4,690 research outputs found

    Issue 15: Economic Precarity among Syrian Refugee Families Living in Lebanon: Policy Recommendations to Restore Hope in the Context of Displacement

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    The conflict in Syria has been described as the largest humanitarian crisis to date. Ongoing for over eight years, the conflict has resulted in over five million refugees and 6.6 million people internally displaced within the borders of Syria. Most refugees from Syria have been displaced to neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon. Lebanon is host to over one million Syrian refugees. Prior to the Syrian crisis, Lebanon was struggling economically, which has since exacerbated anti-refugee sentiment and government policies that aim to discourage Syrians from seeking refuge in Lebanon. Within Lebanon, Syrian families are challenged with high rates of poverty, restrictive governmental policies and regulations, a lack of affordable housing and health care, food insecurity, and family violence. These challenges have a destabilizing effect on Syrian families, impacting the mental health of parents as well as their ability to meet their families’ basic needs. This policy brief draws on research conducted with Syrian families in Lebanon to highlight policy points to address the impacts of economic precarity on the health and well-being of Syrian families. The lessons drawn from this research can be applied both within areas of displacement and in post-resettlement settings where issues of economic precarity can often persist

    Compositional synthesis of maximally permissive supervisors using supervision equivalence

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    This paper presents a general framework for efficient synthesis of supervisors for discrete event systems. The approach is based on compositional minimisation, using concepts of process equivalence. In this context, a large number of ways are suggested how a finite-state automaton can be simplified such that the results of supervisor synthesis are preserved. The proposed approach yields a compact representation of a least restrictive supervisor that ensures controllability and nonblocking. The method is demonstrated on a simple manufacturing example to significantly reduce the number of states constructed for supervisor synthesis

    Supremica – An integrated environment for verification, synthesis and simulation of discrete event systems

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    An integrated environment, Supremica, for verification, synthesis and simulation of discrete event systems is presented. The basic model in Supremica is finite automata where the transitions have an associated event together with a guard condition and an action function that updates automata variables. Supremica uses two main approaches to handle large state-spaces. The first approach exploits modularity in order to divide the original problem into many smaller problems that together solve the original problem. The second approach uses an efficient data structure, a binary decision diagram, to symbolically represent the reachable states. Models in Supremica may be simulated in the environment. It is also possible to generate code that implements the behavior of the model using both the IEC 61131 and the IEC 61499 standard

    Addressing the Psychosocial Needs of Pregnant Women Affected by War: Program Approaches and Program Gaps

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    Today’s female refugee and internally displaced population faces the increasing risk of adverse birth outcomes associated with stress related to conflict, flight, and displacement. Programs addressing the specific psychosocial needs of pregnant women in situations of war are scarce, and there is little consensus regarding best practices. Initiatives have recently emerged, including psychosocial groups, safe motherhood training, and social support systems, all which aim to alleviate the psychosocial stress experienced by this cohort. However, there remain existing program gaps, such as the absence of specific quality research, the use of a deficits-based vernacular concentrated on vulnerabilities, no focus on postpartum care, and little development of gender-based violence prevention initiatives addressing pregnancies resulting from rape. It is clear that more needs to be done to provide and support comprehensive quality psychosocial services for this population.De nos jours les femmes réfugiées et les populations déplacées à l’intérieur des frontières font face à un risque croissant d’accouchements à problèmes résultant du stress lié aux conflits, à la fuite, et au déplacement. Les programmes pour satisfaire les besoins psychosociaux spécifiques de femmes enceintes dans les situations de guerre sont rares, et il y a peu de consensus en matière de meilleures pratiques. Des initiatives sont apparues récemment, y compris l’émergence de groupes psychosociaux, de la formation pour une maternité sans risque, et des systèmes de support sociaux, qui visent tous à alléger le stress psychosocial éprouvé par toutes celles concernées. Cependant ces programmes comportent encore des lacunes, telles que l’absence de recherche spécifique de bonne qualité, l’utilisation d’un vernaculaire fondé sur les déficiences et se concentrant sur les vulnérabilités, le manque de considération pour les soins suivant l’accouchement, et peu de développement dans les initiatives concernant la prévention de la violence liée au sexe et traitant des grossesses résultant du viol. Il est clair que davantage doit être fait pour fournir et soutenir des services psychosociaux complets et de qualité pour cette population

    From Mother translated by Inger Casey and Lee Bassett

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    Predictable and composable system-on-chip memory controllers

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    Contemporary System-on-Chip (SoC) become more and more complex, as increasing integration results in a larger number of concurrently executing applications. These applications consist of tasks that are mapped on heterogeneous multi-processor platforms with distributed memory hierarchies, where SRAMs and SDRAMs are shared by a variety of arbiters. Some applications have real-time requirements, meaning that they must perform a particular computation before a deadline to guarantee functional correctness, or to prevent quality degradation. Mapping the applications on the platform such that all real-time requirements are satisfied is very challenging. The number of possible mappings of tasks to processing elements and data structures to memories may be large, and appropriate configuration settings must be determined once the mapping is chosen. Verifying that a particular mapping satisfies all application requirements is typically done by system-level simulation. However, resource sharing causes interference between applications, making their temporal behaviors inter-dependent. All concurrently executing applications must hence be verified together, causing the verification complexity of the system to increase exponentially with the number of applications. Together these factors contribute to making the integration and verification process a dominant part of SoC development, both in terms of time and money. Predictable and composable systems are proposed to manage the increasing verification complexity. Predictable systems provide lower bounds on application performance, while applications in composable systems are completely isolated and cannot affect each other’s temporal behavior by even a single clock cycle. Predictable systems enable formal verification that covers all possible interactions with the platform. However, this assumes that the behavior of an application is captured in a performance model, which is not the case for many applications. Composability offers a complementary verification approach by letting these applications be verified independently by simulation with linear verification complexity. A limitation of current predictable and composable systems is that there are no memory controllers supporting the concepts in a general way. Current SRAM controllers can be shared in a predictable way with a variety of arbiters, but are only composable if statically scheduled or shared using time-division multiplexing. Existing SDRAM controllers are not composable, and are either unpredictable or limited to applications that are statically scheduled. This thesis addresses the limitations of current predictable and composable systems by proposing a general predictable and composable memory controller, thereby addressing the mapping and verification problem in embedded systems. The proposed memory controller is divided into a front-end and a back-end. The back-end is specific for DDR2/DDR3 SDRAM and makes the memory behave in a predictable manner using precomputed memory patterns that are dynamically combined at run time. The front-end contains buffering and an arbiter in the class of Latency-Rate (LR) servers, which is a class with many well-known predictable arbiters. We extend this class with a Credit-Controlled Static-Priority (CCSP) arbiter that is developed specifically for shared resources with latency-critical requestors and high loads, such as memories. Three key features of CCSP are: 1) It accommodates latency-critical requestors with low bandwidth requirements without wasting bandwidth. 2) Over-allocated bandwidth can be made negligible at an increased area cost, without affecting latency. 3) It has a small implementation that runs fast enough to keep up with most DDR2/DDR3 memories. The proposed front-end is general and can be used with other predictable resources, such as SRAM controllers. The proposed memory controller hence supports multiple arbiter and memory types, thus addressing the diversity in modern SoCs. The combination of front-end and predictable memory behaves like a LR server, which is the shared resource abstraction used in this work. In essence, a LR server guarantees a requestor a minimum bandwidth and a maximum latency, enabling formal verification of real-time requirements. The LR server model is compatible with several commonly used formal analysis frameworks, such as network calculus and data-flow analysis. Our memory controller hence allows any combination of predictable memory and LR arbiter to be used transparently for formal verification of applications with any of these frameworks. Sharing a predictable memory at run-time results in interference between requestors, making the memory controller non-composable. This is addressed by adding a Delay Block to the front-end that delays all signals sent from the front-end to a requestor to always emulate worst-case interference. This makes requestors unable to affect each other’s temporal behavior, which is sufficient to guarantee composability on the level of applications. Our predictable memory controller hence offers composable service with a variety of memory and arbiter types, which widely extends the scope of composable platforms. Another benefit of this approach is that it enables composable service to be dynamically enabled and disabled, enabling requestors that do not require composable service to use slack bandwidth to improve performance. The predictable and composable memory controller is supported by a configuration flow that automatically computes memory patterns and arbiter settings to satisfy given bandwidth and latency requirements. The flow uses abstraction to separate the configuration of the memory and the arbiter, enabling settings to be computed in a streamlined fashion for all supported memories and arbiters

    Glueball production in hadron and nucleus collisions

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    We elaborate on the hypothesis that in high energy hadron hadron and nucleus nucleus collisions the lowest mass glueballs are copiously produced from the gluon rich environment especially at high energy density. We discuss the particular glueball decay modes: 0++,2++KKˉ0^{++}, 2^{++} \to K \bar{K} and 0++π+π+0^{++} \to \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \ell^{+} \ell^{-}.Comment: 14 pages, six figure

    Endogenous programs and flexibility in bird migration

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    Endogenous programs that regulate annual cycles have been shown for many taxa, including protists, arthropods, fish, mammals and birds. In migration biology, these programs are best known in songbirds. The majority of songbirds rely on a genetic program inherited from their parents that will guide them during their first solo-migration. The phenotypic components of the program are crucial for their individual fitness and survival, and include time components, direction, and distance. This program is constructed to both guide behavior and to regulate flexible responses to the environment at different stages of the annual cycle. The migration program is driven by a circannual rhythm, allowing for, and resetting, carry-over effects. With experience, the migration decisions of individual migrants may be based on information learnt on breeding sites, wintering sites, and en route. At the population level, substantial variation in route choice and timing of migration may be explained by inherited variation of program components, by interactions with environmental and social factors, and by individual learning. In this review we will explore the components of endogenous migration programs and discuss in what ways they can lead to flexibility and variation in migration behavior