67 research outputs found

    Generalizing the first-difference correlated random walk for marine animal movement data

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    Animal telemetry data are often analysed with discrete time movement models assuming rotation in the movement. These models are defined with equidistant distant time steps. However, telemetry data from marine animals are observed irregularly. To account for irregular data, a time-irregularised first-difference correlated random walk model with drift is introduced. The model generalizes the commonly used first-difference correlated random walk with regular time steps by allowing irregular time steps, including a drift term, and by allowing different autocorrelation in the two coordinates. The model is applied to data from a ringed seal collected through the Argos satellite system, and is compared to related movement models through simulations. Accounting for irregular data in the movement model results in accurate parameter estimates and reconstruction of movement paths. Measured by distance, the introduced model can provide more accurate movement paths than the regular time counterpart. Extracting accurate movement paths from uncertain telemetry data is important for evaluating space use patterns for marine animals, which in turn is crucial for management. Further, handling irregular data directly in the movement model allows efficient simultaneous analysis of several animals

    Generalizing the first-difference correlated random walk for marine animal movement data

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    Abstract Animal telemetry data are often analysed with discrete time movement models. These models are defined with regular time steps. However, telemetry data from marine animals are observed irregularly. To account for irregular data, a time-irregularised first-difference correlated random walk model with drift is introduced. The model generalizes the commonly used first-difference correlated random walk with regular time steps by allowing irregular time steps, including a drift term, and by allowing different autocorrelation in the two coordinates. The model is applied to data from a ringed seal collected through the Argos satellite system, and is compared to related movement models through simulations. Accounting for irregular data in the movement model results in accurate parameter estimates and reconstruction of movement paths. Further, the introduced model can provide more accurate movement paths than the regular time counterpart. Extracting accurate movement paths from uncertain telemetry data is important for evaluating space use patterns for marine animals, which in turn is crucial for management. Further, handling irregular data directly in the movement model allows efficient simultaneous analyses of several animals

    State-space modelling in marine science

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    Choosing the observational likelihood in state-space stock assessment models

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    Data used in stock assessment models result from combinations of biological, ecological, fishery, and sampling processes. Since different types of errors propagate through these processes it can be difficult to identify a particular family of distributions for modelling errors on observations a priori. By implementing several observational likelihoods, modelling both numbers- and proportions-at-age, in an age based state-space stock assessment model, we compare the model fit for each choice of likelihood along with the implications for spawning stock biomass and average fishing mortality. We propose using AIC intervals based on fitting the full observational model for comparing different observational likelihoods. Using data from four stocks, we show that the model fit is improved by modelling the correlation of observations within years. However, the best choice of observational likelihood differs for different stocks, and the choice is important for the short-term conclusions drawn from the assessment model; in particular, the choice can influence total allowable catch advise based on reference points.Comment: To be published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

    Choosing the observational likelihood in state-space stock assessment models

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    Data used in stock assessment models result from combinations of biological, ecological, fishery, and sampling processes. Since different types of errors propagate through these processes it can be difficult to identify a particular family of distributions for modelling errors on observations a priori. By implementing several observational likelihoods, modelling both numbers- and proportions-at-age, in an age based state-space stock assessment model, we compare the model fit for each choice of likelihood along with the implications for spawning stock biomass and average fishing mortality. We propose using AIC intervals based on fitting the full observational model for comparing different observational likelihoods. Using data from four stocks, we show that the model fit is improved by modelling the correlation of observations within years. However, the best choice of observational likelihood differs for different stocks, and the choice is important for the short-term conclusions drawn from the assessment model; in particular, the choice can influence total allowable catch advise based on reference points.Comment: To be published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

    From fishing to fish processing: Separation of fish from crustaceans in the Norway lobster-directed multispecies trawl fishery improves seafood quality

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    Fishing gears have negative impacts on seafood quality, especially on fish in the mixed trawl fishery targeting Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). In this fishery, which is worth about €80 millions in Denmark alone, the quality of fish can be significantly improved by simple gear changes. A trawl codend divided into an upper and lower codend was designed to separate fish from Norway lobster during the fishing process by encourage fish to swim into the upper codend by using a frame at the entrance of the lower codend. Separate codends for fish and Norway lobster in the same gear provide the opportunity to selectively reduce small low-value fish, which will reduce catch weight and sorting time onboard the vessel. For this horizontally divided test codend and a standard codend, in which the catch was mixed, quality assessments were performed on the same batches of fish during three steps of the value chain: i) aboard the fishing vessel; ii) at the Fishermen's Collection Central, and iii) in the production plant. Four species of fish and fillets from fish caught in the upper codend of the test codend were of significantly better quality for several of the assessed parameters compared with those caught in the standard codend: i) newly caught fish showed significantly less scale loss and discolourations and had significantly better texture; ii) landed fish had significantly better skin appearance and texture and significantly fewer discolourations; and iii) fillets showed significantly fewer blood spots and had significantly better texture. There were no differences in injuries for newly caught fish or gaping and bruises for fillets between the test and standard codends. The decrease in catch-related damages in the test codend is explained by little contact between fish and animals with hard or spiny surfaces due to successful separation of fish and Norway lobster into the upper and lower codends, respectively, and by lower catch weight in the upper codend of the test codend compared with the standard codend. The decrease in damages may also improve quality indirectly by inflicting less stress to the fish and subsequently give better texture, which offers advantages such as pre-rigor filleting and fresher products for the market. Significant improvements in fish quality can potentially increase the catch value in nationally important fisheries

    A Hidden Markov Movement Model for rapidly identifying behavioral states from animal tracks

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    Electronic telemetry is frequently used to document animal movement through time. Methods that can identify underlying behaviors driving specific movement patterns can help us understand how and why animals use available space, thereby aiding conservation and management efforts. For aquatic animal tracking data with significant measurement error, a Bayesian state‐space model called the first‐Difference Correlated Random Walk with Switching (DCRWS) has often been used for this purpose. However, for aquatic animals, highly accurate tracking data are now becoming more common. We developed a new hidden Markov model (HMM) for identifying behavioral states from animal tracks with negligible error, called the hidden Markov movement model (HMMM). We implemented as the basis for the HMMM the process equation of the DCRWS, but we used the method of maximum likelihood and the R package TMB for rapid model fitting. The HMMM was compared to a modified version of the DCRWS for highly accurate tracks, the DCRWS [Formula: see text] , and to a common HMM for animal tracks fitted with the R package moveHMM. We show that the HMMM is both accurate and suitable for multiple species by fitting it to real tracks from a grey seal, lake trout, and blue shark, as well as to simulated data. The HMMM is a fast and reliable tool for making meaningful inference from animal movement data that is ideally suited for ecologists who want to use the popular DCRWS implementation and have highly accurate tracking data. It additionally provides a groundwork for development of more complex modeling of animal movement with TMB. To facilitate its uptake, we make it available through the R package swim

    Mixed-stock analysis of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus): a tool for identifying management units and complex migration dynamics

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    We developed and validated a mixed-stock analysis (MSA) method with 59 single-nucleotide polymorphisms selected from genome-wide data to assign individuals to populations in mixed-stock samples of Atlantic herring from the North and Baltic seas. We analysed 3734 herring from spawning locations and scientific catches of mixed feeding stocks to demonstrate a "one-fits-all" tool with unprecedented accuracy for monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics throughout a large geographical range with complex stock mixing. We re-analysed time-series data (2002-2021) and compared inferences about stock composition with estimates from morphological data. We show that contributions from the western Baltic spring-spawning stock complex, which is under management concern, have likely been overestimated. We also show that a genetically distinctive population of western Baltic autumn spawners, ascribed low fisheries importance, contributes non-negligible and potentially temporally increasing proportions to mixed-stock aggregations, calling for a re-evaluation of stock definitions. MSA data can be implemented in stock assessment and in a variety of applications, including marine ecosystem description, impact assessment of specific fleets, and stock-rebuilding plans