339 research outputs found

    Contribution of macrophages to plasmin activity in ewe bulk milk

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    A total of 225 bulk sheep milk samples were collected throughout lactation to assess the contribution of macrophages to the regulation of the plasmin/plasminogen system. Samples were analyzed for composition, milk renneting parameters, and for activities of plasmin (PL), plasminogen (PG) and plasminogen activators (PA). Isolation of macrophages from milk was performed using a magnetic positive separation; separated cells were lysed and activity of urokinase-PA was determined. PL activity in milk decreased during lactation (P < 0.001). The reduction in plasmin activity recorded in the mid and late lactation milk matched with the increase in PG/PL ratio (P < 0.001). The activity of PA increased throughout lactation (P < 0.001), the highest value being recorded in the late lactation milk.The amount of isolated and concentrated macrophages was higher in early and mid lactation milk than in late lactation milk (P < 0.01). Stage of lactation did not influence the activity of u-PA detected in isolated macrophages. The activity of u-PA associated with macrophages was lower than total PA activity detected in milk. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that in ewe bulk milk from healthy flocks macrophages only slightly contributed to the activation of plasmin/plasminogen system

    Extracts from microalga chlorella sorokiniana exert an anti-proliferative effect and modulate cytokines in sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of the unsaponified fraction (UP), the acetylated unsaponified fraction (AUP), and the total lipid fraction (TL) extracted and purified from Chlorella sorokiniana (CS) on the proliferation and cytokine profile of sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Cells were cultured with 0.4 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL concentrations of each extract (UP, AUP, and TL fractions) and activated with 5 μg/mL concanavalin A (ConA) and 1 μg/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 37 °C for 24 h. PBMCs cultured with ConA and LPS represented the stimulated cells (SC), and PBMCs without ConA and LPS represented the unstimulated cells (USC). Cell-free supernatants were collected to determine IL-10, IL-1β, and IL-6 secretions; on cells, measurement of proliferation was performed. All the extracts tested significantly decreased the cell proliferation; in particular, the UP fraction at 0.4 mg/mL showed the lowest proliferative response. Furthermore, at 0.8 mg/mL, the UP fraction enhanced IL-10 secretion. On the contrary, the TL fraction at 0.4 mg/mL induced an increase in IL-10, IL-6, and, to a lesser extent, IL-1β secretions by cells. The AUP fraction did not change cytokine secretion. The results demonstrated that CS extracts could be useful ingredients in animal feed in order to minimize the use of antibiotics by modulating cell proliferation and cytokine response

    Development of affinity to the stockperson in lambs from two breeds

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    Rennet paste from lambs fed a milk substitute supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus: effects on lipolysis in ovine cheese.

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    The present work was undertaken to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus supplementation of a milk substitute on the features of lamb rennet paste used for cheese making. Lipolysis in cheese manufactured with rennet paste from lambs receiving supplemented milk was also evaluated. Lambs were subjected to 3 different feeding regimens (mother suckling, MS; artificial rearing, AR; and artificial rearing with 7 log10 cfu/mL of Lb. acidophilus supplementation of the milk substitute, ARLb) and slaughtered at 20 and 40 d of age for each feeding treatment. Abomasa of the lambs were processed to rennet paste. Microbial loads, enzymatic activities (chymosin, pepsin, and lipases), and renneting characteristics of the lamb rennet paste were determined. Free fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids were detected in cheese at 60 d of ripening. Addition of 7 log10 cfu/mL of Lb. acidophilus to the milk substitute was carried out successfully. Total recovery of viable cells was recorded in milk supplied daily to the lambs in the ARLb group. The ARLb rennet had greater amounts of lactobacilli than did the MS or AR rennet, irrespective of the slaughter age of the lambs, and the ARLb rennet had higher concentrations of lactococci when lambs were slaughtered at 40 d of age. Chymosin and lipase activities were also higher in ARLb rennet than in MS or AR rennet from lambs slaughtered at an older age. Milk supplementation of ARLb lambs resulted in improved coagulating ability of the rennet and enhanced cheese lipolysis after 60 d of ripening. A reduction of all free fatty acids was observed in all cheeses when passing from 20 to 40 d of slaughter of the lambs. Conjugated linoleic acids were more abundant in ARLb cheeses at both 20 and 40 d. Therefore, supplementation of the milk substitute with Lb. acidophilus improved the enzymatic features of rennet and the healthful and nutritional characteristics of it the ovine cheese. Moreover, the addition of lactobacilli to the milk substitute made it possible to increase the slaughter age of lambs without detrimental effects on rennet characteristics

    Molecular Coancestry and Classical Genetic Distances Depict Different Patterns of Relationship Among Sheep Breeds from Southern Italy

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    Several molecular-based parameters, such as similarity indexes, can be adopted to optimize the management of genetic diversity in conservation programmes. From simulated data, Oliehoek et al. (2006) showed that molecular coancestry (Toro et al., 2002) is, among the possible relatedness estimators, the one that performs better in structured populations, such as populations in need of conservation usually are. Several studies have, therefore, proposed the use of molecular coancestry coefficients as a measure of genetic variability and as a useful tool for conservation of endangered breeds (Ciampolini et al., 2007; Glowatzki-Mullis et al., 2009). Here we report the results obtained evaluating within- and between-breed molecular coancestry (Toro et al., 2002), together with other classical genetic parameters, for two insular sheep breeds (Sarda from Sardinia and Comisana from Sicily), recently spread almost all over Italy, and for five local rare sheep breeds from Southern Italy

    Analyzing the potential biological determinants of autism spectrum disorder: From neuroinflammation to the kynurenine pathway

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) etiopathogenesis is still unclear and no effective preventive and treatment measures have been identified. Research has focused on the potential role of neuroinflammation and the Kynurenine pathway; here we review the nature of these interactions. Pre-natal or neonatal infections would induce microglial activation, with secondary consequences on behavior, cognition and neurotransmitter networks. Peripherally, higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-brain antibodies have been identified. Increased frequency of autoimmune diseases, allergies, and recurring infections have been demonstrated both in autistic patients and in their relatives. Genetic studies have also identified some important polymorphisms in chromosome loci related to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system. The persistence of immune-inflammatory deregulation would lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, creating a self-sustaining cytotoxic loop. Chronic inflammation activates the Kynurenine pathway with an increase in neurotoxic metabolites and excitotoxicity, causing long-term changes in the glutamatergic system, trophic support and synaptic function. Furthermore, overactivation of the Kynurenine branch induces depletion of melatonin and serotonin, worsening ASD symptoms. Thus, in genetically predisposed subjects, aberrant neurodevelopment may derive from a complex interplay between inflammatory processes, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and Kynurenine pathway overexpression. To validate this hypothesis a new translational research approach is necessary

    Functional Properties of Meat in Athletes’ Performance and Recovery

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    Physical activity (PA) and sport play an essential role in promoting body development and maintaining optimal health status both in the short and long term. Despite the benefits, a long-lasting heavy training can promote several detrimental physiological changes, including transitory immune system malfunction, increased inflammation, and oxidative stress, which manifest as exercise-induced muscle damages (EIMDs). Meat and derived products represent a very good source of bioactive molecules such as proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Bioactive molecules represent dietary compounds that can interact with one or more components of live tissue, resulting in a wide range of possible health consequences such as immune-modulating, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, and antioxidative activities. The health benefits of meat have been well established and have been extensively reviewed elsewhere, although a growing number of studies found a significant positive effect of meat molecules on exercise performance and recovery of muscle function. Based on the limited research, meat could be an effective post-exercise food that results in favorable muscle protein synthesis and metabolic performance

    Analisi della variabilità genetica della razza Gentile di Puglia mediante microsatelliti

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    La razza Gentile di Puglia conta circa 2813 soggetti allevati in 29 aziende distribuite sui territori di Puglia, Abruzzo, Calabria e Molise (dati Asso.Na.Pa del 2006); da decenni si sta verificando una costante e preoccupante contrazione numerica degli esemplari appartenenti alla razza. La pecora Gentile presenta una produzione di latte modesta in termini quantitativi, sebbene l’elevato contenuto in grasso e proteine lo rendano particolarmente idoneo alla lavorazione casearia. In tale contesto la caratterizzazione genetica della razza Gentile di Puglia, attraverso lo studio della variabilità genetica con approccio di tipo molecolare, potrebbe rappresentare un valido strumento per la sal- vaguardia della razza e per la valorizzazione delle sue produzioni

    La rintracciabilità di razza della carne ovina mediante marcatori molecolari STR: risultati preliminari

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    La ricerca propone la messa a punto di un sistema di rintracciabilità della carne ovina mediante metodiche di genetica molecolare. Sono stati tipizzati mediante 19 marcatori STR un totale di 800 campioni di cui: (a) 90 appartenenti a un gruppo costituito sia da soggetti di importazione di razza indefinita che da prodotti di incrocio locali reperibili presso macelli e punti vendita; (b) i restanti campioni appartenenti a sette razze ovine autoctone dell’Italia Centro-Meridionale. È stato adottato un test di assegnazione di tipo probabilistico per valutare la possibilità di attribuire i singoli campioni alla propria razza d’origine. Tutti i campioni di razza Sarda sono risultati correttamente assegnati, così come oltre il 98% dei campioni delle altre razze. I risultati preliminari sembrano molto promettenti, anche se ulteriori analisi si rendono necessarie per meglio comprendere la potenza statistica di un simile test di assegnazione razziale prima di inserirlo nella catena di produzione della carne ovina
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