11 research outputs found

    Birth-the postpartum period regarding traditional applications of women in rural areas : the example Karaksi

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    Bu çalışma, geleneksel toplum yapısına sahip, farklı etnik ve kültürel unsurları barındırdığından, oldukça zengin kültür mozaiğine sahip olan Hatay ili kırsalında yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yapıldığı yer olan (eskiden köy olan) Karlısu mahallesi; Hatay'ın merkezi Antakya'ya 5 km uzaklıkta 400 haneli ve 6000 nüfuslu eski bir yerleşim yeridir. Araştırma gebelik- doğum-lohusalık süreçlerinde anneye ve yenidoğana yönelik geleneksel uygulamalarını ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı olarak yapılan araştırmada örneklem seçimine gidilmemiş olup, gönüllü olan tüm kadınlara ulaşılması planlanmıştır. Çalışmada farklı yaş gruplarındaki 40 kadın ile yüz-yüze görüşülmüştür. Gebeliğe yönelik geleneksel uygulamaların bazıları; pişmiş soğan cücüğünün vajinaya yerleştirilmesi, rahim çektirme, maydanozla hazırlanan içeriğin vajinaya yerleştirilmesi şeklindedir. Doğum sonu psikolojik problemlere yönelik geleneksel uygulamaların, lohusalıkta annenin yastığının altına bıçak, makas ya da ekmek koyma şeklinde olduğu; doğum sonu dönemde meme başı çatlağında ve göbek bakımında sıklıkla zeytinyağı kullanıldığı; pişik tedavisine yönelik geleneksel uygulamalarda, beyaz toprak ve zeytinyağı kullanıldığı belirtilmiştir. Sınırlı sayıda kaynak kişi üzerinde yürütülen araştırmamızda, gebelikten loğusalığa uzanan dönemde kadına ve yenidoğana yönelik geleneksel uygulamaların bilindiği ve sınırlı ölçüde de olsa uygulanıyor olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, Karlısu mahallesinde yaşayanların sağaltım amacıyla kullandıkları maddelerin büyük bir bölümünün gündelik yaşamda da kullanılabilen bitkiler ve bitkisel ürünler olduğu saptanmıştırThis study is made in the rural province of Hatay has the traditional social structure, because it contains different ethnic and cultural elements , which has a rich cultural mosaic. Research where he held ( formerly Village) Karlis the neighborhood ; 5 km from the center of Antakya, Hatay with a population of 6000 people and 400 digits and is an ancient settlement. This research about pregnancies birth and the postpartum period have been made in order to reveal traditional practices against mothers and newborn. The survey is not made to be descriptive sampling is planned to include all women who volunteered. In the study with 40 women of different age groups were interviewed face-to- face. Some of the traditional practices of pregnancy; placing the cooked onions into the vagina, uterus puller, parsley is inserted into the vagina in the form of the content prepared. Postpartum traditional practices for psychological problems are putting knife ,scissors or bread under the mother’s pillow in confinement. In the postnatal period, cracked nipples and navel care was found to often used olive oil. Traditional practice for the treatment of diaper rash, it should be noted that white soil and oil is used. In view of the limited number of resources that conducted the study that to the limited extent known, and it has been found to apply related traditional practices of women and newborns on postpartum period extending from pregnancy. Besides that the knowledge of the inhabitants of Karlısu use most of the herbs and herbal productsto cure can be used in daily life is confirmed


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    This study is made in the rural province of Hatay has the traditional social structure, because it contains different ethnic and cultural elements , which has a rich cultural mosaic. Research where he held ( formerly Village) Karlis the neighborhood ; 5 km from the center of Antakya, Hatay with a population of 6000 people and 400 digits and is an ancient settlement. This research about pregnancies birth and the postpartum period have been made in order to reveal traditional practices against mothers and newborn. The survey is not made to be descriptive sampling is planned to include all women who volunteered. In the study with 40 women of different age groups were interviewed face-to- face. Some of the traditional practices of pregnancy; placing the cooked onions into the vagina, uterus puller, parsley is inserted into the vagina in the form of the content prepared. Postpartum traditional practices for psychological problems are putting knife ,scissors or bread under the mother’s pillow in confinement. In the postnatal period, cracked nipples and navel care was found to often used olive oil. Traditional practice for the treatment of diaper rash, it should be noted that white soil and oil is used. In view of the limited number of resources that conducted the study that to the limited extent known, and it has been found to apply related traditional practices of women and newborns on postpartum period extending from pregnancy. Besides that the knowledge of the inhabitants of Karlısu use most of the herbs and herbal productsto cure can be used in daily life is confirmed


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    Partial trisomy 3q in a child with sacrococcygeal teratoma and Cornelia de Lange syndrome phenotype: Partial duplication of 3q is a rare chromosomal disorder that leads to multiple congenital abnormalities such as growth retardation, microcephaly and characteristic facial features. Although the phenotype of the patient has similarities with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome they are etiologically different. We report here a 9 months old baby boy with partial duplication of 3q and features similar with Cornelia De Lange syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed a derivative chromosome 21. In order to determine the origin of this chromosome region we used subtelomeric FISH technique. Based on the results of all these cytogenetic studies and the physical examinations, the diagnosis is partial 3q duplication

    Diagnostic workup including CD203c-based basophil activation test in immediate hypersensitivity due to metronidazole and ornidazole and evaluation of cross-reactivity in between

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    Background Little is known about the diagnostic approaches for immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IHRs) due to 5-nitroimidazole antibiotics. The aim was to evaluate the usefulness of in vivo tests and basophil activation test (BAT) for the diagnosis of IHRs due to metronidazole and ornidazole and to determine possible cross-reactivity in between. Methods Forty-nine patients with a clear history of IHRs due to these drugs and 20 healthy subjects who were known to tolerate these drugs were included. Skin tests (STs) and single-blind placebo-controlled drug provocation tests (SBPCDPTs) were performed with both drugs whereas BAT was applied only with the culprit drug. Results The most and least common reaction types were urticaria/angioedema (34.7%) and anaphylaxis (14.3%), respectively. SBPCDPTs were positive in 15 out of 47 patients, and only 7 had positive STs. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of STs for metronidazole/ornidazole were 33.3%/16.6%, 94.2%/97.3%, 60%/50%, and 84.6%/88.1%, respectively. BAT was positive in 12 out of 15 patients and negative in 10 control subjects, giving a sensitivity rate of 71.4% (CI, 29.0%-96.3%) for metronidazole and 83.3% (CI, 35.8%-99.5%) for ornidazole. The optimal concentration of both drugs for BAT was determined as 5 mg/mL. No cross-reactivity among two drugs was observed according to in vivo tests. Conclusions Our study showed that SBPCDPT and BAT are both useful diagnostic tools for IHRs due to 5-nitroimidazole antibiotics and can be used as supplementary to each other. No cross-reactivity between metronidazole and ornidazole in IHRs exists

    Diagnostic workup including CD203c‐based basophil activation test in immediate hypersensitivity due to metronidazole and ornidazole and evaluation of cross‐reactivity in between

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    Background Little is known about the diagnostic approaches for immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IHRs) due to 5-nitroimidazole antibiotics. The aim was to evaluate the usefulness of in vivo tests and basophil activation test (BAT) for the diagnosis of IHRs due to metronidazole and ornidazole and to determine possible cross-reactivity in between. Methods Forty-nine patients with a clear history of IHRs due to these drugs and 20 healthy subjects who were known to tolerate these drugs were included. Skin tests (STs) and single-blind placebo-controlled drug provocation tests (SBPCDPTs) were performed with both drugs whereas BAT was applied only with the culprit drug. Results The most and least common reaction types were urticaria/angioedema (34.7%) and anaphylaxis (14.3%), respectively. SBPCDPTs were positive in 15 out of 47 patients, and only 7 had positive STs. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of STs for metronidazole/ornidazole were 33.3%/16.6%, 94.2%/97.3%, 60%/50%, and 84.6%/88.1%, respectively. BAT was positive in 12 out of 15 patients and negative in 10 control subjects, giving a sensitivity rate of 71.4% (CI, 29.0%-96.3%) for metronidazole and 83.3% (CI, 35.8%-99.5%) for ornidazole. The optimal concentration of both drugs for BAT was determined as 5 mg/mL. No cross-reactivity among two drugs was observed according to in vivo tests. Conclusions Our study showed that SBPCDPT and BAT are both useful diagnostic tools for IHRs due to 5-nitroimidazole antibiotics and can be used as supplementary to each other. No cross-reactivity between metronidazole and ornidazole in IHRs exists