7 research outputs found

    A Judicial Philosophy Study of Criminal Judge’s Independence And Impartiality Principle

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    Independence and Impartiality become one of the criminal judicature principal which must be implemented by a judge in administering justice of criminal case. In this case, it covers the judge’s act in receiving, examine, and decide the criminal case. Through this article entitled: A judicial philosophy of independence and criminal judge impartiality, it raises some problems such as, what the principles of judge’s independence and impartiality in administering justice a criminal case are and how the implementation of the principle of judge’s independence and impartiality in a criminal case. This is a kind of normative law study using normative-qualitative analysis technique. Based on the result of study, philosophically, it can be seen that the principle of judge’s independence and impartiality in administering a justice of criminal case consisting of a supreme mandate to defend a law, justice and truth. Otherwise, from the judicial aspect, the implementation of principle of judge’s independence and impartiality in criminal justice can be known from the judge’s study towards the authentication done by the judge written in a verdict, whether or not there is a belief of judge towards the proof instrument shown in the court in an authentication process. Keywords: Independence and Impartiality Principle, Criminal Judge, Criminal Judicature

    The Study of Legal Norms in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) That is the Concretization of the Judge’s Independence and Impartiality Principle

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    The judge’s independence and impartiality principle is one of the principle or the fundamental that adopted by the criminal procedural law. This research tried to answer what is the meaning of the concretization of independence principle and judge impartiality in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) norms of law; How the existence of norms of law that accommodates the principle independency and the judge impartiality in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) currently and How the realization of the judge’s independence and the impartiality principle in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) norms of law to the future. It seen from the kind of research, this is conducted as research normative law and analyzed qualitatively normative.    The research, in answer to the problems served, namely: the meaning of the concretization of the judge’s independence and impartiality principle in the norms of law of Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP), the norms of law that accommodate the principle of independency and the judge impartiality are a guideline or foundation for judge in thinking, being and acting i criminal justice by the realization of truth and justice values over a criminal case. Then,  the norms law existence that accommodate the judge’s independence and impartiality principle in Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) currently, is there juridical problematic of vague of norms and vacuum of norms. The last, regarding the concretization of the judge’s independence and impartiality principle in the norms of law of Criminal Law Procedures Code (KUHAP) for the future, is the need for conducted the actions of the policy of the criminal law, by doing the revision toward the formulation of KUHAP articles that accepted today to avoid the vague and vacuum norms again that accommodates it’s judge’s independence and impartiality principle. Keywords: Norm, Legal Norm, The Judge’s independence Principle, The Judge’s Impartiality Principle; Criminal Procedure

    Transnational Smuggling of Migrant Workers from International Law Perspective

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    Migrant worker smuggling is a transnational organized crime that harms countries of origin, transit, and destination countries. The smuggling of migrant workers in Southeast Asia, from Southeast Asia and heading to Southeast Asia is largely due to economic factors that cause the Immigration of workers to more economically advanced countries. Weak regulations and restrictions on border control and law enforcement also exacerbate this. The scope of this research regards international legal provisions related to migrant worker smuggling as an organized transnational crime and the legal obligations of each country, which becomes the object of migrant worker smuggling against smuggling based on an international legal perspective. This type of research uses a case approach and statutory normative legal research. Primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials were used as legal material, then compiled for analysis to answer legal problems. The results of the research, which are findings related to the legal provisions of migrant worker smuggling as a transnational organized crime, are the United Nations conventions ratified by United Nations members, one of which is the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNCATOC). Migrant workers are carrying out cooperation capacity building along the smuggling route to sharpen data to obtain a more accurate picture of the situation at home, in the region, and globally

    Exploration of Implementation for Countermeasures Against Tuberculosis in Tabanan District: A Qualitative Study

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    The achievement target for accelerating TB control in Bali Province and Tabanan Regency has not shown results that meet the target, which can have negative impacts in the form of delays in diagnosis and death in sufferers. This study aims to explore the implementation of tuberculosis control in Tabanan district, Bali Province. The study used a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) with regulators, program implementers, and other stakeholders, with a total of 25 respondents. The result of this study demonstrates that the integration of tuberculosis prevention implementation recommendations from the center to the Tabanan Regency Public Health Center is well established. The local government has allocated funds based on the number of tuberculosis elimination targets achieved in each health center. However, there was a misalignment between the guidelines and their execution in the Public Health Center. This is due to the lack of regional regulations that precisely outline the initiatives described in the center's guidelines. If this trend continues, tuberculosis control efforts will not be as effective as hoped. As a result, complete support is expected due to strong and explicit policies, as well as cross-sector cooperation, to ensure the program's success.  &nbsp

    Asas Independensi Dan Imparsialitas Hakim Menurut Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Peradilan yang bebas dan tidak memihak merupakan salah satu ciri dari suatu negara hukum. Demikian pula dengan Indonesia yang mengklaim sebagai negara hukum dalam ketatanegaraannya, yakni dalam sistem peradilan pidananya dikenal adanya asas peradilan yang bebas dan tidak memihak. Asas ini dalam peradilan pidana diperankan oleh Hakim sebagai aparatur inti kekuasaan kehakiman. Asas kebebasan dan ketidak berpihakan Hakim dalam mengadili (menerima, memeriksa dan memutus) perkara pidana untuk selanjutnya akan dipergunakan istilah “asas independensi dan imparsialitas” Hakim. Penelitian ini meyajikan beberapa problematika. Problematika filosofis, yakni secara ontologis, asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim merupakan hak prinsip yang dimiliki Hakim akan tetapi ada kecenderungan sering adanya campur tangan terhadap independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim tersebut. Secara epistimologis: bahwa cara menerapkan asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim, yaitu melalui penerapan keyakinan Hakim yang bersumber dari hati nurani Hakim, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa penerapan keyakinan Hakim yang bersumber dari hati nurani Hakim tersebut terkadang belum dapat diterapkan secara konsekuen. Secara aksiologis: bahwa banyak proses persidangan yang dinilai masyarakat merupakan persidangan yang tidak fair sehingga melahirkan putusan pengadilan yang tidak bermanfaat sebagai implikasi yuridis dari tidak diterapkannya asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim secara konsekuen. Problematika teoritis: asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim diakui keberadaannya dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia akan tetapi penerapannya belum sepenuhnya dapat diterapkan sesuai dengan teori. Problematika yuridis,: adanya kekaburan norma hukum (vague of norm) mengenai asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim yang belum begitu jelas diformulasikan dalam pasal-pasal Undang_Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara serta adanya kekosongan norma hukum (vacuum of norm) mengenai asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim terkait dengan perkembangan masyarakat serta perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, meliputi:1. Apa makna asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim menurut sistem peradilan pidana. 2.Bagaimana aplikasi asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim dalam peradilan pidana. 3. Bagaimana asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim yang ideal menurut cita hukum negara hukum Pancasila. Dilihat dari aspek metodologi, penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normatif. Menggunakan pendekatan masalah berupa: pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan analisis konsep hukum, pendekatan filosofis, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan perbandingan. Jenis bahan hukumnya, yakni bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik viii pengumpulan bahan hukum dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan, studi dokumen dan metode sistematis. Selanjutnya teknik analisis bahan hukum yaitu analisis kualitatif normatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa teori sebagai pisau analisis terhadap isu hukum yang disajikan. Sebagai Grand Theory untuk menjawab isu hukum pertama dipergunakan Teori Negara Hukum dan Teori Keadilan. Untuk menjawab isu hukum kedua, dipergunakan Teori Sistem Peradilan Pidana, Teori Kepastian Hukum dan Teori Kemanfaatan yang merupakan Middle Range Theory. Isu hukum yang ketiga dikaji dengan menggunakan Teori Negara Hukum Pancasila yang diakomodasi dalam Teori Negara Hukum, yaitu sebagai Applied Theory. Hasil penelitian disertasi ini, yakni: Pertama, makna asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim menurut sistem peradilan pidana, bahwa asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim sebagai landasan berpikir Hakim dalam mewujudkan tujuan hukum acara pidana, yakni, mencari, menemukan kebenaran materiil atas suatu perkara pidana, sebagai landasan berpikir Hakim dalam menegakkan hukum dan keadilan serta sebagai landasan berpikir Hakim dalam menegakkan negara hukum Republik Indonesia. Kedua, aplikasi asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim dalam peradilan pidana, bahwa asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim diterapkan oleh Hakim dalam mengadili perkara pidana melalui penerapan “keyakinan” Hakim yang bersumber dari nurani Hakim yang diperoleh dari penilaian terhadap kekuatan alat-alat bukti yang diajukan dalam proses pembuktian. Ketiga, asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim yang ideal menurut cita hukum negara hukum Pancasila, yaitu asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim yang berdasarkan Undang_Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan undang-undang yang berlaku yang menjunjung tinggi serta menerapkan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa yang diakomodasi dalam kelima sila Pancasila. Terkait adanya problematika yuridis berupa kekaburan norma hukum (vague of norm) dan kekosongan norma hukum (vacuum of norm) maka legislator hendaknya merevisi pasal-pasal KUHAP, yaitu menyusun formulasi mengenai ketentuan-ketentuan yuridis yang mengakomodasi asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim dalam peradilan pidana dengan kalimat yang jelas, terang, tegas, eksplisit serta merumuskan ketentuan-ketentuan yuridis dalam pasal-pasal KUHAP mengenai asas independensi dan imparsialitas Hakim yang belum ada pengaturannya dalam KUHAP (kekosongan norma hukum), yakni terkait dengan perkembangan yang terjadi dalam masyarakat serta perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi


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    ABSTRAK Pembahasan dan pengkajian secara teoritis normatif mengenai Upaya Hukum Kasasi Oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum Terhadap Putusan Bebas (Vrijspraak) Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia dimaksudkan untuk mencari solusi hukum atas fenomena-fenomena yuridis yang ditimbulkan oleh putusan bebas tersebut. Permasalahan yang ditampilkan dalam tesis ini, diantaranya: Apa yang menjadi ide dasar sehingga tidak diperkenankannya Jaksa Penuntut Umum mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi terhadap putusan bebas (vrijspraak), Bagaimana kebijakan aplikasi kasasi oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum terhadap putusan bebas (vrijspraak), Bagaimana upaya hukum kasasi oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum terhadap putusan bebas direformulasikan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) yang akan datang. Kajian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan hukum normatif dan pendekatan perbandingan dengan spesifikasi penelitian deskriptif analitis, menggunakan jenis data yang terarah pada penelitian data sekunder, mencakup bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tertier yang dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan, media cetak, media elektronik serta memakai metode sistematis yang dianalisis secara kualitatif normatif. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat diketahui bahwa yang menjadi ide dasar sehingga Jaksa Penuntut Umum tidak diperkenankan mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi terhadap putusan bebas oleh karena pembebasan terdakwa dirasa sebagai suatu hak yang diperoleh dan tidak boleh diganggu gugat. Namun terjadi perkembangan, dalam aplikasinya Jaksa Penuntut Umum dapat mengajukan kasasi secara langsung kepada Mahkamah Agung terhadap putusan bebas yang didasarkan pada Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman RI Nomor: M. 14-PW.07.03 Tahun 1983 tanggal 10 Desember 1983 tentang Tambahan Pedoman Pelaksanaan KUHAP (butir 19). Putusan Mahkamah Agung Regno: 275 K/Pid/1983 dalam Perkara Raden Sonson Natalegawa merupakan putusan yang pertama kali, terlahir sebagai yurisprudensi terhadap putusan bebas setelah berlakunya KUHAP. Oleh karena masih ada kesenjangan norma hukum dalam praktek peradilan pidana terkait upaya hukum kasasi oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum terhadap putusan bebas maka dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) yang akan datang perlu direformulasikan secara jelas tentang pemberian hak kepada Jaksa Penuntut Umum untuk mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi terhadap putusan bebas. Kata Kunci: Kasasi, Putusan Bebas, Sistem Peradilan Pidana. ABSTRACT The theoritical normative discussion and study concerning the Cassation by the Public Prosecutor on the Acquittal in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System are meant to seek for legal solutions of juridical phenomena caused by the acquittal. The problems presented in this thesis, among them are: what becomes the basic idea making the Public Prosecutor is not allowed to submit the cassation, How the cassation aplication police by the Public Prosecutor on the acquittal is and How the cassation by the Public Prosecutor on the acquittal is formulated in the future of Criminal Procedural Code. This study uses normative legal approach method and comparative approach with the descriptive-analytical research specification, using the data type focused on the secondary data research, covering primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials collected through the literature study, printed media and electronic media also it uses the systematic method analyzed qualitatively-normatively. Based on the study results, it can be found that what becomes the basic idea making the Public Prosecutor is not allowed to submit the cassation on the acquittal is due to the acquittal of the defendant is considered as an obtained rights and it should not be criticized. However there is a development, in the application the Public Prosecutor may submit a cassation directly to the Supreme Court concerning the acquittal based on the decision of the Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia Number: M.14-PW.07.03 Year 1983 dated December 10, 1983 concerning the Supplement of Criminal Procedural Code Executive Guidance (detail 19). The Supreme Court Decision Regno: 275 K/Pid/1983 in the case of Raden Sonson Natalegawa was the first decision, born as jurisprudence on the acquittal after the legislation of the Criminal Procedural Code. Because of the existing gap in the legal norm of the criminal justice practice related to the cassation by the Public Prosecutor on the acquittal, therefore in the future Criminal Procedural Code it needs to be formulated clearly concerning the provision of rights to the Public Prosecutor to submit the cassation on the acquittal. Key Words: Cassation, Acquittal, Criminal Justice System

    The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Patient Safety Targets (SKP) Regarding Correctly Identifying Patients at Klungkung Area General Hospitals

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    Patient safety is an important thing in the handling of patients by medical personnel in carrying out treatment, it has a very important element so that the government has established various laws and regulations relating to health in Indonesia, one of which is regarding Patient Safety Targets (SKP) which are divided into points. -points regarding targets that must be carried out by medical personnel in carrying out actions in treating patients. The aim of this study is to find out and analyze the effectiveness of implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding the accuracy of patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital as well as knowing and analyzing related facts -Inhibiting factors in implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding accurate patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital. The research method used in this research is an empirical legal research method with data collection techniques, namely document study techniques and interview techniques. The results of the study show that the effectiveness of implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding the accuracy of patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital has not been achieved optimally. This is due to several inhibiting factors, namely the first is that the room conditions are not conducive, the room situation is sometimes too busy, this causes medical officers to have to serve patients quickly, with the number of patients not being comparable to the number of officers, secondly there is an assumption regarding the accuracy of the patient's identity,  what is meant in this case is that medical officers are said to feel that they already know the patient's identity, because they have been treated or met. patient for a certain period of time or repeatedly in the same room so that this assumption arises. The third monitoring factor explained in its implementation is the absence of assessment/supervision of procedures for implementing accurate patient identification, so that officers are often negligent or do not get used to identifying patients correctly