1,449 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat penambahan probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim terenkapsulasi terhadap konsumsi pakan dan quail day production pada burung puyuh. Adapun materi pada penelitian ini adalah probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim yang di enkapsulasi, pakan komersil dan burung puyuh betina fase layer. Metode yang dipakai yaitu percobaan (eksperimen) dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Penambahan probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim terenkapsulasi pada pakan yaitu perlakuan A = Pakan Komersil, perlakuan B = Pakan Komersil dengan probiotik 1,5 g/kg dari pakan, perlakuan C = Pakan Komersil dengan probiotik 3 g/kg dari pakan, dan perlakuan D = Pakan Komersil dengan probiotik 4,5 g/kg dari pakan. Variabel yang diukur yaitu konsumsi pakan dan Quail Day Production. Data penelitian dianalisa menggunakan Analysis of Varience (ANOVA). Hasil penelitan menunjukkan dengan penambahan probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim yang dienkapsulasi berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap konsumsi dan quail day production. Rataan konsumsi pakan (g/ekor/hari) pada perlakuan A = 21,776a, B = 21,802ab, C = 21,861bc, dan D = 21,890c. Rata-rata quail day production (persen) perlakuan A = 73,81a, B = 75,19a, C = 78,38ab, dan D = 82,56b. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa semakin tinggi probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim enkapsulasi yang ditambahkan pada pakan burung puyuh dapat meningkatkan konsumsi pakan dan quail day production. Penambahan probiotik Lactobacillus fermentum plus multi enzim terenkapsulasi sebesar 4,5 g/kg pakan dalam pakan burung puyuh menghasilkan quail day production tertinggi.            Kata kunci : Probiotik, multi enzim, enkapsulasi, Quail day production, konsumsi pakan                                                               

    A Class of Three Stage Implicit Rational Runge-Kutta Schemes for Approximation of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations

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    In this paper, 3 – stage Implicit Rational Runge – Kutta methods are derived using Taylor and Binomial series expansion for the direct solution of general second order initial value problems of ordinary differential equations with constant step length. The basic properties of the developed method were investigated and found to be consistent and convergent. The efficiency of the method were tested on some numerical examples and found to give better approximations than the existing methods. Keywords: Java Programming Language, Implicit Rational Runge Kutta scheme, Second order equations

    Fabrication Of y-TiAl Intermetallic Alloys Via Hot Pressing Technique.

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    Gamma titanium-aluminide (y-TiAl) based alloys are potentially suitable as advanced structural materials for high performance applications such as components in aerospace vehicles, aircraft turbine, and automotive engines due to their unique and superior properties at high temperatures. Hot pressing combined with mechanical alloying (MA) has been reported as favorably as fabrication route to produce various alloys from elemental powders since they offer high densification, particularly for consolidation of reactive elements, as well as elements with significantly different melting points. In this study, formation and densification behavior of y-TiAI alloys was investigated using mechanical alloying and hot pressing at temperatures ranging from 950-110° DC

    Hydrologic alteration and potential ecosystemic implications under a changing climate in the Chitral River, Hindukush region, Pakistan

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    This study investigates changes in the hydrologic regime of the Chitral River, Hindukush–Karakoram–Himalayan (HKH) region, Pakistan. Different statistically based methods were used to assess climate change-induced hydrologic alterations that can possibly impact aquatic habitat in the study region. The hydrological model Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) was calibrated, validated, and applied to predict streamflow in the Chitral River basin. The HBV model was forced with the ensemble of four general circulation models under different representative concentration pathway emission scenarios to generate future streamflow under climate change conditions in the basin for the mid-twenty-first century. The results of this study show that hydrologic regimes in the study area, expressed by the magnitude, duration, frequency, timing, and rate of streamflow, are likely to alter in the future. Positive (i.e., with increased frequency) hydrologic alteration is projected for most flow parameters under all scenarios for the 2021–2050 period compared with values observed during the historical period (1976–2005). These hydrologic alterations might have impacts on fish and migratory bird species in the study area. This research can be helpful in providing practical information for more effective water resources and aquatic ecosystem management in the HKH region. HIGHLIGHTS Investigation of changes in the hydrologic regime of the Chitral River.; Employment of IHA and RVA methods to evaluate riverine ecosystem health.; Hydrological modeling using HBV-light to generate future streamflow.; Assessment of climate change impacts on different streamflow characteristics.; Analysis of streamflow changes and their relationship with aquatic habitat.

    Pengembangan Metoda Deteksi Rintangan untuk Traktor tanpa Awak Menggunakan Kamera CCD

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    For unmanned tractor guided by global positioning system, ability for eluding obstacles such as trees, big stone, cavity, bund, people, and other objects in the work area is very important in order not to stop the operation.Surrounding detection system using CCD camera makes it possible for unmanned tractor to detect obstacles in front of it realtime. However, with so many different objects that may captured by the camera, it will need a lot of image processing steps that takes a lot of time so it is no longer suitable for realtime detection in application. The proposed research is aimed to develop a simpler obstacle detection method by adding a red laser pointer to the CCD camera used to capture scene in front of the tractor. The red laser light that reflected by an obstacle gives an important information in the image, and the distance of the obstacle could be calculated based on phytagoras theory. The results showed that all obstacles with 1 m distance, 80% obstacles with 2 m distance, and 40% obstacles with 3 m distance could be detected. Obstacles with more than 3 m distances could not be detected due to weak laser light for the distances. The accuracy of distance prediction for all situation is 67.5%, which is still need improvements


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan persentase volume air yang optimal dalampemeliharaan yuwana sotong buluh, Sepioteuthis lessoniana dengan sistem air mengalir. Wadah pemeliharaan berupa bak serat gelas sebanyak sembilan buah, diisi air laut masing-masing sebanyak 150 L/bak. Hev'ran uji brerupa yuwana sotong buluh umur nol hari dengan bobot awal rata-rata 0,0250 g dan panjang nrantel awal rata-rata 5,0 mm, ditebar ke dalam wadah pemeliharaan dengan kepadatan 1.000 ekor/ba

    Penerimaan Panelis Serta Analisis Usaha Mi Instan Berbasis Jagung Lokal Pelalawan dan Tapioka

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    The purposes of this study were to analyze the level of acceptance by the panelists and to analyze the business feasibility of instant noodles made from Pelalawan local corn flour and tapioca. The research was conducted experimentally by making instant noodles from local corn flour and tapioca and then tested for panelists acceptance and business analysis. Data of panelists acceptance were analysis by Cochran's Q test at the level of 5%. Test results show that Cochran's Q indicates the number of 5.455 which means H0 accepted with the understanding that the instant noodles made from local corn flour and tapioca were accepted by the panelists. Business analysis of instant noodles made from Pelalawan local corn flour and tapioca show that HPP values ​​obtained by the total cost were Rp. 1,268.05 and HPP from main total variable cost were Rp. 1,206.69. Profit obtained was Rp 221,048.37/20 kg of main raw materials. Business efficiency with RCR of 1.58. BEP based on the amount of production value were 191.48 and the BEP based on production price were Rp. 1,268.05 with economic value were Rp. 239,580

    Pengemasan dan Penyimpanan Dingin Kelapa Kopyor untuk Mempertahankan Mutu

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    The objectives of this research were to study the influence of packaging material and the temperature applied during storage on the quality of kopyor coconut, to predict the shelf-life, and to determine the best packaging material and the storage temperature to keep the kopyor coconut. Research material is kopyor coconut obtained from Kalianda South Lampung. Kopyor coconut packaged in plastic film type Polyamide (PA), Polypropylene (PP), and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) each weighing 60g. The quality parameter observed are free fatty acids (FFA), total microbes, and sensory characteristics including color, flavor, and taste. This research us Randomized Complete Design with two factors. The first factor was the packaging material with three different types (PA, PP, HDPE), and the second factor was the storage temperature at two levels of 5±2OC and 10±2OC. The shelf-life was predict using Partially StaggeredDesign (PSD) technique. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique was used to determine the best treatment. The results showed that the type of plastic packaging and storage temperature gave an effect onthe total microbes, and organoleptics of color, flavor, and taste. PA packaging is the best packaging can be maintained the quality of organoleptic and reduce the microbe growth. The storage temperature of 5±2OC can maintain quality of kopyor coconut better than 10±2OC temperature. Based on PSD method and total microbe as critical parameters, the shelf-life of kopyor coconut at 5±2OC is 27, 26, and 17 days for plastic PA, HDPE, and PP packaging, respectively