5 research outputs found

    UV–C irradiation as a tool to eradicate algae in caves

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    Algal proliferation has commonly been reported to occur on monuments, such as crypts, churches, and caves, as soon as artificial lighting is used. In this work we study the effects of UV–C irradiation on algae collected in different caves in Dordogne (southwest of France). First, the effect of UV–C irradiation was tested on algal cell suspensions during increasing exposure times. After treatment, the photosynthetic capacity was assayed using a polarometric method, and algal cell viability was then estimated using a Trypan blue test after a rest period of 15 h. UV–C irradiation was then studied on algal cells cultivated on a solid support consisting of pieces of calcareous stone. Drops of concentrated algal cells were inoculated on stone and exposed to UV–C radiation for 3, 6, or 9 h. After this irradiation, half of the samples were submitted to a high white light intensity (1400 ÎŒmol m−2 s−1 of photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) for 6 h while the other half were incubated in the culture room. Subsequently, algal macroscopic parameters such as covering rate and colonized area were measured by macro photography. Both experiments led to the conclusion that UV–C irradiation has deleterious effects on photosynthetic parameters and growth of algal cells

    QualitĂ© des fromages fermiers lactiques : locaux et maitrise de l’affinage (LACTAFF)

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    Le programme LACTAFF (2012 – 2015) a eu pour objectif d’amĂ©liorer la maĂźtrise de l’affinage des fromages fermiers lactiques, technologie la plus couramment utilisĂ©e Ă  la ferme, en fournissant des outils et des rĂ©fĂ©rences aux producteurs et aux techniciens qui les accompagnent. Des enquĂȘtes menĂ©es dans 49 fermes des 6 principales rĂ©gions produisant ce type de fromage ont permis de caractĂ©riser la grande diversitĂ© des fromages fabriquĂ©s, des locaux, des Ă©quipements et des pratiques et d’établir des liens entre les grandes catĂ©gories de fromages et les pratiques, locaux et conditions d’ambiance. Par ailleurs, au laboratoire et en fromageries expĂ©rimentales, le rĂŽle clĂ© de l’hygromĂ©trie a Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ© en affinage, ainsi qu’au sĂ©chage oĂč la vitesse d’air joue un rĂŽle encore plus important. Les effets des paramĂštres d’ambiance sur la composition physico-chimique et les caractĂ©ristiques sensorielles des fromages ont Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ©s pour un type de fromage donnĂ©.The « LACTAFF » program (2012-2015) aimed at improving the control of goat lactic farmhouse cheese ripening, a technology frequently used by farmers, by producing tools and references for producers and the technicians guiding them. Surveys conducted in 49 farms in the 6 main regions producing this kind of cheeses allowed to characterize the great diversity of cheeses, premises, equipment and practices, and to link cheese categories with practices, premises characteristics and air production conditions. In laboratory and experimental dairies, the key role of humidity was quantified during ripening and during drying, in which air speed is even more important. Atmospheric parameters effects on cheeses physicochemical composition and sensory characteristics were quantified for one type of cheeses. Specialist experience of cheese technology, premises design and climate control equipment and technician experience were capitalized at the same time. This project led to the writing of technical documents available online and a book about lactic farmhouse cheeses ripening