40 research outputs found

    Mitosis Phase Enrichment with Identification of Mitotic Centromere-Associated Kinesin As a Therapeutic Target in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

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    The recently described transcriptomic switch to a mitosis program in castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) suggests that mitotic proteins may be rationally targeted at this lethal stage of the disease. In this study, we showed upregulation of the mitosis-phase at the protein level in our cohort of 51 clinical CRPC cases and found centrosomal aberrations to also occur preferentially in CRPC compared with untreated, high Gleason–grade hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (P<0.0001). Expression profiling of chemotherapy-resistant CRPC samples (n = 25) was performed, and the results were compared with data from primary chemotherapy-naïve CRPC (n = 10) and hormone-sensitive prostate cancer cases (n = 108). Our results showed enrichment of mitosis-phase genes and pathways, with progression to both castration-resistant and chemotherapy-resistant disease. The mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK) was identified as a novel mitosis-phase target in prostate cancer that was overexpressed in multiple CRPC gene-expression datasets. We found concordant gene expression of MCAK between our parent and murine CRPC xenograft pairs and increased MCAK protein expression with clinical progression of prostate cancer to a castration-resistant disease stage. Knockdown of MCAK arrested the growth of prostate cancer cells suggesting its utility as a potential therapeutic target

    Profiling Insulin Like Factor 3 (INSL3) Signaling in Human Osteoblasts

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Young men with mutations in the gene for the INSL3 receptor (Relaxin family peptide 2, RXFP2) are at risk of reduced bone mass and osteoporosis. Consistent with the human phenotype, bone analyses of Rxfp2(-/-) mice showed decreased bone volume, alterations of the trabecular bone, reduced mineralizing surface, bone formation, and osteoclast surface. The aim of this study was to elucidate the INSL3/RXFP2 signaling pathways and targets in human osteoblasts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) production, protein phosphorylation, intracellular calcium, gene expression, and mineralization studies have been performed. INSL3 induced a significant increase in ALP production, and Western blot and ELISA analyses of multiple intracellular signaling pathway molecules and their phosphorylation status revealed that the MAPK was the major pathway influenced by INSL3, whereas it does not modify intracellular calcium concentration. Quantitative Real Time PCR and Western blotting showed that INSL3 regulates the expression of different osteoblast markers. Alizarin red-S staining confirmed that INSL3-stimulated osteoblasts are fully differentiated and able to mineralize the extracellular matrix. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together with previous findings, this study demonstrates that the INSL3/RXFP2 system is involved in bone metabolism by acting on the MAPK cascade and stimulating transcription of important genes of osteoblast maturation/differentiation and osteoclastogenesis

    Sex Reversal in Zebrafish fancl Mutants Is Caused by Tp53-Mediated Germ Cell Apoptosis

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    The molecular genetic mechanisms of sex determination are not known for most vertebrates, including zebrafish. We identified a mutation in the zebrafish fancl gene that causes homozygous mutants to develop as fertile males due to female-to-male sex reversal. Fancl is a member of the Fanconi Anemia/BRCA DNA repair pathway. Experiments showed that zebrafish fancl was expressed in developing germ cells in bipotential gonads at the critical time of sexual fate determination. Caspase-3 immunoassays revealed increased germ cell apoptosis in fancl mutants that compromised oocyte survival. In the absence of oocytes surviving through meiosis, somatic cells of mutant gonads did not maintain expression of the ovary gene cyp19a1a and did not down-regulate expression of the early testis gene amh; consequently, gonads masculinized and became testes. Remarkably, results showed that the introduction of a tp53 (p53) mutation into fancl mutants rescued the sex-reversal phenotype by reducing germ cell apoptosis and, thus, allowed fancl mutants to become fertile females. Our results show that Fancl function is not essential for spermatogonia and oogonia to become sperm or mature oocytes, but instead suggest that Fancl function is involved in the survival of developing oocytes through meiosis. This work reveals that Tp53-mediated germ cell apoptosis induces sex reversal after the mutation of a DNA–repair pathway gene by compromising the survival of oocytes and suggests the existence of an oocyte-derived signal that biases gonad fate towards the female developmental pathway and thereby controls zebrafish sex determination

    Mammalian BTBD12 (SLX4) Protects against Genomic Instability during Mammalian Spermatogenesis

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    The mammalian ortholog of yeast Slx4, BTBD12, is an ATM substrate that functions as a scaffold for various DNA repair activities. Mutations of human BTBD12 have been reported in a new sub-type of Fanconi anemia patients. Recent studies have implicated the fly and worm orthologs, MUS312 and HIM-18, in the regulation of meiotic crossovers arising from double-strand break (DSB) initiating events and also in genome stability prior to meiosis. Using a Btbd12 mutant mouse, we analyzed the role of BTBD12 in mammalian gametogenesis. BTBD12 localizes to pre-meiotic spermatogonia and to meiotic spermatocytes in wildtype males. Btbd12 mutant mice have less than 15% normal spermatozoa and are subfertile. Loss of BTBD12 during embryogenesis results in impaired primordial germ cell proliferation and increased apoptosis, which reduces the spermatogonial pool in the early postnatal testis. During prophase I, DSBs initiate normally in Btbd12 mutant animals. However, DSB repair is delayed or impeded, resulting in persistent γH2AX and RAD51, and the choice of repair pathway may be altered, resulting in elevated MLH1/MLH3 focus numbers at pachynema. The result is an increase in apoptosis through prophase I and beyond. Unlike yeast Slx4, therefore, BTBD12 appears to function in meiotic prophase I, possibly during the recombination events that lead to the production of crossovers. In line with its expected regulation by ATM kinase, BTBD12 protein is reduced in the testis of Atm−/− males, and Btbd12 mutant mice exhibit increased genomic instability in the form of elevated blood cell micronucleus formation similar to that seen in Atm−/− males. Taken together, these data indicate that BTBD12 functions throughout gametogenesis to maintain genome stability, possibly by co-ordinating repair processes and/or by linking DNA repair events to the cell cycle via ATM

    Signatures of positive selection in East African Shorthorn Zebu:A genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism analysis

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    The small East African Shorthorn Zebu (EASZ) is the main indigenous cattle across East Africa. A recent genome wide SNP analysis revealed an ancient stable African taurine x Asian zebu admixture. Here, we assess the presence of candidate signatures of positive selection in their genome, with the aim to provide qualitative insights about the corresponding selective pressures. Four hundred and twenty-five EASZ and four reference populations (Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, N'Dama and Nellore) were analysed using 46,171 SNPs covering all autosomes and the X chromosome. Following FST and two extended haplotype homozygosity-based (iHS and Rsb) analyses 24 candidate genome regions within 14 autosomes and the X chromosome were revealed, in which 18 and 4 were previously identified in tropical-adapted and commercial breeds, respectively. These regions overlap with 340 bovine QTL. They include 409 annotated genes, in which 37 were considered as candidates. These genes are involved in various biological pathways (e.g. immunity, reproduction, development and heat tolerance). Our results support that different selection pressures (e.g. environmental constraints, human selection, genome admixture constrains) have shaped the genome of EASZ. We argue that these candidate regions represent genome landmarks to be maintained in breeding programs aiming to improve sustainable livestock productivity in the tropics

    INSL3 plays a role in the balance between bone formation and resorption.

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    We have recently demonstrated that the disruption of the INSL3 hormonal system, as observed in humans with mutations in the RXFP2 gene and in Rxfp2-deficient mice, might affect the equilibrium of the osteoblast-osteoclast system, resulting in an imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption that may result in reduced bone mass. In the present study we have better characterized the in vitro effects of INSL3 on human osteoblasts. Stimulation of human primary osteoblasts with INSL3 at serial concentrations (1 pM, 1 nM, and 1 microM) induced a dose-dependent increase in osteoblast proliferation and expression of specific osteoblast genes

    INSL3 plays a role in the balance between bone formation and resorption.

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    We have recently demonstrated that the disruption of the INSL3 hormonal system, as observed in humans with mutations in the RXFP2 gene and in Rxfp2-deficient mice, might affect the equilibrium of the osteoblast-osteoclast system, resulting in an imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption that may result in reduced bone mass. In the present study we have better characterized the in vitro effects of INSL3 on human osteoblasts. Stimulation of human primary osteoblasts with INSL3 at serial concentrations (1 pM, 1 nM, and 1 microM) induced a dose-dependent increase in osteoblast proliferation and expression of specific osteoblast genes

    Insulin-like factor 3 gene mutations in testicular dysgenesis syndrome: clinical and functional characterization

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    Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) plays a crucial role in testicular descent. Genetic ablation of Insl3 or its G protein-coupled receptor, leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein-coupled receptor (Lgr8), causes cryptorchidism in mice. Mutation analyses of INSL3 in humans showed an association with cryptorchidism but led to non-conclusive data about a causative role. In this study, we explored the hypothesis that mutations in INSL3 may be associated with the signs of testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS). We screened for mutations in INSL3 gene in 967 subjects with a history of maldescended testes and/or infertility and/or testicular cancer and in 450 controls. Furthermore, we carried out in vitro functional analysis of three novel mutations by analysis of INSL3-dependent cAMP increase in cells expressing LGR8. We found six INSL3 mutations in 18 of 967 patients (1.9%) and no mutations in controls. Prevalence of mutations was similar in the different groups of patients (cryptorchidism and/or infertility and/testicular cancer). Three mutations were novel findings (R4H, W69R, and R72K); however, their analysis showed normal cAMP increase after the activation of LGR8 receptor. In conclusion, we found a significant association of INSL3 gene mutations in men presenting one or more signs of TDS syndrome. However, a causative role for some of these mutations is not clearly supported by functional analyses. Although a role for mutations of INSL3 and LGR8 genes in cryptorchidism is reasonable, additional studies are needed to establish an association between the disruption of INSL3 pathway and higher risk of infertility or testicular cancer

    T222P mutation of the insulin-like 3 hormone receptor LGR8 is associated with testicular maldescent and hinders receptor expression on the cell surface membrane

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    Insulin-like 3 (INSL3) hormone plays a crucial role in testicular descent during embryonic development. Genetic ablation of Insl3 or its G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Lgr8 causes cryptorchidism in mice. Previously, we identified a nonfunctional T222P mutation of LGR8 in several human patients with testicular maldescent. Using a large population of patients and healthy controls from Italy, we have demonstrated that T222P LGR8 mutation is present only in affected patients (19 T222P/+ of 598 vs. 0/450, P < 0.0001). We have also identified a novel allele of LGR8 (R223K) found in one patient with retractile testes. Both mutations are located in the leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) of GPCR ectodomain. The expression analysis of T222P mutant receptor transfected into 293T cells revealed that the mutation severely compromised GPCR cell membrane expression. The substitution of Thr(222) with the neutral Ser or Ala, or the R223K mutation, did not alter receptor cell membrane expression or ligand-induced cAMP increase. Additional mutations, affecting first leucine in a signature LxxLxLxxN/CxL stretch of LRR (L283F), or the amino acid residues, forming the disulfide bond or coordinating calcium ion in the LDLa module (C71Y and D70Y), also rendered proteins with reduced cell surface expression. The structural alterations of both LRRs and LDLa of the ligand-binding part of LGR8 cause the inability of receptor to express on the cell surface membrane and might be responsible for the abnormal testicular phenotype in patients