9 research outputs found

    Observation of HandiMathKey appropriation phase by disabled students in a middle school

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    The mathematical input in text editors by disabled students is demanding both at the functional level (motor disorder) and at the cognitive level (attention, visual-spatial, memory) and generates fatigability little productive and effective gain. To reduce these demands, HandiMathKey, a mathematical keyboard software was designed by applying a usercentered method. The aim of paper is to report how different disabled students have appropriated HandiMathKey in a middle school by an observation carried out by a multidisciplinary team. The hypothesis is that HandiMathKey can be learned and used by all students with disabilities


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    Typing mathematics is sometimes difficult with text editor functions for students with motor impairment and other associated impairments (visual, cognitive). Based on the HandiMathKey software keyboard, a user-centred design method involving the ecosytem of disabled students was applied to design the HMK-D physical keyboard for mathematical input. We opted for the Stream Deck device because of its multimedia features and its appeal to young students to the HMK-D. Preliminary tests with 8 students (5 in secondary school and 3 in high school) shows that HMK-D is highly accepted, accessible and fun for mathematical input by students with impairments. A longitudinal study of the usability and acceptability of HMK-D is planned for the 2023-2024 school year

    What is quality in maternity care? An international perspective.

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    This paper delineates important considerations for having a better understanding of quality in maternity care. High quality requires providing a minimum level of care to all pregnant women and their new born babies and a higher level of care to those who need it; obtaining the best possible medical outcome of mother and baby; providing care which satisfies users and providers; and maintaining sound managerial and financial performance. While all these aspects are important, prioritizing among interventions to improve them will be influenced by cultural values, expectations and available resources