26 research outputs found

    Marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity

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    The present study explores some marketing mix effects on private labels brand equity creation. The research aims to study the effect of some elements under retailer's direct control such as in-store communications, in-store promotions and distribution intensity as well as other general marketing mix levers such as advertising, perceived price, and monetary promotions. The results indicate that the most efficient marketing mix tools for private label brand equity creation are private labels in-store communications, private labels distribution intensity and the perceived price. These results highlight the importance of the store as a key driver for the private labels brand equity creation. As opposed to manufacturer brands we find no effect of advertising on the private labels brand equity and an opposite effect of the perceived price. This study is a pioneering contribution in the domain of private labels brand equity research exploring a more comprehensive and in-store specific set of marketing mix initiatives as sources of brand equity. The results suggest important implications for retailers when managing their own brands

    Understanding the expansion of circular markets: Building relational legitimacy to overcome the stigma of second-hand clothing

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    Despite evidence showing that the expansion of circular markets, particularly second-hand clothing markets, may be constrained by so-called green stigma, our understanding of the extent to which stigma can be decreased is limited. By focusing on the cultural construction of the mass second-hand clothing market in a European country, this study demonstrated that the emotional and validation work carried out by institutional actors—i.e., players (vendors), media and consumers—constructs the relational legitimacy of the market, which eventually leads to market expansion. The results of this study provide a novel explanation of market expansion by unveiling a key mediating process: the formation of a new habitus that, in turn, sustains the construction of relational legitimacy judgements of circular business models by overcoming green stigma. The results also inform the study of transitions by showing that micro-foundational work can explain market expansion

    Does Wall Street love sports sponsorship? Stock market reactions to the announcement of global official sponsorships

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    This study aims to analyze the potential ability of sponsorship to create shareholder wealth on the basis of how the announcement of global sports sponsorships affects sponsoring companies' stock market prices. This study also seeks to illuminate previous research controversies by examining several international sports tournaments in various countries over a 10-year period. The results show that, first, investors' appreciation of sponsorships was positive, although it decreased over the year of the announcement; second, the combination of functional and national congruence produced the highest value; and, third, the stock market did not equally value all sponsorships

    Positioning of Spanish Retailers. Perception of high frequency versus low frequency consumers

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    In today’s highly competitive marketing environment, the positioning decision of retailers is one of the most important element of marketing management. Retailing positioning is an integrated management activity that takes in elements of the retail mix and is of critical importance for retailers and for manufacturers. Whereas consumer theory has traditionally place brand choice as the focus of the analysis, there is evidence that consumers are turning to shopping strategies rather than brand decisions. The objective of this research is to better understand the positioning of Spanish retailers analyzing the different perceptions between high frequency and low frequency consumers. Our results show the difficulties hypermarkets are facing to deliver a distinctive consumer proposition and the different perceptions on discounters accordingly to different types of consumers reflecting the need to deliver further benefits to consumers beyond pricing. On the other hand the overwhelming superiority of Mercadona is shown through their relevant price and store brands proposition leading consumer to perceive high level of service and consumer satisfaction

    Gamification approaches for open innovation implementation: A conceptual framework

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    In today's business environment, knowledge sources for innovation are widely distributed n the economy, pushing firms to shift from a closed to an open model of innovation. However, the successful implementation of an open innovation model requires overcoming the inertia that hinders organizations facing environmental changes. The aim of this research is to build a conceptual framework of how gamification approaches might help firms overcome inertia in open innovation implementation following an organizational change perspective. After a systematic literature review, we posit that a gamification approach can help firms overcome inertia shortcomings with respect to the three stages of organizational change that are needed to implement open innovation: unfreezing, moving and institutionalizing. This research sheds light on the barriers to open innovation and contributes to the theoretical literature on gamification. Organizations can take advantage of the new opportunities in gamification to manage the challenges of implementing an open innovation process

    Estimación de los efectos de la publicidad en las ventas. Un análisis empírico en España y Alemania

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    La realización de modelos fiables ha sido una de las mayores preocupaciones del proceso de planificación de marketing en general, y de la comunicación, en particular. Aunque algunas de las técnicas utilizadas hasta el momento podían aplicarse para tal fin, lo cierto es que sus resultados no siempre han satisfecho las expectativas de los responsables en las empresas. En esta investigación se plantea la necesidad y la posibilidad de conocer la influencia de la publicidad en las ventas, aunque también podría aplicarse a otras variables del marketing. Para ello, se han utilizado datos de panel con una perspectiva internacional, profundizando en los casos de España y Alemania. El análisis se ha llevado a cabo por medio de redes neuronales, cuyas características las hacen idóneas para la resolución de este tipo de problemas

    The intangible asset of private labels innovation

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    Las marcas del distribuidor han experimentado un extraordinario crecimiento en todo el mundo, alcanzando en España una cuota de mercado cercana al 40%. Estas marcas han evolucionado en el tiempo aumentando el surtido, desarrollando un portafolio más sofisticado, y en muchos casos adoptando estrategias de innovación y mejora de la calidad. Los objetivos de este estudio son: en primer lugar investigar la percepción que tienen los consumidores españoles sobre la innovación de las marcas del distribuidor y en segundo lugar, analizar cómo estas percepciones influyen en la creación de valores intangibles atribuidos a las marcas del distribuidor, a las enseñas que las respaldan y la prescripción de los consumidores.Private labels have experience extraordinary growth worldwide, reaching in Spain a market share close to 40%. Private labels have clearly evolved over time increasing the range, developing a more sophisticated portfolio and in many cases adopting innovation and quality improvement strategies. The objectives of this paper are: firstly to investigate consumer perceptions of private-label innovativeness and secondly to analyze how these perceptions influence the creation of intangible assets related to the perception of private labels, retailers and other consumers prescriptions.Depto. de MarketingFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu