7,616 research outputs found

    Heat transfer correlations for kerosene fuels and mixtures and physical properties for Jet A fuel

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    Heat transfer correlations are reported for conventional Jet A fuel for both laminar and turbulent flow in circular tubes. Correlations were developed for cooling in turbine engines, but have broader applications in petroleum and chemical processing, and other industrial applications

    IR spectral characteristics of cirrus clouds

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    The recent focus of parameterization of the radiative properties of clouds has been to include the microphysical properties of the cloud. A variety of parameterization have been developed for both the shortwave and the longwave. In parameterizing the longwave properties of clouds, it is useful to consider the two stream solution of the radiative transfer equation appropriate for a thermal source. These radiative transfer equations are considered

    Analysis of cirrus optical properties with data from NASA ER2 High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS)

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    The 8 to 13 micron spectral region is an important atmospheric window for radiometric studies of the Earth's surface and clouds. Most of the Earth-atmosphere longwave radiative loss to space occurs in this spectral region. Selective gaseous absorption in this window occurs in the 9.6 micron ozone band with the remaining absorption dominated by the water vapor continuum. Cirrus clouds have a large impact on the transmittance of this atmospheric window region; it is therefore important to understand the interaction of cirrus cloud with the radiation field for climate studies and in the interpretation of satellite radiometric measurements. The focus was to employ observations of the High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS) made during First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) to improve the understanding of the radiative properties of cirrus clouds within this window region. Studies were undertaken to investigate the coupling between the microphysical properties of cirrus clouds and their spectral variation within this window region. Extensions of the HIS studies to satellite measurements, with regards to remote sensing and interpretation, were also investigated

    Feedback computability on Cantor space

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    We introduce the notion of feedback computable functions from 2ω2^\omega to 2ω2^\omega, extending feedback Turing computation in analogy with the standard notion of computability for functions from 2ω2^\omega to 2ω2^\omega. We then show that the feedback computable functions are precisely the effectively Borel functions. With this as motivation we define the notion of a feedback computable function on a structure, independent of any coding of the structure as a real. We show that this notion is absolute, and as an example characterize those functions that are computable from a Gandy ordinal with some finite subset distinguished

    Enhancing Christian School Experiences for Pre-Service Teachers through Service-Learning Partnerships

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    The mission of the Teacher Licensure Program at Liberty University is to develop competent professionals with a Christian worldview for Christian, public, and private schools. To be consistent with the mission, classroom experience in both Christian and public schools should be required for each teacher candidate who successfully completes Liberty’s program. One of the challenges in the implementation of the mission has been an inadequate number of field experience placements available in Christian school settings

    Remote sounding through semi-transparent cirrus cloud

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    A large portion of the earth is covered by thin semi-transparent cirrus cloud. The cirrus results from the natural injection of moisture into the upper troposphere by deep convection (i.e., anvils) and from man-made moisture injected into the upper troposphere by jet aircraft. Although most cirrus clouds are semi-transparent to infrared wavelengths, their heights, thicknesses, and spectral absorption properties must be known in order to retrieve atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles from the data. An algorithm is developed for accounting for the radiative properties of semi-transparent cloud in the retrieval of vertical temperature and moisture profiles. The algorithm is to be applied to the NASA ER2 HIS data collected during the FIRE cirrus field program

    Relationship Between Movement and Student Behaviors

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    The purpose of this action research project was to determine the relationship between movement opportunities and student behaviors, specifically off-task behaviors. Participants were twenty-five, four and five-year-olds in a public, inclusive, half-day preschool setting. Data was collected through observation during a ten-minute end of the day large group meeting for six weeks. Various movement opportunities were provided ranging from no breaks, ten-minute in-classroom brain breaks, and fifteen-minute gross-motor recess breaks. Any reminders given to attend to the large group meeting were recorded and later analyzed to suggest that movement opportunities affect student behaviors in a positive manner

    Differences in Motivation for Participation and Attitudes Toward Management Among Rock Climbing Sub Groups: Implications for the Benefits-Based Management Approach

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a scale that would measure the motivation for participation of rock climbing subgroups, determine what differences exist among rock climbing subgroups and confirm the Rock Climbers\u27 Attitudes toward Management Scale. Respondents were given an on-site questionnaire at three rock climbing areas in the United States. Respondents identified themselves according to their preferred type of climbing (e.g., traditional climbing, sport climbing, and hybrid climbing) and their preferred mode of climbing (e.g., lead climbing, top roping, and both equally). Exploratory factor analysis identified five factors for the Rock Climbing Motivation Scale: competition, control, escape, sensation seeking, and social. An analysis of variance confirmed there were no significant differences among types of climbers on the Rock Climbers\u27 Motivation Scale or Rock Climbers\u27 Attitudes toward Management Scale, contrary to previously reported findings. Mode of climbing was found to be a significant predicator of frequency of use, years of experience was found to be a significant predictor of frequency of use, and level of climbing ability was found to be a significant predictor of mode of climbing. The results of this study were then applied to the Benefits-Based Management Approach