the largest environmental issues causing hydroclimatological extremes such as floods, droughts, and aridity. The aim of this study is to assess the observed and projected climate changes in Bačka (Serbia). Detailed trend analyses and possible climate scenarios over Bačka has not been presented up to now. In this paper, four data sets were extracted and calculated: mean annual air temperature, mean air temperatures during the vegetation period, mean annual precipitation and total precipitation during the vegetation period. The presented parameters were obtained from the annual meteorological reports of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia. Trend equation based on linear regression, trend magnitude according to the trend equation, and Mann-Kendall statistics have been used for trend analysis of climatic parameters. A GIS modeling of the possible climate scenario was created according to the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model (BCC-CSM2-MR). Based on the trend equations, positive trends related to air temperature and precipitation variables are dominant. The trend magnitude shows the largest mean increase in all time series related to air temperature during the vegetation period. The highest mean precipitation increase occurs only in two time series. The Mann-Kendall statistics showed significantly positive trends in 11 cases and no changes in 9 cases. According to BCC-CSM2-MR, changes will be especially dominant in case of air temperatures. The expected changes in the total precipitation during the vegetation period show a tendency towards semiarid conditions. The presented results of observed and projected climate changes demand adaptation measures, especially from the aspect of sustainable agriculture

    Risk management and multiple criteria decision making of entreprise production program

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    The paper reports investigation on the integration methods for risk management and multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) of production program for achieving better business results as well as mitigating business risks. Multiple criteria decision making was used to define the business strategy variant of production program. The starting point in defining the model of risk management integration for the choice of production program was to define the objective function and real constraints. It is found that the application of quantitative methods for risk assessment, i.e. Bayesian Network, for calculating total risk score more precisely describe a real state-of-art of the system compared to other risk assessment methods. Implementation of the integrated model for risk management and MCDM in manufacturing enterprises increases the quality of decision-making, because for all possible production program variant, profit and total risk are calculated and used to conclusively choose the variant with a highest revenue and lowest risk for production loss occurrence