380 research outputs found

    Heat fluctuations of Brownian oscillators in nonstationary processes: fluctuation theorem and condensation transition

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    We study analytically the probability distribution of the heat released by an ensemble of harmonic oscillators to the thermal bath, in the nonequilibrium relaxation process following a temperature quench. We focus on the asymmetry properties of the heat distribution in the nonstationary dynamics, in order to study the forms taken by the Fluctuation Theorem as the number of degrees of freedom is varied. After analysing in great detail the cases of one and two oscillators, we consider the limit of a large number of oscillators, where the behavior of fluctuations is enriched by a condensation transition with a nontrivial phase diagram, characterized by reentrant behavior. Numerical simulations confirm our analytical findings. We also discuss and highlight how concepts borrowed from the study of fluctuations in equilibrium under symmetry breaking conditions [Gaspard, J. Stat. Mech. P08021 (2012)] turn out to be quite useful in understanding the deviations from the standard Fluctuation Theorem.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Preasymptotic multiscaling in the phase-ordering dynamics of the kinetic Ising model

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    The evolution of the structure factor is studied during the phase-ordering dynamics of the kinetic Ising model with conserved order parameter. A preasymptotic multiscaling regime is found as in the solution of the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation, revealing that the late stage of phase-ordering is always approached through a crossover from multiscaling to standard scaling, independently from the nature of the microscopic dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Energy and Heat Fluctuations in a Temperature Quench

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    Fluctuations of energy and heat are investigated during the relaxation following the instantaneous temperature quench of an extended system. Results are obtained analytically for the Gaussian model and for the large NN model quenched below the critical temperature TCT_C. The main finding is that fluctuations exceeding a critical threshold do condense. Though driven by a mechanism similar to that of Bose-Einstein condensation, this phenomenon is an out-of-equilibrium feature produced by the breaking of energy equipartition occurring in the transient regime. The dynamical nature of the transition is illustrated by phase diagrams extending in the time direction.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the Research Program "Small system non equilibrium fluctuations, dynamics and stochastics, and anomalous behavior", Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, July 2013. 40 pages, 9 figure

    Off equilibrium response function in the one dimensional random field Ising model

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    A thorough numerical investigation of the slow dynamics in the d=1 random field Ising model in the limit of an infinite ferromagnetic coupling is presented. Crossovers from the preasymptotic pure regime to the asymptotic Sinai regime are investigated for the average domain size, the autocorrelation function and staggered magnetization. By switching on an additional small random field at the time tw the linear off equilibrium response function is obtained, which displays as well the crossover from the nontrivial behavior of the d=1 pure Ising model to the asymptotic behavior where it vanishes identically.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Growth Law and Superuniversality in the Coarsening of Disordered Ferromagnets

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    We present comprehensive numerical results for domain growth in the two-dimensional {\it Random Bond Ising Model} (RBIM) with nonconserved Glauber kinetics. We characterize the evolution via the {\it domain growth law}, and two-time quantities like the {\it autocorrelation function} and {\it autoresponse function}. Our results clearly establish that the growth law shows a crossover from a pre-asymptotic regime with "power-law growth with a disorder-dependent exponent" to an asymptotic regime with "logarithmic growth". We compare this behavior with previous results on one-dimensional disordered systems and we propose a unifying picture in a renormalization group framework. We also study the corresponding crossover in the scaling functions for the two-time quantities. Super-universality is found not to hold. Clear evidence supporting the dimensionality dependence of the scaling exponent of the autoresponse function is obtained.Comment: Thoroughly revised manuscript. The Introduction, Section 2 and Section 4 have been largely rewritten. References added. Final version accepted for publication on Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Nonlinear susceptibilities and the measurement of a cooperative length

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    We derive the exact beyond-linear fluctuation dissipation relation, connecting the response of a generic observable to the appropriate correlation functions, for Markov systems. The relation, which takes a similar form for systems governed by a master equation or by a Langevin equation, can be derived to every order, in large generality with respect to the considered model, in equilibrium and out of equilibrium as well. On the basis of the fluctuation dissipation relation we propose a particular response function, namely the second order susceptibility of the two-particle correlation function, as an effective quantity to detect and quantify cooperative effects in glasses and disordered systems. We test this idea by numerical simulations of the Edwards-Anderson model in one and two dimensions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Two-vortex equilibrium in the flow past a flat plate at incidence

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    The two-dimensional inviscid incompressible steady flow past an inclined flat plate is considered. A locus of asymmetric equilibrium configurations for vortex pairs is detected. It is shown that the flat geometry has peculiar properties compared to other geometries: (i) in order to satisfy the Kutta condition at both edges, which ensures flow regularity, the total circulation and the force acting on the plate must be zero; and (ii) the Kutta condition and the free vortex equilibrium conditions are not independent of each other. The non-existence of symmetric equilibrium configurations for an orthogonal plate is extended to more general asymmetric flows

    The N-Vortex Problem on a Symmetric Ellipsoid: A Perturbation Approach

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    We consider the N-vortex problem on a ellipsoid of revolution. Applying standard techniques of classical perturbation theory we construct a sequence of conformal transformations from the ellipsoid into the complex plane. Using these transformations the equations of motion for the N-vortex problem on the ellipsoid are written as a formal series on the eccentricity of the ellipsoid's generating ellipse. First order equations are obtained explicitly. We show numerically that the truncated first order system for the three-vortices system on the symmetric ellipsoid is non-integrable.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Generic features of the fluctuation dissipation relation in coarsening systems

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    The integrated response function in phase-ordering systems with scalar, vector, conserved and non conserved order parameter is studied at various space dimensionalities. Assuming scaling of the aging contribution χag(t,tw)=tw−aχχ^(t/tw)\chi_{ag} (t,t_w)= t_w ^{-a_\chi} \hat \chi (t/t_w) we obtain, by numerical simulations and analytical arguments, the phenomenological formula describing the dimensionality dependence of aχa_\chi in all cases considered. The primary result is that aχa_\chi vanishes continuously as dd approaches the lower critical dimensionality dLd_L. This implies that i) the existence of a non trivial fluctuation dissipation relation and ii) the failure of the connection between statics and dynamics are generic features of phase ordering at dLd_L.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling and universality in the aging kinetics of the two-dimensional clock model

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    We study numerically the aging dynamics of the two-dimensional p-state clock model after a quench from an infinite temperature to the ferromagnetic phase or to the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase. The system exhibits the general scaling behavior characteristic of non-disordered coarsening systems. For quenches to the ferromagnetic phase, the value of the dynamical exponents, suggests that the model belongs to the Ising-type universality class. Specifically, for the integrated response function χ(t,s)≃s−aχf(t/s)\chi (t,s)\simeq s^{-a_\chi}f(t/s), we find aχa_\chi consistent with the value aχ=0.28a_\chi =0.28 found in the two-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures (please contact the authors for figures
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