136 research outputs found

    Linking urban form to a liveable city

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    This paper intends to show the contribution and relationship of urban form to a liveable city, as many researchers pose the urban form as one of the factors that can worsen or improve the sustainability of the city. The paper will begin by exploring into the theoretical characteristics of the urban form at the macro and micro scale. Urban form models that match the Malaysian cities’ urban form are illustrated in this paper with the idea of giving a larger context of the living ecology for Malaysian communities. There are two types of cities, one that grows in an ad-hoc manner, and the other is being shaped by planners. This paper however, focuses only on a planned city that is the core city for Shah Alam. Consequently, this paper touches briefly on the liveable city concept which is currently being debated among the researchers as a more practical way of looking into the sustainable city issues. The liveable city framework for the city of Shah Alam is discussed and some preliminary findings are offered at the end of the pape

    Sources of language anxiety

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    Anxiety plays an important role in language learning because it ranks high among factors that can influence language learning (Oxford, 1999). It affects not only the way in which learners perform but also the way in which they perceive their performance (MacIntyre, 1999). In order to understand language anxiety, the sources of language anxiety need to be explored. This study was conducted to explore the sources of language anxiety from the students’ (UUM) perspectives. A qualitative case study was selected for this study. The sampling of participants (students) was done through purposive sampling in order to select information-rich cases. The main data collection was done mainly through interviewing language students. Interviewing lecturers and analyzing documents were done to triangulate the students’ perspective. his study found that the most cited sources of language anxiety were associated with speaking and writing skills. Another skill mentioned was related to listening comprehension. In this study, the sources of language anxiety stemmed from the learner, peers, instructional practice, personality, past experiences and language testing condition. Six themes emerged from the study. The themes were derived by associating language anxiety with three language skills, i.e. speaking, writing and listening, mentioned by the participants. The six themes which emerged from this study were belief and self-deprecating thought, afraid of being put on the limelight, afraid of being laughed at by peers, the type of lecturer or teacher, bad past experiences, and anxiety during language test

    Strengthening of prism beam by using NSM technique with roots planted in concrete

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    This paper presents experimental results of four prismatic concrete reinforced beam and strengthened by NSM (Near surface mounted) FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) reinforced technique, with additional roots planted in the concrete. The strengthening technique causes load capacity of beams to increase from (6%-8%).A decrease in mid-span deflection was also observed from (4%-5%).Using this technique gave increasing in flexural beam resistant under the same conditions and this increasing was also noted in shear beam resistant

    Numerical Analysis of Precast Wall Panels with Openings

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    A finite element (FE) analysis study on precast concrete solid and sandwich wall panels with various openings subjected to axial eccentric load (tw/6) is presented in this paper. Experimental work of nine full-scale and six half-scale wall panels from selected studies were modelled using ABAQUS 6.13 software. The cracking pattern, plastic strain and ultimate load carrying capacity of these FE models were analyzed and comparison from the selected studies was conducted for verification. Results from the FE analysis revealed that the behavior of the wall panels was influenced by the size and location of the openings and its slenderness ratios. From the ultimate load carrying capacity of a solid wall panel and sandwich wall panels with openings, a difference of within 10% of the experimental work from the selected studies was recorded. This observation verifies that ABAQUS finite element software is a reliable and effective technique in determining and establishing the structural behavior of precast wall panels with openings.&nbsp

    Study on Shear Strengthening of RC Continuous Beams with Different CFRP Wrapping Schemes

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation for enhancing the shearcapacity of reinforced concrete (RC) continuous beams using different CFRP wrappingschemes. A total of five concrete beams were tested and various sheet configurations andlayouts were studied to determine their effects on ultimate shear strength and shear capacity ofthe beams. One beam was kept as control beams, while other beams were strengthened withexternally bonded CFRP strips with four or three sides bonding and one or two layers ofCFRP strips. From the test results, it was found that all schemes were found to be effective inenhancing the shear strength of RC beams. It was observed that the strength increases with thenumber of sheet layers and four sides wrap provided the most effective strengthening for RCcontinuous beam. Beam strengthened using this scheme showed 54% increase in shearcapacity as compared to the control beam. Two prediction models available in literature wereused for computing the contribution of CFRP strips and compared with the experimentalresults

    Teachers' perceptions of literature circle as a technique to teach creative writing using literary texts

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    This paper highlights findings of a workshop based on responses given by practicing teachers on the use of Literature Circles (LC) as a technique to develop students’ creative writing skills. It uncovers teaching techniques that have been used by teachers to promote and enhance students’ writing skill using literature as a resource. The other issue initiated in this paper is the teachers’ opinion on the suitability and practicality of applying Literature Circles in their classroom. The overall response shows that, prior to the workshop session, the teachers have used conventional methods in their classroom. Interestingly, it is discovered that they are very receptive of the idea of using the technique introduced in the workshop despite the challenges they may face in their classes

    An Analysis of Associative Meanings in Two Songs Albums of Lorde

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    This research is analyzing associative meanings in Lorde’s selected songs lyric. The aimed of this study is to find out the types and the functions of associative meanings in Lorde’s selected songs lyric. This research used descriptive qualitative research approach and a major theory of associative meaning from Leech’s (1985) theory. In this research, the researcher gathered the data by collecting, marking and describing words, phrases, and sentences in the song’s lyric from two albums that contained associative meaning such as connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, and collocative meaning. Then, the researcher analyzed the data by classifying words, phrases, and sentences that contained types and function of associative meanings which referred to Leech’s (1985) theory, then explained the finding, and the last formulated research conclusion based on data finding and analysis. The result of this research showed that there were sixty-nine data of associative meaning as well as their functions in ten songs lyric of Lorde. There were seven data of connotative meaning, thirty-five data of social meanings, eleven data of affective meaning, eleven data of reflected meaning, and five data of collocative meanings. The dominant type of associative meaning that used in Lorde’s songs lyric is social meaning in which the lyrics used informal languages such as idioms, slangs, and colloquials.

    Numerical simulation analysis on water jet pressure distribution at various nozzle aperture

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    The low velocity water jet is required by small scale Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) to control its position, either to remain statics in its position or to perform a slow and steady locomotion. However, the water jet performance is influenced by the size of nozzle aperture. By studying the pressure distribution around the nozzle area, the water jet velocity could be determined and characterized. In this studies, the ejection pressure was fixed at 23.37 Pa according to the constant actuation. Studies were conducted using ANSYS Fluent software. The results show that the water jet velocity and dynamic pressure are higher for larger nozzle aperture size at constant pressure. The total pressure and dynamic pressure had the lowest pressure drop at certain nozzle aperture size but became constant when the nozzle size was wider. This finding is useful in designing the UUV that powered by contractile water jet thruster

    Effect of river indus sand on concrete tensile strength

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    In the development of Pakistan construction industry, the utilization of River Indus sand in concrete as fine aggregate has expanded tremendously. The aim of this research is to study the effect of Indus River sand on the tensile strength of various grades of concrete when it is utilized as fine aggregate. Concrete Samples of M15, M20 and M25 grade concrete were cured for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Based on the results, it is found that concrete became less workable when Indus river sand was utilized. It is recorded that tensile strength of concrete is decreased from 5% up to 20% in comparison with hill sand. The results were derived from various concrete grades

    Open and Distance Learning Programme and Learner Outcomes: A review of Empirical Evidence (in abstract)

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    There is an increasing interest in examining the issues associated with higher learning institutions, both within Malaysia and in other countries around the globe. Due to the impact of global education market, high competition and a shift towards mass higher education, concerns about the standard of the programmes offered and the demands for public accountability have become crucial. The number of learners enrolled into programmes offered through open and distance learning (ODL) in Malaysia has expanded remarkably. For instance, learners enrolled at Open University Malaysia have increased tremendously from 753 learners in August 2001 to 75,000 learners in January 2009. This increasing number of enrolments indicates that more people are interested in learning and enhancing their competencies by pursuing a higher degree qualification. However, the question on how far the ODL programme affects the learner outcomes is still unanswered. Therefore, this study reviews the empirical research evidences on ODL programmes in higher learning institutions and the learner outcomes. The focus of this study is to answer two key questions: (i) Are learners achieving the outcomes expected? and (ii) If they are, are these outcomes the direct result of the programme, or of other factors? Empirical research articles from various academic sources such as refereed journals, proceedings and theses are explored. The results of this study are hoped to present the status of empirical research evidences on ODL programmes and learner outcomes. It is also hoped that this study will grant significant information for future research and fill the current gaps. (Abstract by authors
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