4 research outputs found

    Agronomic Characters Plant and Potential of Strain Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Which Formed in The Three Generations (F3)

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    The formation of high-yielding varieties are required to have the advantage of being more diverse and more specific, according to the agro-ecosystem. Assembling new rice strains that have high yield and adaptive in different agro-ecosystem is a solution that should be done. The research objective was to determine the appearance of agronomic characters and yield potential of 11 new rice lines in the 3rd generation (F3). The study was conducted in paddy fields belonging Polinela, in January to May 2015. The study using randomized block design (RBD), as the treatment is 11 new rice lines repeated three times. The variables measured were the growth parameters and yield components. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, if there is a difference between the treatment, the test is done with the Advanced Test Honestly Different (HSD) 5%. Based on the research that has been done toeleven new rice lines have different agronomic characters and has the lowest yield potential ton.ha 6.7-1, and the highest 10.4 ton.ha-1.Keywords: agronomic character, yield potential, new rice line

    Netting House Application as a Facility for Rice (Oryza sativa L) Breeding Activities in Rice Fields

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    Paddy is an annual plant that can adapt to waterlogged land. Rice is a self-pollinating plant (autogamy) which is a grammar group with a stem composed of several segments, fibrous roots, the presence of a tongue and leaf ear, and a collection of rice flowers (spikelets) called panicles. Cross-pollination can be done in several ways, namely artificial and natural pollination. Natural pollination is done with the help of wind, birds, and insects. The success of producing superior non-hybrid (Inbrid) rice by cross-pollination is complicated because rice is a self-pollinating plant. Artificial cross-pollination with the help of human hands will make it easier to produce new types of superior inbred rice. At the beginning of the establishment of the Seed Technology Study Program from 2009-2020, Seed Technology students carried out rice plant breeding practices in greenhouses. The available greenhouses are composed of glass walls and glass roofs. This can increase the temperature in the room. The optimum temperature for rice plant growth is 23°C-25°C. Meanwhile, the temperature in the greenhouse >30°C has an unfavorable impact on rice plants. The lack of success during the practice, namely the temperature in the greenhouse, is very high, reaching >30°C, thus increasing the transpiration rate in rice plants. As a result, rice plants experience stress due to a lack of water. This research aims to make a net house with a plastic roof (netting house) in the rice fields so that rice plants can grow optimally supported by temperature and rainfall. The netting house function can also protect rice plants from pests like rats, leafhoppers, bugs, and other pests. The benefits of this research are as a means for practicum and research activities for students, Education Laboratory Institutions (PLP), and lecturers to produce new varieties of rice

    Agronomic Characters Plant and Potential of Strain Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Which Formed in The Three Generations (F3)

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    The formation of high-yielding varieties are required to have the advantage of being more diverse and more specific, according to the agro-ecosystem. Assembling new rice strains that have high yield and adaptive in different agro-ecosystem is a solution that should be done. The research objective was to determine the appearance of agronomic characters and yield potential of 11 new rice lines in the 3rd generation (F3). The study was conducted in paddy fields belonging Polinela, in January to May 2015. The study using randomized block design (RBD), as the treatment is 11 new rice lines repeated three times. The variables measured were the growth parameters and yield components. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, if there is a difference between the treatment, the test is done with the Advanced Test Honestly Different (HSD) 5%. Based on the research that has been done toeleven new rice lines have different agronomic characters and has the lowest yield potential ton.ha 6.7-1, and the highest 10.4 ton.ha-1


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    National corn demand from year to year always increases in line with the development of industries that require raw materials derived from corn, especially the animal feed industry. Lampung Province is the third national corn producer after East Java and Central Java with a total production in 2021 of 2.83 million tons of dry beans. East Lampung Regency is the main corn producing district in Lampung Province with a total production of 950.234 tons. Sekampung sub-district is one of the areas in East Lampung Regency whose corn productivity is still low compared to other sub-districts. One of the reasons for the low productivity of maize in Sekampung Sub-district is because the maize cultivation technology applied by farmers under the PAGAS Gapoktan is very diverse and many are still very traditional, with the use of seeds of low quality. The purpose of PKM is to transfer knowledge and technology of intensive corn cultivation and provide skills on how to produce or produce high quality corn seeds, both for hybrid, synthetic and composite corn seeds. The service method used includes showing several picture slides, simulations with writing demonstrations, discussions, and showing several demonstration plots. The results of the PKM show that there is an increase in the mastery of knowledge and skills both cognitively, affectively, and psychomotorically. The knowledge ability and attitude change of the target audience about corn cultivation increased to 100%, while psychomotorically on how to produce hybrid, synthetic and composite corn seeds rose from zero to around 72.87%.  Keywords: Maize, Cultivation intensive, technology transferKebutuhan jagung nasional dari tahun ke tahun selalu mengalami peningkatan sejalan dengan berkembang industri yang memerlukan bahan baku yang berasal dri jagung terutama industri pakan ternak.  Provinsi Lampung merupakan penghasil jagung nasional urutan nomor tiga setelah Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah dengan total produksi tahun 2021 sebesar 2,83 juta ton biji kering.  Kabupaten Lampung Timur merupakan Kabupaten penghasil jagung yang utama di Provinsi Lampung dengan dengan total produksi mencapai  950.234 ton.  Kecamatan Sekampung merupakan salah satu daerah yang ada di Kabupaten Lampung Timur yang produktivitas jagungnya masih rendah diandingkan kecamatan lainnya.   Rendahnya produktivitas jagung di Kecamatan Sekampung salah satu disebabkan karena teknologi budidaya jagung yang diterapkan oleh petani di bawah naungan Gapoktan PAGAS sangat beragam dan banyak yang masih sangat tradisional, dengan penggunaan benih yang kualitasnya masih rendah.  Tujuan PKM adalah untuk mentransfer pengetahuan dan teknologi budidaya jagung secara intensif dan memberikan keterampilan tentang bagaimana menghasilkan atau memproduksi benih jagung yang berkualitas tinggi, baik untuk benih jagung hibrida, sintetik maupun komposit. Metode Pengabdian yang digunakan adalah meliputi tayangan beberapa slide gambar, simulasi dengan peragaan tulisan, diskusi, dan menunjukkan beberapa demplot.   Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan adanya peningkatan penguasaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baik secara kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik.  Kemampuan pengetahuin dan perubahan sikap khlayak sasaran tentanag budidaya jagung naik jadi 100%, sedangkan secara psikomotor tentang cara memproduksi benih jagung hibrida, sintetik dan komposit naik dsri nol menjadi sekitar 72,87%.  Kata Kunci:  jagung, budidaya intensif, transfer teknologi &nbsp