123 research outputs found

    Analyse the risks of ad hoc programming in web development and develop a metrics of appropriate tools

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    Today the World Wide Web has become one of the most powerful tools for business promotion and social networking. As the use of websites and web applications to promote the businesses has increased drastically over the past few years, the complexity of managing them and protecting them from security threats has become a complicated task for the organizations. On the other hand, most of the web projects are at risk and less secure due to lack of quality programming. Although there are plenty of frameworks available for free in the market to improve the quality of programming, most of the programmers use ad hoc programming rather than using frameworks which could save their time and repeated work. The research identifies the different frameworks in PHP and .NET programming, and evaluates their benefits and drawbacks in the web application development. The research aims to help web development companies to minimize the risks involved in developing large web projects and develop a metrics of appropriate frameworks to be used for the specific projects. The study examined the way web applications were developed in different software companies and the advantages of using frameworks while developing them. The findings of the results show that it was not only the experience of developers that motivated them to use frameworks. The major conclusions and recommendations drawn from this research were that the main reasons behind web developers avoiding frameworks are that they are difficult to learn and implement. Also, the motivations factors for programmers towards using frameworks were self-efficiency, habit of learning new things and awareness about the benefits of frameworks. The research recommended companies to use appropriate frameworks to protect their projects against security threats like SQL injection and RSS injectio

    Optimisation of routing protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) to achieve higher quality of service for real time applications

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    The existing routing protocols for WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) are extensions of protocols originally designed for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and perform sub-optimally for the mesh connectivity of WMNs which degrades their performance in terms of increased latency in packet delivery, packet drops and decreased network throughput. The proposed research, currently at its inception, would investigate into capacity and limitations of current WMN routing protocols with respect to wireless technologies, platforms and relevant standards in context of routing requirements of identified real-time applications, namely, the disaster management and tele-health applications. The research would optimise the existing routing protocols for WMNs for the proposed applications to achieve higher quality of service, reliability and security of data access to meet their specialist requirements. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are increasingly being incorporated in disaster management solutions for access to information of disaster situation to improve effectiveness of rescue services. Currently, the routing requirements of disaster solution using WMN has been researched in context of active research project, “iSurvival- Mobile Mesh Networks for Disaster Management” , which utilises specialist applications on smart phones of end-users in the disaster area to establish WMNs using available heterogeneous wireless technologies from 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and others. These WMNs provide resilient and reconfigurable digital infrastructures, with users’ smart phones acting as routers in the connected mesh networks to facilitate routing and forwarding of information in the disaster are

    Method and process for routing and node addressing in wireless mesh networks

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    The algorithm proposed in this patent enables any node in a Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) to have knowledge of all intermediate nodes, in all the possible-routes towards the destination node. The algorithm uses a novel recursive algorithm to accumulate knowledge beyond the neighbouring nodes, as well as the sequence of all the intermediate nodes used to form these routes. Prime numbers are used in the address of the host portion of the WMN node IP address to identify the optimum route

    Evaluation study of IEEE 1609.4 performance for safety and non-safety messages dissemination

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    The IEEE 1609.4 was developed to support multi-channel operation and channel switching procedure in order to provide both safety and non-safety vehicular applications. However, this protocol has some drawback because it does not make efficient usage of channel bandwidth resources for single radio WAVE devices and suffer from high bounded delay and lost packet especially for large-scale networks in terms of the number of active nodes. This paper evaluates IEEE 1609.4 multi-channel protocol performance for safety and non-safety application and compare it with the IEEE 802.11p single channel protocol. Multi-channel and single channel protocols are analyzed in different environments to investigate their performance. By relying on a realistic dataset and using OMNeT++ simulation tool as network simulator, SUMO as traffic simulator and coupling them by employing Veins framework. Performance evaluation results show that the delay of single channel protocol IEEE 802.11p has been degraded 36% compared with multi-channel protocol

    A predefined channel coefficients library for vehicle-to-vehicle communications

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    It is noticeable that most of VANETs communications tests are assessed through simulation. In a majority of simulation results, the physical layer is often affected by an apparent lack of realism. Therefore, vehicular channel model has become a critical issue in the field of intelligent transport systems (ITS). To overcome the lack of realism problem, a more robust channel model is needed to reflect the reality. This paper provides an open access, predefined channel coefficients library. The library is based on 2x2 and 4x4 Multiple – Input – Multiple – Output (MIMO) systems in V2V communications, using a spatial channel model extended SCME which will help to reduce the overall simulation time. In addition, it provides a more realistic channel model for V2V communications; considering: over ranges of speeds, distances, multipath signals, sub-path signals, different angle of arrivals, different angle departures, no line of sight and line of sight. An intensive evaluation process has taken place to validate the library and acceptance results are produced. Having an open access predefined library, enables the researcher at relevant communities to test and evaluate several complicated vehicular communications scenarios in a wider manners with less time and efforts

    Sub 1GHz M2M communications standardization: The advancement in white space utilization for enhancing the energy efficiency

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    Energy efficiency of machine to machine (M2M) communications terminals is one of the major design goals of M2M networks, resulting from anticipated over 50 billion M2M communications devices to be deployed into the networks by 2020 [1]. The stakeholders in the M2M communications have observed that it will be environmental and economic catastrophic to deploy M2M communications devices without solving the energy inefficiencies associated with wireless devices that are expected to be used for M2M communications. In view of the aforementioned energy challenge, sub 1GHz spectra have provided enormous opportunities that can be energy efficient, cost effective and coverage efficiency which can be utilized for M2M communications. This work will evaluate the energy efficiency benefits of optimized Sub 1GHz spectra for M2M communications

    Game based cyber security training: are serious games suitable for cyber security training?

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    Security research and training is attracting a lot of investment and interest from governments and the private sector. Most efforts have focused on physical security, while cyber security or digital security has been given less importance. With recent high-profile attacks it has become clear that training in cyber security is needed. Serious Games have the capability to be effective tools for public engagement and behavioural change and role play games, are already used by security professionals. Thus cyber security seems especially well-suited to Serious Games. This paper investigates whether games can be effective cyber security training tools. The study is conducted by means of a structured literature review supplemented with a general web search. While there are early positive indications there is not yet enough evidence to draw any definite conclusions. There is a clear gap in target audience with almost all products and studies targeting the general public and very little attention given to IT professionals and managers. The products and studies also mostly work over a short period, while it is known that short-term interventions are not particularly effective at affecting behavioural change

    WiMAX-WiFi techniques for baseband convergence and routing protocols

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    The focus of this study was to investigate solutions that, when implemented in any heterogeneous wireless network, shall enhance the existing standard and routing protocol connectivity without impacting the standard or changing the wireless transceiver’s functions. Thus achieving efficient interoperability at much reduced overheads. The techniques proposed in this research are centred on the lower layers. This because of the facts that WiMax and WiFi standards have not addressed the backward compatibility of the two technologies at the MAC and PHY layers, for both the baseband functions as well as the routing IP addresses. This thesis describes two innovate techniques submitted for a PhD degree. The first technique is to combine WiMax and WiFi signals so to utilise the same "baseband implementation chain" to handle both of these technologies, thus insuring ubiquitous data communication. WiMax-WiFi Baseband Convergence (W2BC) implementation is proposed to offer an optimum configurable solution targeted at combining the 802.16d WiMax and the 802.11a WiFi technologies. This approach provides a fertile ground for future work into combining more OFDM based wireless technologies. Based on analysis and simulation, the W2BC can achieve saving in device cost, size, power consumption and implementation complexity when compared to current side-by-side implementations for these two technologies. The second technique, called "Prime-IP", can be implemented with, and enhance, any routing protocol. During the route discovery process, Prime-IP enables any node on a wireless mesh network (WMN) to dynamically select the best available route on the network. Prime-IP proposes a novel recursive process, based on prime numbers addressing, to accumulate knowledge for nodes beyond the “neighbouring nodes”, and to determine the sequence of all the “intermediate nodes” used to form the rout

    Employing VANET technology to alleviate road congestion in real time

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    Nowadays, traffic road jams are considered one of the most serious problems facing a large group of people, where many drivers die or are exposed to serious injuries because of road accidents that occur due to road congestion, driver's behaviour by disobeying the rules and traffic lights or bad management for traffic system. The eagerness on developing the deployment traffic road information among vehicles to reduce road accident and to make the journey more safe was the main motivation behind the improvement of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks VANETs. VANETs are a special category of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), which considered the cornerstone for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) that used to established communication among vehicles on a road using an infrastructure-less network. On this study, we will use graph model representation to design a novel algorithm which can deal with Instantaneous accident/incident occasions, road works and roads amendments to provide instant actions list to the transportation team to reduce congestion in shorter time, and to use wireless access technologies to send individual message to the relevant vehicles to avoid the congestion through Road Side Units (RSUs) devices. The aim of this research is to develop Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for a city (e.g. Northampton) using VANETs technology, specifically vehicle to infrastructure communications which lead to reducing the traffic congestion or mitigation. The performance of proposed study will be evaluated via various congested scenarios using simulations software (Omnet++, SUMO and Veins) to assess the validity of the proposed algorithm

    WebNSM a novel scalable WebRTC signalling mechanism for many-to-many video conferencing

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    There is a strong focus on the use of Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) for many-to-many video conferencing, while the IETF working group has left the signalling issue on the application layer. The main aim of this paper is to create a novel scalable WebRTC signalling mechanism called WebNSM for many-to-many (bi-directional) video conferencing. WebNSM was designed for unlimited users over the mesh topology based on Socket.io (API) mechanism. A real implementation was achieved via LAN and WAN networks, including the evaluation of bandwidth consumption, CPU performance, memory usage, maximum links and RTPs calculation; and Quality of Experience (QoE). In addition, this application supplies video conferencing on different browsers without having to download additional software or user registration. The results present a novel signalling mechanism among various users, devices and networks to open one or multi rooms at the same time using the same server, determine room initiator to keep the session active even if the initiator or another peer leaves, sharing new user with current participants, etc. Moreover, this experiment highlights the limitations of CPU performance, bandwidth consumption and using mesh topology for WebRTC video conferencing
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