875 research outputs found

    Refugees and Reparations

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    Temporal Reasoning Through Automatic Translation of tock-CSP into Timed Automata

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    In this work, we present an approach for automatic translation of tock-CSP into Timed Automata (TA) for Uppaal to facilitate using Uppaal in reasoning about temporal specifications of tock-CSP models. The process algebra tock-CSP provides textual notations for modelling discrete-time behaviours, with the support of tools for automatic verification. Automatic verification of TA with a graphical notation is supported by Uppaal. The two approaches provide facilities for automatic verification. For instance, liveness requirements are difficult to specify with the constructs of tock-CSP, but they are easy to specify and verify in Uppaal. We have developed a translation technique and a tool based for translating tock-CSP into a network of small TAs for capturing the compositional structure of tock-CSP. For validating the rules, we begin with an experimental approach based on finite approximations to trace sets. Then, we explore using structural induction to establish the correctness

    Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Stem Extracts of Woolly Bush (Adenanthos sericeus)

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    Preliminary phytochemical screening of various extracts of the stem of Adenanthos sericeus were carried out in this work. The results obtained revealed some differences in the constituent of the aqueous, n-hexane, acetone and methanol extracts tested. Saponins, resins, anthraquinones, glycoside, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, phenols and terpenoid at varying proportion were detected. The free radical scavenging activity carried out using hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity to determine the antioxidant activity reveals a great antioxidant potential in Adenanthos sericeus. Also, the antimicrobial activities carried out using the following organisms; Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, Salmonella. The results obtained shows the stem extracts of Adenanthos sericeus has proven to have an interesting pharmacological active compounds with great radical scavenging and antimicrobial effects. As such could be used in ethnomedicine for treatment of infections and ailmentsKeywords: Adenanthos sericeus(s), Antimicrobial, Phytochemicals, Organism

    Application de la méthode des points quadrats au suivi de la dynamique des pâturages soudano-sahéliens du Cameroun

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    L\'étude de la structure du couvert herbacé de quelques formations pastorales des secteurs phytogéographiques soudano-sahéliens et sahélo-soudaniens du Cameroun a été faite par la méthode des points quadrats alignés dans le but de déterminer le nombre de lignes permanentes statistiquement nécessaires pour le suivi de la dynamique de cette végétation. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu\'au seuil de probabilité de 5 %, une seule ligne permanente est nécessaire pour suivre la dynamique des groupements à Aristida kerstingii , Heteropogon contortus , Andropogon pinguipes, et que deux lignes sont requises pour les groupements à Andropogon gayanus , Loudetia simplex , et Loudetia togoensis. Trois lignes sont nécessaires pour les groupements à Hyparrhenia rufa et Echinochloa pyramidalis. Pour avoir une marge de sécurité et tenir compte de l\'évolution possible des divers groupements, nous proposons d\'effectuer pour le suivi de l\'ensemble des parcours étudiés des observations sur cinq lignes permanentes. Keywords: Cameroun, Formation pastorale, points contacts, dynamique de la végétation. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 2 (2) 2008: pp. 224-22

    Complete chloroplast genome sequencing of Caralluma quadrangula and comparative analysis of the Asclepiadoideae subfamily (Apocynaceae)

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    Caralluma quadrangula is an herbaceous plant distributed in Saudi Arabia, India, Africa, and the Canary Islands. To assess the phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among the Asclepiadoideae subfamily in the Apocynaceae family, we carried out a compara-tive chloroplast (cp) genome analysis of four species. The size of the C. quadrangula chloroplast genome is 161,456 bp, while the large single-copy (LSC) is 85,992 bp, the small single-copy (SSC) is 13,380 bp, and the two inverted repeats (IRs) are 31,042 bp each. The genome has a total of 129 genes, among which 19 are located at the inverted repeat region, 85 are protein coding genes, 36 are tRNA genes, and eight are rRNA genes. Visualization of single-copy and inverted repeat borders showed that expansion and contraction have occurred in the cp genomes of the compared species of Ascle-piadoideae. The genome comparative analysis shows that the coding regions are more highly conserved than the non-coding region; thus, the variable hotspot can serve as a barcode for species in the subfamily. Phylogenetic analysis conducted based on cp sequences identified Stapelia as sister to Caralluma, in agreement with previous studies. The current study may facilitate the development of molecular markers to ease the identifi cation and authentication of members of the genus Caralluma in the Apocynaceae

    Research on armadillos: A review and prospectus

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    A detailed analysis of 1,039 scientific studies of extant armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata, Dasypodidae) published in the last 25 years (1989-2013) revealed substantial biases in coverage, including taxonomically, the locales where field studies were conducted, and in the topics investigated. Examination of the number of other publications that cited each paper revealed that 470 (45%) papers had been cited no more than 10 times, 249 (24%) had never been cited, and 112 (11%) were not even found in the Google Scholar database. The most heavily cited papers were molecular phylogenetic analyses that often used tissues from one or more species of armadillo but were not about the animals per se. Thus, it appears that research on armadillos is plagued by numerous gaps in coverage and is not reaching a wide audience. These data indicate obvious opportunities for future research. In addition, recent findings suggest that even relatively well-studied phenomena may require reexamination. Here, we review recent advances in the study of armadillos and highlight promising areas for future work. One critical need is for a thorough systematic revision of Dasypodidae to be completed. This will make it possible to prioritize those species and populations most in need of study. Additionally, more long-term field studies of populations of marked individuals are required. Although there are many important and interesting questions waiting to be answered, the small number of researchers currently conducting studies of armadillos, particularly in the wild, means that progress will be slow.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Correlates of Satisfaction with Community Reintegration Among Stroke Survivors in Kano Metropolis

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    The aim of stroke rehabilitation is to ensure successful reintegration of stroke survivors (SSV) into their communities to enable them effectively discharge their physical, economic and social roles. This study assessed factors related to satisfaction with community reintegration (CR) of SSV in Kano metropolis. It was a cross sectional survey that recruited 68 consenting SSV using the purposive sampling technique. Assessments of CR, physical function, social support and depression were done with Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MPSS) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) respectively. Spearman Rank Order Correlation and Wilcoxon Sign Rank tests were used to analyze the data at a level of statistical significance of 0.05 using SPSS version 16.0. A total of 36(52.9%) males and 32(47.1%) females with mean age of 59.69±13.568 years took part in the study. About 50 (73.6%) are modified dependent and 46 (67.6%) enjoyed moderate social support. The majority 87% (N=59) experienced severe restrictions to CR. There were significant correlations between RNLI and each of MSPSS (rho=0.249, p=0.041) and FIM (rho =0.406, p=0.001) scores. Occupational status (Z=-6.693, p=0.000), income (Z=-3.910, p=0.000) and driving status (Z=-5.292, p=0.000) changed significantly. It was concluded that the level of CR of most SSV in Kano metropolis was not satisfactory with significant loss of employment and earnings and ability to drive post stroke. Increased levels of social support and adequate recovery of physical functions are likely to improve satisfaction with CR.KEY WORDS: stroke, satisfaction, community reintegration, social support, driving, return to wor

    First prototype of a silicon tracker using an artificial retina for fast track finding

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    We report on the R\&D for a first prototype of a silicon tracker based on an alternative approach for fast track finding. The working principle is inspired from neurobiology, in particular by the processing of visual images by the brain as it happens in nature. It is based on extensive parallelisation of data distribution and pattern recognition. In this work we present the design of a practical device that consists of a telescope based on single-sided silicon detectors; we describe the data acquisition system and the implementation of the track finding algorithms using available digital logic of commercial FPGA devices. Tracking performance and trigger capabilities of the device are discussed along with perspectives for future applications.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014 (TIPP 2014), conference proceeding

    Invasores acorazados en Patagonia: dispersión austral reciente de armadillos (Cingulata, Da- sypodidae)

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    Patagonia, south of 40° S, is currently inhabited by Chaetophractus villosus and Zaedyus pichiy. In order to reconstruct the Late Pleistocene-Holocene history of these armadillos in southern South America, we compiled and discussed data from zooarcheological sites, notes from naturalists and travellers, museum speci - mens, and field data. We found that both species experienced significant range expansion southwards. Based on the obtained evidence we concluded that: (a) Southern Patagonia was mainly free of armadillos during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene; (b) in the last 10 ky Z. pichiy progressively invaded southern Patagonia from the north, down to the Santa Cruz River (~50° S); at the same time, C. villosus colonized the northern portion of Patagonia north of Chubut River (~44° S); (c) during the last century, Z. pichiy surpassed the Santa Cruz River barrier while C. villosus colonized all Patagonian territories to reach the Magellan Strait and finally was introduced in Tierra del Fuego. Although these armadillos have metabolic, dietary and behavioral adaptations to cold and dry habitats that possibly helped them to extend its range southwards, we propose that the observed distributional changes of the last century were triggered mainly by anthropogenic causes.Patagonia, al sur de los 40° S, está actualmente habitada por Chaetophractus villosus y Zaedyus pichiy. Con el objeto de reconstruir la historia de estos armadillos en la porción austral de América del Sur durante el Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno, compilamos y discutimos datos de registros zooarqueológicos, observa - ciones de naturalistas y viajeros, especímenes de museos y datos de campo. Encontramos que ambas especies experimentaron una considerable expansión de su distribución hacia el sur. De acuerdo a la evidencia obtenida concluimos que: (a) Patagonia austral estuvo básicamente libre de armadillos durante el Pleistoceno tardío- Holoceno temprano; (b) durante los últimos 10 ka, Z. pichiy invadió progresivamente el sur de la Patagonia desde el norte alcanzando el río Santa Cruz (~50° S); al mismo tiempo C. villosus colonizó la porción norte de Patagonia llegando al norte del río Chubut (~44° S); (c) durante el siglo pasado Z. pichiy superó la barrera impuesta por el río Santa Cruz mientras que C. villosus colonizó todo el territorio patagónico hasta alcanzar el estrecho de Magallanes y finalmente fue introducido en Tierra del Fuego. Aunque estas especies de armadillos tienen adaptaciones metabólicas, de dieta y de comportamiento a los ambientes fríos y secos que posiblemente les ayudaron a extender su área de distribución hacia el sur, proponemos que los cambios distribucionales de la última centuria fueron gatillados principalmente por causas antrópicas.Fil: Abba, Agustin Manuel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología de Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Poljak, Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; ArgentinaFil: Gabrielli, Magali. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Centro Regional de Estudios Genómicos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Teta, Pablo Vicente. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Pardiñas, Ulises Francisco J.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin