20,710 research outputs found

    Contact process on a Voronoi triangulation

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    We study the continuous absorbing-state phase transition in the contact process on the Voronoi-Delaunay lattice. The Voronoi construction is a natural way to introduce quenched coordination disorder in lattice models. We simulate the disordered system using the quasistationary simulation method and determine its critical exponents and moment ratios. Our results suggest that the critical behavior of the disordered system is unchanged with respect to that on a regular lattice, i.e., that of directed percolation

    Statistical stability and limit laws for Rovella maps

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    We consider the family of one-dimensional maps arising from the contracting Lorenz attractors studied by Rovella. Benedicks-Carleson techniques were used by Rovella to prove that there is a one-parameter family of maps whose derivatives along their critical orbits increase exponentially fast and the critical orbits have slow recurrent to the critical point. Metzger proved that these maps have a unique absolutely continuous ergodic invariant probability measure (SRB measure). Here we use the technique developed by Freitas and show that the tail set (the set of points which at a given time have not achieved either the exponential growth of derivative or the slow recurrence) decays exponentially fast as time passes. As a consequence, we obtain the continuous variation of the densities of the SRB measures and associated metric entropies with the parameter. Our main result also implies some statistical properties for these maps.Comment: 1 figur

    Cosmological constant constraints from observation-derived energy condition bounds and their application to bimetric massive gravity

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    Among the various possibilities to probe the theory behind the recent accelerated expansion of the universe, the energy conditions (ECs) are of particular interest, since it is possible to confront and constrain the many models, including different theories of gravity, with observational data. In this context, we use the ECs to probe any alternative theory whose extra term acts as a cosmological constant. For this purpose, we apply a model-independent approach to reconstruct the recent expansion of the universe. Using Type Ia supernova, baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic-chronometer data, we perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to put constraints on the effective cosmological constant Ωeff0\Omega^0_{\rm eff}. By imposing that the cosmological constant is the only component that possibly violates the ECs, we derive lower and upper bounds for its value. For instance, we obtain that 0.59<Ωeff0<0.910.59 < \Omega^0_{\rm eff} < 0.91 and 0.40<Ωeff0<0.930.40 < \Omega^0_{\rm eff} < 0.93 within, respectively, 1σ1\sigma and 3σ3\sigma confidence levels. In addition, about 30\% of the posterior distribution is incompatible with a cosmological constant, showing that this method can potentially rule it out as a mechanism for the accelerated expansion. We also study the consequence of these constraints for two particular formulations of the bimetric massive gravity. Namely, we consider the Visser's theory and the Hassan and Roses's massive gravity by choosing a background metric such that both theories mimic General Relativity with a cosmological constant. Using the Ωeff0\Omega^0_{\rm eff} observational bounds along with the upper bounds on the graviton mass we obtain constraints on the parameter spaces of both theories.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Principais fontes de renda de produtores de caprinos e ovinos no município de Parambu - CE.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as principais fontes geradoras de renda dos produtores de caprinos e/ou ovinos do Município de Parambu, Estado do Ceará

    Influence of the external pressure on the quantum correlations of molecular magnets

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    The study of quantum correlations in solid state systems is a large avenue for research and their detection and manipulation are an actual challenge to overcome. In this context, we show by using first-principles calculations on the prototype material KNaCuSi4_{4}O10_{10} that the degree of quantum correlations in this spin cluster system can be managed by external hydrostatic pressure. Our results open the doors for research in detection and manipulation of quantum correlations in magnetic systems with promising applications in quantum information science

    A cuiarana como matéria-prima papeleira.

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    Biogás: uma alternativa de energia no meio rural.

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