7,765 research outputs found
New Method in Encryption
Encryption in this paper includes the use of three values which they are the two shadows values of a base value, and the base value is attained from the three shadows values . Encryption based on two keys was proposed to increase the security of single encryption. We introduce a novel combination of asymmetric (two public –key) and symmetric ( private-key). Public key and private key involves odd and even whole values (first shadow value , second shadow value and third shadow value) . shadows values are multiplied making a product value and the value of 1 is subtracted from the produce value, The base value is along with the chosen shadows values ,then we employ values to find public key to encrypt message and private key to decrypt the encrypted message , as well as introduce new ideal to conclude the private key from the public key in two method ,first method determine the values agreed on some of them between the sender and the recipient . Second raised prime number to different value. Key words: Encryption, shadows value, public key, private ke
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Snowball Drillinguntuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Sistem Periodik Unsur di Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Inuman
This research aims to increase student achievementon the subject Sistem periodic unsure inclass XSMAN 1 Inuman. This research is a kind of experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMAN 1 Inuman.The samples of this research were the students of class X MIA 2 as the experimental class and students of class X MIA 1 as the control class.Experimental class is a class that is cooperative learning model Snowball Drilling, while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tarithmetic> ttable is 2,7761 > 1,66, means that the application of cooperative learning model Snowball Drilling can improve student achievement on the subject of system periodic unsurein class X SMAN 1 Inumanincrease learning achievement category in the experimental class is based on the normalized gain scores (N-Gain) relatively high at 0,7806
Ionosphere: A Month Campaign over Sipitang and Parit Raja Stations, Malaysia
Ionospheric scintillations, which cause significant effects on satellite signals for communication and navigation, often takes place in equatorial region such as Malaysia. However, this disturbance are not fully understand due to few studies performed. This research reports the study and monitoring activity on Total Electron Content (TEC) and ionospheric scintillation in Malaysia using GPS measurements. Approach: One dual-frequency GPS receiver was positioned at the main station in Parit Raja, West Malaysia (1.86° N, 103.8° E) and Sipitang, East Malaysia (5.10° N, 115.56° E) respectively. Dual-frequency GPS data collected during the one-month ionospheric experimental campaign was used for TEC and scintillation computation and analysis. The TEC with 15 sec interval were computed from combined L1 and L2 code-pseudorange and carrier phase measurements. Whereas, the scintillation parameter S4 index was computed as a standard deviation of the received signal power normalized to average signal power every 60 sec on L1. A corrected S4 (without noise effects) was also computed and used in the analysis. Results: It was found that the daily maxima vTEC for Parit Raja (PR) ranged from 38-100 TECU, which is generally higher than those of Sipitang, which ranged from 30-42 TECU. However, a general consistency for both stations can be seen during the 1 month campaign period. Conclusions/Recommendations: In conclusion, these results show good agreement in the existence of the equatorial anomaly observed during moderate solar flux conditions and undisturbed geomagnetic condition. This will contributes to the knowledge of equatorial ionosphere and help in space weather condition. However, to better understand and characterize the ionosphere over Malaysia, more campaigns should be encouraged
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a critical issue in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Management of solid waste in crowded conditions, especially in main cities such as the Al-Taif Province. This paper deals with that case study and focuses on how to solve material handling problems by applying conventional methods and computer ability. One of the costliest operations in the civil sector is transportation for material handling. City mayors considered transportation and materials handling as a subclass of the linear programming technique, thus linear programming problems take into consideration that the main objective is to handle materials from the city centre site to the identified dumping area. There are many methods and tools used to solve the transportation problem (TP) to find out the maximum or minimum in order to reduce cost or maximize profit. The methods related to manual solutions and others used many different computer applications. Manual solutions include the northwest corner method, the minimum cost method, the row minimum cost method, the column minimum cost method, and Vogel\u27s approximation method, and computer applications such as LINGO, Lingo, and solver function using Microsoft Excel. This case study focuses on applying the Microsoft Excel function to find the minimum cost of the transportation system in waste materials to reduce the transportation cost from the city centre to the final destination (dumping area) to be used. The results achieved with the model aided in obtaining optimal solutions and finally, the optimal solutions were checked.Gospodarenje čvrstim komunalnim otpadom kritično je pitanje u Kraljevini Saudijskoj Arabiji (KSA), posebice u uvjetima guste naseljenosti u glavnim gradovima i pokrajinama kao što je Taif. Ovaj rad prikazuje studiju slučaja i usredotočen je na to kako riješiti probleme gospodarenja i manipulacije materijalima primjenom konvencionalnih metoda i informatičkom tehnologijom. Jedan od najskupljih poslova u komunalnome sektoru jest transport materijala. Gradske uprave transport i rukovanje materijalima smatraju potklasom tehnologije linearnoga programiranja, stoga problemi linearnoga programiranja uzimaju u obzir da je glavni cilj rukovanje materijalima od središta grada do identificiranoga odlagališta. Postoje mnoge metode i alati koji se koriste za rješavanje problema transporta (TP) kako bi se saznao maksimum ili minimum u smislu smanjenja troškova ili maksimiziranja profita. Te metode primarno su se odnosile na manualna rješenja, a druge su se koristile mnogim različitim računalnim aplikacijama. Manualna rješenja uključuju metodu sjeverozapadnoga kuta (northwest corner method), metodu minimalnoga troška, metodu minimalnoga troška retka, metodu minimalnoga troška stupca i Vogelovu metodu aproksimacije te računalne aplikacije kao što su LINGO, Lingo i funkciju Solver koja je uključena u Microsoft Excel. Ova studija slučaja usredotočuje se na primjenu Microsoft Excel funkcije za pronalaženje minimalne cijene sustava transporta otpadnoga materijala kako bi se smanjio trošak transporta od centra grada do konačnoga odredišta (odlagalište). Rezultati dobiveni modeliranjem dali su optimalna rješenja koja su na kraju rada i provjerena
An ecological study of barley growing under three contrasting regimens of farm management
Using barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a phytometer, comparisons were made of the three systems of farm management (Organic, Mixed and Stockless), maintained as a long-term experiment by the Soil Research Association (Pye Research Centre) at Haughley in Suffolk. Special attention being paid to the geochemicals of the crops/soil system. Significant differences were indicated between both 'total' and 'available' geochemicals of the three soil systems. The differences of available geochemicals are undoubtedly related to the differing long-term management, especially the continuous and predominant use of organic manures and mulches on both the Organic and Mixed systems. The unexpected differences in total geochemicals (significantly more Ca, Mg and K in the Organic soils) is tentatively explained on the basis of deterioration of soil structural characteristics in the Stockless system, leading to interruption of the supply of geochemicals by capillary water. The data collected allowed crude geochemical budgets for the farm systems to be attempted and the work was, therefore, supplemented by the lysimeter studies. The indications for this work are that the geochemicals in the Organic soil are more readily 'available' to leaching than those of the Stockless soil. Phytometry, using both the old "Rika' barley variety used in the long-term experiment, and the new varieties 'Julia' and 'Sultan', did not, in the main, back up the above findings. This was especially true of the field experiments when environmental factors other than geochemical supply, probably govern the performance of the barley. However, in the majority of cases where significant differences were shown, the Organic system always shows better performance of the plant or greater flux of geochemicals into the plants than the Stockless system. No indication of a developed dependence of the barley on the three farm systems was obtained. Nitrogen fixation by soil microorganisms appear to be unimportant on the Haughley systems
Perencanaan Jalan Lingkar Utara Brebes-tegal Sta. 8+800 – Sta. 17+377
The North Brebes-Tegal Ring Road is a primary arterial road corridor which are located in the North Coast of Java, Central Java across Brebes District (12.385 km) and Tegal (4.715 km), with a pavement structure used is a flexible pavement (asphalt). The road was built with the purpose to break traffic density that occurred in Brebes City and Tegal. In 2010, construction of The North Brebes-Tegal Ring Road began. However, in 2012 the construction activities temporarily halted due to several problems, one of them is the condition of the ground at a construction site in part marshes and ponds led to the implementation by using layers of flexible pavement (asphalt) is difficult to be implemented. This condition starts from STA. 8 +800 to STA. 17+377 from the direction of Brebes to Tegal. Therefore, in this final planning is The North Brebes-Tegal Ring Road, with alternative structures to replace the flexible pavement (asphalt) and rigid pavement structures, accompanied by stabilization of the soil to improve soil conditions by landfill swamp native land with material heaps of options so as to increase the value of the subgrade CBR for the better. Besides the implementation of soil stabilization is recommended to do a heap of soil reinforcement by utilizing sheet pile as a solution to overcome the problem of the construction of The North Brebes-Tegal Ring Road
Design and implementation of a novel secured and wide WebRTC signalling mechanism for multimedia over internet
A modern and free technology called web real-time communication (WebRTC) was enhanced to allow browser-to-browser multimedia communication without plugins. In contract, WebRTC has not categorised a specific signalling mechanism to set, establish and end communication between browsers. The primary target of this application is to produce and implement a novel WebRTC signalling mechanism for multimedia communication between different users over the Internet without plugins. Furthermore, it has been applied over different browsers, such as Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera without any downloading or fees. This application designed using JavaScript language under ASP.net and C# language. Moreover, to prevent irrelevant users from accessing or attacking the session, user-id for initiating and joining the course using encryption technique was done. This system has been employed in real implementation among various users; therefore, an evaluation of bandwidth consumption, CPU, and quality of experience (QoE) was accomplished. The results show an original signalling mechanism which applied to different browsers, multiple users, and diverse networks such as Ethernet and Wireless. Besides, it sets session initiator, saves the communication efficient even if the initiator leaves, and communicating new participator with existing participants, etc. This studying focuses on the creation of a new signalling mechanism, the limitations of resources for WebRTC video conferencing
Analisis Performansi dan Disain Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Hutan di Wilayah Pegunungan Bawakaraeng Lompobattang Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
The objective of the research was to analyze the actual conditions, economic interactions, ecology and social problems in the area, and to formulate institutional system of forest management in Karaeng Lompo. Data collection were conducted through surveying, interviews, focus discussions and literature study. The data were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively following the types of data and the objectives of research.The results of the research showed that the forested area in Karaeng Lompo tended to increase the forest degradation level in the area which needs serious attention. The total forest area was 259.174 ha where the area with less vegetation was 124.884 ha (48%), and degraded land was 146.468,63 Ha (39,34%). Number of households found in the area was 6.677 households. Forest area of Karaeng Lompo has ecological, economical and social cultural aspects relationship so then it was recommended to change the management form of the forest into integrated forest units (KPH) model. This model was considered to have an equal level with local technical management unit at Forestry Departement in the provincial level. The area of KPH Karaeng Lompo was managed for environmental protection purposes, water source management, non timber forest products, and limited timber production.
Key words: bawakaraeng lompobattang mountain, forest degradation, union of forest management
Key words: bawakaraeng lompobattang mountain, forest degradation, union of forest managemen
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