6,661 research outputs found

    A systematic review of behaviour change techniques used in interventions to increase physical activity among breast cancer survivors

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    BACKGROUND: Despite evidence that physical activity (PA) can help reduce recurrence and mortality, many breast cancer survivors are less active than recommended levels. The aim of this systematic review is to advance our understanding of which behaviour change techniques (BCTs) have been used in interventions promoting breast cancer survivors' PA and to evaluate their potential to increase PA. METHODS: A systematic search was conducted in five databases (Medline; PsycInfo; Embase; CINAHL and Scopus) for studies published between 2005 and 2019. Following a rigorous screening process, 27 studies were retained. These were reviewed and analysed for quality, coded for BCTs (k = 0.65) and interventions categorised according to their potential to increase PA using an established methodology. RESULTS: The majority of studies were moderate quality (64%). Demonstration on how to perform the behaviour was the most commonly used BCT (n = 23). Adding objects to the environment, (pedometer or accelerometer) was the BCT with the highest potential to increase PA. This was followed by, goal setting and self-monitoring of behaviour. A theory-based approach to evaluation was used in only 59% (n = 16) of the studies. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this review inform which BCTs have the potential to increase PA for breast cancer survivors and inform intervention development. Future research, is encouraged to properly report intervention procedures around dose and frequency of intervention components to allow for review and replication

    ‘TB OR NOT TB?’: A Importância de um Rastreio Adequado

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    Background: Youth and Adult Education (YAE) is a teaching modality in Brazil aimed at people who have not had access to mainstream school or not completed their schooling. Objective of the study was to characterise the pedagogical practices of teachers in the mainstream classroom and special education, working with students with intellectual disabilities at YAE. Method: Qualitative descriptive approach. Observations in classrooms and interviews with teachers. Data consolidated by content analysis and arranged in themes. Results: Teachers have difficulty meeting the student’s specific needs and developing pedagogical resources and strategies to promote access to knowledge. Conclusions: Need exists for greater collaboration between regular and special education teachers to organize the pedagogical planning enabling more assertive pedagogical practices. Article visualizations

    A Special Homotopy Continuation Method For A Class of Polynomial Systems

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    A special homotopy continuation method, as a combination of the polyhedral homotopy and the linear product homotopy, is proposed for computing all the isolated solutions to a special class of polynomial systems. The root number bound of this method is between the total degree bound and the mixed volume bound and can be easily computed. The new algorithm has been implemented as a program called LPH using C++. Our experiments show its efficiency compared to the polyhedral or other homotopies on such systems. As an application, the algorithm can be used to find witness points on each connected component of a real variety

    Unusual Thermodynamics on the Fuzzy 2-Sphere

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    Higher spin Dirac operators on both the continuum sphere(S2S^2) and its fuzzy analog(SF2S^2_F) come paired with anticommuting chirality operators. A consequence of this is seen in the fermion-like spectrum of these operators which is especially true even for the case of integer-spin Dirac operators. Motivated by this feature of the spectrum of a spin 1 Dirac operator on SF2S_F^2, we assume the spin 1 particles obey Fermi-Dirac statistics. This choice is inspite of the lack of a well defined spin-statistics relation on a compact surface such as S2S^2. The specific heats are computed in the cases of the spin 12\frac{1}{2} and spin 1 Dirac operators. Remarkably the specific heat for a system of spin 12\frac{1}{2} particles is more than that of the spin 1 case, though the number of degrees of freedom is more in the case of spin 1 particles. The reason for this is inferred through a study of the spectrums of the Dirac operators in both the cases. The zero modes of the spin 1 Dirac operator is studied as a function of the cut-off angular momentum LL and is found to follow a simple power law. This number is such that the number of states with positive energy for the spin 1 and spin 12\frac{1}{2} system become comparable. Remarks are made about the spectrums of higher spin Dirac operators as well through a study of their zero-modes and the variation of their spectrum with degeneracy. The mean energy as a function of temperature is studied in both the spin 12\frac{1}{2} and spin 1 cases. They are found to deviate from the standard ideal gas law in 2+1 dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. The paper has been significantly modified. Main results are unchange

    OneMap: software for genetic mapping in outcrossing species

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    OneMap is an environment for constructing linkage maps of outcrossing plant species, using full-sib families derived from two outbred parents. The analyses are performed using a novel methodology based on the maximum likelihood approach for simultaneous estimation of linkage and linkage phases (WU et al. 2002), which has been successfully applied to sugarcane (GARCIA et al. 2006). It is implemented as a set of functions for the freely distributed software R, and handles pairwise marker analysis, marker ordering and map refinement.1443787

    A alta hospitalar para familiares de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana

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    Fourteen families of coronary artery disease patients were interviewed to describe their perspectives concerning the cardiac disease and hospital discharge. Ten patients had been hospitalized for clinical treatment, and for surgical treatment. The case study method was selected, and the analysis process resulted in the following categories: the disease as a problem, the heart meaning everything and, their coming back home after hospital discharge. We concluded that the heart is the core of the emotions for the relatives and, when the patients return home, there is a concern about keeping them away from potentially damaging emotions that might trigger a new ischemic event.Con el objetivo de describir las perspectivas de los familiares frente a la alta hospitalaria, fueron entrevistados 14 familiares de pacientes con enfermedad arterial coronariana internados para tratamiento clínico (10 pacientes) o quirúrgico (4). La metodologia fue a de estudio de caso y el proceso de análisis resultó en las categorias: la enfermedad como un problema, el corazón significando todo y el retorno al hogar después de la alta hospitalaria. Las conclusiones fueron que el corazón es el centro de las emociones para los familiares y que en el retorno del enfermo al hogar una de las preocupaciones es la de combatir fuertes emociones que puedan resultar en nuevo evento isquémico.Com o objetivo descrever as perspectivas dos familiares frente à alta hospitalar, foram entrevistados 14 familiares de pacientes com doença arterial coronariana internados para tratamento clínico (10 pacientes) ou cirúrgico (4). A metodologia foi a de estudo de caso e o processo de análise resultou nas categorias: a doença como um problema, o coração significando tudo e a volta para casa após a alta hospitalar. As conclusões foram que o coração é o centro das emoções para os familiares e que na volta do doente para casa, a preocupação é poupá-lo de emoções fortes que possam desencadear novo evento isquêmico

    Emergent excitations in a geometrically frustrated magnet

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    Frustrated systems are ubiquitous and interesting because their behavior is difficult to predict. Magnetism offers extreme examples in the form of spin lattices where all interactions between spins cannot be simultaneously satisfied. Such geometrical frustration leads to macroscopic degeneracies, and offers the possibility of qualitatively new states of matter whose nature has yet to be fully understood. Here we have discovered how novel composite spin degrees of freedom can emerge from frustrated interactions in the cubic spinel ZnCr2O4. Upon cooling, groups of six spins self-organize into weakly interacting antiferromagnetic loops whose directors, defined as the unique direction along which the spins are aligned parallel or antiparallel, govern all low temperature dynamics. The experimental evidence comes from a measurement of the magnetic form factor by inelastic neutron scattering. While the data bears no resemblance to the atomic form factor for chromium, they are perfectly consistent with the form factor for hexagonal spin loop directors. The hexagon directors are to a first approximation decoupled from each other and hence their reorientations embody the long-sought local zero energy modes for the pyrochlore lattice.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures upon reques

    The potential for adoption of climate smart agricultural practices in Sub-Saharan livestock systems

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    Livestock systems play an important role in the livelihoods of many rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa while being responsible for an important share of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. This study aimed to evaluate the potential for adoption of climate smart agricultural practices in Sub-Saharan livestock systems, related to the improvement in feed, animal husbandry, and grassland management. These practices present productivity and mitigation benefits and in some cases may also contribute to enhance resilience. In this study, we used a data set of 1538 farm households across nine Sub-Saharan countries. A mixed logit model was used to assess the influence on adoption and to estimate the probability of adoption. Our results show that there seems to be stronger influence of physical and financial capitals on adoption than the other capitals. Different types of capitals influence the uptake of different agricultural practices. Yet the probability of adoption would change across countries. The results of this study could help to refine adoption estimates calculated through global or regional modelling approaches and to inform the design of policies to better target investments in order to foster adoption
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