14 research outputs found

    An Update on the Known Host Range of the Brazilian Vaccinia Virus: An Outbreak in Buffalo Calves

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    Even nearly forty years after the eradication of smallpox, members of the Poxviridae family continue to be the focus of an increasing number of studies. Among these studies, prominently stands vaccinia virus, an orthopoxvirus that is associated with bovine vaccinia outbreaks. Although more frequently associated with infections in cattle and humans, the host range of vaccinia virus is not restricted only to these hosts. There are several instances of molecular and serological evidence of circulation of vaccinia virus among wildlife species. In addition, viral isolation has confirmed a broad spectrum of vaccinia virus hosts. In this report, we provide a brief update on the host range of Brazilian vaccinia virus, and present a case description of an outbreak in domestic buffalo calves from Northeastern Brazil that corroborates previous serological and molecular studies. Furthermore, in the present study, vaccinia virus has been isolated for the first time in buffaloes, and referred to as vaccinia virus Pernambuco (VACV-PE). Phylogenetic reconstruction was based on A56R clustered VACV-PE with vaccinia virus isolates belonging to group 1 Brazilian vaccinia virus. Furthermore, the vaccinia virus genome was detected in the milk of a lactating cow, which thereby revealed a pathway for future studies on the possible impact of vaccinia virus on buffalo milk and milk products. Taken together, these results provide the first description of clinical disease caused by vaccinia virus in buffaloes in South America. They also raise new questions about the chain of transmission of this virus

    The analysis of translation-related gene set boosts debates around origin and evolution of mimiviruses

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    International audienceThe giant mimiviruses challenged the well-established concept of viruses, blurring the roots of the tree of life, mainly due to their genetic content. Along with other nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses, they compose a new proposed order-named Megavirales-whose origin and evolution generate heated debate in the scientific community. The presence of an arsenal of genes not widespread in the virosphere related to important steps of the translational process, including transfer RNAs, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, and translation factors for peptide synthesis, constitutes an important element of this debate. In this review, we highlight the main findings to date about the translational machinery of the mimiviruses and compare their distribution along the distinct members of the family Mimiviridae. Furthermore, we discuss how the presence and/or absence of the translation-related genes among mimiviruses raises important insights to boost the debate on their origin and evolutionary history

    Mimiviruses and the Human Interferon System: Viral Evasion of Classical Antiviral Activities, But Inhibition By a Novel Interferon-beta Regulated Immunomodulatory Pathway

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    International audienceIn this review we discuss the role of mimiviruses as potential human pathogens focusing on clinical and evolutionary evidence. We also propose a novel antiviral immunomodulatory pathway controlled by interferon-beta (IFN-beta) and mediated by immune-responsive gene 1 (IRG1) and itaconic acid, its product. Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus (APMV) was isolated from amoebae in a hospital while investigating a pneumonia outbreak. Mimivirus ubiquity and role as protist pathogens are well understood, and its putative status as a human pathogen has been gaining strength as more evidence is being found. The study of APMV and human cells interaction revealed that the virus is able to evade the IFN system by inhibiting the regulation of interferon-stimulated genes, suggesting that the virus and humans have had host-pathogen interactions. It also has shown that the virus is capable of growing on IFN-alpha 2, but not on IFN-beta-treated cells, hinting at an exclusive IFN-beta antiviral pathway. Our hypothesis based on preliminary data and published articles is that IFN-beta preferentially upregulates IRG1 in human macrophagic cells, which in turn produces itaconic acid. This metabolite links metabolism to antiviral activity by inactivating the virus, in a novel immunomodulatory pathway relevant for APMV infections and probably to other infectious diseases as well

    “Tupanvirus”, a new genus in the family Mimiviridae

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    Acanthamoeba and mimivirus interactions: the role of amoebal encystment and the expansion of the `Cheshire Cat' theory

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    International audienceAcanthamoeba are natural hosts for giant viruses and their life cycle comprises two stages: a trophozoite and a cryptobiotic cyst. Encystment involves a massive turnover of cellular components under molecular regulation. Giant viruses are able to infect only the trophozoite, while cysts are resistant to infection. Otherwise, upon infection, mimiviruses are able to prevent encystment. This review highlights the important points of Acanthamoeba and giant virus interactions regarding the encystment process. The existence of an acanthamoebal non-permissive cell for Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus, the prototype member of the Mimivirus genus, is analyzed at the molecular and ecological levels, and compared to a similar phenomenon previously described for Emiliana huxleyi and its associated phycodnaviruses: the `Cheshire Cat' escape strategy

    The consequences of viral infection on protists

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    Abstract Protists encompass a vast widely distributed group of organisms, surpassing the diversity observed in metazoans. Their diverse ecological niches and life forms are intriguing characteristics that render them valuable subjects for in-depth cell biology studies. Throughout history, viruses have played a pivotal role in elucidating complex cellular processes, particularly in the context of cellular responses to viral infections. In this comprehensive review, we provide an overview of the cellular alterations that are triggered in specific hosts following different viral infections and explore intricate biological interactions observed in experimental conditions using different host-pathogen groups

    Morphologic and Genomic Analyses of New Isolates Reveal a Second Lineage of Cedratviruses

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    International audienceGiant viruses have been isolated and characterized in different environments, expanding our knowledge about the biology of these unique microorganisms. In the last 2 years, a new group was discovered, the cedratviruses, currently composed of only two isolates and members of a putative new family, ``Pithoviridae,'' along with previously known pithoviruses. Here we report the isolation and biological and genomic characterization of two novel cedratviruses isolated from samples collected in France and Brazil. Both viruses were isolated using Acanthamoeba castellanii as a host cell and exhibit ovoid particles with corks at either extremity of the particle. Curiously, the Brazilian cedratvirus is similar to 20% smaller and presents a shorter genome of 460,038 bp, coding for fewer proteins than other cedratviruses. In addition, it has a completely asyntenic genome and presents a lower amino acid identity of orthologous genes (similar to 73%). Pangenome analysis comprising the four cedratviruses revealed an increase in the pangenome concomitant with a decrease in the core genome with the addition of the two novel viruses. Finally, phylogenetic analyses clustered the Brazilian virus in a separate branch within the group of cedratviruses, while the French isolate is closer to the previously reported Cedratvirus lausannensis. Taking all together, we propose the existence of a second lineage of this emerging viral genus and provide new insights into the biodiversity and ubiquity of these giant viruses. IMPORTANCE Various giant viruses have been described in recent years, revealing a unique part of the virosphere. A new group among the giant viruses has recently been described, the cedratviruses, which is currently composed of only two isolates. In this paper, we describe two novel cedratviruses isolated from French and Brazilian samples. Biological and genomic analyses showed viruses with different particle sizes, genome lengths, and architecture, revealing the existence of a second lineage of this new group of giant viruses. Our results provide new insights into the biodiversity of cedratviruses and highlight the importance of ongoing efforts to prospect for and characterize new giant viruses

    Tupanvirus-infected amoebas are induced to aggregate with uninfected cells promoting viral dissemination

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    International audienceThe discovery of giant viruses in the last years has fascinated the scientific community due to virus particles size and genome complexity. Among such fantastic discoveries, we have recently described tupanviruses, which particles present a long tail, and has a genome that contains the most complete set of translation-related genes ever reported in the known virosphere. Here we describe a new kind of virus-host interaction involving tupanvirus. We observed that tupanvirus-infected amoebas were induced to aggregate with uninfected cells, promoting viral dissemination and forming giant host cell bunches. Even after mechanical breakdown of bunches, amoebas reaggregated within a few minutes. This remarkable interaction between infected and uninfected cells seems to be promoted by the expression of a mannose receptor gene. Our investigations demonstrate that the pre-treatment of amoebas with free mannose inhibits the formation of bunches, in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that amoebal-bunch formation correlates with mannose receptor gene expression. Finally, our data suggest that bunch-forming cells are able to interact with uninfected cells promoting the dissemination and increase of tupanvirus progeny. The recent discovery of tupanvirus, one of the largest and most complex viruses isolated to date, has reinforced the structural and genomic complexity of the giant viruses 1. Tupanviruses have been isolated from soda lakes, known as an extreme aquatic environments, and from ocean sediments collected at a depth of 3000 meters (m) 1,2. Phylogenetic analyses have shown the clustering of the tupanvirus with members of the family Mimiviridae. However, there are many peculiarities that make the tupanviruses unique entities in the known virosphere. Since its first observation, tupanviruses showed remarkable morphological characteristics; it has optically visible particles that average about 1.2 µm in size and can reach lengths up to 2.3 µm 1. Tupanvirus has the largest host range described so far among amoebal-infecting giant viruses and can causes a shutdown of host rRNA that is likely related to host-nucleolus degradation 1,3-9. The tupanviruses replication cycle is similar to those for other mim-iviruses, in which viral particles attach to the host-cell surface and enter through phagocytosis. The viral inner membrane then fuses with the phagosome membrane, releasing the genome. A viral factory (VF) is formed, where particle morphogenesis occurs; the cycle ends with cell lysis and the release of progeny viruses 1,10. The study of the tupanvirus genome further aroused the interest of virologists, not only due of its large size (~1.5 Mb), but also because these viruses show the largest translational apparatus described. It is composed of up to 70 tRNA, 20 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS), 11 factors associated with translation, and factors related to tRNA/mRNA maturation and ribosome protein modification 1. In addition to the robust translation apparatus, tupanvirus also contains a gene encoding mannose-specific lectin, also called mannose-binding protein (MBP) 1. Interestingly, previous studies revealed that Acanthamoeba castellanii expresses an MBP and that free-mannose can inhibit the adhesion of A. castellanii to surfaces, suggesting that the MBP plays a role in the pathogenesis of Acanthamoeba infection 11-16

    Filling Knowledge Gaps for Mimivirus Entry, Uncoating, and Morphogenesis

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    International audienceSince the discovery of mimivirus, its unusual structural and genomic features have raised great interest in the study of its biology; however, many aspects concerning its replication cycle remain uncertain. In this study, extensive analyses of electron microscope images, as well as biological assay results, shed light on unclear points concerning the mimivirus replication cycle. We found that treatment with cytochalasin, a phagocytosis inhibitor, negatively impacted the incorporation of mimivirus particles by Acanthamoeba castellanii, causing a negative effect on viral growth in amoeba monolayers. Treatment of amoebas with bafilomicin significantly impacted mimivirus uncoating and replication. In conjunction with microscopic analyses, these data suggest that mimiviruses indeed depend on phagocytosis for entry into amoebas, and particle uncoating (and stargate opening) appears to be dependent on phagosome acidification. In-depth analyses of particle morphogenesis suggest that the mimivirus capsids are assembled from growing lamellar structures. Despite proposals from previous studies that genome acquisition occurs before the acquisition of fibrils, our results clearly demonstrate that the genome and fibrils can be acquired simultaneously. Our data suggest the existence of a specific area surrounding the core of the viral factory where particles acquire the surface fibrils. Furthermore, we reinforce the concept that defective particles can be formed even in the absence of virophages. Our work provides new information about unexplored steps in the life cycle of mimivirus. IMPORTANCE Investigating the viral life cycle is essential to a better understanding of virus biology. The combination of biological assays and microscopic images allows a clear view of the biological features of viruses. Since the discovery of mimivirus, many studies have been conducted to characterize its replication cycle, but many knowledge gaps remain to be filled. In this study, we conducted a new examination of the replication cycle of mimivirus and provide new evidence concerning some stages of the cycle which were previously unclear, mainly entry, uncoating, and morphogenesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that atypical virion morphologies can occur even in the absence of virophages. Our results, along with previous data, allow us to present an ultimate model for the mimivirus replication cycle