261 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to analyze the structure, conduct and performance of Islamic banking industry in Indonesia with SCP approach. SCP paradigm explains that the structure, conduct and performance is an endogenous variable, as interdependent each other. This research also analyzes the effect of bank size (BSZ), market size (MSZ) and cost intensity (COST) against endogenous variable, market share (SHARE) as proxy of structure, selling intensity (SELL) as proxy of conduct and return on assets as proxy of performance. This research use panel data with time range of first quarter in 2011 until fourth quarter in 2015. Research’s Model is simultaneous equations model that identified as overidentified model, with the result that method to analyzing in this study is Two Stage Least Square. The market structure of Islamic Banking, industry in Indonesia identified as high oligopoly. The result show that bank size and return on assets has positive influence on market share, but selling intensity has negative influence. In conduct equation market share has negative influence on selling intensity, while return on assets has positive influence. In performance equation selling intensity has positive influence to return on assets, but cost intensity has negative influence

    Perubahan Fungsi Tanah Wakaf dalam Hukum Islam

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    This paper aims to: (1) description and practice of changes in the function of waqf land in Ragang Village, Waru Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency, and (2) whether it is in accordance with the terms and regulations in the perspective of Islamic law. The conclusion of this paper is, first, a description of the practice of waqf that occurs in Ragang Village, Waru Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency, that a portion of the waqf land that occurred there was not registered with the Ministry of Religion and there was also no endowment pledge. Besides that, in Ragang Village, the waqf land is used to be converted to other public interests, because it is a familiar thing. Moreover, the endowment of the land has no function for the addition of mosques, while in the interests of building madrassas is very much needed, because the Al-Ghazali foundation needs madrassas for the opening of MTs. Second, in Islamic law there are some differences of opinion. according to the practice of transferring the function of waqf land in Ragang Village, Waru Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency is allowed in Hanafiyah's opinion because it is in the interest of greater benefit. The majority of Hanafiyah, Malikiyah and Hanabalah scholars allow the replacement or change in the use of waqf property with some conditions, such as if the waqf property cannot be maintained in accordance with its original purpose and or there are benefits greater than the original waqf. If the waqf property is made for the construction of a mosque, then very little benefit, while for the construction of madrasas, the benefits are far greater than the initial waqf.Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk: (1) deskripsi dan praktik perubahan fungsi tanah wakaf di Desa Ragang Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Pamekasan, dan (2) apakah telah sesuai dengan syarat dan aturan dalam persepektif hukum Islam. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah, pertama, deskripsi dari praktik wakaf yang terjadi di Desa Ragang Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Pamekasan, bahwa sebagian dari tanah wakaf yang terjadi di sana tidak didaftarkan pada Kementrian Agama dan juga tidak ada surat ikrar wakaf. Selain itu di Desa Ragang sudah terbiasa tanah wakaf dialih fungsikan untuk kepentingan umum lainnya, karena merupakan hal yang sudah terbiasa. Apalagi wakaf tanah tersebut tidak ada fungsinya untuk penambahan masjid, sedangkan untuk kepentingan membangun madrasah sangat dibutuhkan, karena yayasan Al-Ghazali membutuhkan madrasah untuk pembukaan MTs. Kedua, dalam hukum Islam terdapat beberapa perbedaan pendapat. menurut praktik pengalihan fungsi tanah wakaf di Desa Ragang Kecamatan Waru Kabupaten Pamekasan diperbolehkan menurut pendapat Hanafiyah karena untuk kepentingan kemashlahatan yang lebih besar. Mayoritas ulama Hanafiyah, Malikiyah dan Hanabalah membolehkan penggantian atau perubahan pemanfaatan harta wakaf dengan beberapa persyaratan, seperti apabila harta wakaf tidak dapat dipertahankan sesuai dengan tujuan semula dan atau adanya manfaat yang lebih besar dari wakaf semula. Kalau harta wakaf tersebut dibuat untuk pembangunan masjid maka sedikit sekali manfaatnya sedangkan untuk pembangunan madrasah maka jauh lebih besar manfaatnya dari wakaf semula

    Mengelola Keuangan Menggunakan Microsoft Excel Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 Bagi Pelajar Yayasan Sigma Foundation

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    Menghadapi masa pandemi Covid 19 dan kebijakan pemerintah yang membatasi kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat adalah fenomena baru bagi Indonesia dan seluruh negara di dunia. Aktivitas ekonomi tertunda sehingga meningkatnya permasalahan di masyarakat, diantaranya  keuangan dikarenakan tatakelola keuangan masyarakat yang tidak seimbang anatara pemasukan dan pengeluaran akan kebutuhan, untuk dapat Mengelola keuangan dengan tepat  penggunaan Microsoft Excel sebagai kontrol keuangan bagi pelajar yayasan Sigma Foundation. Metode kegiatan berupa pelatihan dengan penyampaian materi secara umum kemudian praktek cara input mengelola keuangan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Melalui kegiatan program pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemampuannya dalam mengelola keuangan di masa pandemi Covid 19. Dengan menciptakan peluang usaha baru baik produk  atau jasa untuk mendapatkan tambahan keuangan, dan  mengelola keuangan dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan serta mempunyai motivasi untuk memperoleh pendapatan tambahan dalam  kegiatan  sehari-hari maupun kegiatan-kegiatan tertentu yang diadakan Yayasan SIGMA Foundation.         &nbsp

    Expression of microrna-101 in formalin-fixed paraffin- embedded samples of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is among the five most common malignancies in Malaysia. Most NPC patients are diagnosed at late stages of the disease which complicates the clinical management of the patients. Identification of new reliable biomarker is crucial to improve early diagnosis of NPC and increase the survival rate of patients. Recent study found that microRNAs (miRNAs), particularly miR-101, were involved in the tumorigenesis of head and neck cancer where NPC samples were included in the study. This study was conducted to observe the expression of miR-101 in NPC tumour tissues and compare its consistency with previous study as a step towards finding the new biomarker for NPC. The biopsy samples were obtained from hospitals and verified histologically using hematoxylin and eosin method for tissue classification. Total RNA was extracted from NPC tissues and normal nasopharyngeal epithelium tissues. The expression of miR-101 in NPC was quantified using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method. The differential expression of miR-101 in NPC as compared to normal nasopharyngeal epithelium tissues was analysed using 2-ΔΔCT calculation. The significance of the differential expression was analysed using SPSS software. Five samples have been verified as NPC and three samples were normal nasopharyngeal epithelium. The differential expression calculation found that miR-101 was downregulated in NPC as compared to normal nasopharyngeal epithelium tissues, which consistent with previous study. However, the differential expression was not significant. Therefore, our finding provides a preliminary result towards embarkment of a larger and comprehensive study. © 2019 Malaysian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. All rights reserved

    Differential expression of miR-101 and miR-744 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Pahang state of Malaysia

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    Previous study found that microRNA-101 (miR-101) and microRNA-744 (miR-744) were deregulated in head and neck cancers and were implicated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) carcinogenesis. Thus, this study aimed to determine the expression of miR-101 and miR-744 in NPC and analyse the utility of these microRNAs (miRNAs) as diagnostic biomarkers. Total RNA was extracted from 31 NPC and 7 non-NPC control formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. Complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from the total RNA and proceeded with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Differential expression of miR-101 and miR-744 were calculated from quantification cycle (Cq) data using 2-ΔΔCq calculation. The performance of these miRNAs were calculated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The differential expression for miR-101 and miR744 were -1.39 (p 0.05), respectively, where the deregulations were consistent with the previous report. The area under curve for miR-101, miR-744 and combination of miR-101 and miR744 were 0.654 (95 % CI: 0.465 - 0.844), 0.588 (95 % CI: 0.368 - 0.808) and 0.626 (95 % CI: 0.481 - 0.771), respectively. However, re-analysis using balanced sample size between NPC and non-NPC control group showed the value decreased to 0.653 (95 % CI: 0.347 - 0.959) for miR-101 but increased to 0.827 (95 % CI: 0.601 - 1.000) for miR-744 and 0.758 (95 % CI: 0.576 - 0.939) for the combination of miR-101 and miR-744, indicating the importance of having a balanced sample size. We have successfully determined the expression of miR-101 and miR-744 in NPC samples. We also demonstrated statistically the utility of these miRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers

    The necessity of a herd health management programme for dairy goat farms in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, an increasing number of new dairy goat farms are being opened by smallholders due to increasing demand for dairy goat products. However, most of the dairy goat farms are not managed well due to poor knowledge and information about the standard management of dairy goat. Indeed, low performance of dairy goats with respect to growth performance, feed utilisation, disease resistance and milk production has been associated with improper rearing protocol, specifically, herd health protocol. For this reason, implementation of a herd health management programme is important as a standard rearing management and disease control programme for dairy goat farms. A herd health management programme is a preventive programme intended to keep the herd healthy and free of disease through comprehensive husbandry management that includes nutrition management, breeding, parasite control, vaccination, biosecurity and environmental management with the goal of improving the herd's performance and productivity. However, the level of acceptance from farmers for implementing herd health management programmes varies, especially among smallholder farmers. Thus, veterinarians play an important role as advisor in transferring knowledge of the importance of herd health management to the farmers

    A Comprehensive Review on Adaptability of Network Forensics Frameworks for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Network forensics enables investigation and identification of network attacks through the retrieved digital content. The proliferation of smartphones and the cost-effective universal data access through cloud has made Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) a congenital target for network attacks. However, confines in carrying out forensics in MCC is interrelated with the autonomous cloud hosting companies and their policies for restricted access to the digital content in the back-end cloud platforms. It implies that existing Network Forensic Frameworks (NFFs) have limited impact in the MCC paradigm. To this end, we qualitatively analyze the adaptability of existing NFFs when applied to the MCC. Explicitly, the fundamental mechanisms of NFFs are highlighted and then analyzed using the most relevant parameters. A classification is proposed to help understand the anatomy of existing NFFs. Subsequently, a comparison is given that explores the functional similarities and deviations among NFFs. The paper concludes by discussing research challenges for progressive network forensics in MCC

    A Comprehensive Review on Adaptability of Network Forensics Frameworks for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Network forensics enables investigation and identification of network attacks through the retrieved digital content. The proliferation of smartphones and the cost-effective universal data access through cloud has made Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) a congenital target for network attacks. However, confines in carrying out forensics in MCC is interrelated with the autonomous cloud hosting companies and their policies for restricted access to the digital content in the back-end cloud platforms. It implies that existing Network Forensic Frameworks (NFFs) have limited impact in the MCC paradigm. To this end, we qualitatively analyze the adaptability of existing NFFs when applied to the MCC. Explicitly, the fundamental mechanisms of NFFs are highlighted and then analyzed using the most relevant parameters. A classification is proposed to help understand the anatomy of existing NFFs. Subsequently, a comparison is given that explores the functional similarities and deviations among NFFs. The paper concludes by discussing research challenges for progressive network forensics in MCC

    Mannheimiosis in a Rusa deer (Rusa timorensis): a case report and a herd analysis

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    Mannheimiosis and pasteurellosis is an important respiratory tract disease in cattle, sheep, goats and other ruminants. This article describes the first case of pneumonic and septicaemic mannheimiosis and pasteurellosis in a herd of Rusa timorensis and Dama dama deer. A Rusa timorensis stag showed constant reduction in body weight and was found dead on the 30th May 2016. Severe pulmonary hepatisation and multiple pulmonary abscessation along with emaciation and evidences of traumatic injuries were observed at post-mortem. Diagnosis of pneumonic and septicaemic mannheimiosis with concurrent colisepticaemia was made based on the bacterial culture. A retrospective study on deer from the same herd revealed occurrence of respiratory infection leading to death. Review of other cases from the animal from the same herd revealed that respiratory infections is a problem within this particular herd with transportation, bullying, poor nutrition and inclement weather being some of the important stress factors leading to respiratory infection. Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica were the two main important organisms in these cases, along with concurrent infection by Escherichia coli and Burkholderia pseudomallei. Other stress factors such as occurrence of El Niño and natural behaviour such as rutting in deer leading to manifestation of the disease in the herd were highlighted. Potential approaches to manage stress with the interest of rutting season were also discussed. This report is the first reported case of septicaemic mannheimiosis in a deer

    Clinical case of caseous lymphadenitis in a goat: case management

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is the causative agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) a contagious and infectious disease in small ruminants. This report describes a case of CLA in a Boer cross goat infected with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The manifestation of abscess in the superficial lymph node presented as a mass of approximately 5cm by 5cm in diameter at the base of the ear. The mass was solid and non-movable upon palpation. The mass was incised and the caseous material was aspirated and sent to the bacteriology laboratory where Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was isolated. The wound was cleaned and flushed with diluted chlorhexidine and iodine solutions daily. This procedure aids in the complete healing of the wound after a few weeks. However, the agent of the disease persists in the animal in its entire life and culling is recommended to prevent the spread of the disease in the herd