818 research outputs found

    Ehstländische poetische Blumenlese für das Jahr 1779

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    Defektne eks.: puuduvad lk. 175 - 180, 189 - 196, [2], lisatud koopia lk. 189 - 198 : Köitelehel sissekirjutus aastast 1874 ; tiitellehel tempel: LESEVEREIN ZU WESENBERGhttp://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1708838~S1*es

    12. Workshop Magnetlagertechnik Zittau-Chemnitz

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    Der diesjährige 12. Workshop Magnetlagertechnik Zittau-Chemnitz setzt eine Veranstaltungsreihe fort, die vor nunmehr 25 Jahren mit dem 1. Workshop 1994 in Zittau ihren Anfang nahm. Während anfänglich Magnetlager Sonder- oder Nischenlösungen darstellten, haben Magnetlager in dieser Zeit in zahlreichen Applikationen Produktstatus erreicht. Das ist neben der Verfügbarkeit immer leistungsfähigerer Komponenten bspw. in der Regel- oder Leistungselektronik auch auf die Anwendung moderner, computergestützter Methoden bei der Auslegung und Konstruktion von Magnetlagern zurückzuführen. Die konsequente Weiterentwicklung der Magnetlagertechnologie und deren vorteilhafte Anwendung in der Industrie und Energietechnik führen zu einer Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit der Anlagen und zur Reduzierung umweltschädlicher Immissionen. Neue Anwendungsfelder ergeben sich auch aus aktuellen Entwicklungen bei der Energieversorgung oder der Digitalisierung und Vernetzung der industriellen Produktion – Industrie 4.0. In diesem Sinn versteht sich der Workshop als Podium für Wissenschaftler, Entwickler, Hersteller und Anwender zum weiteren Avancement dieser Technologie. Der vorliegende Tagungsband beinhaltet die von den Autoren eingereichten Beiträge in der Reihenfolge des Tagungsprogramms. Die Veranstalter danken besonders den Autoren, Referenten und Teilnehmern sowie allen, die durch ihr Engagement zum Gelingen des Workshops beigetragen haben und freuen sich auf eine Fortsetzung der Veranstaltungsreihe 2021 an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

    Estimation of quantitative genetic and stability parameters in maize under high and low N levels

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    AB It is important to breed maize (Zea mays L) cultivars with high performance under variable N levels. We studied the effect of N levels and estimated quantitative genetic parameters for grain yield, quality, and other traits, and examined stability of performance for grain yield in diverse Chinese maize germplasm. From 2006 to 2008, each year 20 and in total 30 maize hybrids, including commercial hybrids currently grown in this region and other ex¬perimental hybrids as well as high-oil hybrids, were tested using nine environments (location-year combinations) in North China Plain. In each environment, two replicated trials were grown: one under high N application rate (HN, 225 kg N ha-1) and the other under low N application rate (LN, no N fertilization). Compared to HN, grain yield was significantly reduced (35.6%) under LN level, as well as kernel number per ear, 1000-kernel weight, plant and ear heights, and protein concentration. In the analysis over environments under each N level, genotypic variance was significant and heritability was high for all traits. In the analyses across N levels and environments, genotypic variance was significant for all traits and larger than the genotype × N and/or environment interaction variance components except for protein concentration. In stability analyses across N levels, hybrids differed for their linear response to environments, and some showed dissimilar response under HN and LN levels. Our results indicated that breeding maize adapted to variable N levels is feasible with the Chinese germplasm available in the summer breeding programs in North China Plain. Multi-environment tests are required to identify hybrids with high grain yield under variable N conditions, and examining yield stability separately under HN and LN would be useful

    Staphylococcal Peptidoglycan Co-Localizes with Nod2 and TLR2 and Activates Innate Immune Response via Both Receptors in Primary Murine Keratinocytes

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    In mammalian host cells staphylococcal peptidoglycan (PGN) is recognized by Nod2. Whether PGN is also recognized by TLR2 is disputed. Here we carried out PGN co-localization and stimulation studies with TLR2 and Nod2 in wild type and mutant host cells. To exclude contamination with lipoproteins, polymeric staphylococcal PGN (PGNpol) was isolated from Staphylococcus aureus Δlgt (lacking lipidated prelipoproteins). PGNpol was biotinylated (PGN-Bio) for fluorescence monitoring with specific antibodies. Keratinocytes from murine oral epithelium (MK) readily internalized PGN-Bio in an endocytosis-like process. In wt MK, PGNpol induced intracellular accumulation of Nod2 and TLR2 and co-localized with Nod2 and TLR2, but not with TLR4. In TLR2-deficient MK Nod2 and in Nod2-deficient MK TLR2 was induced, indicating that PGNpol recognition by Nod2 is independent of TLR2 and vice versa. In both mutants IL-6 and IL-1B release was decreased by approximately 50% compared to wt MK, suggesting that the immune responses induced by Nod2 and TLR2 are comparable and that the two receptors act additively in MK. In TLR2-tranfected HEK293 cells PGNpol induced NFkB-promoter fused luciferase expression. To support the data, co-localization and signaling studies were carried out with SHL-PGN, a lipase protein covalently tethered to PGN-fragments of varying sizes at its C-terminus. SHL-PGN also co-localized with Nod2 or TLR2 and induced their accumulation, while SHL without PGN did not. The results show that staphylococcal PGN not only co-localizes with Nod2 but also with TLR2. PGN is able to stimulate the immune system via both receptors