324 research outputs found

    Few-Shot Keypoint Detection as Task Adaptation via Latent Embeddings

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    Dense object tracking, the ability to localize specific object points with pixel-level accuracy, is an important computer vision task with numerous downstream applications in robotics. Existing approaches either compute dense keypoint embeddings in a single forward pass, meaning the model is trained to track everything at once, or allocate their full capacity to a sparse predefined set of points, trading generality for accuracy. In this paper we explore a middle ground based on the observation that the number of relevant points at a given time are typically relatively few, e.g. grasp points on a target object. Our main contribution is a novel architecture, inspired by few-shot task adaptation, which allows a sparse-style network to condition on a keypoint embedding that indicates which point to track. Our central finding is that this approach provides the generality of dense-embedding models, while offering accuracy significantly closer to sparse-keypoint approaches. We present results illustrating this capacity vs. accuracy trade-off, and demonstrate the ability to zero-shot transfer to new object instances (within-class) using a real-robot pick-and-place task

    DSP-SLAM: object oriented SLAM with deep shape priors

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    We propose DSP-SLAM, an object-oriented SLAM system that builds a rich and accurate joint map of dense 3D models for foreground objects, and sparse landmark points to represent the background. DSP-SLAM takes as input the 3D point cloud reconstructed by a feature-based SLAM system and equips it with the ability to enhance its sparse map with dense reconstructions of detected objects. Objects are detected via semantic instance segmentation, and their shape and pose is estimated using category-specific deep shape embeddings as priors, via a novel second order optimization. Our object-aware bundle adjustment builds a pose-graph to jointly optimize camera poses, object locations and feature points. DSP-SLAM can operate at 10 frames per second on 3 different input modalities: monocular, stereo, or stereo+LiDAR. We demonstrate DSP-SLAM operating at almost frame rate on monocular-RGB sequences from the Freiburg and Redwood-OS datasets, and on stereo+LiDAR sequences on the KITTI odometry dataset showing that it achieves high-quality full object reconstructions, even from partial observations, while maintaining a consistent global map. Our evaluation shows improvements in object pose and shape reconstruction with respect to recent deep prior-based reconstruction methods and reductions in camera tracking drift on the KITTI dataset

    Automated computation of materials properties

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    Materials informatics offers a promising pathway towards rational materials design, replacing the current trial-and-error approach and accelerating the development of new functional materials. Through the use of sophisticated data analysis techniques, underlying property trends can be identified, facilitating the formulation of new design rules. Such methods require large sets of consistently generated, programmatically accessible materials data. Computational materials design frameworks using standardized parameter sets are the ideal tools for producing such data. This work reviews the state-of-the-art in computational materials design, with a focus on these automated ab-initio\textit{ab-initio} frameworks. Features such as structural prototyping and automated error correction that enable rapid generation of large datasets are discussed, and the way in which integrated workflows can simplify the calculation of complex properties, such as thermal conductivity and mechanical stability, is demonstrated. The organization of large datasets composed of ab-initio\textit{ab-initio} calculations, and the tools that render them programmatically accessible for use in statistical learning applications, are also described. Finally, recent advances in leveraging existing data to predict novel functional materials, such as entropy stabilized ceramics, bulk metallic glasses, thermoelectrics, superalloys, and magnets, are surveyed.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, chapter in a boo

    Aviram-Ratner rectifying mechanism for DNA base pair sequencing through graphene nanogaps

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    We demonstrate that biological molecules such as Watson-Crick DNA base pairs can behave as biological Aviram-Ratner electrical rectifiers because of the spatial separation and weak hydrogen bonding between the nucleobases. We have performed a parallel computational implementation of the ab-initio non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) theory to determine the electrical response of graphene---base-pair---graphene junctions. The results show an asymmetric (rectifying) current-voltage response for the Cytosine-Guanine base pair adsorbed on a graphene nanogap. In sharp contrast we find a symmetric response for the Thymine-Adenine case. We propose applying the asymmetry of the current-voltage response as a sensing criterion to the technological challenge of rapid DNA sequencing via graphene nanogaps

    HumanRF: High-Fidelity Neural Radiance Fields for Humans in Motion

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    Representing human performance at high-fidelity is an essential building block in diverse applications, such as film production, computer games or videoconferencing. To close the gap to production-level quality, we introduce HumanRF1, a 4D dynamic neural scene representation that captures full-body appearance in motion from multi-view video input, and enables playback from novel, unseen viewpoints. Our novel representation acts as a dynamic video encoding that captures fine details at high compression rates by factorizing space-time into a temporal matrix-vector decomposition. This allows us to obtain temporally coherent reconstructions of human actors for long sequences, while representing high-resolution details even in the context of challenging motion. While most research focuses on synthesizing at resolutions of 4MP or lower, we address the challenge of operating at 12MP. To this end, we introduce ActorsHQ, a novel multi-view dataset that provides 12MP footage from 160 cameras for 16 sequences with high-fidelity, per-frame mesh reconstructions2. We demonstrate challenges that emerge from using such high-resolution data and show that our newly introduced HumanRF effectively leverages this data, making a significant step towards production-level quality novel view synthesis

    Hipertiroidismo por Secreção Inapropriada Não Tumoral de TSH

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    Apresenta-se um caso clínico de hipertiroidismo por secreção inapropriada não tumoral de TSH, numa mulher de 31 anos, investigado na sequência do achado de T3 e TSH elevados após tiroidecto mia. A resposta exagerada de TSH à TRH e a supressão parcial após triiodotironina aliadas à normal expressão morfológica tomodensitométrica da região selar confirmaram o diagnóstico. As terapêuticas com bromocriptina e ocjreotido revelaram-se ineficazes na supressa da TSH. O ensaio com 3-5-3’ ácido triiodotiroacético ficou deferido pela ocorrência de gravidez e aleitamento

    The cognitive-affective-conative model of destination image: a confirmatory analysis

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    Destination image influences tourist behaviour before, during and after travel, as it is an important instrument which contributes to tourists’ loyalty. Although Gartner (1993) advocates that the cognitive, affective and conative dimensions of destination image are hierarchically interrelated, there is no empirical evidence to support the complete model. This study aims to test the hierarchical nature of the relationship between the dimensions of destination image. The results of structural equation modelling confirm Gartner’s theoretical model, validating the theory that the influence of the cognitive component on the conative dimension is higher when mediated by the affective component, raising managerial implications

    Multivalve Endocarditis With Multiple Peripheral and Pulmonary Embolisms: A Case Report

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    A síndrome febril indeterminada no idoso coloca sempre alguma dificuldade diagnóstica. A endocardite infecciosa, pela relativa raridade e pela atipia das suas manifestações é muitas vezes esquecida neste grupo etário, onde outras causas, nomeadamente neoplásicas, são primeiramente consideradas. Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de uma doente idosa com endocardite infecciosa subaguda mitral e tricuspide, cujo diagnóstico foi estabelecido apenas após embolização periférica. Para além de fenómenos embólicos múltiplos, esta doente teve ainda como complicação um aneurisma micótico da artéria femural esquerda a que foi operada