6 research outputs found

    Inheritance of resistance to verticillıum wilt (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) disease, earliness, yield and quality parameters in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).

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    TEZ8302Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2011.Kaynakça (s. 133-140) var.xiii, 148 s. : grafik, çizelge ; 29 cm.This study was carried out to investigate the genetical behavior, evaluate hybrid vigor in the F1 generation, determinate the suitable parents and their hybrid combination for studied characteristics in the population of 6 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes (VD-4, PAUM-15, Çukurova 1518, VD-18, Stoneville 468, Nazilli 84S) which distinguished by different characteristics, obtained by the half-diallel mating design, in the years of 2008-2009. In the population, results showed that heterosis was mostly non-affirmative for fiber fineness; on the other hand, other inspected characteristics were mostly affirmative; heterobeltiosis were mostly affirmative for number of sympodial branches, seed cotton yield, disease index, fiber length, fiber strength and fiber consistency index; on the contrary, for other inspected characteristics were non-affirmative. According to the ratio of general combining ability variance to specific combining ability variance, plant height, number of sympodial branches, boll number per plant, nod number per plant, seed cotton weight per boll, 100 seed weight, earliness rate, ginning percentage, disease index, fiber length, fiber strength, fiber fineness and fiber consistency index characteristics were influenced by additive gene effects; on the other hand, number of monopodial branches and seed cotton yield characteristics were influenced by non-additive gene effects. From the inspected 15 characteristics, 10 for VD-4 x Stoneville 468; 9 for Stoneville 468 x Nazilli 84S and PAUM-15 x Nazilli 84S; 8 for VD-4 x Çukurova 1518; 7 for VD-18 x Stoneville 468 and Çukurova 1518 x Nazilli 84S demonstrated affirmative specific combining ability effects, heterosis and heterobeltiosis. Therefore, these hybrid combinations can be used for the future studies as most promising hybrid combinations to develop all these characteristics together.Bu çalışma, farklı özellikleri ile öne çıkan 6 pamuk (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotipi ile (VD-4, PAUM-15, Çukurova 1518, VD-18, Stoneville 468 ve Nazilli 84S) yarım diallel melez yöntemi uyarınca oluşturulan populasyonda, incelenen özellikler yönünden genetik yapıyı irdelemek; F1 melez gücünü saptamak; uygun anaçları ve melez kombinasyonlarını belirlemek amacı ile 2008-2009 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Oluşturulan populasyonda, lif inceliği özelliği için çoğunlukla olumsuz; incelenen diğer özellikler için olumlu yönde heterosis; meyve dalı sayısı, kütlü verimi, hastalık indeksi, lif uzunluğu, lif kopma dayanıklılığı ve lif eğrilebilme indeksi özellikleri için çoğunlukla olumlu; incelenen diğer özellikler için ise olumsuz yönde heterobeltiosis saptanmıştır. Genel uyum yeteneği varyansının, özel uyum yeteneği varyansına oranına göre bitki boyu, meyve dalı sayısı, koza sayısı, bitki nod sayısı, koza kütlü ağırlığı, yüz tohum ağırlığı, erkencilik oranı, çırçır randımanı, hastalık indeksi, lif uzunluğu, lif kopma dayanıklılığı, lif inceliği ve lif eğrilebilme indeksi özelliklerinin yönetiminde eklemeli; odun dalı sayısı ve kütlü verimi özelliklerinin yönetiminde ise eklemeli olmayan gen etkilerinin etkin olduğu belirlenmiştir. İncelenen 15 özellikten, VD-4 x Stoneville 468 melezi 10; Stoneville 468 x Nazilli 84S ve PAUM-15 x Nazilli 84S melezleri 9; VD-4 x Çukurova 1518 melezi 8; VD-18 x Stoneville 468 ve Çukurova 1518 x Nazilli 84S melezleri ise 7 özellik bakımından olumlu yönde özel uyum yeteneği etkisi, heterosis ve heterobeltiosis göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, anılan melez kombinasyonların, bu özelliklerin birlikte geliştirilmesi amacıyla yapılacak ıslah çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek en ümitvar melez kombinasyonlar olduğu kanısına varılmıştır.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2008D13

    Genetic diversity of Turkish commercial cotton varieties revealed by molecular markers and fber quality traits

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    To assess the genetic diversity and relationships among commercial Gossypium species released in Turkey between 1964 and 2014, 96 cotton varieties were analyzed using morphological and molecular markers. Morphological analysis was performed based on 4 fber quality traits including fber length, strength, fneness, and uniformity, and the mean values of each trait for each genotype were calculated using 2-year data. Te results showed that most of the genotypes have long fber length, very high fber strength, coarse (45 genotypes) or average (50 genotypes) fber fneness, and high uniformity. Twenty-six simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 14 markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fber quality traits produced a total of 103 alleles, with an average of 2.57 alleles per locus ranging from 80 bp to 300 bp products, with an average polymorphism information content (PIC) value of 0.233. Markers DPL513 and DPL431 (among 26 SSR markers) and markers CIR246 and BNL4108 (among 14 molecular markers) were found to be very informative, with 0.724, 0.663, 0.749, and 0.583 PIC values, respectively. Te combined morphological and molecular data analysis resulted in more than 8 clades using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA). Te upland cotton varieties were distinctly separated from the lowland cotton variety Maydos Yerlisi (Gossypium herbaceum L.). Within the upland cotton varieties, the Egyptian cotton variety Giza 70 (G. barbadense L.) was distinctly separated from commercial cotton varieties of Turkey ( G. hirsutum L.), as revealed by both morphological and molecular dendrograms. Principal component analysis (PCA) derived from combined data was in agreement with UPGMA analysis. It is concluded that commercial Turkish cotton varieties have a good genetic diversity with high fber quality, considering the upland cotton’s narrow genetic structure. Tese results can provide a useful guide for selecting specifc germplasm with distinct genetic backgrounds in cotton breeding programs.To assess the genetic diversity and relationships among commercial Gossypium species released in Turkey between 1964 and 2014, 96 cotton varieties were analyzed using morphological and molecular markers. Morphological analysis was performed based on 4 fber quality traits including fber length, strength, fneness, and uniformity, and the mean values of each trait for each genotype were calculated using 2-year data. Te results showed that most of the genotypes have long fber length, very high fber strength, coarse (45 genotypes) or average (50 genotypes) fber fneness, and high uniformity. Twenty-six simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and 14 markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fber quality traits produced a total of 103 alleles, with an average of 2.57 alleles per locus ranging from 80 bp to 300 bp products, with an average polymorphism information content (PIC) value of 0.233. Markers DPL513 and DPL431 (among 26 SSR markers) and markers CIR246 and BNL4108 (among 14 molecular markers) were found to be very informative, with 0.724, 0.663, 0.749, and 0.583 PIC values, respectively. Te combined morphological and molecular data analysis resulted in more than 8 clades using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA). Te upland cotton varieties were distinctly separated from the lowland cotton variety Maydos Yerlisi (Gossypium herbaceum L.). Within the upland cotton varieties, the Egyptian cotton variety Giza 70 (G. barbadense L.) was distinctly separated from commercial cotton varieties of Turkey ( G. hirsutum L.), as revealed by both morphological and molecular dendrograms. Principal component analysis (PCA) derived from combined data was in agreement with UPGMA analysis. It is concluded that commercial Turkish cotton varieties have a good genetic diversity with high fber quality, considering the upland cotton’s narrow genetic structure. Tese results can provide a useful guide for selecting specifc germplasm with distinct genetic backgrounds in cotton breeding programs

    Investigation of resistance to verticillium wilt in some cotton genotypes with different origins

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    Bu çalışma, farklı kökenli bazı pamuk genotiplerinin Verticillium solgunluğu hastalığına dayanıklılık durumlarını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, tesadüf blokları deneme deseni uyarınca, üç tekerrürlü olarak kontrollü iklim kabininde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada inokulasyon işlemi, bitkilerinin 2-3 gerçek yaprağa sahip olduğu dönemde, kökleri V. dahliae’nın T1 patotipine ilişkin izolatının 107 konidi ml-1 konsantrasyonundaki spor süspansiyonuna daldırılarak yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, genotiplerin yaprak ve iletim dokusu semptomlarına göre, hastalık indeksi değerleri arısındaki farklılıkların, istatistiksel olarak % 1 düzeyinde önemli olduğu saptanmıştır. Çalışmada incelenen genotiplere ilişkin hastalık indeksi değerlerinin yaprak semptomlarına göre istatistiksel olarak 13; iletim dokusu semptomlarına göre ise 16 farklı grupta toplandığı tespit edilmiştir. Materyal olarak kullanılan pamuk genotipleri arasında, yaprak semptomlarına göre, hastalığa en dayanıklı genotiplerin sırasıyla ABD kökenli Tamcot Camd-ES (1.39), Türkiye kökenli PG 510-7 (1.64) ve BA-525 (1.72); iletim dokusu semptomlarına göre ise sırasıyla ABD kökenli Tamcot Camd-ES (1.31), Türkiye kökenli PG 510-7 (1.47) ve İH-26-K-5 olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda, genotiplere ilişkin olarak yaprak ve iletim dokularındaki semptomlara göre elde edilen hastalık indeksi değerleri arasında yüksek düzeyde pozitif yönde korelasyon (r= 0.972) olduğu saptanmıştır.The aim of this study was to determine the resistance of some genotypes with different origins against Verticillium wilt. The study was conducted in randomized complete block design with three replicates in controlled growth chamber. Cotton seedlings in 2-3 true leaf stage were inoculated with 107 conidia ml-1 spore suspension of V. dahliae which is leaf defoliating T1 pathotype by root dip technique. The differences between disease indexes from leaf and vascular tissues were significant (P≤0.01). Genotypes used in this study were categorized into 13 groups for leaf symptoms and 16 groups for vascular symptoms. Tamcot Camd-ES (1.39) from USA, PG 510-7 (1.64) and BA-525 (1.72) from Turkey were most resistant based on leaf symptoms. However, Tamcot Camd-ES (1.31) from USA, PG 510- 7 (1.47) and İH-26-K-5 from Turkey were the most resistant genotypes based on vascular symptoms. In this study a high positive correlation (r= 0.972) was found between diseases indexes from leaf and vascular tissues

    Inheritance of yiled and yield components in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the inheritance of yield and yield components in cotton. Crosses between Sure Grow 125 and PAUM 401 (Gossypium hirsiitum L.) in 2000, and backcrosses between F] and parents (Sure Grow 125 and PAUM 401) in 2001 were made under field conditions at Çukurova University, Cotton Research and Application Center, Adana. Four generations (F1,F2,B1,andB2F_1, F_2, B_1, and B_2, in which B1B_1 represents a backcross between F1F_1 and Sure Grow 125 and B2B_2 represents a backcross between F, and PAUM 401), and parents were tested at the same center in 2002. Generation mean analysis was used to estimate the type of gene action determining yield and yield components. It was concluded that additive, dominance and. epistatic gene effects were responsible for the inheritance of lint yield, boll number per plant and lint percentage whereas only dominance effects were involved in inheritance of seed cotton weight per boll and 100 seed weight.This study was conducted to investigate the inheritance of yield and yield components in cotton. Crosses between Sure Grow 125 and PAUM 401 (Gossypium hirsiitum L.) in 2000, and backcrosses between F] and parents (Sure Grow 125 and PAUM 401) in 2001 were made under field conditions at Çukurova University, Cotton Research and Application Center, Adana. Four generations (F1,F2,B1,andB2F_1, F_2, B_1, and B_2, in which B1B_1 represents a backcross between F1F_1 and Sure Grow 125 and B2B_2 represents a backcross between F, and PAUM 401), and parents were tested at the same center in 2002. Generation mean analysis was used to estimate the type of gene action determining yield and yield components. It was concluded that additive, dominance and. epistatic gene effects were responsible for the inheritance of lint yield, boll number per plant and lint percentage whereas only dominance effects were involved in inheritance of seed cotton weight per boll and 100 seed weight

    Pamukta (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lif verimi ve verim öğleri bakımından üstün anaç ve melez kombinasyonların belirlenmesi

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    2000 yılında, Gossypium hirsutum L. türünden 5 çeşit (Sure Grow 125, Sure Grow 404, Sure Grow 501, Sure Grow 1001 and Çukurova 1518) ana, 7 hat ise (PAUM 400, PAUM 401, PAUM 402, PAUM 403, PAUM 404, PAUM 405 ve PAUM 406) baba olacak şekilde, line x tester melezleme yöntemine göre Çukurova Üniversitesi, Pamuk Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinde birbirleriyle melezlenmiştir. Elde edilen 35 F, melezi ve 12 anaç, 2001 yılında tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak ekilmiş ve lif verimi ve verim öğeleri bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilere, line x tester analizi uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada anaçların genel, melezlerin özel uyum yeteneklerinin belirlenmesi, ve böylece erken generasyonlarda lif verimi ve verim öğeleri yönünden üstün anaçların ve melez kombinasyonların seçilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, ebeveyn ve hibridlerin genel ve özel uyum yetenekleri, lif verimi ve verim öğeleri bakımından önemli farklılıklar oluşturmuştur. Ebeveynler arasında, PAUM 403 koza sayısı; Çukurova 1518, PAUM 400, PAUM 403, PAUM 405 ve PAUM 406 lif verimi; Sure Grow 501, Çukurova 1518, PAUM 401 ve PAUM 405 çırçır randımanı; Sure Grow 125, PAUM 400 ve PAUM 403 100 tohum ağırlığı; Çukurova 1518, PAUM 400, PAUM 405 ve PAUM 406 koza kutlu pamuk ağırlığı yönünden en yüksek genel uyum yeteneğine sahip olmuşlardır. Sure Grow 501 x PAUM 400 koza sayısı yönünden özel kombinasyon kabiliyeti önemli tek melez kombinasyon olarak tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu melez kombinasyon en yüksek lif verimine de sahiptir. Elde edilen bu sonuç, ileriki generasyonlarda amaca yönelik bitkilerin, bu melez kombinasyondan seçilme şansının daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir.The purpose of this study was to determine estimates of the general combining ability of parents and the specific combining ability of hybrids needed to develop high yielding cotton cultivars. Five cotton lines (Sure Grow 125, Sure Grow 404, Sure Grow 501, Sure Grow 1001 and Çukurova 1518) and 7 testers (PAUM 400, PAUM 401, PAUM 402, PAUM 403, PAUM 404, PAUM 405 and PAUM 406) were crossed in a line x tester mating system at Çukurova University, Cotton Research and Application Center, Adana, Turkey, in 2000. Twelve genotypes and 35 F] hybrids were sown in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications at the same center in 2001. The general combining ability variance of parents and the specific combining ability variance of hybrids in respect to lint yield and yield components were estimated via line x tester analysis. Line x tester analysis revealed significant general and specific combining ability effects for lint yield, 100-seed weight, seed cotton weight per boll, lint percentage and boll number per plant. The following lines had higher general combining abilities than the others: PAUM 403 for boll number per plant; Çukurova 1518, PAUM 400, PAUM 403, PAUM 405 and PAUM 406 for lint yield; Sure Grow 501, Çukurova 1518, PAUM 401 and PAUM 405 for lint percentage; Sure Grow 125, PAUM 400, PAUM 403 for 100-seed weight; and Çukurova 1518, PAUM 400, PAUM 405 and PAUM 406 for seed cotton weight per boll. Only Sure Grow 501 x PAUM 400 F, showed significant specific combining ability effects for bolls/plant. It yielded more total lint than the others. This Fj achieved its high yield by producing many boll numbers per plant, while the others produced fewer