7 research outputs found

    ORDERS TO RECORD DEBTS (Study of Surah Albaqarah verse 282)

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    The order for recording accounts payable has been stated in the Koran, this problem will also face many obstacles when dealing with a fact in the field, both in the collection and repayment of the debt, therefore it is interesting to study the extent of the opinions of the scholars of interpretation and scholars. others in determining the terms and other matters relating to the recording of accounts payable, of course this is what underlies the researcher's interest in explaining and getting a bright spot on how the scholars interpret this matter. This issue has many opinions among scholars of interpretation, both regarding the recording order and the problem of determining the criteria for witnesses in conducting debt and credit transactions. To get a deeper understanding, it is necessary to conduct a study of accounts payable, so that it can be seen how the criteria for witnesses for recording accounts payable according to the commentators and how the accounts payable according to the commentators are recorded. This study uses library research as a basic scientific perspective on interpretive scholarship, while the approach used in this research is a qualitative approach using the mauឍu'i (thematic) method. The main data sources used are the book of Tafsir al-MunÄ«r, afwat al-Tafāsir, Tafsir al-MarāghÄ«, the Koran and its commentary, while the supporting data sources are literature related to research titles such as books, books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals, as well as articles. The results of this study state that the criteria for witnesses according to the commentators in recording accounts payable, have almost the same opinion, not much different, namely Wahbah al-Zuhaili mentions that the criteria for witnesses are Islam, fulfill the obligation of prayer, have good and fair morals. And Ali al-áčąÄbĆ«nÄ« mentions that the criteria for witnesses must be fair and firm, while al-MarāghÄ« mentions that the criteria for witnesses must be of good religion and fair nature. The commentators have different opinions regarding the recording of accounts payable in QS. al-Baqarah: 282-283, unlike contemporary scholars who are very well known in this century, according to Wahbah al-Zuhaili the order to record accounts payable is obligatory and al-MarāghÄ« recording debts and receivables is mandatory for avoid disputes in the future. Meanwhile, according to Ali al-áčąÄbĆ«nÄ«, the recording of accounts payable is only a recommendation, not mandatory

    Peranan Yayasan Sos Children’s Villages Banda Aceh terhadap Anak yang Kehilangan Pengasuhan Menurut Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam

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    Pengasuhan anak yang dilakukan pihak Yayasan SOS Children’s Villages Banda Aceh sebagai tempat perlindungan bagi anak-anak yang kehilangan pengasuhan. Pengasuhan anak pada dasarnya menjadi tanggung jawab kedua orang tuanya. Anak kehilangan pengasuhan adalah anak yang tidak terpenuhi kebutuhan dasarnya. Pengelolaan Yayasan SOS Children’s Villages Banda Aceh terhadap pengasuhan anak yang kehilangan pengasuhan dari orangtuanya dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh SOS Children’s Villages Banda Aceh dalam mengimplementasikan undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang perlindungan anak terhadap anak yang kurang pengasuhan. Ketiga, Bagaimana peran Yayasan SOS Children’s Villages Banda Aceh menangani anak yang kehilangan pengasuhan menurut hukum Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Yayasan SOS Children’s Villages Banda Aceh telah mencapai hasil secara umum dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan perlindungan anak yang kehilangan pengasuhan seiring bertambahnya jejaring perlindungan anak. Dalam Islam, hak anak merupakan kewajiban dari Allah SWT. bagi, orang tua, masyarakat, dan pemerintah yang berkewajiban. Ada pun pengabaian atas kewajiban tersebut akan di tempatkan kesulitan di dunia dan akhirat. bagi  semua pihak dalam perlindungan anak agar lebih memperhatikan anak-anak lembaga panti asuhan atau yayasan, terutama dalam memberikan kasih sayang dan pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari

    Pan-Islamisme Jamaluddin al-Afghani dan Relevansinya dengan Penerapan Syari'at Islam di Aceh

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    Jamaluddin al-Afghani merupakan seorang tokoh pembaharu islam yang hidup pada abad ke-19. Al-Afghani mengusung konsep Pan-Islamisme, yaitu persatuan islam untuk menumbuhkan semangat persaudaraan islam (ukhuwah islāmiyah) ditengah kemunduran islam karna ummat yang terpecah. Dalam perkembangannya, konsep Pan-Islamisme berhasil tersebar ke banyak negara di dunia, bahkan hingga Indonesia. Aceh merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia, yang memiliki keistimewaan untuk menegakkan Syariat Islam secara menyeluruh. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk melihat relevansi antara konsep penerapan Syariat Islam di Aceh dan konsep Pan-Islamisme yang diperkenalkan oleh al-Afghani. Metode yang digunakan adalah  kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis historis, kemudian jenis penilitian yang dilakukan adalah studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua relevansi antara konsep penerapan Syariat Islam di Aceh dengan konsep Pan-Islamisme Jamaluddin al-Afghani, yaitu sama-sama menghendaki kesatuan paham keislaman agar terciptanya suatu persatuan dan juga praktik mengedepankan ukhuwah islāmiyah sebagai landasan persatuan

    Penyelesaian Perkara Hadhanah (Studi Terhadap Pertimbangan Hakim Pada Kasus No. 0138/Pdt.G/2015/Ms.Bna dan No. 13/Pdt.G/2016/Ms.Aceh)

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    Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam memutuskan perkara nomor 0138/Pdt.G/2015/Ms.Bna menetapkan hak hadhanah melebihi yang diminta oleh penggugat, dimana penggugat sebagai ibu hanya meminta hak asuh anak yang belum mumayyiz dari 5 bersaudara, sedangkan keempat anak lainnya yang sudah mumayyiz tidak dimintaan hak asuhnya di dalam petitum penggugat, Akan tetapi majelis hakim Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh memutuskan hadhanah seluruhnya kepada sang ibu termasuk yang sudah mumayyiz. Sementara Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh (Banding) terhadap perkara yang sama yaitu perkara Nomor 13/Pdt.G/2015/ Ms. Aceh kepada ibunya yang belum mumayyiz saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam memutuskan perkara tersebut. apakah sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum Islam dan juga peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Library Research (penelitian kepustakaan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh dalam menetapkan perkara tersebut mengacu kepada putusan MA No. 556 K/Sip/1971 dimana dimungkinkan mengabulkan gugatan yang melebihi permintaan dengan syarat masih sesuai dengan kejadian materiil, serta pasal 105 huruf b KHI dimana pemeliharaan anak mumayyiz diserahkan kepada anak untuk memilih di antara ayah atau ibunya. Sedangkan Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh memutuskan perkara tersebut berdasarkan pasal 178 ayat (2) HIR dan pasal 189 ayat (2) RBg, dimana Mahkamah harus secara total dan menyeluruh memeriksa dan mengadili setiap segi gugatan yang diajukan. Serta tuntutan tidak boleh mengabulkan melebihi tuntutan yang diminta penggugat dalam pasal 178 ayat (3) HIR, pasal 189 ayat (3) RBg

    Identifying ‘Illat through Munasabah in Islamic Law: A Perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali

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    This study discusses the way in determining ‘illat through the munasabah method proposed by Imam al-Ghazali in the perspective of Islamic law. The study focuses on two main problems: the identification of ‘illat through munasabah and the legal formulation to utilize hikmat to obtain ‘illat according to al-Ghazali. This normative legal research used a legal history approach as an analytical tool to examine the Islamic scholars’ thoughts on concepts, theories and ways of doing istinbath. The study concluded that according to al-Ghazali there are three kinds of munasabah in determining ‘illat, consisting of munasib mu’atstsir, munasab mula’im, and munasib gharib. In munasib mu’atstsir, there is no issue found in seeking ‘illat because the ‘illat is understood directly from the nash or ijma’. Therefore, munasabah is no longer needed in the determining ‘illat. Here, the munasabah method focuses on munasib mula’im and munasib gharib in identifying ‘illat. Munasib mula’im seeks for the genus ‘illat, an ‘illat drawn from every event that has been predetermined by the nash, by examining the same hikmah in each of the events. Such hikmah is then used as the genus ‘illat which will later be applied as qiyas for other events that have been legally stipulated by the nash. On the other hand, munasib gharib seeks for the species ‘illat, an ‘illat obtained from an event that has been predetermined by the nash, with no comparison found in other events. ‘Illat determined from munasib gharib is also hikmah, having no concrete nature. In the perspective of legal history, this method of seeking ‘illat is inseparable from kalam and philosophy as was the development of the Islamic sciences at the time. As such, this had also affected al-Ghazali’s mastery in Islamic law as well as in other Islamic disciplines.


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    The amount of wages should be known clearly by the workforce, but at the cake production house Adee kak Nah Gampong Meuraksa, Meureudu District, in practice there is no agreement regarding the amount of wages that will be received by the workers at the beginning of the contract between the employer and the workforce does not state how much the amount is the wages that will be given for the Adee cake pan that is produced, the pillars of ijarah in the wage system at the Adee cake production house have not been fulfilled, one of which is because it does not mention and explain the amount of wages that will be received. not infrequently there are differences in wages between one worker and another worker. Therefore, the author is interested in further researching the wage system that exists at Adee kak Nah's cake production house. The purpose of this study is to find out how the labor wage system is at the Adee kak Nah cake production house in the village of Meuraksa, and to find out how Islamic law reviews the labor wage system at the Adee kak Nah cake production house. This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive analysis research approach through interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. From the results of the research, the authors found that the wage system that existed at the Adee kak Nah cake production house was a piece wage system in which the wage system could be assigned to jobs that could be measured such as the amount of weight, number and area. If viewed from the point of view of the legal pillars of ijarah, the contract is canceled because there is one pillar that is not fulfilled. However, the practice of wage labor at the Adee kak Nah cake production house has become a custom and habit of the local community and contains benefits. Therefore, the practice of remuneration for labor at the Adee cake production house, sis. Well, this is permissible