25 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang : Persaingan rumah sakit yang ketat memerlukan daya saing rumah sakit yang tinggi. Salah satunya adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan makanan. Kualitas pelayanan makanan rumah sakit akan berpengaruh terhadap citra rumah sakit. Tujuan : penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi kualitas pelayanan makanan yang terdiri atas kualitas menu makanan, kualitas penampilan makanan, kualitas rasa makanan, kualitas penyaji makanan, ketepatan waktu penyajian makanan terhadap citra rumah sakit. Metodologi penelitian : Pendekatan penelitian ini deskriptif kuantitatif cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RSUD Jayapura. Jenis data primerdan sekunder. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Populasi ini adalah pasien rawat inap RSUD Jayapura yang sedang menjalani perawatan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakanPurposive Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakanwawancara, kuesioner, observasi. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariarat dan multivariat dengan analisis regresi logistic.Hasil penelitian : variabel persepsi kualitas menu makanan (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. variabel  persepsi penampilan makanan (X2) berpenngaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit (Y) dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Variabel persepsi kualitas  rasa makanan (X3) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Variabel persepsi kualitas penyajian makanan (X4) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000  < 0,05. Variabel persepsi kualitas penyaji makanan (X5) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Variabel persepsi kualitas ketepatan waktu penyajian (X6) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap citra rumah sakit dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05.  Kata kunci : pelayanan makanan, citra rumah sakit,kualita

    Study on Management and Medicines Administration at the General Hospital of Jayawijaya Wamena in Papua Province

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    While the limiting factor is the lack of funding for the purchase of drugs, the number of patient referrals from the mountainous regions. Coping strategies Stock Out of drugs by way of management has been in communication with some district leaders in the mountainous region but it is also the provincial government to provide financial assistance, although its value is not great but it is helping the government Jayawijaya and the management of hospitals Wamena in meeting the needs of medicine. The initial planning process for the availability of medicines the hospitals Jayawijaya Wamena Papua Province into account only to the needs of citizens in Jayawijaya, but currently Wamena General Hospital not only accommodate patients of Jayawijaya but also from 8 districts in the Central Mountains. This is one of the factors that led to the availability of medicines in hospitals Wamena experiencing stock outs. The purpose of research is to understand and know the process of planning, receipt, storage, procurement and distribution needs of the drugs taken by the management of hospitals Wamena in 2014, and to know and understand the enabling and inhibiting factors and coping strategies stock outs of drugs in hospitals Wamena year 2014. This type of qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study is the Head of Administration, Head of Warehouse, Planning Division, doctor, nurse, pharmacist and patient. The data collection is done by observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed: the planning process drugs, the admissions process drugs, drug storage process, the process of procurement of drugs, drug distribution process has been implemented, although there are still obstacles and limitations. Factors supporting the availability of drugs is their drooping of the Papua provincial government funding even though it is not maximized

    Factors Related to the Tuberculosis incidence among Toddler in Sentani Public Health Centre in Jayapura District, Papua

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    The background of the research was tuberculosis (TB) is one of major of health problem in citizen. Number of cases of tuberculosis are about 10% from all cases TB in the world. Indonesia had 2nd. The aims of the research is to find out factors that related to Tuberculosis incidence among toddler in Sentani Public Health Centre in Jayapura District. Method of the research is analytic survey with case control approach. Number of sample are 138 children, that came from toddler with TB are 69 toddler, as cases and toddler with upper respiratory tract infection are 69 toddler, as control. Statistical test with univariat analysis, bivariat analysis with Chi Square and to know the risk we use odd ratio, follow by double logistic regression in multivariat analysis. Result of bivariat analysis shown that factors that related to TB incidence among toddler are contact history (OR=39,33, p=0,00), knowledge (Or=2,83, p=0,06), nutrition status (OR=7,571, p=0,00), diseases related (OR=2,353, p=0,00) and condition of the house (OR=3,53, p=0,01), beside that sex (OR=1,000, p=1,00), socio economic status (OR=1,38,p=0,472) and smoker habits (OR=1,404, p=0,462) was not related with TB in toddler. Result of multivariat analysis shown that contact history (OR=58,009, p=0,00) and nutrition status (OR=6,777, p=0,03). Research conclusion is contact history with adult TB and nutrition status below the rate are factors that related with TB incidence among toddler in Sentani Public Health Centre in Jayapura District

    Rationality Antipsychotics Use Among Schizophrenia Outpatient of Regional Mental Hospital of Abepura from the Period of January to March 2015

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    Irrational drug use has become a global problem. Rational use of drugs that do not necessarily have an impact on the quality of treatment, health care costs, and may lead to distrust the patient to the drug. Schizophrenia requires antipsychotic therapy administration in the time period long enough, so it is possible in the treatment process can be found the problems in the use of antipsychotics. This study aims to determine the rationality of the use of antipsychotics in schizophrenic patients in the Outpatient Unit RSJD Abepura period January - March 2015 in terms of the accuracy of diagnosis, drug selection, dosage, route of administration, interval timing, duration administration, and affordability of prices. This type of research is non-experimental design with a descriptive and retrospective data collection. The population is all patients with schizophrenia with the sample is whole medical records that meet the criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Data collection instruments such as medical records and prescription sheets. Data analysis technique used statistical analysis to describe the characteristics of patients and to determine the rationality of drugs by determining the percentage of each drug rationality criteria that are met. From the study results have conducted that 202 medical records of patients with schizophrenia concluded that the use of antipsychotics in schizophrenic patients in the outpatient unit of Mental hospital Abepura period from January to March 2015 is yet to be said to be rational. Assessment results obtained by the proper diagnosis of 100%, the exact indication of 96.04%, 31.19% appropriate drug selection, dosage 97.03% right, right-to-administer 100%, the exact time interval is 91.09% drug administration, old right medication 93.07%, and 3.96% affordability of drugs

    Relationships of Work Discipline, Leadership, Training, and Motivation to Performance of Employees Administration Abepura Hospital Papua 2015

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    The results of this study were: 1) There is a disciplinary effect on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.031. 2) There is a leadership influence on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.000. 3) There is an effect of training on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.009. 4) There is a motivational influence on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura with p = 0.025. 5) Of the four independent variables leadership variable has a greater effect this is indicated by a coefficient of 0.628 while leadership training variable coefficient of 0.217, the coefficient of 0.150 and the motivation variable work discipline variable coefficient of 0.007. This study aims to analyze the effect of labor discipline on the performance of employees in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua New Year 2015. 2) the effect of leadership on employee performance in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua Year 2015. 3) the effect of training on employee performance in hospitals Papua Jayapura Abepura town Year 2015. 4) determine the influence of training on employee performance in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua New Year 2015. 5) determine the level of influence of labor discipline, leadership, training and motivation on the performance of the administrative staff in hospitals Abepura Jayapura Papua in 2015. this research was conducted in Abepura Hospital with the entire population is an administrative officer in Abepura District General Hospital which was 71 employees. The research sample is the total population of all employees in the administration of hospitals Abepura Papua in 2015 which amounted to 71 employees. The data analysis was conducted by Cros-sectional study approach. And analyzed with SPSS multiple linear regression method

    Factors Affecting the Spread of Filariasis Disease in Mimika District of Papua Province

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    Elephantiasis or filariasis is a group of infectious diseases, the caused by filarial worms that are transmitted through mosquitoes. After being bitten by mosquitoes, the larvae parasites will spread and when it comes to network lymph system then develops into the disease. This study aimed to analyze the causes of the incidence of filariasis, already endemic to the Mimika district in Papua province, so it needs to be further investigated the factors that influence the spread. The study population was 144 people and the entire population sampled, so it is a census study (saturated sample). Variable used as an independent variable in this study consisted of nutritional status, economic status, and environmental status. While the dependent variable was the incidence of filariasis in Mimika district. The results of study revealed that the nutritional status, economic status and environmental status of both partially and simultaneously the three variables used in this study and significant positive effect on the incidence of filariasis in Mimika district in Papua province. The dominant factor on the incidence of filariasis disease is the status of the environment

    Factors Affecting the Number of Antenatal Care Visit at Public Health Centre of Jayapura City by 2016

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    Antenatal care is one of government priority programs to reduce maternal mortality and neonatal mortality which Indonesia had highest number of its in Asia. The aim of this study was to describe factors that affecting number of antenatal care visit at public health centre of Jayapura city by 2016. This study used cross sectional design with 253 of pregnant women who had visiting antenatal care services at public health centre of Jayapura city start from August until September 2016. The result found that factors affecting number of antenatal care visit such as predisposing factors include maternal age above 20th years (88,9%), highest of educational level (92,9%), not working or housewife(70,4%), low parity(62,8%), good of knowledge level (94,9%). Enabling factors include high income (67,2%), closer residence distance (89,3%), had health information (86,2%), and goo

    Factors Affecting the Compulsory Basic Immunization Status of Children in Harapan Health Centre of East Sentani District, Jayapura Regency 2015

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    Basic immunization is the first immunization given to all people, especially infants and toddlers from birth to protect the body from hazard diseases. The immunization coverage in the District East Sentani in 2014 were two villages that did not achieve the target of universal child immunization (UCI) is the Yokiwa village, the BCG immunization coverage was 13%, DPT-HB3 was 17%, Polio 4 was 22% and coverage of the Asei village for DPT-HB 3 was 70%, and Measles was 4%