1,792 research outputs found

    Measuring the effects of labour productivity on ASEAN5 plus 3 economic growth

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    This paper analyses the effects of labour productivity, capital deepening and total factor productivity (TFP) intensity in ASEAN5 (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) plus 3 (China, Japan and South Korea). The results of this study show that there was slight contribution of the TFP intensity to the economic growth of these countries during the periods of the study. The results also confirm that capital intensity had a strongly significant role in achieving light labour productivity contribution that had been produced by most of these economies through using huge inputs (such as physical, capital and labour) to produce outputs. The results show that the productivity growth of most of these countries is input driven, however, the South Korean model is moving to be a productivity driven; Japan is productivity driven as the only Asian nation that joined the industrial club which is dominated by Western nations.ASEAN5 plus 3, input driven, TFP intensity, labour productivity, capital deepening. JEL classification: E23; C22


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    This study attempts to fill the gap of extensive growth theory model by providing statistical analysis in a parametric form that removed the doubts in the results generated. Using this model, the factors affecting the output growth in the food industries were identified in this study to be the individual contributions of capital, labour, material as well as the combined contributions of the quality of these inputs, which were expressed as the total factor productivity (TFP) growthMalaysian food industry, productivity performance, total factor productivity


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    This study aims to investigate the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) intensity through decomposition of labour productivity growth into contributions of capital deepening, increased usage of foreign direct investment (FDI) intensity, and the simultaneous contribution of the quality of these factors. This has expressed as the contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) intensity growth in achieving productivity driven growth in ASEAN 5 (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) plus 2 (China and South Korea). This study claims to fill in the gaps of previous studies by developing applications of intensive growth theory and introducing the TFP intensity (TFP per unit of labour). The results show that the productivity growth of ASEAN 5 plus China and South Korea is input driven, however, South Korean Model has constructed companies such as Daewoo, Samsung and LG that competed globally. The study also finds that the impact of FDI intensity is positive with slight contribution to TFP intensity growth.ASEAN 5 Plus 2, FDI Intensity, TFP Intensity, Input-Driven

    Green TFP Intensity Impact on Sustainable East Asian Productivity Growth (Elsadig Musa Ahmed)

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    This study aims at assessing the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of worker (intensity) emissions growth on productivity growth on selected 5 countries of Association of Southeast Asian Nations, (ASEAN5), Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, plus 3 East Asian Countries (China, Japan and South Korea). The results show that there was difference in the contribution of labour productivity, capital deepening and CO2 intensity emissions whether CO2 intensity emissions was included or not in the model. There were, however differences in the growth rates of total factor productivity (TFP) intensity growth. Moreover, a significant decline in the growth rates of TFP intensity growth was observed during the entire period of the study and sub periods, when CO2 intensity emissions variable was internalised in the model. The CO2 intensity emissions had impacted the productivity growth through the declining contribution of green TFP intensity growth in comparison with conventionally calculatedASEAN-5 plus 3; CO2 intensity emissions; green TFP intensity; productivity growth.

    E-business Adoption and the Use of Strategies in Small and Medium Enterprises: Suggestions for the Progression of SMEs' E-adoption

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    This paper presents a classification of SMEs according to their level of e-adoption and their use of formal strategies and e-business strategies. The five distinct groups established in this classification are described and suggestions for the progression of SMEs e-adoption are given

    A Systematic Literature Review on Advances in Computer Assisted Instruction

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    The use of multimedia as a tool for delivering learning content instead of the traditional classroom learning practice is gaining popularity nowadays. CAI is the use of computer programs that are available both online and offline for instruction. The objective of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) on computer assisted (or aided) instruction (CAI) for five years period from 2018 to 2022. This SLR uses review protocol for the selection of primary studies for inclusion in the study from the pool of literature available in the research community. The results of the review shows that the highest publication on CAI in the review period was in 2020 and most researchers used achievement test for collection of data on CAI in the reviewed period. The study also found out that ‘Computer-Based Simulation’ is the popular type of CAI used in experiments by researchers in the period of review. The use of CAI for teaching and learning activities enables flexible and efficient interaction among students and educators. This is a critical factor for enhancing learners’ academic achievement. In conclusion, it is recommended that further research be conducted on CAI to promote its adoption in education systems

    Analysis and Design Procedure for Liquid-Filled Conical Tanks Under Seismic Loading

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    Steel conical tanks are widely used for liquid storage in North America and elsewhere. A number of those tanks collapsed in the last decades as a result of instability of the steel shells. Despite being widely used, no specific design procedure is available for conical tanks under dynamic conditions. The research conducted in the current thesis presents a simplified approach for the design of steel conical tanks when subjected to ground excitations in the form of horizontal and vertical excitations. First, the capacity of steel conical tanks to avoid yielding and buckling of the tank vessel under hydrodynamic pressure resulting from horizontal ground excitation is evaluated using non-linear static pushover analysis. The capacity of steel conical tanks under hydrodynamic pressure resulting from vertical ground excitation is then evaluated using the same procedure. The analyses are conducted numerically using a non-linear finite element model that accounts for the effects of large deformations and geometric imperfections on the stability of steel conical tanks. Based on the obtained capacities, a design approach is proposed which is based on satisfying an interaction formula that avoids both yielding and buckling of the tank vessel. This formula is a function of the steel conical tank capacities and the seismic demands resulting from hydrodynamic pressure including both impulsive and sloshing components. Finally, this design approach is validated through comparison with the results of non-linear dynamic analysis. The effect of the base rocking motion on the seismic behaviour of conical shaped steel tanks is then studied and a mechanical analog that simulates the forces acting on a conical tank subjected to a horizontal excitation including the effect of this base rocking motion is developed. This mechanical model takes the flexibility of the tank walls into consideration as well the hydrodynamic pressure acting on the tank base

    Pastoral Development Strategies In The Sahel and East Africa: Can the Mistakes be Corrected?

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    There is much controversy on the definition given to those people who raise livestock on the natural vegetation. Differences in the degree of their dependence on livestock and livestock products for food, as well as differences in the patterns of their movements, create the controversy. Pure-pastoralists , nomadic pastoralists , semi - pastoralists , semi-nomadic , transhumant , and semisedentary are but some of the many terms used in the literature to describe them (see, for example, Johnson, 1969; Jacobs, 1965; McGee, 1986; Horowitz, 1981). To avoid much of the confusion created by the use of these terms, we use the definition of pastoralists as . . . people who derive most of their income or sustenance from keeping domestic livestock in conditions where most of the feed that their livestock eat is natural forage rather than cultivated fodders and pastures , and who ... devote the bulk of their own, and their families\u27, working time and energy to looking after their livestock rather than to other economic activities (Sandford, 1983:1). Pastoralists occupy most of the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa as the ecological conditions of these areas are mostly unfavorable for cultivation (McGee, 1986)

    Longitudinale Evaluierung der AortenhÀmodynamik bei Patienten mit Aortenklappenpathologie mittels vierdimensionaler kardiovaskulÀrer Magnetresonanztomographie

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    Background Four-Dimensional Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging (4D flow MRI) provides a non-invasive assessment of aortic hemodynamics and insight into blood flow patterns and wall shear stress (WSS). Aortic valve stenosis (AS) and bicuspid aortic valves (BAV) cause substantial changes in blood flow patterns and elevated and asymmetrically distributed WSS in the ascending aorta (1,2,3,4). The AS and BAV patients exhibited more helical, vortical, and eccentric flow (1,2). This study aimed to understand better the evolution of aortic hemodynamics in aortic valve pathologies. Methods After receiving ethical approval and informed consent, 20 patients from the primary studies (1,3) were reevaluated using cardiovascular MRI. There were 14 patients with BAV and 6 with stenotic tricuspid aortic valves (TAV). Between primary (P) and follow-up (FU) examination, 1 TAV and 6 BAV underwent aortic valve replacement (AVR). The patients were divided into 2 groups: non-operated (NOP) (n=13) and operated (OP) (n=7). The average duration from P to FU was 4 years. The mean age at FU was 73.3±4.4 years for OP and 57.5±15.9 for NOP. MRI studies were performed on 1.5 T (n=4) and 3.0 T (n=16) systems. Aortic valve morphology, LV function, and mass were assessed using ECG-gated breath-hold SSFP cine imaging. Aortic dimensions were measured using non-contrast magnetic resonance angiography in FU and axial SSFP imaging of the thorax in P. Standard cardiac MRI analysis was performed using cvi42. Thoracic aorta 4D flow MRI using ECG gating and respiratory navigators was acquired. Hemodynamic parameters were evaluated, including net flow, peak systolic velocity, WSS, and helical and vortical flow patterns. Results NOP and OP groups significantly differed in age and BMI. After surgery, LV mass and WSS magnitude were significantly decreased in OP in FU. WSS was significantly correlated with peak systolic velocity, helical flow, and LV mass. Peak velocity in the ascending aorta and aortic arch of OP declined significantly in FU but remained constant in NOP. There was a significant increase in net flow in certain aortic planes in OP in FU. In some cases, the helical and vortical flow patterns changed.Hintergrund Die vierdimensionale Fluss-Magnetresonanztomographie (4D-Flow-MRT) ermöglicht eine nicht-invasive Beurteilung der AortenhĂ€modynamik und bietet Einblick in die Blutflussmuster und die Wandschubspannung (WSS). Aortenklappenstenose (AS) und bikuspide Aortenklappen (BAV) verursachen erhebliche VerĂ€nderungen der Blutflussmuster und erhöhte und asymmetrisch verteilte WSS in der Aorta ascendens (1,2,3,4). Ziel der Studie war es, die Entwicklung der AortenhĂ€modynamik bei Aortenklappenpathologien besser zu verstehen. Methodik Nach Erhalt der ethischen Genehmigung und informierten Zustimmung wurden 20 Patienten aus den PrimĂ€rstudien (1,3) mittels CMR erneut untersucht. Es handelte sich um 14 Patienten mit BAV und 6 mit stenotischen trikuspidalen Aortenklappen (TAV). Zwischen der Erst- (P) und Nachuntersuchung (FU) unterzogen sich 7 Patienten einem Aortenklappenersatz (AVR). Die Patienten wurden in 2 Gruppen eingeteilt: nicht operiert (NOP) und operiert (OP). Die Dauer von P bis FU betrug circa 4 Jahre. Die MRT-Untersuchungen wurden mit 1,5 T und 3,0 T Systemen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Aortenklappenmorphologie, LV-Funktion und Masse wurden mittels SSFP-Cine-Bildgebung beurteilt. Die Aortenabmessungen wurden mittels kontrastfreier Magnetresonanzangiographie bei FU und axialer SSFP-Bildgebung des Thorax bei P gemessen. Die Standardanalyse der kardialen MRT wurde mit cvi42 durchgefĂŒhrt. Die 4D-Flow-MRT der Aorta wurde mit EKG-Gating und Atemnavigator durchgefĂŒhrt. Es wurden hĂ€modynamische Parameter ausgewertet, darunter Nettofluss, systolische Spitzengeschwindigkeit, WSS sowie helikale und vortikale Flussmuster. Ergebnisse Die NOP- und OP unterschieden sich signifikant in Alter und BMI. Nach der AVR waren die LV-Masse und die WSS-GrĂ¶ĂŸe bei OP in FU signifikant verringert. Die WSS korrelierte signifikant mit der systolischen Spitzengeschwindigkeit, dem helikalen Fluss und der LV-Masse. Die Spitzengeschwindigkeit in der Aorta ascendens und im Aortenbogen der OP nahm in FU signifikant ab. Der Nettofluss in bestimmten Aortenebenen war bei OP in FU signifikant erhöht. In einigen FĂ€llen verĂ€nderten sich die helikalen und vortikalen Flussmuster. Fazit Aortenklappenpathologien können die HĂ€modynamik des linken Ventrikels und der Aorta beeintrĂ€chtigen. Die AVR verbessert die Parameter. Die hĂ€modynamischen VerĂ€nderungen können zur Aortendilatation und Dissektion beitragen. In dieser Studie wurde festgestellt, dass das WSS der Aorta in Gebieten mit der höchsten DissektionshĂ€ufigkeit höher war. Das Management von Aortenerkrankungen sucht nach neuen Parametern, die ĂŒber die AortengrĂ¶ĂŸe hinausgehen, um chirurgische Entscheidungen zu verbessern und Dissektionen vorherzusagen. Wir schlagen vor, Kriterien, die nicht die GrĂ¶ĂŸe betreffen, wie das WSS, als potenziellen Parameter fĂŒr die individuelle Behandlung von Aortenerkrankungen zu entwickeln. Letztlich haben wir Hypothesen fĂŒr weitere, umfassendere Studien aufgestellt, um unsere Ergebnisse zu validiere
