26 research outputs found

    Fluorescent Glycine-Coated Silver Nanoparticles as Bio-Imaging Agents for the Neural Stem Cells

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    We study experimentally the photoluminescence of small glycine-coated silver nanoparticles and their application as the bio-imaging markers of the neural stem cells. In addition we study nanoparticle’s toxic effects on the neural stem cells. Glycine-coated silver nanoparticles were synthesized using a thermal reduction of silver nitrate in a glycine matrix and size-separated via centrifugation. The properties of the nanoparticles were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, extinction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Our results indicate that the nanoparticles have deleterious effects on the cells and showed an amplified increase in their death rates. In fixed cells the particles penetrate the membranes within an hour and 25 minutes of incubation, but do not penetrate into the body of the cell

    Fluorescent Glycine-Coated Silver Nanoparticles as Bio-Imaging Agents for the Neural Stem Cells

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    We study experimentally the photoluminescence of small glycine-coated silver nanoparticles and their application as the bio-imaging markers of the neural stem cells. In addition we study nanoparticle’s toxic effects on the neural stem cells. Glycine-coated silver nanoparticles were synthesized using a thermal reduction of silver nitrate in a glycine matrix and size-separated via centrifugation. The properties of the nanoparticles were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, extinction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Our results indicate that the nanoparticles have deleterious effects on the cells and showed an amplified increase in their death rates. In fixed cells the particles penetrate the membranes within an hour and 25 minutes of incubation, but do not penetrate into the body of the cell

    Диагностические и прогностические возможности электрохимических измерений редокс потенциала плазмы крови

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    Aims: Determination of operating characteristics of the test based on blood plasma redox potential monitoring in patients with different pathological conditions associated with impaired oxygen metabolism during treatment in postoperative period and expanding the range of parameters of the developed method of investigation of blood plasma redox potential.Methods: It were examined healthy volunteers group as following group (n =63), groups of patients with transplanted liver (n =64), kidney (n =59), and lungs (n =7). Redox potential measurements were done by platinum electrode, reference electrode was silver-chlorine one. Potentiostate IPC-ProL was used to registrate and record a dependence redox potential via time. Time of measurement was 15 min.Results: statistically significant differencees of redox potentials ranges was found in healthy volunteers and patients with transplanted kidney and liver. Ratio of measured redox potentials coincident with the values within the confidence interval in healthy volunteers was 12% in patients with transplanted kidney and 10% in patients with transplanted liver. We observed significant differences in the nature of changes of blood plasma's redox potential values in course of monitoring of subgroups of patients with and without complications after liver transplantation. It was found that sensitivity of electrochemical method was 85%, selectivity — 69,8%, precision — 85,2%.Conclusion: we discovered value ranges of blood plasma redox potential typical for different pathological states; we detected an interaction between the effect of treatment and quantitative changes in the values of the blood plasma redox potentials; criterion for early predicition of complications in patients with transplanted liver was proposed basing on redox potential monitoring during postoperative period.Цель исследования: определение операционных характеристик теста на основе мониторинга величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови пациентов с различными патологическими состояниями, сопровождающимися нарушениями кислородного обмена в процессе лечения; расширение спектра параметров разработанного нами метода исследования редокс-потенциала плазмы крови.Методы: обследованы группы практически здоровых добровольцев (n =63) и пациентов со следующими патологиями: с трансплантацией почки (n =59), печени (n =64) и легкого (n =7). Измерения редокс-потенциала проводили на платиновом микроэлектроде относительно насыщенного хлорсеребряного электрода сравнения. Потенциостат IPC-Pro L (НПФ «Вольта») был использован для записи зависимостей потенциала от времени. Время регистрации составляло 15 мин.Результаты: обнаружены статистически достоверные различия в диапазонах величин редокс-потенциала для практически здоровых людей и пациентов с трансплантированными почкой и печенью. Доля измеренных величин редокс-потенциалов, совпадающих с величинами, находящимися в пределах доверительного интервала редокс-потенциалов практически здоровых людей, составила 12% для пациентов с трансплантированной почкой и 10% для пациентов с трансплантированной печенью. Обнаружено существенное различие в характере изменений величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови при мониторинге подгрупп пациентов с наличием и отсутствием осложнений после трансплантации печени. Найдено, что чувствительность электрохимического метода определения величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови составила 85,7%, специфичность — 69,8%, точность — 85,2%.Заключение: обнаружены диапазоны величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови, характерные для различных патологических состояний; установлена связь эффекта проводимого лечения с количественными изменениями величин редокс-потенциала плазмы крови пациента; предложен критерий для раннего прогнозирования осложнений у пациентов с трансплантированной печенью на основе мониторинга редокс-потенциала в послеоперационном периоде.


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    In Russia more than 50% of effective donors are non – heartbeating donors. As we all know, they appear mainly as the source of kidney transplants. The perfusion in situ through DBTL catheter is the most frequent technique usable. The rate of delayed graft function (DGF) following the DBTL perfusion may vary from 48 to 78,4%. ECMO technology use in organ donation may lead to dramatic decrease in DGF and create premises for multiorgan explantation. In the following paper we present the first Moscow experience of ECMO use in our practice of organ donation. В России пул эффективных доноров с небьющимся сердцем (ДНС) составляет более 50% от общего пула эффективных доноров. Как известно, такие доноры являются преимущественно донорами почек. Наиболее часто для эксплантации почек у ДНС используется перфузия in situ через двухбаллонный трехпросветный катетер. Частота отсроченной функции почечных трансплантатов составляет при таком методе, по разным данным, от 48 до 78,4%. Использование технологии экстракорпоральной мембранной оксигенации (ЭКМО) у ДНС позволяет значимо снизить частоту отсроченной функции почечных трансплантатов, а также при соблюдении ряда условий выполнять у ДНС мультиорганную эксплантацию. В статье представлен первый опыт Москвы в использовании технологии ЭКМО в донорстве органов.

    Національна доповідь про стан і перспективи розвитку освіти в Україні: монографія (До 30-річчя незалежності України)

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    The publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education over the 30 years of Ukraine’s independence, identifies current problems in education, ascertains the causes of their emergence, offers scientifically reasoned ways to modernise domestic education in the context of globalisation, European integration, innovative development, and national self-identification. Designed for legislators, state officials, education institutions leaders, teaching and academic staff, the general public, all those who seek to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian education in the context of civilisation changes.У виданні здійснено всебічний аналіз стану і розвитку національної освіти за 30-річний період незалежності України, визначено актуальні проблеми освітньої сфери, виявлено причини їх виникнення, запропоновано науково обґрунтовані шляхи модернізації вітчизняної освіти в умовах глобалізації, європейської інтеграції, інноваційного розвитку та національної самоідентифікації. Розраховано на законодавців, державних управлінців, керівників закладів освіти, педагогічних і науково-педагогічних працівників, широку громадськість, усіх, хто прагне підвищення конкурентоспроможності української освіти в контексті цивілізаційних змін

    Ocular changes after simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant

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    I.V. Vorobyeva1, E.V. Bulava1, L.K. Moshetova1, A.V. Pinchuk2–4 1Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow,&nbsp; &nbsp;Russian Federation 2N.V. Sklifosovskiy Research Institute for Emergency Medical Aid, Moscow, Russian Federation 3A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow University of Medicine &amp; Dentistry, Moscow, Russian Federation 4Research Institute of Public Health Organization and Medical Management, Moscow,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Russian Federation Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is one of the most common chronic diseases in young individuals. Diabetic nephropathy, being one of the most dangerous complications of T1D, progresses to end-stage renal disease within 10–15 years in 80%. The simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant prevents insulin therapy and dialysis, thereby avoiding further progression of complications of diabetes. Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and resolving of uremia after simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant are beneficial for ocular structures. This article reviews studies on the pattern of changes in ocular structures in the post-transplant period. The procedure improves peripheral microcirculation of the bulbar conjunctiva and corneal innervation. Most studies demonstrate stabilization and improvement of the course of diabetic retinopathy as illustrated by the reduction in active vascular proliferation, need for retinal laser photocoagulation and vitrectomy. Meanwhile, some studi es failed to reveal any differences in the morphological functional status of the retina in the pre- and postoperative periods.&nbsp;An increase in&nbsp;cataract rate among simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressant therapy remains a challenge. Keywords: type 1 diabetes, kidney transplant, pancreas transplant, simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema. For citation: Vorobyeva I.V., Bulava E.V., Moshetova L.K., Pinchuk A.V. Ocular changes after simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplant. Russian Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. 2022;22(2):132–136 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2311-7729-2022-22-2-132-136. </p


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    Blood serum biotesting in children of 9-14 years old with idiopathic scoliosis of I-II level (according to V.D. Chaklin) revealed neurohumoral background change in comparison with age-related standard. Treatment regiment of this disease included magneto impulse therapy with field induction up to 1,5 Tl or/and electrophoresis. Repeated testing displayed that isolated magneto impulse influence evokes neuro-peptide regulation normalization under the most positive clinical effect.Биотестирование сыворотки крови детей 9-14 лет с I-II степенью идиопатическото сколиоза (по В.Д. Чаклину) выявило изменение нейрогуморальното фона по сравнению с возрастной нормой. В схеме лечения этого заболевания применяли матнитно-импулъсную терапию с уровнем индукции поля до 1,5 Тл и/или электрофорез. Повторное тестирование показало, что изолированное матнитно-импулъсное воздействие вызывает нормализацию нейропептидното ретулирования при положительном клиническом эффекте

    Common pathogenic aspects of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy. Kidney transplantation and the course of diabetic retinopathy

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    I.V.&nbsp;Vorobyeva1, L.К.&nbsp;Moshetova1, A.V.&nbsp;Pinchuk2–4, Е.V.&nbsp;Bulava1, Е.P.&nbsp;Delver5, А.А.&nbsp;Belogurov5 1Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, &nbsp;Russian Federation 2N.V. Sklifosovskiy Research Institute for Emergency Medical Aid, Moscow, Russian Federation 3A.I. Evdokimov Moscow University of Medicine &amp; Dentistry, Moscow, Russian Federation 4Research Institute of Public Health Organization and Medical Management, Moscow, &nbsp;Russian Federation 5National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, Moscow, Russian Federation Epidemics of diabetes and its complications is a global threat to the health of human population. In 2040, the number of patients with diabetes is predicted to rise to 642 million. Diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy are the most dangerous complications. Chronic hyperglycemia is a major factor that determines the development and progression of microvascular complications of diabetes including retinopathy and nephropathy. Key biological pathogenic mechanisms of microvascular complications involve over-production of reactive oxygen species and activation of intracellular signaling pathways and their modulators. OCT angiography is a safe and informative early diagnostic tool to assess vascular retinal abnormalities and to monitor treatment efficacy. Proteinuria was long considered the gold standard to evaluate and monitor kidney functions. However, one-third of patients develop diabetic nephropathy in normal albuminuria. Degradation products of glomerular filtration barrier are thought to be perspective biomarkers of early diabetic nephropathy. End-stage renal disease requires kidney transplantation. In addition to the improvement of uremic syndrome, kidney transplantation favors the course of diabetic retinopathy. Keywords: diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, optical coherence tomography, OCT angiography, kidney transplantation. For citation: Vorobyeva I.V., Moshetova L.К., Pinchuk A.V. et al. Common pathogenic aspects of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy. Kidney transplantation and the course of diabetic retinopathy. Russian Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. 2021;21(2):90–95. DOI: 10.32364/2311-7729-2021-21-2-90-95. <br