13 research outputs found

    Problem-based Learning in Nursing Education: A Review Article

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    Introduction: Public health services system needs nurses with problem solving and critical thinking skills. Thus, teaching methods must be applied to nurture these skills in students. This issue has led to attention toward Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in nursing. This study was done to investigate the effect of PBL in nursing through reviewing the related literature. Methods: Using the key words PBL, nursing education, and clinical environment, all the related studies done between 2000 and 2010 were selected on Medline, Proquest, and Ovid. The studies were then assessed based on learning stages occurring in PBL and 18 researches were selected. Results: The researches supported the positive effects of PBL method in theoretical and clinical nursing education. This study suggested that PBL promotes learning, critical thinking and conflict resolution skills. Conclusion: Considering the findings of the studied research papers, it is suggested that PBL be applied in teaching theoretical and clinical courses of nursing. Also nursing schools administrators should provide the proper conditions for applying this teaching method

    Application of Learning Theories in Clinical Education

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    Introduction: The purpose of education is learning. Several theories have been raised about learning, which have tried to explain how learning occurs. They help teachers to choose teaching methods, prepare learning environment and determine students' activities. Given the importance of learning theories in education, this study aimed to review application of learning theories in nursing education. Methods: In this study, some related published literatures during 2000-2010 were selected using key words including learning, theory and nursing education. Then the selected materials were reviewed for extracting application of learning theories in nursing education. Application of behavioral learning theories, cognitive theories (including Gestalt theory, information processing, Ausubel meaningful learning, constructivism, Bandura's social learning) and adult learning theory in nursing education were discussed in this article. Results: Some applications of behavioral theories are teaching in a sequential, simple to complex pattern teaching the skills using behavioral objectives for determining learning outcomes and assessment and providing teaching plan using the nursing process and nursing care plans and positive reinforcement. Principles of Gestalt theory have been used in mental organization towards simplicity, directed balance and equilibrium, and selective stimulus perception. Writing narratives and portfolio are samples of the application of constructive theory. Role models have been used in social cognitive theory. Based on adult learning theory, learners should be active and taught material should be applicable for them. Conclusion: Each learning theory has the particular application. Nursing educators must apply proper learning theories regarding students' experience and target material

    Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses of Learning Theories

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    چكيده مقدمه: آموزش در علوم پزشكي در حال تغيير است. بنابراين نياز است كه مدرسان عملكردهاي خود را ارزيابي و براي به حداكثر رساندن يادگيري تلاش كنند. تئوريهاي يادگيري ميتواند ديدگاه هايي در مورد يادگيري فراهم كنند. هدف از اين مطالعه بررسي نقاط قوت و ضعف هر يك از تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل تئوريهاي رفتاري، شناختي و انسانگرايانه با مرور متون مرتبط است. روشها: در اين مطالعه برخي از متون مرتبط با تئوريهاي يادگيري شامل كتب و مقالات انتخاب شدند. سپس متون انتخاب شده از نظر نقاط قوت و ضعف تئوريهاي يادگيري مورد بررسي قرار گرفتند. يافتهها: نتايج نشان داد كه تئوريهاي رفتاري ساده هستند، كاربرد آنها آسان است و فراگير بر يك هدف واضح و مشخص متمركز ميشود. تئوريهاي يادگيري شناختي نظير خبرپردازي، گشتالت و سازندهگرايي موجب ارتقاي تفكر انتقادي و حل مسأله در فراگير ميشوند و فراگير ميتواند بهتر با موقعيتهاي واقعي زندگي روبرو شود. در تئوري انسانگرايانه تمركز يادگيري مربوط به نيازهاي فرد است كه نياز غايي آن خود شكوفايي و خوديابي است. يادگيري خود-راهبر يكي از مهمترين و مشهورترين اصول آموزشي اين رويكرد است كه نهايتاً منجر به خود هدايتي در فراگير ميشود. نتيجهگيري: هر تئوري به يك جنبه از يادگيري ميپردازد و بنابراين هر كدام داراي نقاط قوت و ضعف خاصي هستند. لازم است مدرسان و طراحان آموزشي به اين موارد جهت استفاده بهتر از تئوريها توجه كنند

    Production of artificial diets and determination of their effects as alone and combination with natural wet diet on female western white shrimp broodstock maturation (Litopenaeus vannamei)

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    Due to the usefulness of shrimp broodstock pelleted diets, from aspects of, easier maintenance, transportation, broodstock feeding, and cheaper as compared to natural wet diets, the use of natural wet foods, include sand worm (Perinereis nuntica), cattle fish )Sepia pharaonis) and veal livier decreased and the quantity of pelleted diet increased. Survey was conducted, in tankes with a volume of 300 liters. Tanks were filled with 150 liters of water. 10 broodstock in each tank was left, with an average weight of 37±2 grams. Daily feeding rate, was twenty-five percent of their biomass. The survey was include, 9 treatments with 3 replicates in each tank as described below. Control treatment: broodstock feeding only with, sand worm (33%), cattle fish (34%) and bull livier (33%). Exprimental treatment 1: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 50 percent crude protein and 8 percent crude fat (50%)+sand worm (16 %)+cattle fish (18%)+veal livier (16%). Treatment 2: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 50 percent crude protein and 10 percent crude fat (50 %)+sand worm (16 %)+cattle fish (18%) and veal livier (16%). Treatment 3: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 40 percent crude protein and 10 percent crude fat (50%)+sand worm (16 %)+cattle fish (18 %) and veal livier (16 %). Treatment 4: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 40 percent crude protein and 8 percent crude fat (50 %)+sand worm (16 %)+cattle fish (18 %) and veal livier (16 %). Treatment 5: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 50 percent crude protein and 10 percent crude fat (100 %). Treatment 6: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 50 percent crude protein and 8 percent crude fat (100 %). Treatment 7: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 40 percent crude protein and 10 percent crude fat (100 %). Treatment 8: broodstock feeding with pelleted diet contain 40 percent crude protein and 8 percent crude fat (100%). The results showed that, Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in treatments 3: control and 6, was significantly more than others treatments (p0.05). From the aspect of mean weight of broodstock, wasn’t significant difference in treatments (p>0.05). From the aspect of mean length of carapac, wasn’t significant difference in treatments (p>0.05). From the aspect of mean body length, wasn’t significant difference in often treatments (p>0.05), and in treatments 5 and 6 was significantly less than others (p0.05). In the determination of, correlation between weight (g) and total length(cm), (r=0.71), weight and carapace length (cm) (r=0.70), the correlation was strong. Between GSI, HIS, carapace length and total length the correlation was intermediate (r=0.54). The correlation between absolutely fecundity and total length (r=0.20), absolutely fecundity and carapace length (r=0.28), absolutely fecundity and weight (r=0.35) was weak. The results showed that, the use of combination of pelleted diet and natural wet diets can increase female maturation indexes. Totally we can noted that, GSI, HIS and absolute fecundity of broodstock, that fed with pelleted diet contain 40 percent crude protein and 10 percent crude fat (50 %)+sand worm (16 %)+cattle fish (18 %) and veal livier (16 %) (treatment 3) was better than the other treatments. Positive effects of this treatnent on sexual indexes, was due to provide part of nutritional requirement of shrimp broodstock from pelleted diet

    Drug delivery and anticancer activity of biosynthesised mesoporous Fe2O3 nanoparticles

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    Abstract Mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles of haematite were synthesised using plant extracts according to bioethics principles. The structural, physical and chemical properties of mesoporous Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesised with the green chemistry approach were evaluated by XRD, SEM, EDAX, BET, VSM and HRTEM analysis. Then, their toxicity against normal HUVECs and MCF7 cancer cells was evaluated by MTT assay for 48 h. These biogenic mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles have over 71% of doxorubicin loading efficiency, resulting in a 50% reduction of cancer cells at a 0.5 μg.ml−1 concentration. Therefore, it is suggested that mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles be used as a multifunctional agent in medicine (therapeutic‐diagnostic). The produced mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles with its inherent structural properties such as polygonal structure (increasing surface area to particle volume) and porosity with large pore volume became a suitable substrate for loading the anti‐cancer drug doxorubicin