115 research outputs found

    Beaming Displays

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    Existing near-eye display designs struggle to balance between multiple trade-offs such as form factor, weight, computational requirements, and battery life. These design trade-offs are major obstacles on the path towards an all-day usable near-eye display. In this work, we address these trade-offs by, paradoxically, removing the display from near-eye displays. We present the beaming displays, a new type of near-eye display system that uses a projector and an all passive wearable headset. We modify an off-the-shelf projector with additional lenses. We install such a projector to the environment to beam images from a distance to a passive wearable headset. The beaming projection system tracks the current position of a wearable headset to project distortion-free images with correct perspectives. In our system, a wearable headset guides the beamed images to a user’s retina, which are then perceived as an augmented scene within a user’s field of view. In addition to providing the system design of the beaming display, we provide a physical prototype and show that the beaming display can provide resolutions as high as consumer-level near-eye displays. We also discuss the different aspects of the design space for our proposal

    Optimizing vision and visuals: lectures on cameras, displays and perception

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    The evolution of the internet is underway, where immersive virtual 3D environments (commonly known as metaverse or telelife) will replace flat 2D interfaces. Crucial ingredients in this transformation are next-generation displays and cameras representing genuinely 3D visuals while meeting the human visual system's perceptual requirements. This course will provide a fast-paced introduction to optimization methods for next-generation interfaces geared towards immersive virtual 3D environments. Firstly, we will introduce lensless cameras for high dimensional compressive sensing (e.g., single exposure capture to a video or one-shot 3D). Our audience will learn to process images from a lensless camera at the end. Secondly, we introduce holographic displays as a potential candidate for next-generation displays. By the end of this course, you will learn to create your 3D images that can be viewed using a standard holographic display. Lastly, we will introduce perceptual guidance that could be an integral part of the optimization routines of displays and cameras. Our audience will gather experience in integrating perception to display and camera optimizations. This course targets a wide range of audiences, from domain experts to newcomers. To do so, examples from this course will be based on our in-house toolkit to be replicable for future use. The course material will provide example codes and a broad survey with crucial information on cameras, displays and perception

    Učinci liječenja fenetil esterom kavene kiseline na reumatološke pokazatelje i metabolizam željeza u štakorica s izazvanom šećernom bolešću.

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    Diabetology and rheumatology have much in common, including many biochemical features. Diabetic cases suffer excessively from common musculoskeletal conditions. The present study aimed to explore the association between the caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) treatment and the standard parameters of diabetic and rheumatologic controls. Serum anti-streptolysin-O (ASO), C-reactive protein (CRP), rheumatoid factor (RF) titers and glucose (GLU), cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), uric acid (UA), iron (Fe), iron-binding capacity (IBC), total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were measured in 22 female Wistar-Albino rats. The animals were divided into three groups: group 1: non-diabetic rats as control; group 2: streptozotocin (STZ)-induced, untreated diabetic rats; and group 3: STZ-induced, CAPE-treated diabetic rats. Levels of GLU were increased in group 2. ASO values were decreased in group 3. TG and VLDL levels were increased in group 3 compared with the group 1. Higher UA levels were detected in group 3 compared with group 2. The levels of Fe and TIBC were decreased in group 3. The results of the present study indicate the reducing effect of CAPE on the serum levels of diabetic and rheumatologic parameters in diabetic rats.Dijabetologija i reumatologija imaju mnoge sličnosti, uključujući biokemijske procese. Oboljeli od dijabetesa pate od teških stanja mišićno-koštanog sustava. U ovom radu istražena je povezanost između liječenja fenetil esterom kavene kiseline i standardnih pokazatelja koji se kontroliraju pri dijabetičnim i reumatoidnim bolestima. Kod 22 Wistar-Albino štakorice mjereni su: serumski anti-streptolizin-O (ASO), C-reaktivni protein (CRP), titar reumatoidnog faktora (RF), zatim razina glukoze (GLU), kolesterola (CHOL), triglicerida (TG), lipoproteina visoke gustoće (HDL), lipoproteina vrlo niske gustoće (VLDL), alkalne fosfataze (ALP), gamaglutamil transferaze (GGT), natrija (Na), kalija (K), klorida (Cl), kalcija (Ca), fosfora (P), mokraćne kiseline (UA), željeza (Fe), kapaciteta vezanja željeza (IBC), ukupnog kapaciteta vezanja željeza (TIBC) i superoksid dismutaze (SOD). Životinje su bile podijeljene u tri skupine: 1. štakorice bez dijabetesa (kontrolna skupina), 2. neliječene štakorice s dijabetesom izazvanim streptozotocinom (STZ) i 3. štakorice sa streptozotocin (STZ) - izazvanim dijabetesom liječenim fenetil esterom kavene kiseline. Razine GLU bile su povećane u skupini 2. ASO vrijednosti bile su snižene u skupini 3. Razine TG i VLDL bile su povišene u skupini 3 u usporedbi s razinama u skupini 1. Više razine UA utvrđene su u skupini 3 u usporedbi sa skupinom 2. Razine Fe i TIBC bile su snižene u skupini 3. Rezultati pokazuju reducirajuće učinke fenetil estera kavene kiseline na razinu dijabetičnih i reumatoloških pokazatelja u serumu štakorica sa šećernom bolešću izazvanom streptozotocinom

    Metameric Inpainting for Image Warping

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    Image-warping , a per-pixel deformation of one image into another, is an essential component in immersive visual experiences such as virtual reality or augmented reality. The primary issue with image warping is disocclusions, where occluded (and hence unknown) parts of the input image would be required to compose the output image. We introduce a new image warping method, Metameric image inpainting - an approach for hole-filling in real-time with foundations in human visual perception. Our method estimates image feature statistics of disoccluded regions from their neighbours. These statistics are inpainted and used to synthesise visuals in real-time that are less noticeable to study participants, particularly in peripheral vision. Our method offers speed improvements over the standard structured image inpainting methods while improving realism over colour-based inpainting such as push-pull. Hence, our work paves the way towards future applications such as depth image-based rendering, 6-DoF 360 rendering, and remote render-streaming

    Perceptually guided computer-generated holography

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    Computer-Generated Holography (CGH) promises to deliver genuine, high-quality visuals at any depth. We argue that combining CGH and perceptually guided graphics can soon lead to practical holographic display systems that deliver perceptually realistic images. We propose a new CGH method called metameric varifocal holograms. Our CGH method generates images only at a user’s focus plane while displayed images are statistically correct and indistinguishable from actual targets across peripheral vision (metamers). Thus, a user observing our holograms is set to perceive a high quality visual at their gaze location. At the same time, the integrity of the image follows a statistically correct trend in the remaining peripheral parts. We demonstrate our differentiable CGH optimization pipeline on modern GPUs, and we support our findings with a display prototype. Our method will pave the way towards realistic visuals free from classical CGH problems, such as speckle noise or poor visual quality

    Yeni bir insansız hava aracının (SUAVİ) prototip üretimi ve algılayıcı-eyleyici entegrasyonu

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    Bu çalısmada, dört-döner rotoru ile helikopter gibi dikine kalkıs ve inis yapabilen aynı zamanda da uçak gibi uzun menzil yatay uçus yeteneğine sahip yeni bir insansız otonom hava aracının mekanik ve aerodinamik tasarımı, karbon kompozit imalatı, algılayıcı eyleyici sistem entegrasyonu ve uçus deneyleri anlatılmıstır. Gelistirilen sistem ve içinde kullanılan algılayıcı eyleyici entegrasyonunun basarımı benzetim ve deneylerle doğrulanmıstır