11 research outputs found

    Design of an automatic target recognation algorithm

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    Bu bildiri kapsamında bir Otomatik Hedef Tanıma (OHT) sistemi ele alınarak geliştirilmiş ve geliştirilen sistemin Matlab benzetimleri bildiride sunulmuştur. İkinci olarak OHT sistemlerinde kullanılan ve literatürde sıkça karşılaşılan klasik kenar belirleme algoritmalarının dışında yeni bir kenar belirleme algoritması önerilmiştir. Son olarak da Freeman zincir kodlamasının özellik çıkartma aşamasında kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir. İlgili sistemin sınıflandırma ve karar verme aşaması hariç tamamı değişik test görüntüleri üzerinde denenmiş ve insan gözüne hitap edebilecek seviyede başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. İleride sınıflandırma aşamasının da gerçeklenmesi ile tasarlanan OHT sisteminin başarımının daha tarafsız bir ölçüt ile test edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Ayrıca sistemin donanıma yönelik olarak optimizasyonu ile bir Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) gerçeklemesinin yapılması hedefler arasındadır.In this study, first, an Automated Target Recognition/Tracking (ATR, ATT) system is analyzed, developed and simulated on Matlab environment. Second, a new edge detection method is proposed which is obtained by combining two common edge detection algorithms. Finally, it is shown that Freeman chain codding can be used in feature extraction stage of an ATR system. The system is tested for many different image databases, except for its classification and decision making part, which is still under development, and the results are verified by human eye. Note that, with the development of the classification part, the results will be able to verified with an objective criteria. On the other hand, the designed ATR system is planed to be optimized for an hardware and implemented on an FPGA device in a future work.Publisher's Versio

    Employing deep learning architectures for image-based automatic cataract diagnosis

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    Various eye diseases affect the quality of human life severely and ultimately may result in complete vision loss. Ocular diseases manifest themselves through mostly visual indicators in the early or mature stages of the disease by showing abnormalities in optics disc, fovea, or other descriptive anatomical structures of the eye. Cataract is among the most harmful diseases that affects millions of people and the leading cause of public vision impairment. It shows major visual symptoms that can be employed for early detection before the hypermature stage. Automatic diagnosis systems intend to assist ophthalmological experts by mitigating the burden of manual clinical decisions and on health care utilization. In this study, a diagnosis system based on color fundus images are addressed for cataract disease. Deep learning-based models were performed for the automatic identification of cataract diseases. Two pretrained robust architectures, namely VGGNet and DenseNet, were employed to detect abnormalities in descriptive parts of the human eye. The proposed system is implemented on a wide and unique dataset that includes diverse color retinal fundus images that are acquired comparatively in low-cost and common modality, which is considered a major contribution of the study. The dataset show symptoms of cataracts in different phases and represents the characteristics of the cataract. By the proposed system, dysfunction associated with cataracts could be identified in the early stage. The achievement of the proposed system is compared to various traditional and up-to-date classification systems. The proposed system achieves 97.94% diagnosis rate for cataract disease grading