13 research outputs found

    Pendidikan sepanjang hayat dan cabaran sosial pada kalangan pelajar dewasa

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    Agenda pendidikan sepanjang hayat merupakan satu proses pendemokrasian pendidikan yang merangkumi pemerolehan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan kemajuan diri seseorang individu secara berterusan tanpa mengira batasan umur. Secara idealnya, proses pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar yang diamalkan pada masa kini menuntut pelajar, sama ada pelajar dewasa mahupun pelajar tradisional saling berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi secara aktif antara satu sama lain. Bukti literatur pula menunjukkan bahawa perubahan dan transformasi merupakan satu perkara yang sukar untuk dilakukan oleh seseorang individu khususnya pada peringkat usia dewasa. Kajian ini ingin menganalisa cabaran sosial yang dihadapi di kalangan pelajar dewasa. Secara lebih mendalam, kajian ini juga dijalankan dengan tujuan mengenal pasti cabaran yang dihadapi ketika meneruskan pelajaran di peringkat yang lebih tinggi dan bagaimana mereka menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi di samping menempuhi alam pekerjaan dan kehidupan berkeluarga mereka. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif sepenuhnya. Temu bual dijalankan untuk mendapat data. Soalan-soalan separa berstruktur bagi temu bual telah dibina berdasarkan tinjauan literatur. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 17 orang responden warga guru. Kriteria pemilihan responden adalah berumur melebihi 45 tahun, tempoh perkhidmatan melebihi 15 tahun, berkeluarga, masih berkhidmat dalam perkhidmatan awam dan memegang jawatan pentadbiran di sekolah masing-masing serta masih lagi dalam tempoh pengajian Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan hampir semua responden menghadapi masalah mengikuti pengajian mereka. Komitmen terhadap tugas-tugas harian di sekolah menjadikan pengajian mereka sesuatu yang sukar dilaksanakan. Namun begitu, motivasi intrinsik seperti semangat untuk memajukan diri dan keyakinan membuatkan mereka mampu untuk menempuhi cabaran-cabaran dengan jayanya. Sebaliknya cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi menjadi pendorong kepada mereka untuk terus belajar untuk melengkapkan pengajian mereka. Hal ini kerana mereka mempunyai pandangan yang positif terhadap ilmu pengetahuan serta bagaimana melengkapkan pengajian menjadikan mereka mampu memberi perkhidmatan yang lebih baik

    PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM IBN SAHNÛN: Analisis Kritis Kurikulum Pengajaran di Institusi Pendidikan Dasar Islam

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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkapkan relevansi pemikiran Ibn Sahnûn mengenai kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam dengan praktik kurikulum pengajaran pada institusi-institusi pendidikan dasar Islam masa kini. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, analisis isi, dan analisis kritis, penulis berargumen bahwa kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam menurut Ibn Sahnûn masih relevan dengan praktik kurikulum pengajaran pendidikan dasar Islam masa kini. Hal tersebut setidaknya berdasarkan: 1) aspek prinsip penyusunannya, yaitu prinsip tawâzun (keseimbangan) antara materi-materi ukhrawi dengan duniâwi, intelektual dengan spiritual, materi- materi teoretis dengan praktis, dan prinsip relevansi, yaitu kesesuaian kurikulum pengajaran dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, dan 2) dari aspek dasar utama yang menjadi landasan penyusunan kurikulum pengajaran, yaitu dasar agama dan sosial.Abstract: Ibn Sahnûn’s Islamic Educational Thought: Critical Analysis of Teaching Curriculum in the Institution of Islamic Elementary Education. This paper aims to reveal the relevance of Ibn Sahnûn thought on teaching curriculum of Islamic primary education to the practice of the current teaching curriculum in Islamic primary education institutions. Based on descriptive, content, and critical analysis to form a reflective thought, the results of present study showed that the teaching curriculum of Islamic elementary education of Ibn Sahnûn still relevant to the practice of it nowadays, especially from (1) the principles of it composition aspects, the principle of tawâzun (equilibrium) between the materials of the hereafter with worldly ones or (intellectual with the spiritual aspect), the theoretical material with practical, and the principle of relevance, the suitability of the teaching curriculum to the needs of the community, and (2) the primary basis on which the teaching curriculum is developed, which is the basis of religion and social issues.Kata Kunci: Ibn Sahnûn, kurikulum pengajaran, pendidikan dasar Isla

    Optoelectronic simulation properties of transparent conducting indium tin oxide for solar cell application

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    The flexible and unique features of indium tin oxide (ITO) have continued to qualify this material for used in wide range of optoelectronic applications. Optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide were investigated using a computer simulation (Matlab program). Derived models of ITO comprising transmission, resistivity and optical absorption were used to examine and validate the trend features of the ITO transparent conductive material. All the models parameters used in this study were within the limit range values of the material and have found to affect changes in the electronic and optical properties of indium tin oxide. Data obtained in this work were compared with the experimental findings. The attractive features of the results indicate that the models used can be further manipulated to extract other parameters such as reflectance and temperature dependent transmittance

    The effect of coupled inquiry-5E in enhancing the understanding of Meiosis concept

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of coupled inquiry-5E approach on the understanding of meiosis concept among pre-service teachers. The research design of this study is one-group design with a pre-test -post-test-delayed post-test. A total of 31 pre-service teachers from one public university involved in this study. An instrument, Meoisis Conceptual Test with 19 items was used. Data was analysed using One Way Repeated Measure ANOVA. The result showed that there is a statistically significant effect for time, Wilks’ Lambda =.80, F (2,29) = 3.65, p<.05, multivariate eta squared = .20. From the analysis, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant effect for time. Thus, this finding showed that couple inquiry learning approach has an effect on enhancing meiosis understanding among pre-service teachers. From this study, it is suggested that couple inquiry learning approach is a good method to be used in learning abstract concept such as meiosis

    Improved resistivity and surface morphology of laser treated Cr/Pd metal contact sputter deposited on Si

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    In this paper Cr/Pd metal contacts were deposited on Si by using DC magnetron sputtering. The metal contacts were treated using infrared Nd:YAG pulsed laser at different laser pulse energy. The metal contacts were characterized based on electrical, optical and morphology properties by using four-point probes, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and atomic force microscope (AFM). Measurement obtained from four point probes shown lowest resistivity values for post treatment sample after treated with 25 mJ laser pulsed energy. The measured value is 6.75 × 10-5 Ohm-cm as compared to the as-deposited sample of 1.060 × 10-4 Ohm-cm. The scanned data using UV-Vis shown the characteristics of the thin metal contacts to absorbing light spectrum, whereas reflect light in visible wavelength range. Meanwhile, AFM results confirmed the post-treatment sample has smoother surface as compared to the as-deposited sample

    Comparative study of infrared Nd:YAG pulsed laser radiation on Pt thin film

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    This paper investigated on infrared Nd:YAG pulsed laser radiation on platinum (Pt) thin films. Pt thin films were deposited on Si by DC magnetron sputtering. Then, the deposited thin films were radiated by infrared Nd:YAG pulse laser at different laser energy. The radiated thin films were analysed based on the electrical and surface morphological properties. Four-point probe measurement shows that, the lowest resistivity was recorded when the energy laser are 110-170 mJ. Surface morphology scanned by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that the surface of sample with lowest resistivity after radiated with laser is smoother than the as-deposited thin films. After laser radiation, the grain sizes of thin films increases due to the grain agglomeration on the surface area


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    Propose of the study: This paper intends to explore the concept of sustainable higher education leadership and to develop a propose conceptual approach of leadership for higher institutions of learning from the perspective of the functionalist paradigm.  The Methodology: The paper critically analyzed the concept of sustainable higher education leadership, explore the functionalist paradigm, and their relevance in leading higher institutions of learning. The paper have methodologically selected the three main concepts of the paradigm and link them with higher institutions of learning and work out a plan and modalities on how they could be applied in practice. Main Findings: The main findings and the contribution of the paper were identified in the two main sections. The first, explore the definitions and features of various functionalist paradigm and its dimensions within the cycle of leadership. While the second part of the paper synthesized the theories and discuss their relevance with sustainable leadership in higher education and systematically come up with a framework/model that is practically applicable within the context of higher educational institutions of learning. Applications of this study: This research can be applicable to the higher institutions of learning including Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges as well as Moto-technics.  Novelty/Originality of this study: This research paper has critically analyzed the functionalist paradigm with a specific focus on leadership and systematically come up with a framework/model on how such can be applied in the leadership of higher educational institutions of learning


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    Improving model generalization of aggregated multiple neural networks for nonlinear dynamic process modeling using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) is proposed in this paper. Using BMA method, the posterior probability of a particular network being the true model is used as the combination weight for aggregating the network despite of using fixed combination weight as the model. The posterior probabilities are calculated using the sum square error (SSE) from the training data on each of the sample time, and tested to the testing data. The selections for the final weight are based on the least SSE calculated when each of the posterior probability is applied to the testing data. The likelihood method is employed for calculating the network error for each input data. Then, it is used to calculate the combination weight for the networks. Two non-linear dynamic system-modeling case studies are selected for this proposed method, which are water tank level prediction and pH neutralization process. Application result demonstrates that the combination using BMA technique can significantly improve model generalization compared to other linear combination approaches

    Systematic Literature Review: Students' Sustainable Thinking Toward Environment

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    Environmental issues are often debated in the mass media, thus indicating the need for improvement in existing efforts, primarily through the education system. It is common knowledge that environmental education is a curriculum integrated into several subjects, one of which is Moral Education. In addition, environmental sustainability is one of the elements across the curriculum applied in the Moral Education. This shows that the application of this education is crucial in helping to realize the goals of the Moral Education curriculum in line with the goals of sustainable development. Therefore, this article is presented to review the literature on students' sustainable thinking toward the environment. The researchers use the Systematic Literature Review methodology based on three stages of selecting relevant articles: identification, screening, and eligibility. The findings of this article showed that the level of sustainable thinking of students is still at a low level, while the application of environmental education is not satisfactory. This research integrated various research designs where studies were selected based on published standards. The articles used were those published from 2015 to 2022. This study selected articles using two leading databases, Scopus and Web of Science, and one supporting database, Google Scholar. This study is expected to be a source for other studies on sustainable thinking toward the environment