242 research outputs found
Behavioral Economics and Its Positive Impact on Overcoming the Corona Pandemic Among Owners of Small and Medium Enterprises
In this study, we investigate the role of behavioral economics in assisting small and medium enterprise (SME) owners in overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. By understanding the psychological factors that influence decision-making, behavioral economics provides insights into biases and heuristics that can cloud judgment during times of uncertainty and stress. This understanding helps SME owners make more rational choices and offers practical strategies to promote positive behaviors and mitigate the negative impact of the pandemic. Clear and timely communication is essential, enabling SME owners to access vital information about government support programs, safety protocols, and financial assistance. Behavioral economics also addresses the psychological barriers that hinder compliance with health and safety measures, leading to the development of effective interventions that appeal to social norms, use positive framing, and provide incentives. The importance of social support networks and community engagement is emphasized, as they provide emotional support, shared knowledge, and learning opportunities for SME owners. Overall, behavioral economics offers valuable insights and strategies for SME owners to navigate the challenges of the pandemic and develop resilience
COVID-19 Outbreak: Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Nursing Students' Awareness and Health Beliefs at Najran University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This study aimed to investigate the effect of an educational intervention based on the health belief model (HBM) about COVID-19 on nursing students' awareness and health beliefs. A true-experimental research design was conducted at nursing college, Najran University, KSA. A comprehensive sampling was followed to include all female students at the colleges (164 students). The sample was divided randomly into intervention (82) and control group (82). The educational intervention was designed and conducted based on the HBM through four sequential phases: assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The current study results indicated no statistically significant differences between intervention and control groups concerning their demographic characteristic, awareness, and health beliefs before intervention. After intervention, significant differences (p< 0.05) were observed between intervention and control groups in their awareness and all HBM constructs regarding COVID19. There were positive, statistically significant correlations (P< 0.05) between participants' total HBM score and their total awareness score. This study concluded that HBM is effective in increasing nursing students' awareness regarding COVID-19. It also increases their perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefits. Besides, it may increase their self-efficacy to overcome perceived barriers to practice protective and preventive actions while dealing with COVID-19.
Keywords: Awareness, COVID-19, Health belief model, Nursing students, Saudi Arabia
Cette étude visait à étudier l'effet d'une intervention éducative basée sur le modèle de croyance en santé (HBM) à propos du COVID-19 sur la sensibilisation des étudiants en soins infirmiers et leurs croyances en matière de santé. Une conception de recherche véritablement expérimentale a été menée au collège d'infirmières de l'Université de Najran, en Arabie Saoudite. Un échantillonnage complet a été suivi pour inclure toutes les étudiantes des collèges (164 étudiantes). L'échantillon a été divisé au hasard en groupe d'intervention (82) et groupe témoin (82). L'intervention éducative a été conçue et menée sur la base du HBM à travers quatre phases séquentielles: évaluation, planification, mise en oeuvre et évaluation. Les résultats de l'étude actuelle n'ont indiqué aucune différence statistiquement significative entre les groupes d'intervention et de contrôle concernant leurs caractéristiques démographiques, leur sensibilisation et leurs croyances en matière de santé avant l'intervention. Aprèsl'intervention, des différences significatives (p <0,05) ont été observées entre les groupes d'intervention et de contrôle dans leur connaissance et tutes les constructions HBM concernant COVID19. Il y avait des corrélations positives et statistiquement significatives (P <0,05) entre le score HBM total des participants et leur score total de sensibilisation. Cette étude a conclu que HBM est efficace pour sensibiliser les étudiants en sciences infirmières au COVID-19. Cela augmente également leur sensibilité, leur gravité et leurs avantages perçus. En outre, cela peut augmenter leur efficacité personnelle pour surmonter les obstacles perçus à la pratique d'actions de protection et de prévention tout en traitant le COVID-19.
Mots-clés: Sensibilisation, COVID-19, modèle de croyance en matière de santé, étudiants en sciences infirmières, Arabie saoudit
Evaluation of locally-administered controlled-release doxycycline hyclate gel in smokers and non-smokers in the management of periodontitis: An Indian study
Purpose: To assess the clinical and biological effect of locally-administered controlled-release 10 % doxycycline hyclate gel in smokers and non-smokers for the management of periodontitis.
Methods: Forty periodontitis patients were enrolled in this study from December 2012 to February 2013 at the Department of Periodontology and Implantology of the Institute of Dental Sciences and Dental Unit of Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. For each patient, probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), and sulcular bleeding index (SBI) were recorded. Changes in microbial counts were assessed by measuring colonyforming units (CFU) of three major periodontal pathogens. Clinical and microbial parameters were recorded at baseline and one month after scaling and root planing plus controlled local drug delivery of 10 % doxycycline hyclate gel in smokers and non-smokers.
Results: A statistically significant change (p < 0.01) in PPD was observed among smokers between baseline (4.26 ± 0.12mm) and re-evaluation at one month (3.20 ± 0.11) with a change of 24.88 %. A statistically significant difference was found between smokers and non-smokers in PPD at the end of a 1-month re-evaluation (p < 0.05). None of the other parameters showed improvement in smokers following treatment.
Conclusion: These results indicate that 10 % doxycycline hyclate gel, when administered locally into the periodontal pocket, shows clinical and microbial improvement, among smokers and non-smokers, in the management of periodontitis. Therefore, 10 % doxycycline gel is potentially an effective therapeutic strategy in the management of periodontitis
The role of self-esteem and self-efficacy in women empowerment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study
The study aimed to explore the role of self-esteem and self-efficacy in women empowerment among academic and administrative staff at Saudi universities. A cross-sectional design was carried out at 15 governmental universities. A multistage cluster sampling technique was used to select 5587 participants. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the predictive relation. Data collection included socio-demographic variables, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, general self-efficacy scale, and women empowerment scale. The results indicated that study participants' self-esteem was equally distributed between moderate (49.8%) and high (50.2%). Also, 66.9% of the participants had high self-efficacy, and 86.8% had high total women's empowerment. Regression coefficient showed that self-esteem (B=0.521, b=0.127, t=13.785 and p<0.001) and self-efficacy (B=2.388, b=0.702, t=76.049 and p<0.001) are important predictors of the total women empowerment. However, self-efficacy was observed to be the most dominant predictor (t=76.049). The total model summary shows that 73.4% of the women empowerment level can be predicted through self-esteem and self-efficacy. The study results can be used as a base to build women empowerment programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and help to achieve the 2030 KSA vision regarding women empowerment.
Keywords: Self-esteem, self-efficacy, women empowerment, 2030 KSA vision
L'étude visait à explorer le rôle de l'estime de soi et de l'efficacité personnelle dans l'autonomisation des femmes parmi le personnelacadémique et administratif des universités saoudiennes. Une conception transversale a été réalisée dans 15 universités gouvernementales. Une technique d'échantillonnage en grappes à plusieurs degrés a été utilisée pour sélectionner 5587 participants.Une régression linéaire multiple a été utilisée pour analyser la relation prédictive. La collecte de données comprenait des variablessociodémographiques, une échelle d'estime de soi de Rosenberg, une échelle d'auto-efficacité générale et une échelle d'autonomisation des femmes. Les résultats ont indiqué que l'estime de soi des participants à l'étude était également répartie entremodérée (49,8%) et élevée (50,2%). En outre, 66,9% des participants avaient une auto-efficacité élevée et 86,8% avaient une forteautonomisation totale des femmes. Le coefficient de régression a montré que l'estime de soi (B = 0,521, b = 0,127, t = 13,785 et p<0,001) et l'auto-efficacité (B = 2,388, b = 0,702, t = 76,049 et p <0,001) sont des prédicteurs importants du l'autonomisation totaledes femmes. Cependant, l'auto-efficacité a été observée comme le prédicteur le plus dominant (t = 76,049). Le résumé total dumodèle montre que 73,4% du niveau d'autonomisation des femmes peut être prédit grâce à l'estime de soi et à l'auto-efficacité. Lesrésultats de l'étude peuvent être utilisés comme base pour élaborer des programmes d'autonomisation des femmes dans le Royaumed'Arabie saoudite (KSA) et aider à réaliser la vision 2030 de la KSA concernant l'autonomisation des femmes.
Mots-clés: Estime de soi, efficacité personnelle, autonomisation des femmes, vision 2030 KS
MicroRNA-34a: A Key Regulator in the Hallmarks of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) incidence has increased over the past two decades. Recent studies reported microRNAs as promising biomarkers for early cancer detection, accurate prognosis, and molecular targets for future treatment. This study aimed to evaluate the expression levels of miR-34a and 11 of its bioinformatically selected target genes and proteins to test their potential dysregulation in RCC. Quantitative real-time PCR for miR-34a and its targets; MET oncogene; gene-regulating apoptosis (TP53INP2 and DFFA); cell proliferation (E2F3); and cell differentiation (SOX2 and TGFB3) as well as immunohistochemical assay for VEGFA, TP53, Bcl2, TGFB1, and Ki67 protein expression have been performed in 85 FFPE RCC tumor specimens. Clinicopathological parameter correlation and in silico network analysis have also implicated. We found RCC tissues displayed significantly higher miR-34a expression level than their corresponding noncancerous tissues, particularly in chromophobic subtype. MET and E2F3 were significantly upregulated, while TP53INP2 and SOX2 were downregulated. ROC analysis showed high diagnostic performance of miR-34a (AUC = 0.854), MET (AUC = 0.765), and E2F3 (AUC = 0.761). The advanced pathological grade was associated with strong TGFB1, VEGFA, and Ki67 protein expression and absent Tp53 staining. These findings indicate miR-34a along with its putative target genes could play a role in RCC tumorigenesis and progression
Perceived and real barriers to workplace empowerment among women at Saudi universities: A cross-sectional study
Academic women in the Arab world, especially Saudi women, have numerous barriers inhibiting their leadership power at the workplace. The current study explores the perceived and real barriers to workplace empowerment among women at Saudi universities. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at 15 Saudi governmental universities. A multistage cluster sampling technique was followed to select (5587 participants) The data collection started from the beginning of April to the beginning of September 2020. SPSS 23.0 was used to analyze data using descriptive statistics. Multiple linear regression was used to identify the real barriers to women empowerment at the workplace. The study showed that 52.1% of the study participants had moderate workplace empowerment, and only 10.2% have a low level. Regarding perceived barriers to workplace empowerment, 42.6% of the participants agree that male dominance was a barrier. Moreover, 36.2% of the participants agreed and strongly agree that the customs and traditions are a barrier to women empowerment at the workplace. Multiple linear regression showed that age, followed by years of experience (p<0.000), were the most significant demographic predictors of women empowerment at the workplace. Moreover, positive attitude, high self-esteem, and good knowledge (p<0.000) were considered other variables that positively predict women's empowerment at the workplace. The experience of gender-based violence (p<0.000) was a negative predictor of women empowerment at the workplace. The study concluded that around 62.3% of Saudi female academics and administrative staff have moderate or low workplace empowerment at Saudi Universities. Male dominance is perceived as the highest barrier.
Keywords: Barriers, workplace empowerment, Saudi wome
Correlation between koilocytes and human papillomavirus detection by PCR in oral and oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma biopsies
The purpose of this study was to compare the histopathological analysis with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods to predict the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma biopsies. Eighty-three paraffin-embedded tissue specimens from patients with oropharynx and mouth floor squamous cell carcinoma were submitted to histopathological analysis under light microscopy, specifically for the determination of the presence of koilocytes. Subsequently, DNA was purified from the same paraffin-embedded specimens and submitted to PCR. Fisher's exact test showed no statistically significant correlation between the two methods. The results suggest that the presence of koilocytes is unreliable for the detection of HPV presence in oral and oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma
Lung carcinoma with hypertrophic osteoarthropathy in a teenager
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) characterised by arthralgia, clubbing and periosteal proliferation of long bones, is rarely encountered in children and adolescents. Whereas in adults over 80% of cases are associated with malignancy, in children the majority of cases are due to non-neoplastic causes such as cystic fibrosis, bilary atresia and congenital heart disease. Up to 5% of adults with lung cancer demonstrate signs of HOA. However, lung cancer is extremely uncommon in children and young people. Here we report a case of lung adenocarcinoma in an 18 year old male associated with HOA present both at diagnosis and at subsequent disease progression
Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board
Background: The Editorial Board of EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry releases a biannual highlight commentary to update the readership on trends in the field of radiopharmaceutical development. Main Body: This commentary of highlights has resulted in 21 different topics selected by each coauthoring Editorial Board member addressing a variety of aspects ranging from novel radiochemistry to first in man application of novel radiopharmaceuticals. Conclusion: Trends in radiochemistry and radiopharmacy are highlighted demonstrating the progress in the research field in various topics including new PET-labelling methods, FAPI-tracers and imaging, and radionuclide therapy being the scope of EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry
Genetic Analysis of Viruses Associated with Emergence of Rift Valley Fever in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, 2000-01
The first confirmed Rift Valley fever outbreak outside Africa was reported in September 2000, in the Arabian Peninsula. As of February 2001, a total of 884 hospitalized patients were identified in Saudi Arabia, with 124 deaths. In Yemen, 1,087 cases occurred, with 121 deaths. Laboratory diagnosis of Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) infections included virus genetic detection and characterization of clinical specimens by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, in addition to serologic tests and virus isolation. Genetic analysis of selected regions of virus S, M, and L RNA genome segments indicated little genetic variation among the viruses associated with disease. The Saudi Arabia and Yemen viruses were almost identical to those associated with earlier RVF epidemics in East Africa. Analysis of S, M, and L RNA genome segment sequence differences showed similar phylogenetic relationships among these viruses, indicating that genetic reassortment did not play an important role in the emergence of this virus in the Arabian Peninsula. These results are consistent with the recent introduction of RVFV into the Arabian Peninsula from East Africa
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