248 research outputs found

    In adults: 47.2% have periodontitis! How about in orthodontic patients?

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    The occurrence of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease due to dental plaque in adults over 30 years of age was noticed in 47.2% of the 3,742 subjects studied, representing a 64.7 million people population in the 50 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia. The methods used by the authors were uniquely precise and the results brought us to great insight on the correlation between orthodontic treatment and periodontal health, which is described below.A prevalência de 47,2% da doença periodontal inflamatória crônica induzida pela placa dentobacteriana em adultos\ud com mais de 30 anos foi detectada em 3.742 adultos, que representaram estatisticamente 64,7 milhões de pessoas\ud de 50 estados e do distrito federal dos Estados Unidos da América. O método foi preciso e os resultados induzem\ud a alguns insights quanto à relação entre o tratamento ortodôntico e a saúde dos tecidos periodontais, que foram expostos\ud no texto desse trabalho

    Induced tooth movement: standardization of terms to describe the effects of forces on the periodontal ligament: compression/Traction instead of Pressure/Tension

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    There is no reason for Dentistry to use different terms for phenomena defined in Physics, the specific field in which concepts associated with forces are established and adapted. In place of pressure/tension, the compression/traction pair should be used. This study defines each one of these terms and justifies their use. Our contemporary world demands standardized criteria, methods, measures, concepts and terms to ensure that study protocols, results and applications are used in the same way in any country or area of human action

    Occlusal trauma can not be compared to orthodontic movement or Occlusal trauma in orthodontic practice and V-shaped recession

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    The mechanisms of tissue changes induced by occlusal trauma are in no way comparable to orthodontic movement. In both events the primary cause is of a physical nature, but the forces delivered to dental tissues exhibit completely different characteristics in terms of intensity, duration, direction, distribution, frequency and form of uptake by periodontal tissues. Consequently, the tissue effects induced by occlusal trauma are different from orthodontic movement. It can be argued that occlusal trauma generates a pathological tissue injury in an attempt to adapt to new excessive functional demands. Orthodontic movement, in turn,performs physiological periodontal bone remodeling to change the position of the teeth in a well-planned manner, eventually restoring normalcy

    Analysis of the dentin-pulp complex in teeth submitted to orthodontic movement in rats

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    In order to microscopically analyze the pulpal effects of orthodontic movement, 49 maxillary first molars of rats were submitted to orthodontic appliance composed of a closed coil spring anchored to the maxillary incisors, placed for the achievement of mesial movement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten animals were used as the control group and were not submitted to orthodontic force; the other animals were divided into groups according to the study period of tooth movement, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. The investigation of pulp and periodontal changes included hyalinization, fibrosis, reactive dentin and vascular congestion. Statistical evaluation was performed between control and experimental groups and between periods of observation using non-parametric chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference concerning pulpal changes between control and experimental groups nor between periods of observation. The control group, at 3 and 5 days, revealed greater hyalinization of the periodontal ligament (p<0.05), whereas root resorption was significantly greater at 5 and 7 days (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: No morphological change from the effect of induced tooth movement could be found in the dentin-pulp complex. In addition, no inflammatory or pulp degeneration, detectable in optical microscopy, was found in experimental groups

    Analysis of the dentin-pulp complex in teeth submitted to orthodontic movement in rats

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    In order to microscopically analyze the pulpal effects of orthodontic movement, 49 maxillary first molars of rats were submitted to orthodontic appliance composed of a closed coil spring anchored to the maxillary incisors, placed for the achievement of mesial movement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten animals were used as the control group and were not submitted to orthodontic force; the other animals were divided into groups according to the study period of tooth movement, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days. The investigation of pulp and periodontal changes included hyalinization, fibrosis, reactive dentin and vascular congestion. Statistical evaluation was performed between control and experimental groups and between periods of observation using non-parametric chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference concerning pulpal changes between control and experimental groups nor between periods of observation. The control group, at 3 and 5 days, revealed greater hyalinization of the periodontal ligament (

    Atividade fagocitaria de macrofagos e celulas gigantes multinucleadas em granulomas induzidos por esponjas de policlorovinil

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    Orientador: Mario Roberto VizioliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O granuloma induzido por esponja de policlorovinil (PVC) foi utilizado como modelo experimental, no qual o autor investigou o aparecimento e atividade fagoci tária de macrófagos e àe células gigantes multinucleadas. Foram utilizados trinta ratos divididos em dois grupos. No grupo I as esponjas foram implantadas no tecido subcutâneo dorsal, sendo considerado grupo controle e no grupo II, as esponjas de PVC implantadas foram impregnadas homogeneamente com partículas de carvão, para posterior marcação celular. Os granulomas formados foram removidos em períodos variáveis de três a quarenta e cinco dias após a implantação das esponjas, fixados e submetidos aos procedimentos de rotina para obtenção de cortes histológicos, corados pela hematoxilina e eosina. O número de macrófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas inflamatórias foi determinado pelo método de contagem em campos microscópicos isolados, cujos resultados foram estatisticamente nulos, e pelo método de contagem total, no qual toda superfície do corte histológico foi percorrida, obtendo-se assim resultados estatisticamente significantes. A atividade fagocitária celular foi determinada peIa contagem das partículas de carvão presentes no interior do citoplasma dos macrófagos e células gigantes multinucleadas presentes no granuloma. O autor observou que os macrófágos estavam presentes no granuloma desde a fase mais precocemente observada, terceiro dia, aumentando gradativamente até o vigésimo oitavo dia, a partir do qual permanecia estável, dentro de determinada faixa, até o quadragésimo quinto dia, apesar de pequenas variações. A atividade fagocitária celular dos macrófagos aumentava a medida que o granuloma evoluia, concentrando-se em determinadas áreas do tecido de granulação levando o autor sugerir a ação de fatores solúveis liberados no sítio inflamatório, que influenciaram sua migração e pro¬liferação. As células gigantes multinucleadas iniciaram seu aparecimento no granuloma a partir do décimo dia, aumentando gradativamente até o vigésimo quarto dia, mostrando uma diminuição no vigésimo oitavo dia,permanecendo estável dentro de determinada faixa com. pequenas variações, até o quadragésimo quinto dia, apresentando atividade fagocitária moderada em todas as fases de evolução, sugerindo a necessidade da fusão de macrófagos "velhos"com macrófagos jovens ou recém-chegados da circulação, para que ocorra a formação de células gigantes multinucleadas em granulomas induzidos por esponja de PVCAbstract: The granuloma induced by polyvinylchloride (PVC) sponge was used as an experimentalmodel to study the ar rival and the phagocitary activity of the macrophages and inflammatory multinucleate giant cells. It were used thirty (30) rats divided in two groups. In the first. group (I), the polyvinyl-chloride sponge was implanted in the dorsal subcutaneous tissue and considered as controlo In the second group (lI), the PVC sponge were impregnated uniformly by carbon particles and then implanted. Granulomata were removed at 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31, 35, 38 and 45 days after the implantation of the sponges, fixedin 10% formalin and then submited to routine procedures, in order to obtain slices stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The number of macrophages and inflám¬màtpry multinucleate cells were determinated by counting isolated microscopic fields and by the total counting method where the whole lamina were observed. The results fron isolated microscopic field were not considered because there is impossibility to apply a statistical analysis. By the other ahand, tnose got fron the total counting method were submited to Pearson's coeficiente. The author observed that the macropha¬ges were present in granulamata since the 3rd day, increaing their quantity úntill the 28th and kept constant until the 45th day, in spite of small variations. The macrophage phagocitary activity was increasing as the granuloma evoluted, and the macrophages were concentrated in certain areas of the granuloina, what can suggest a possible action'of a soluble factor present inthe inflammatory field which would influence their migration and proliferation.The multinucleated giant cells stated to appear in granulomata on the 10th day, increasing their number gradually until the 24th, and then kept constant until . the 45th day, with little variation. They presented moderated phagocitary activíty in all their evolutive phases, suggestlng the fusion of "old" 'with "young" or recently arrived macrophages fron the blood stream, in order to form an inflammatory multinucleate giant cell in the sponge induced granulomaMestradoPatologiaMestre em Biologia e Patologia Buco-Denta