208 research outputs found

    Efforts to improve teacher competency in developing learning materials through collaborative academic supervision

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    This study aims to prove collaborative academic supervision actions to improve teachers’ competence in developing learning materials as well as how collaborative academic supervision measures to achieve these goals. This research uses an action research design. This action research was carried out in the context of the school. This action research consists of cycles consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subjects in this study were 86 teachers in one Indonesian regent of Jambi provincial. This study was conducted in 2019/2020 academic year in the odd semester. The results of the study found that individual collaborative academic supervision actions to teachers could scientifically improve teacher competence in compiling learning materials, namely syllabus and lesson plans. This result is proven by the increase in the quality and quantity of syllabus and lesson plans assessed by teachers after collaborative academic supervision in the second cycle. The second cycle of action also resulted in an increase in teacher competency in preparing syllabi and lesson plans that were both 62% and 58%. This research recommends for the school principals that the implementation of individual collaborative supervision is very suitable to be used to improve teacher competence in developing learning materials

    Rancangan Sistem Informasi Kinerja Program Studi Teknik Alat Berat Jurusan Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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    Information and Communication Technology Development is very rapid to be applied in various fields, including the Draft Design of Performance Heavy Equipment Study Program Information Systems of Mechanical Engineering Department State Polytechnic of Jakarta. Lecturer and student performance information on Heavy Equipment Study Program is not well documented so it is difficult to know the status of student performance that includes the lecture, course assessment, students are still active and so on, while for the performance of lecturers include the presence of faculty, courses that how much is taught and the status of lecturers and other duties are. Information systems are developed to do the analysis and design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). To display the GUI-based menus used GUI Design Studio. The results showed that the system design can proceed to the programming language for coding. The expected benefits of designing systems of performance information for teaching and learning processes can be better quality and performance reports can be reported accurately. Keywords :Information System, Performance, Lecturers, Student

    Academic supervision and work motivation as a contributing factor of teacher competence

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    This study aims to find an empirical contribution of academic supervision by school supervisors and work motivation to teacher competence. This research is a quantitative study with survey design, a cross-sectional technique. Samples were 84 respondents. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, as well as regression analysis through SPSS. The findings of this study indicate that supervision by supervisors includes high categories. The R2 value of the contribution of academic supervision of school supervisors to competencies was 30.4%. Contribution of teacher's work motivation to teacher competency R2 value was 46.1%. The contribution of academic supervision of school supervisors and work motivation, to teacher competence, was 47%. Recommendations for the betterment of education in Indonesia are offered

    The Role of Monetary Instruments to Financial Market in the Pandemic Covid Era

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    Purpose: This paper aimed to analyze the financial market reaction towards monetary instruments during the pandemic covid era. We employ Malaysian data. Methodology: We develop the financial market into three models, namely the interbank money market, bond market, and stock market. We used ordinary least squares as the research methodology. The type of data used is a monthly time series from January 31, 2019, to June 30, 2021. Findings: The study found that the dynamics of monetary policy through policy interest rates and reserve requirements have a significant effect on financial markets in Malaysia, particularly on the interbank money market and bond market. Meanwhile, when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, government bond yields are influenced by the implementation of the minimum reserve policy. Originality/Value: We focus on dynamic monetary instruments in Malaysia. The main instruments are the overnight policy rate and reserve requirement ratio. We employ the linkage of covid and monetary instruments as an independent variable to capture the effect of monetary policy in the pandemic covid era

    Manajemen Pembelajaran Paud

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    The objective of the study is to describe the management of instructional program of early childhood education program. The method of the study is descriptive qualitative study. Thedata were collected through observations, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis includes collecting data, data reduction, data display, verification and drawing conclusion. The results of this research described that the planning the instructional based on the KTSP curriculumand syllaby and was not based on the 2013 curriculum. The implementation of the learning program is developed and carried out by the tutors. The technical aspect was done by formal education supervisor and non formal education supervisor

    The Elimination of Overshoot Curve Response of Closed Loop in Proportional Integral (PI) Controller

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    Most operators in industry use trial and error methodin determining the parameter in PID controller. This way isquite dangerous because it cannot predict what will happen inthe next process. For this, we need a method that can adjust thechanging of parameter in process, and simultaneously retune theparameter of controller automatically. Ziegler-Nichols method, amethod for setting parameter of PID controller, can be use foreliminating the oscillation and reducing overshoot curve in aprocess. This method is common yet, but it offers simpleprocedure but produce quick and accurate result. This methodanalyzes the curve of a process. It is done when oscillation andovershoot projected onto x-axis (time) occurred. The parametersresulted from this analysis among others are: critical gain (Kpu),time/period oscillation (Tosc), static gain (K), proportional gain(Kp), integral time Ti, and differential time Td. These parameterswill be tuned to PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols method.The overshoot (Mp) curve response of closed loop in thissimulation is 0 %. It will save energy and time beside that thestability of system can be maintained

    Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Dan Pulse Width Modulation Untuk Sistem Kendali Kecepatan Robot Line Follower

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    Satu kendala robot line follower (LF) yaitu kendali kecepatan putaran saat belok mengikuti garis belok tajam, belok sedang, belok sedikit, dan tidak ada garis. Kendala tersebut adalah robot LF selalu menggerakkan satu roda saja kiri atau kanan dengan kecepatan maksimum. Kendala ini diatasi dengan menerapkan logika fuzzy untuk mengkomputasi nilai on/off motor saat belokan garis tajam, belokan sedang, dan sedikit. Selanjutnya penerapan Pulse Width Modulation untuk mengatur sinyal lamanya waktu on/off motor. Pengujian dengan sudut 900 dan 450 menghasilkan satu rodakecepatan maksimum, satu roda lagi mengalami dua kecepatan 14,5 % dan 43,1 % dari maksimum. Pengujian sudut 100 satu roda kecepatan maksimum dan satu roda 43,1% dari maksimum

    Analisis Skala USAha dan Tingkat Keuntungan Industri Kerajinan Songket di Kota Palembang

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    This research is purposed to know the the production scale and profit condition of songket industry in Palembang. By using The Constant Elasticity Supply, especially based on the value of homogenity h we can know the production scale is constant returns to scale and so the industrial profit is maximized
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