299 research outputs found

    Information and communication technologies in the Chilean English as a foreign language classroom: A systematic review of the literature

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) permeated Chilean schools in the late 1990s with the implementation of Enlaces, a national program including training and technological equipment for supplying school education. Since then, the curricular relevance of ICTs has increased in Chile. Particularly, English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching has benefited from ICTs in adding interaction and using various resources in the classroom. Such importance motivated the researchers of this study to find out what has been researched about ICT in the English classroom in a Chilean context. To attain this, a systematic review of the literature from 2006 to 2022 was conducted. Data was drawn from the electronic databases SCOPUS, EBSCO, Scielo, ERIC, Dialnet, WoS, and complemented with Google Scholar. The selected studies, 13, were analyzed using a six-dimensional framework, focusing on research purpose and focus, outcomes, design and methods, publication frequency, and limitations. Our review has established that qualitative design and methods have been the most predominant approaches, focusing mainly on exploring the implementation and integration of ICTs in the English classroom, as well as examining the effectiveness of applications, websites, and ICTs tools on the linguistic attainment of Chilean school learners. This systematic review has also identified that after 2016 publications have been steady, yet the number of empirical studies exploring the topic is still limited, which constitutes a research gap that future studies could examine. It is also expected that researchers interested in the topic could try out this review in similar EFL contexts

    Down-regulation of BiP/GRP78 sensitizes resistant prostate cancer cells to gene-therapeutic overexpression of REIC/Dkk-3

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    We have recently shown that an adenovirus carrying REIC/Dkk-3 (Ad-REIC) exhibits a potent tumor-specific cell-killing function for various human cancers. It has also become evident that some human cancers are resistant to Ad-REIC-induced apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the molecular mechanisms of resistance to Ad-REIC. First, we isolated resistant clones from a human prostate cancer cell line, PC3, after repeated exposure to Ad-REIC. Infection efficiency of the adenovirus vector and expression level of REIC/Dkk-3 in the resistant clones were similar to those in the parental PC3 cells. By screening for alteration in levels and functional status of proteins involved in Ad-REIC-induced apoptosis, we found that BiP/GRP78, an ER-residing chaperone protein, was expressed at higher levels consistently among resistant cells. Expression levels of BiP and rates of apoptosis induced by Ad-REIC were inversely correlated. Down-regulation of BiP with siRNA sensitized the resistant cells to Ad-REIC in vivo as well as in culture. These results indicate that BiP is a major determinant of resistance to Ad-REIC-induced apoptosis. Thus BiP is useful for diagnosis of inherent and acquired resistance of cancers and also as a target molecule to overcome resistance to the gene therapeutic Ad-REIC

    Diálogos entre la Geografía y la Ecología política : Aportes para repensar los conflictos territoriales en la Norpatagonia

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    En el pensamiento occidental moderno ha predominado una concepción antropocéntrica, utilitarista y economicista que operó en base a la dicotomía hombre-naturaleza (Diegues, 2000). Esta construcción histórica de la separación ontológica ha permitido al hombre -sujeto e individuo- ejercer mecanismos de dominio y control sobre la naturaleza -objeto-, a través de la ciencia, la tecnología (Seoane y Taddei, 2010; Machado Aráoz, 2010; Diegues, 2000) las políticas públicas e inclusive el aparato represivo. La idea de naturaleza como una "exterioridad" al hombre, como proveedora de recursos naturales y al servicio de la dinámica impuesta por el modo de producción capitalista, profundizó la lucha de los sectores subalternos contra la expropiación y explotación de los recursos, los territorios y la naturaleza, diseñando lo que Svampa (Svampa, 2011) denomina la "nueva cartografía de las resistencias". Para el caso de la Norpatagonia, puede decirse que los "nuevos" dispositivos expropiatorios del capital se expresan a través del avance de las actividades hidrocarburíferas sobre los valles irrigados; en la extranjerización y/o propiedad privada de las tierras dotadas de importantes reservas de agua dulce y biodiversidad; el avance de la especulación inmobiliaria y la apropiación de bienes comunes en áreas turísticas de cordillera. Dichos procesos activaron los conflictos territoriales, la organización de la resistencia de las comunidades indígenas, campesinos y ambientalistas y la construcción de la "re-existencia" (Porto-Gonçalves, 2002), de aquellos que históricamente han defendido el territorio, sus formas de vida comunitaria y plantean alternativas al "desarrollo". En este sentido, el propósito de este trabajo consiste en recuperar los diálogos entre la Geografía y la Ecología Política para repensar los conflictos territoriales en áreas de la Norpatagonia donde se expresan nuevas dinámicas de explotación y subordinación de la naturaleza y despojo territorial.Evento realizado junto con el VII Congreso Nacional de Geografía de Universidades PúblicasFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Diálogos entre la Geografía y la Ecología política : Aportes para repensar los conflictos territoriales en la Norpatagonia

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    En el pensamiento occidental moderno ha predominado una concepción antropocéntrica, utilitarista y economicista que operó en base a la dicotomía hombre-naturaleza (Diegues, 2000). Esta construcción histórica de la separación ontológica ha permitido al hombre -sujeto e individuo- ejercer mecanismos de dominio y control sobre la naturaleza -objeto-, a través de la ciencia, la tecnología (Seoane y Taddei, 2010; Machado Aráoz, 2010; Diegues, 2000) las políticas públicas e inclusive el aparato represivo. La idea de naturaleza como una "exterioridad" al hombre, como proveedora de recursos naturales y al servicio de la dinámica impuesta por el modo de producción capitalista, profundizó la lucha de los sectores subalternos contra la expropiación y explotación de los recursos, los territorios y la naturaleza, diseñando lo que Svampa (Svampa, 2011) denomina la "nueva cartografía de las resistencias". Para el caso de la Norpatagonia, puede decirse que los "nuevos" dispositivos expropiatorios del capital se expresan a través del avance de las actividades hidrocarburíferas sobre los valles irrigados; en la extranjerización y/o propiedad privada de las tierras dotadas de importantes reservas de agua dulce y biodiversidad; el avance de la especulación inmobiliaria y la apropiación de bienes comunes en áreas turísticas de cordillera. Dichos procesos activaron los conflictos territoriales, la organización de la resistencia de las comunidades indígenas, campesinos y ambientalistas y la construcción de la "re-existencia" (Porto-Gonçalves, 2002), de aquellos que históricamente han defendido el territorio, sus formas de vida comunitaria y plantean alternativas al "desarrollo". En este sentido, el propósito de este trabajo consiste en recuperar los diálogos entre la Geografía y la Ecología Política para repensar los conflictos territoriales en áreas de la Norpatagonia donde se expresan nuevas dinámicas de explotación y subordinación de la naturaleza y despojo territorial.Evento realizado junto con el VII Congreso Nacional de Geografía de Universidades PúblicasFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Mass poisonings of the Vulnerable Andean condor prompt national strategy against the use of toxic baits in Argentina

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    Massive deaths of Andean condors (Vultur gryphus) prompted a National Strategy Against the Use of Toxic Baits in Argentina, based on 6 lines of action: 1) delivery of kits and unified intervention protocols in cases of wildlife poisoning, 2) community education programs, 3) surveys of rural people, 4) training courses and participatory construction workshops, 5) toxicology studies, and 6) an academic-scientific committee made up of specialists in toxicology. The strategy was developed in the 14 provinces of the country where the Andean condor is distributed. 554 people from 166 institutions have participated in the trainings and workshops, reporting 200 poisoning events involving more than 21000 individuals from 61 species. Birds and mammals were the groups most affected, and further, human victims show the impact on public health. 19 toxic substances were identified, mainly insecticides. This study proved that carbofuran is the toxic most used. Analysis of bait types suggests a significant conflict with carnivores. 195 surveys revealed that almost half of the farmers know people who use toxic baits and that the negative perception towards some species could determine their use. The strategy began to address the problem of the use of toxic baits in Argentina in a strategic, participatory and regional way, through the management of public policies and scientific research. We propose actions to work on the causes that lead to the application of this dangerous practice. Given its extensive use, we believe that this strategy can be adapted and applied in other countries in the region.Fil: Jácome, N. Luis. Fundación Bioandina Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Abarzua, Gabriela. Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible; ArgentinaFil: Astore, Vanesa. Ecoparque de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Fundación Bioandina Argentina; ArgentinaFil: Estrada Pacheco, Rayén. Fundación Bioandina Argentina; Argentina. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentin

    Multiproxy approach revealing climate and cultural changes during the last 26kyrs in south-central Chile

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    Multiproxy approach from Purén Lumaco Valley (38°S) describes the paleonvironmental history during the Last Maximum Glacial (LGM) in south-central Chile. Three sediment cores and severals AMS 14C dates were used to perform a complete pollen, diatoms, chironomids, and sedimentological records demonstrating the existence of a large and non profundal paleolake, between 25 and 20kyr BP.Some of these evidence are laminated silty-clay sediments (lacustrine rhythmites), associated with the presence of siderite mineral (FeCO3), besides biological proxies like Fragilaria construens and Stauroforma inermes (planctonic diatoms), and Dicrotendipes sp. and Tanytarsini tribe (littoral chironomids). The pollen ensemble reveals the first glacial refuge of Araucaria araucana forests in the low lands during the LGM.The lake was drained abruptly into a swamp/bog at 12kyr BP and colonized by Myrtaceae wet forest. This evidence suggest the dry/warm climate period of early Holocene in south-central Chile. Later, the sediments indicate variable lacustrine levels, and increase of charcoal particles, associated to current climatic conditions. The pollen spectrum dominated by Myrtaceae and Nothofagus contrasts with a strongly disturb current landscape. Actually, Purén-Lumaco valley constitutes a complex peat-bog system dominated by exotic grasses and forest species (Tritricum aestivum, Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus spp.).Some archaeological antecedents in the area document the human development at ca. 7yrs BP. The greatest archaeological characteristic present in the valley is the kuel, a Mapuche earth accumulation. The presence and extension of almost 300 kuel in the valley reflect the social/economic development, and partly explains why the region was the major resistance area for Spanish colonizer during XVI-XVII centuries. Also the archaeological findings reveal the presence of maize pollen (Zea mays) within their food consumption.The influence of climate and human impact in Holocene environments provide a better basis for understanding and managing the present landscape in Araucanian Region. Almost the absence of native forests in the area makes urgent strategies for the recovery and rehabilitation of a relict ecosystem that today represents their regional analog only in the tops of the Chilean Coastal Range

    Orthotopic ileal neobladder versus sigmoidal neobladder: a "quality of life" (QOL) survey

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    To compare the quality of life (QOL) in patients with ileal neobladder and sigmoidal neobladder, a retrospective survey was conducted using a formulated questionnaire. Between January and March 1999, a QOL survey was conducted using self-administered questionnaires (EORTC QLQ-C30, IPSS, supplemented with detailed questionnaires about continence, sexual function, and patient’s satisfaction with the selected urinary diversion method) for 78 patients with orthotopic urinary reservoir (OUR) who were followed-up for more than 3 months after cystectomy. Among 78 patients, 63 had OUR using an ileal segment (male/female=59/4, median age: 70.8 years old, median follow-up: 1.7 years). Fifteen patients had OUR using a sigmoidal segment (male/female=13/2, median age: 71.9, median follow-up: 3.9). The QLQ-C30 functional evaluation and the items in relation to sexual function showed no diff erences between the 2 groups. Concerning the voiding condition, bladder emptying, frequency, and urgency, scores in the sigmoidal OUR group were signifi cantly higher. The QOL score concerning voiding conditions, daytime, and nighttime continence and quantity of pad showed a better score in the ileal OUR group. Concerning the satisfaction with methods of urinary diversion, patients in the sigmoidal OUR group expressed less satisfaction than their preoperative expectations. Considering several postoperative voiding conditions, ileal OUR seems superior to sigmoidal OUR