28 research outputs found

    The Effect of Social Media Addiction on Premenstruel Syndrome and Sleep Quality

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the impact of social media addiction on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and sleep quality. Material-Method: The study population consisted of female students enrolled in the Health Sciences Faculty of a public university (n=884). Data were collected using the "Personal Information Form," "Social Media Addiction Scale (SMAS)," "Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS)," and "Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)" instruments. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and Linear Regression Analysis were used for statistical evaluation. Results: The mean age of the students was 20.40±1.65, and the mean age of menarche was 13.42±1.60. The mean total score for PMSS was 129.57±37.75, the mean total score for SMAS was 12.93±4.84, and the mean score for PSQI was 13.22±2.04. The correlation analysis revealed a positive relationship between SMAS and the total scores of PMSS and PSQI (r=.325, p=.000; r=271, p=.000). In addition, as a result of the regression analysis, a 1-unit change in the social media addiction scale score causes a positive increase of .325 units (β) on the total score of the premenstrual syndrome scale and a positive increase of 0.444 units (β) on the total score of the PSQI. Conclusion: Social media addiction was found to be an effective variable in increasing premenstrual syndrome symptoms and poor sleep quality

    Determining the Relationship Between the Frequency of Urinary Incontinence, Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Menopausal Women

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    Objective:Though urinary incontinence (UI) is not a life-threatening health problem, it may have significant physical and psychological effects on women’s social and family life. Most women delay seeking help since they are embarrassed or do not consider UI a health problem, causing a gradual increase in the symptoms of UI. This study aims to determine the relationship between the frequency of UI, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in menopause women.Method:The sample of this descriptive study comprised 112 participants from Northern Cyprus between October and December 2022. Personal information form, urogenital distress inventory (UDI-6), incontinence impact questionnaire (IIQ-7) and depression, anxiety, stress scale-21 (DASS-21) were used for data collection. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was used for two-group comparison. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between two continuous variables. Number, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used as descriptive statistics. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.Results:The mean scores obtained by the participants with UI from all scales and their subscales were significantly higher than the participants without UI (p<0.05). There was a positive, moderate and statistically significant relationship between the UDI-6, IIQ-7 and the depression, anxiety and stress subscales of DASS-21 (r=0.634, p<0.001; r=0.449, p<0.001; r=0.609, p<0.001; r=0.449, p<0.001, r=0.492 p<0.001, respectively). In addition, it was also found a positive, moderate and statistically significant relationship between the IIQ-7 and the depression, anxiety and stress subscales of DASS-21 (r=0.517, p<0.001; r=0.591, p<0.001; r=0.619, p<0.001, respectively).Conclusion:This study found that a higher frequency of UI in menopausal women reduced the quality of life and increased the levels of depression, anxiety and stress

    Chilaiditi syndrome in a child with cerebral palsy presenting with recurrent abdominal pain

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    Introduction: The hepatodiafragmatic interposition of colon is called Chilaiditi sign. For symptomatic patients, the term “Chilaiditi syndrome” is used, this term was first reported in 1911 by Demetrius Chilaiditi, a Viennese radiologist, in three asymptomatic patients. Patients are commonly asymptomatic, and some patients may apply with gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms such as abdominal pain or chest pain. In the study of Lekkas et al, the incidence of Chilaiditi syndrome in mental retarded patients was reported to be 63 times higher than normal population.Case Presentation: High liver dome and elevated right diaphragm, hepatic flexura replaced between liver and anterior wall of abdomen were observed in chest radiography and abdominal computer tomography of our 6,5 year old male patient with cerebral palsy who has mental retardation and recurrent abdominal pain in medical history.Conclusions: In conclusion, Chilaiditi syndrome should be considered in mental retarded children with recurrent abdominal pain.Keywords: Child, chilaiditi syndrome, recurrent abdominal pain, mental retardation, cerebral pals

    Characteristic Features of Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1

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    Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF-1) is the most common, progressive, multisystemic, autosomal dominant neurocutaneous syndrome. Its clinical features begin to present during childhood. Early diagnosis and follow-up of children with NF-1 is necessary due to predisposition to tumors and complications. Herein we aimed to evaluate patient characteristics', neuroradiologic findings and frequency of tumors in children with NF-1 who have been followed up at our center from January 1989 to June 2008. Medical records of 64 children with NF-1 were analized retrospectively for age, gender, diagnostic criteria for NF-1, unidentified bright objects (UBOs) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), complications related to NF-1, and tumors. The median age of patients was 9.5 years (0.5 18), M:F ratio was 1.2. The incidence of the diagnostic criteria were as following, café au lait spots: 100%, freckling: 62.5%,neurofibromas ± plexiform neurofibromas: 47%, Lisch nodules: 38%, optic gliomas: 11%,distinctive osseous lesions: 11%, and first degree relative with NF- 1: 30%. Cranial MRI had been performed in 38 patients, and 58% of them revealed UBOs. The most common complications were kyphoscoliosis (19%), convulsion (11%). Benign tumors and malignant ± benign tumors developed in52%and19%of patients, respectively. The importance of careful physical examination was showed by the high frequency of positive clinical diagnostic criteria of NF-1. The frequency of UBOs on MRI was high in children with NF-1. This was suggested that neuroradiologic findings may be proposed as an additional diagnostic criterion for NF-1, particularly for young children who didn't meet the diagnostic criteria. Management and follow up of complications related to NF-1, and offering genetic counseling to parents could be making by early diagnosis of NF-1 in childhood. The predisposition to tumors and the high frequencies of complications related to NF-1 were showed that the importance of multidisciplinary follow up of children with NF-1.Nörofibromatozis Tip1 (NF1) toplumda en sık karsılasılan, klinik bulguları çocukluk çagında ortaya çıkmaya baslayan, zamanla ilerleyici seyir göstererek pek çok sistemi etkileyebilen otozomal dominant geçisli bir nörokutan sendromdur. Beniyn ve maliyn tümör gelismesine yatkınlık yaratması ve NF1 iliskili komplikasyonlar nedeniyle, NF1' in çocukluk çagında erken tanısı ve klinik izlemi önemlidir. Bu çalısmada merkezimizde Ocak 1989-Haziran 2008 tarihleri arasında, NF1 tanısıyla izlenen çocuk hastaların karakteristik özellikleri, nöroradyolojik bulguları ve tümör sıklıgınındegerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıstır. Nörofibromatozis Tip1 tanı kriterlerini karsılayan 64 hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların yas, cinsiyet, NF1 tanı kriterleri, manyetik rezonans görüntülemede (MRG) tanımlanmamıs parlak objelerin (UBO: unidentified bright objects) görülme sıklıgı, NF1 iliskili komplikasyonlar, gelisen tümörler degerlendirildi. Hastaların ortanca tanı yası 9.5 yas (0.5 18), E:K oranı 1.2 bulundu. Tanı kriterlerinin sıklıgı: sütlü kahve lekeleri %100, çillenme %62.5, nörofibrom veya pleksiform nörofibrom %47, Lisch nodülü %38, optik gliom %11, kemik lezyonu %11, birinci derece akrabalarda NF1 tanısı %30 bulundu. Kraniyal MRG yapılan 38 hastadan 58%'inde UBO mevcuttu. En sık gelisen komplikasyonlar; kifoskolyoz (%19) ve konvülzyondu (%11). Hastaların %52'inde beniyn, %19'inde maliyn±beniyn tümörler gelismisti. Nörofibromatozis Tip1'in fizik inceleme ile saptanabilen klinik tanısal kriterlerinin sıklıgı, iyi bir fizik incelemenin önemini göstermektedir. Kraniyal MRG ile NF1 tanılı çocuk hastalarda yüksek oranda UBO pozitifligi izlendigi görülmüstür. Bu bulgu, özellikle henüz klinik bulguları NF1 kriterlerini karsılamayan küçük yas grubunda nöroradyolojik bulguların ek bir kriter olarak arastırılmasının hastaların erken tanısını saglayabilecegini düsündürmektedir. Erken tanı ile hem çocukta gelisebilecek problemlerin izlemi ve tedavisi, hem de ailelere genetik danısma verilmesi saglanabilecektir. Beniyn ve maliyn tümörlere yatkınlık ve diger NF1 iliskili komplikasyonların sıklıgının yüksek olması, NF1 tanılı çocukların multidisipliner izleminin önemini göstermistir

    Inflammatory Markers in Patients Using Domiciliary Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation: C Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin, Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio

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    Aim: Early identification and treatment of infections in patients using domiciliary non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) due to chronic respiratory failure (CRF) can reduce hospital admissions. We assessed C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, and neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as indicators of infection/inflammation.Methods: The study was designed as a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study, and was performed in 2016 in an intensive care unit outpatient clinic in patients using NIMV. Patients who came to the outpatient clinic with dyspnea, increased sputum, increased prothrombin, and who had hemogram, procalcitonin, and serum CRP, NLR, and PLT/MPV levels assessed, were enrolled into the study. Demographic characteristics, co-morbid diseases, respiratory symptoms, hemogram, biochemistry, CRP, and procalcitonin values in stable and acute attack patients were recorded from patient files. The descriptive statistics and CRP, NLR, and procalcitonin values were assessed.Results: During the study period, 49 patients (24 female) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, n = 24), obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS, n = 15), or interstitial lung disease, n = 10), and having had three inflammatory markers assessed, were included in the study. Their mean age was 67 (SD ± 12). Stable patients vs. those who had an acute attack was 41 vs. eight, and within 7 days of outpatient admission four patients were hospitalized. CRP, NLR, and PLT/MPV values were similar in patients' who had sputum purulence, and an increase in dyspnea and sputum, but procalcitonin was significantly higher in patients who had an acute attack. Procalcitonin was not correlated with CRP, NLR, and PLT/MPV.Conclusions: Patients with CRF had similar levels of CRP and NLR during a stable and acute attack state. Procalcitonin may be a better marker for therapeutic decisions in advanced chronic inflammatory diseases

    Bir su ürünleri işletmesinde geleneksel ve hızlı test yöntemler ile Listeria türlerinin saptanması

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    Bu çalışma bir su ürünleri işleme tesisinde Listeria türlerinin kontaminasyonunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla bir su ürünleri işleme tesisinden alınmış olan hem çevresel hem gıda örneklerinde geleneksel yöntem ve hızlı test yöntemi ile Listeria türleri aranmıştır. Aynı zamanda gıda ve çevresel örneklerde, çalışması immünolojik prensiplere dayanan TECRA Unique Listeria Test kullanılarak testin etkinliği tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında İzmir çevresindeki faaliyette olan bir su ürünleri işleme tesisine iki farklı zamanda gidilmiştir. Örnekleme döneminde işletmede üretilmiş olan su ürünleri (taze hamsi fileto, ahtapot salatası, hamsi salatası, taze karides, vb.) ile birlikte zemin, plastik kasalar, taşıma bantları, plastik eldivenler, önlükler, tezgahlar ve işletmede kullanılan su olmak üzere toplam 40 örnek (her örneklemede 20’şer örnek) analize alınmıştır. Birinci örnekleme sonuçlarına göre geleneksel yöntem ile 20 örneğin 3’ünde (% 15) Listeria türleri izole edilirken, bu mikroorganizma türleri hızlı yöntem ile izole edilmemiştir. Bu 3 izolattan su örneğinden izole edileni Listeria monocytogenes olarak saptanmıştır. Diğer 2 izolat ise zemin ve taze mürekkep balığından izole edilerek bu izolatların diğer Listeria türlerine ait olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İkinci örnekleme sonuçlarına göre geleneksel yöntem ile 20 örneğin sadece 1’inde (taze karides, % 5) Listeria türü izole edildiği halde hızlı yöntem ile bu mikroorganizma izole edilmemiştir. Sonuç olarak geleneksel yöntem ile toplam 40 örneğin 4’ünde (% 10) Listeria türleri tespit edilirken hızlı test yöntemi Listeria türlerinin izole edilmesinde yetersiz kalmıştır. Ayrıca yapılan çalışma ile su ürünleri işletmesinin Listeria türleri ile kontaminasyonunun oldukça düşük olduğu saptanmıştır

    Cinsel saldırı suçu (5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu m.102)

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    Adı Soyadı-Anabilim Dalı-Tez Türü: Özgün Sinem AKSOY-Hukuk-Yüksek Lisans CİNSEL SALDIRI SUÇU Cinsel Saldırı Suçu 5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun Kişilere Karşı Suçları cezalandıran İkinci Kısmının, Cinsel Dokunulmazlığa Karşı Suçlar başlıklı Altıncı Bölümünde 102 nci maddede düzenlenmiştir. Bu düzenlemeyle kişinin vücut ve cinsel dokunulmazlığı, dolayısıyla cinsel özgürlüğü koruma altına alınmak istendiğinden oldukça isabetli olmuştur. Maddenin birinci fıkrasında suçun temel şekli, ikinci ve üçüncü fıkrada suçun daha ağır cezayı gerektiren nitelikli halleri, beşinci ve altıncı fıkralarda suçun neticesi sebebiyle ağırlaşmış halleri, dördüncü fıkrada ise, özel bir içtima hükmü düzenlenmiştir. Failin mağdurla suç sonrası evlenmesi suretiyle cezadan kurtulması hususunun yeni düzenlemede yer almayışı, suçun nitelikli halinin eşe karşı işlenebileceğinin madde metninde yer alması, suçun herhangi bir organ veya cisimle işlenebilmesi, suçun anal veya oral yolla da gerçekleşebilmesi kanun koyucunun suça bakış açısının toplumun günümüzde ilkel sayılabilecek bakış açısıyla sınırlı kalmadığının, inceleme konusu suça çağdaş ceza hukuku normları çerçevesinde yaklaştığının en belirgin yansımalarıdır. Düzenlemenin birçok tartışmaya konu olan yönü, suçun nitelikli halinin ayrı bir maddede düzenlenmemiş olmasıdır. Bu durum özellikle suça teşebbüs açısından eleştirilere neden olmuştur. Doktrinde ve yüksek mahkeme kararlarında, suçun nitelikli halinde teşebbüs hükümlerinin uygulanması gerektiği görüşü savunulmaktadır. Kanaatimizce, maddenin ikinci fıkrasında, birinci fıkrada düzenlenen suça nazaran ayrı ve bağımsız bir suç tanımı bulunmadığından, suçun temel şekline nazaran daha fazla cezayı gerektiren nitelikli bir unsura yer verildiğinden, cinsel saldırı suçunun nitelikli haline teşebbüs hükümleri uygulanmamalıdır. Sonuç olarak, cinsel saldırı suçuna ilişkin düzenleme, maruz kaldığı eleştirilere rağmen, cinsel dokunulmazlığı koruma altına alma amacı dikkate alındığında çağdaş ceza hukuku ilkelerine göre hazırlanmış bir düzenlemedir. Mevcut düzenlemenin içinde barındırdığı eksikliklerin ve uygulama sorunlarının ortadan kalkacağı görüşündeyiz. ABSTRACT THE CRİME OF SEXUALL ASSAULT The Crime of sexual assault is regulated in Article 102 of 6. part named crimes against sexual immunity of second part punishing crimes against people of Turkish Penal Code numbered 5237. It is very appropriate to regulate the protection of sexual immunity accordingly aiming sexual freedom of a person with this article. In the first sentence of the Article, basic figure; in the second and third articles of the Article characteristic cases which increase the punishment and in the fifth and sixth sentences of the Article, aggravated cases due to consequences of the crime of sexual assault is regulated. 4. sentence regulates a special concurrence provision. To not to contain the provision regarding escaping the punishment by getting married with the victim of the crime in the new code, regulating that the aggravated cases may be committed against the wife, the crime may be committed with an organ or an object, crime may be committed in anal or oral ways is the most distinctive reflection of considering this crime subject to the review not with a barbaric point of view but within the framework of norms of contemporary criminal jurisdictions. The point of this provision which causes many argumentations is the aggravated cases of this crime are not regulated with a separate provision. This situation is being criticized from attempt to the crime point of view. In doctrine and decision of the Supreme Court it is being defended that attempt provisions should be applied for the aggravated cases of the crime. A definition of the crime is not regulated in the second sentence of Article 102 which is different than the first sentence. A more aggravated factor that needs more punishment is regulated instead of basic figure of the crime. In our opinion, due to this situation, provisions regarding attempt should not be applied to the aggravated cases of the crime. In conclusion, despite the criticisms, the provision regarding sexual assault is a provision regulated within the basis of contemporary criminal law principals because of aiming protection of sexual immunity. We think the deficiencies in the existing provision and problems faced in practice shall be removed

    A study of organo-modified clay type on pet-clay based nanocomposite properties

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    Nowadays, there are many studies regarding with nanocomposite production including nano particles which aimed to gain many properties such as better strength, self-cleaning, and resistance to flammability into synthetic polymers. In nanocomposite production, the materials like clay, silica, metal oxides such as TiO2, Al2O3 are used. In present study, three different organically modified montmorillonite (MMT) clays of Cloisite 10A, 15A and 30B (3%) were added into polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymer. Nanoclay and PET polymer were combined with melt blending method in terms of twin screw extruder. Internal and morphological properties of PET/clay nanocomposites were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and XRD curves. And also, chemical and thermal properties of nanocomposite samples were studied. The findings and results of nanocomposites were compared with that of PET polymer. At the end of the study, the changes in PET polymer and the effect of clay type on material properties were determined